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Kinetics of the High Temperature Oxidation of Zirconium I


Battelle Memorial Institute, Columbus, Ohio

The rate of oxidation of high p u r i t y zirconium was d e t e r m i n e d for the t e m p e r a t u r e
r,~nge of 575 ~ to 950~ at 1 arm pressure. D a t a can be fitted to a cubic law and the rate
c o n s t a n t in (ml/cm~)3/sec has been calculated to be k = 3.9 X 106 e-47,2~176
where 47,200 1,000 cal/mole is the a c t i v a t i o n energy for the reaction.

INTRODUCTION optical pyrometer in the same manner as for some

The early work on the oxidation of zirconium has previous work reported from this laboratory (3).
been reviewed by Gulbransen and Andrew (1) who Zirconium specimens were machined cylinders of
studied the reaction. Cubicciotti (2) also investigated two sizes, about 4 cm long by 0.7 cm in diameter and
the oxidation of zirconium recently. Each study about 5 cm long by 1.4 cm in diameter. Specimens
involved the use of thin zirconium foil, approximately were abraded with kerosene-soaked 240-, 400-, and
0.005 in. thick, for specimens. Hafnium content of 600-grit silicon carbide papers and washed in succes-
the zirconium was approximately 3 % in both cases. sire baths of naphtha, ether, and acetone.
Gulbransen and Andrew worked in the temperature After placement in the reaction tube, a specimen
range of 200~176 at an oxygen pressure of 7.6 cm, was degassed by heating to 800~ or higher for 1 hr
while Cubicciotti investigated the reaction at 600 ~ in a vacuum in order to remove hydrogen prior to
920~ at pressures ranging from 0.1 mm to 20.2 cm. the addition of oxygen. Oxygen was added to the
Gulbransen and Andrew stated that the oxidation reaction tube to atmospheric pressure in measured
reaction could not be fitted to any simple rate law amounts from a 50-ml glass buret. Pressure measure-
over a wide temperature range, but assumed the ments were made every 2 rain at the start of each
reaction to follow the parabolic law with initial run and at longer time intervals as the reaction rate
deviations. Cubicciotti reported that oxidation decreased. Oxygen, present in the apparatus as a
curves were parabolic at all temperatures except gas phase, was determined from pressure measure-
920~ where a small deviation toward a linear rate ments on a full-length open-end mercury manometer
was observed. Energies of activation found by these and the calibrated dead space of the system. After
investigations were 18,000 cal/mole by Gulbransen the reaction had been followed for the desired time,
and Andrew and 32,000 cal/mole by Cubicciotti. the system was evacuated and the specimen was
To supplement previous work done largely at cooled to room temperature in vacuum.
lower temperatures and pressures, this study was The difference between the quantity of oxygen
made in the temperature range 575~176 at an added and that remaining in the gas phase was the
oxygen pressure of 1 arm, using low-hafnium zir- quantity reacted with the specimen. The original
geometrical dimensions of the specimen were used
conium (0.01 weight %).
to compute the quantity of gas reacted per unit
EXPERIMENTAL surface area.
Method.--Rate of reaction between zirconium and Materials.--The pure zirconium used in these
oxygen was determined b y measurement of the rate experiments was de Boer-process iodide crystal bar
of consumption of the gas by the metal at high which had been double arc melted, forged to 11/~
temperature. The apparatus used was similar to t h a t in. 2 at 1450~ hot rolled at 1450~ and cold rolled
described in an earlier paper (3) with a few modifica- into 3~-in. and 5/~-in. diameter rods. Test specimens
tions. A 4-kw tungsten-gap-type Lepel converter was were machined from these rods. Impurities in the
used to heat the metal. The zirconium specimen was zirconium were determined b y spectrographic,
supported at the bottom by a Vycor stand in the chemicM, and vacuum-fusion analyses. Weight
reaction tube, and a platinum-platinum + 10% percentages of the principal impurities detected
rhodium thermocouple was welded to the top of the were: silicon, 0.03; iron, 0.020; hafnium, 0.010;
sample. The thermocouple was calibrated against an oxygen, 0.01; nitrogen, 0.001; and hydrogen, 0.003.
M a n u s c r i p t received October 22, 1953. Work p e r f o r m e d
Oxygen used in this study was prepared from
u n d e r AEC C o n t r a c t W-7405-eng-92. degassed potassium permanganate b y the m e t h o d

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TABLE I. Rate constants for the .reaction of zirconium.

