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What is your winning aspiration?

Making difference in the world.

Satisfaction of doing something great.

Personnel growth and accomplishment.

Helping others to achieve their goals

Where will we play?

Agro Products

Individual Farmers
Co-operative Farming Company
State & Central government

Mosquito Repellent

Individual Consumers

Natural Food

Individual Consumers
Super Mart

How will we win?

The ability to create a buzz around the

product with aggressive and strategic
The experience and skills of the top managers.
The ability to keep developing new products to
retain and build a customer base.
Superior location and/or promotion creating a
connection between your product and where it
can be obtained.
The maturity to treat employees, suppliers and
partners fairly and respectfully.
A steady source of business during both good
economic times and downturns.
What capabilities must be in place?

Carry out different production lines for Agro

products, Mosquito repellent, and Natural

Implementing Lean Management system in

production activity.

Focus Glocally.

Develop and integrate regional value chains

Offer customizable implementation

What management systems are required?

Include online collaboration.

Supply chain management.

Delivery tracking system.

Human Resource Management.

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