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The first phase is planning and the first step of planning includes identifying the purpose of the test

the target group. In this step, the researcher should identify the purpose of the test, specify the content
area to be studied, and identify the target group.

The second step of phase one is to, again, review the literature to be certain no instruments already
exist for the evaluation of the variables of interest.

The second phase is construction and it begins with identifying the objectives of the instrument and
developing a table of specifications.

Phase three is quantitative evaluation and includes administration of a pilot study to a representative
sample. It may be helpful to ask the participants for feedback to allow for further refinement of the
instrument. The pilot study provides quantitative data that the researcher can test for internal
consistency by conducting Cronbachs alphas.

Phase four is validation. In this phase the researcher should conduct a quantitative pilot study and
analyze the data. It may be helpful to ask the participants for feedback to allow for further refinement
of the instrument.

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