with oxygen

Temp, ~ 4- 5 ~ R a (t m
e l c/ com
n s2tpa/nste c(k) Slope of log-log p l o t

575 2.1 X 10-6 0.32

600 7.1 X 10-6 0.31
625 1.4 X l0 -5 0.39
650 1.8 X 10 -5 0.38
675 5.8 X 10 -5 0.39
700 1.0 X 10-4 0.38
E 725 1.9 X 10-4 0.38
750 4.4 X 10-4 0.36
775 5.5 X 10-4 0.33
t 800 1.6 X 10 -a 0.36
825 7.9 X 10-4 0.33
.g 9 850 1.6 X 10 -s 0.34
875 3.0 X 10-~ 0.32
900 7.7 X 10-a 0.32
920 7.6 X 10-a 0.35
950 2.1 X 10 -2 0.32

pressure. D a t a below 575~ could n o t be o b t a i n e d

w i t h the a p p a r a t u s b e c a u s e of the slowness of t h e
reaction. A b o v e 950~ t h e r a p i d i t y of t h e r e a c t i o n
0 i0 20 zo 4o 50 60 7o 80 go ioo ii0 120 130 a40 150 160 170 180
T,me, mmutes
m a d e it difficult to c o n t r o l a n d o f t e n r e s u l t e d i n
cracking of t h e oxide film. Fig. 1 shows t y p i c a l
Fro. 1. Reaction of zirconium with oxygen (ml 0.., STP,
results of measurements for two temperatures. It was
consumed/cm2 metal surface) 3 vs. time.
found that the data could not be fitted to the para-
described b y Hoge (4). T h e gas was dried b y p a s s i n g bolic law, b u t , except for slight i n i t i a l d e v i a t i o n s ,
t h r o u g h a d r y ice-acetone cold t r a p . could be r e p r e s e n t e d b y a cubic law, w 3 = kt, w h e r e
w = m l ( S T P ) of o x y g e n c o n s u m e d per u n i t s u r f a c e
RESULTS area. T h u s , Fig. 1 is a plot of t h e cube of the q u a n t i t y
M e a s u r e m e n t s of rates of c o n s u m p t i o n of oxygen of o x y g e n c o n s u m e d per u n i t surface area a g a i n s t
b y z i r c o n i u m were m a d e from 5 7 5 ~ 1 7 6 at 1 atm time, a n d it is seen t h a t t h e d a t a fall on s t r a i g h t
lines. Also, for a cubic o x i d a t i o n , a g r a p h of log w vs.
log t should be a s t r a i g h t line w i t h slope e q u a l t o
0.33. Fig. 2 shows such plots for several o t h e r


FIG. 3. Structure at surface of zirconium reacted with

oxygen. (Note single surface-oxide layers. Needle-like in-
clusions probably are hydride.) Left, zirconium reacted
with oxygen at 575~ for 3 hr. Surface layer about 0.0002 cm
thick. Note absence of region of solid solution of oxygen iN
zirconium. Polished with Linde "B" suspended in chromic
acid, then chemically polished in acid solution (45HNO.~,
45H,O, and 10ItF); right, zirconium reacted with oxygen
at 825~ for 3 hr. Surface oxide layer about 0.0015 cm
I0 15 20 25 30 40 50 60 708090100 150 200 250 300 400 thick. Polished with Linde "B" suspended in chromic acid
Time, m*nutes
and then etched (etchant: 49 lactic acid, 49 nitric acid, and
FIG. 2. Log of oxygen consumed in ml/cm ~vs. log of time 2HF). The narrow gray band is ZrO~., below it is solid soIu-
in minutes for 600~ 700~ 800~ and 900~ tion of oxygen in zirconium. Both 500 .

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Vol. 101, No. 7 HIGH TEMPERATURE O X I D A T I O N OF Zr 341

temperatures, and it is seen t h a t good agreement is ~C

' II
obtained with the cubic-law expression. Values of the
rate constant, k, calculated from various plots and 5C 'J I I I I II
slopes of the log-log plots, are given in Table I. 5C

At the end of a reaction run, the specimen was

cooled in v a c u u m and examined. I n all cases through-
out the t e m p e r a t u r e range investigated, reacted
specimens were covered with a shiny gray-black c_

coating which adhered v e r y strongly to the metal.

Metallographic examination showed t h a t a single
oxide layer was present on the surface. This can be
seen from the two photomicrographs in Fig. 3. X - r a y
patterns t a k e n at room t e m p e r a t u r e indicated t h a t
the film was the monoclinic form of ZrO~. In agree-
m e n t with the observation of Cubicciotti (2), it was
noticed t h a t white spots appeared on the black I0 tO 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 IOO
Tlrne ,mmutos
coating. The white spots, however, did not show up,
even at the higher temperatures, within the 3-hr FIG. 5. Log of weight gain in ~g/cm ~ vs. log of time in
minutes. Data read from plot (Fig. 3) in paper by Gulbran-
reaction period generally used in the present in- sen and Andrew (1).
vestigation. However, t h e y did form after long-time
runs at all temperatures. Above ]000~ where the
results were erratic, a flaky white coating sometimes
Temperature, C
formed on top of the gray-black oxide film.
I I ) I"
The microstructure of the high t e m p e r a t u r e speci-
mens, such as t h a t for 825~ shown in Fig. 3, gave
evidence of a region of solid solution of oxygen
E : 47,200 col/mole
underlying the surface oxide. Ordinarily, this could


To T '~ 9 Data of Gulbcanlefl on(l Andre(I)

O Present data

- E c 47',;~00r hOODcoVmo~e


\ E= 26~.00 col/mole


1040 IL~O 12,0 I .TIJ~ 14JO ~ 16,0 IT.~}

- L x 104
~ x ,o.

