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83p Concress i HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES { Revort 2d Session No. 2484 PROVIDING FOR THE ACQUISITION OF LANDS BY THE UNITED STATES REQUIRED FOR THE RESERVOIR CREATED BY THE CONSTRUCTION OF OAHE DAM ON THE MISSOURI RIVER AND FOR REHABILITATION OF THE INDIANS OF THE CHEYENNE RIVER SIOUX RESERVATION, 8S. DAK. Jury 23, 1954.—Committed to the Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union and ordered to be printed Mr. Miuuer of Nebraska, from the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs, submitted the following REPORT {To accompany H. R. 2233] ‘The Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs, to whom was re- ferred the bill (H. R. 2233) to provide for the acquisition of lands by the United States required for the reservoir created by the construc- tion of Oahe Dam on the Missouri River and for rehabilitation of the Indians of the Cheyenne River Sioux Reservation, S. Dak., and for other purposes, having considered the same, report favorably thereon with amendment and recommend that the bill do pass. The amendment is as follows: Page 2, line 7, strike the word “know” and insert in lieu thereof “known”. Page 3, line 4, strike the figure “$6,871,467” and insert in lieu thereof “$3,973,076”. Page 3, line 5, strike the figure “$9,386,245.95” and insert in lieu thereof “$6,587,854.95”. Page 3, line 5, after the word “which” insert the following language: “sum shall be in final and complete settlement of all claims, rights, and demands of said Tribe or allottees or heirs thereof arising out of the construction of the Oahe Project, and”. Page 3, line 7, strike the figure ‘‘5” and insert the figure “4”. Page 3, line 16, strike the words ‘‘and make available” and insert the following: “, and the Secretary of the Army is authorized and di- rected to make available from sums so appropriated to be charged against the cost of construction of the Oahe Project,”. Page 3, line 25, strike the words “and make available further and” and insert in lieu thereof the following: “, and the Secretary of the 42008

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