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Kraft Foods Inc.

es una empresa productora de alimentos de consumo que cotiza en la bolsa de

Nueva York. La empresa es oriunda de Northfield, Illinois, USA, un suburbio de Chicago.
Actualmente, Kraft opera en ms de 155 pases. En 2007, Kraft Foods, se escindi del Grupo
Altria, tenedor principal de la empresa tabacalera Philip Morris. En 2012 cambi su nombre a
Mondelz International, manteniendo el nombre Kraft Foods Group para su negocio en Amrica del

Tanto fundador como director actual son judos


(December 11, 1874 February 16, 1953) was a Canadian-American entrepreneur and
inventor. Of German-Jewish origin, he was born near Stevensville, Ontario in Canada to
Mennonite parents, George and Minerva Tripp Kraft. He was the first to patent processed
cheese. Kraft was educated in the Stevensville area and worked nearby at Ferguson's
general store in Fort Erie, Ontario.[1]

After immigrating to Buffalo and then Chicago in 1903, he began selling cheese from a
horse-drawn wagon. Four of his brothers joined the company in 1909.[2] By 1914 J.L. Kraft
& Bros. Company, which later became 'Kraft Foods Inc opened its first cheese
manufacturing plant in Stockton, Illinois.[3] Kraft developed a revolutionary process,
patented in 1916, for pasteurizing cheese so that it would resist spoiling and could be
shipped long distances. The company grew quickly, expanding into Canada in 1919.[4]
Kraft saw a large increase in business during World War I when the United States
government provided cheese in tins to their armed forces.

J. L. Kraft served as the company's president from 1909 to 1953. Over the years, Kraft
introduced many innovative products and used progressive marketing techniques to make
his company one of North America's leading food producers. During that time the company
introduced Velveeta in 1928 and Miracle Whip in 1933 at the Century of Progress world's
fair. Kraft was an amateur jewelry maker; he also supported the Baptist Church and was a
strong proponent of religious education for young people.

In the mid-1920s, Kraft began a venture to create a fashionable golf and tennis resort
community in Lake Wales, Florida, along with Carl and Bertha Hinshaw. The Florida land
bust and the stock market crash in October of '29 spelled the end of the Kraft connection.
The Chalet Suzanne opened in the worst year of the Great Depression, 1931,[citation
needed] and has been run by successive generations of the Hinshaw family ever since.
Even though Kraft bowed out of the development, a 1920s era Spanish Revival house on
the property continues to be called "The Kraft House".

J. L. Kraft and his wife Pauline had one daughter, Edith. The Krafts' home, built in 1922 by
architect Paul V. Hyland, stands on North Kenmore in Wilmette, Illinois. He is interred in
Memorial Park Cemetery, Skokie, Illinois.


Irene Blecker Rosenfeld (born May 3, 1953) is an American executive who is the current
Chairwoman and CEO of Mondelz International. Rosenfeld was born in Westbury, New York to
parents Seymour and Joan Blecker, a Jewish couple. Her fathers parents were Romanian Jews,
her mothers grandparents were German Jews. She later attended W. Tresper Clarke High School
in Westbury, NY.[3][4] She holds a Ph.D. in Marketing and Statistics, a Master of Science in
Business, and a B.A. degree in Psychology from Cornell University.[5]



John Stith Pemberton (Knoxville, Georgia, 8 de julio de 1831 - Atlanta, Georgia, 16 de agosto de
1888) fue un farmacutico estadounidense conocido por ser quien invent y patent la Coca-Cola.
John Pemberton naci el 08 de julio 1831, en Knoxville, Condado de Crawford, Georgia. Su padre
fue James Clifford Pemberton, hermano del general confederado John Clifford Pemberton.
Pemberton se cri en Rome, Georgia y entr en el Reform Medical College of Georgia en Macon y
en 1850, a la edad de diecinueve aos, obtuvo su licencia para ejercer la profesin de
Farmacutico. Poco despus conoci a Ann Eliza Clifford Lewis, de Columbus (Georgia) que haba
sido una estudiante de la Wesleyan College en Macon. En 1853, Pemberton se cas con la
seorita Lewis en Columbus. Su nico hijo, Charles Ney Pemberton, naci en 1854.

Coca-Cola, es una gaseosa efervescente vendida en tiendas, restaurantes y mquinas

expendedoras en ms de 200 pases o territorios. Es producida por The Coca-Cola Company. En
un principio, cuando la invent el farmacutico John Pemberton, fue concebida como bebida una
medicinal patentada, aunque fue adquirida posteriormente por el empresario Asa Griggs Candler,
cuyas tcticas de mrketing hicieron a la bebida una de las ms consumidas del siglo XX.

En 1916 y despus de veinticuatro aos al frente de Coca-Cola, Griggs decidi abandonar la

direccin de la empresa y ejercer como alcalde de Atlanta. Un ao ms tarde entreg la mayor
parte de sus acciones a sus hijos y stos tan solo las tuvieron durante dos aos: en 1919 las
vendieron por 25 millones de dlares al consorcio de bancos Woodruff Syndicate, frente al cual
estaba por entonces Ernest Woodruff

Ahmet Muhtar Kent (born 1952) is a Turkish-American business executive. He is the chairman and
chief executive officer of The Coca-Cola Company. He was appointed to the position of chief
executive officer of the company in 2008 and became chairman of the board in 2009. Muhtar Kent
was born 1952 in New York, where his father, Necdet Kent, was the Turkish consul-general. After
completing high school at Tarsus American College in Mersin, Turkey in 1971, Muhtar Kent went to
the United Kingdom to study at the University of Hull. Subsequently, he earned his MBA degree at
Cass Business School, London.