FIG. 4. Zirconium-oxygen reaction--variation of reac- FIG. 6. Zirconium-oxygen reaction--comparison of pres-

tion rate constant with temperature. ent data with those of Gulbransen and Andrew.

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342 J O U R N A L OF T H E E L E C T R O C H E M I C A L S O C I E T Y July 1954

not be observed metallographically. However, lated from the present data. The data of Cubicciotti
zirconium almost inevitably contains a trace of (2) could not be interpreted in terms of the cubic law.
hydrogen which is manifested as a precipitate within Therefore, no comparison can be made with the
the grains or at grain boundaries. The solution of present data.
considerable oxygen appears to displace hydrogen According to the M o t t and Cabrera (5) theory of
with the result that the solid-solution region is seen the oxidation of metals, rate of formation of thin
as a structureless zone under the microscope. oxide films can be expressed by a cubi~ law for those
The effect of temperature on the rate of oxidation metals whose oxides are P - t y p e semiconductors.
can be seen from Table I and Fig. 4. In Fig. 4, the ( Z r Q is probably an N - t y p e semiconductor.) The
logarithm of the cubic rate constant is plotted as a same mechanism, of course, cannot be used to explain
function of the reciprocal of the absolute tempera- the present rate data for formation of thick films
ture. The equation of the best straight line through during the high temperature oxidation of zirconium.
the points from 575~176 was determined b y the Recent work by Charlesby (6) on the formation of
method of least squares. The experimental energy thin oxide films formed electrolytically on metals
of activation and the frequency factor were caleu- indicated that a cubic law of oxidation caa prevail
lated from the Arrhenius-type equation, k = over a short range of temperatures. No correlation
Ae-Q/Rr. The energy of activation was calculated to can be made, however, with the present data for the
be 47,200 -~- 1,000 cal/mole. The rate constant in high temperature oxidation of zirconium and the
(ml/cm~)3//sec is k = 3.9 X 106 e-47'2~176 data of Charlesby (7) for the thin anodized oxide
films on zirconium.
DISCUSSION Waber (8), citing some oxidation data of titanium
Gulbransen and Andrew (1) reported that the and tantalum, suggested that the cubic law of
zirconium oxidation reaction was not initially para- oxidation m a y have a greater range of applicability
bolic, but tended toward parabolic as the reaction than has hitherto been expected. The present work
proceeded. Limiting slopes at long times were used appears to be the first experimental evidence to date
to calculate rate constants. Although arbitrary, this that this growth law can prevail over a wide tempera-
procedure does have merit if the initial deviations ture range.
are slight and oxidation times long. However, if the
oxidation data of Gulbransen and Andrew (1)
(Fig. 3 of their paper) are plotted on a log-log basis, The authors gratefully acknowledge the assistance
conformity with a cubic law is suggested. This is of Mr. B. G. Koehl in making the experimental runs.
shown in Fig. 5 where the logarithm of weight gain
A n y discussion of this p a p e r will a p p e a r m a Discussion
in t~g/cm 2 is plotted against the logarithm of time. Section to be p u b l i s h e d in t h e J u n e 1955 issue of t h e
Slopes very close to the theoretical 0.33 are obtained. JOURNAL.
Rate constants were calculated from straight-line
plots of the cube of the weight gain vs. time. These
rate constants are compared with the present data 1. E. A. GULBRANSEN AND K. F. ANDREW, J. Metals, 185,
515 (1949).
in Fig. 6? Straight lines drawn through the separate
2. D. CUBICCIOTTI, J. A,t~. Chem. Soc., 72, 4138 (1950).
points are of markedly different slope. The activation 3. M. W. MALLETT, J. BELLE, AND B. B. CLELAND, This
energy for the reaction from the data of Gulbransen Journal, 101, 1 (1954).
and Andrew was calculated from the slope of the line 4. H. J. HOGE, J. Research Natl. Bur. Standards, 44, 321
in Fig. 6. The value obtained is 26,200 cal/mole as (1950).
5. N. CABRERA AND N. F. MOTT, Repts. P~ogr Phys., 12,
compared with the value of 47,200 cal/mole calcu-
163 (1949).
2 U n i t s of t h e calculated rate c o n s t a n t s from t h e d a t a 6. A. CIIARLESBY, Proc. Phys. Soc. London, B66, 317 (1953).
of G u l b r a n s e n a n d Andrew were c o n v e r t e d to (ml/cm~)~/sec 7. A. CHARLESBY,Acta Met., 1, 340, 348 (1953).
for comparison w i t h t h e present data. 8. J. T. WAVE,t, J. Chem. Phys., 20, 734 (1952).

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