Las relaciones entre Israel y la empresa Coca Cola han trascendido siempre el plano meramente
econmico. Entre ellos, no slo fluyen los dlares, sino tambin el amor. Coca Cola es un actor
decisivo a la hora de promocionar a Israel y defender los intereses de tal estado. Un recorrido por
la historia lo prueba.

Coca Cola Co lleva desde 1966 en Israel. En la pgina web del Ministerio de Exteriores Israel,
cuando cita los hechos relevantes de la historia del estado, hace referencia a slo 6 de ellos en
1966. Uno, es la decisin de Coca Cola de establecerse en Israel, desafiando las primeras
campaas de boicot. Pepsi, por el contrario, decidi no establecerse en Israel, y an sigue sin
desarrollar su actividad en Israel.

Gracias a esto, en 1997, Coca Cola fue galardonada en la cena de premios del "Comercio israel",
por sus 30 aos de reiterado apoyo al Estado sionista. Adems, Coca Cola patrocina y alberga en
sus instalaciones desde 2001, la edicin anual de los Premios de la Cmara de Comercio USA-
Israel. Esta institucin, al igual que la multinacional, tienen su sede en Atlanta.

En 2009, el premio anual patrocinado por Coca Cola, fue a parar al Lobby israel AIPAC, "por su
campaa de lobby en el Senado de USA, para que rechazara la llamada de la ONU al alto el fuego
inmediato durante el bombardeo de la franja de Gaza."

En ese mismo ao, Coca Cola organiz en su sede una recepcin de honor al criminal de guerra
israel Ben Eliezer, quien fuera ministro de Defensa durante la masacre de Jenin y que fue
responsable de la ejecucin de 300 presos egipcios durante la guerra de los Seis Das.

Adems, Coca Cola posee lecheras en territorios ocupados, en concreto en los asentamientos
ilegales de Shadmot Mechola, en el Valle del Jordn. Y por si fuera poco, Coca Cola tiene el honor
de ser una de las pocas empresas que prestan sus servicios en los asentamientos directamente.
Es decir, que los camiones de Coca Cola no tienen ningn reparo en cruzar por terrenos
palestinos, para llegar hasta los asentamientos ilegales israels y llevarles a los colonos su Coca
Cola. En la foto se puede ver al camin de Coca Cola llegando al asentamiento de Ariel.

Y para colmo, y con cierto nimo de irritar a los palestinos, Coca Cola sac un polmico anuncio en
el que pintaba la Mezquita de la Roca, lugar sagrado para los musulmanes, con el smbolo de
Coca Cola, bajo el lema "Drink Coca Cola, Support Israel!" ("Bebe Coca Cola. Apoya a Israel")

Los productos de Coca Cola que se venden en Espaa no suelen estar elaborados en Israel, y por
lo tanto, no llevan el famoso 729 al comienzo de su cdigo de barras. No obstante, querido lector,
quiero animarle a que boicotee tambin los productos de Coca Cola Company, ya que sta
favorece a Israel de forma decisiva. Entre sus mercancas, estn: Coca Cola, Coca Cola Light,
Sprite, Fanta, Schweeps, Minut Maid, NesTea, Powerade y Oasis



It has been well known that Coca-Cola has been a supporter of Israel since 1966. There have been
a number of recent events which clearly prove this.

In 1997, the Government of Israel Economic Mission honoured Coca-Cola at the Israel Trade
Award Dinner for its continued support of Israel for the last 30 years and for refusing to abide by the
Arab League boycott of Israel.

On October 11th 2001, Coca-Cola World Headquarters hosted and was the main sponsor of the
American-Israel Chamber of Commerce Eagle Star Awards Gala.
In February 2002, Coca-Cola teamed up with "Friends of Israel" and National Hillel to cosponsor a
lecture given by the infamous zionist correspondent Linda Gradstein at the University of Minnesota.

In July 2002, it was announced that Coca-Cola was to build a plant on stolen Palestinian land at
Kiryat Gat, in return for millions in incentives from the Israeli government. The new plant will be
employing 700 Israelis. The land, Kiryat (Qiryat) Gat, has an industrial park built on the lands of the
village of Iraq Al Manshiya. The residents were ethnically cleansed in 1949 in contravention of
International Law. This land would have been part of Arab Palestine under the partition plan
adopted by the United Nations in 1947. However, this has not been the case.

In October 2005, Coca-Cola increased its investment in Israel by buying a 51% controlling interest
in the Tavor Winery. Tavor Winery is an Israeli company that is based on occupied Palestinian land
at the foot of Mount Tavor, overlooking the Sea of Galilee.

Coca-Cola's support of Israel has helped to oppress the Palestinian people, and for this reason
VPM has included Coca-Cola as one of the companies to be boycotted.

Brands under the Coca-Cola company: Dr Pepper, Fanta, Fruitopia, Kia Ora, Lilt, Sprite, Sunkist,

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