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Thomas E. Carter
Copyright 1997 by Vent Master

All rights reserved. The use of any or part of this publication reproduced, transmitted in any
form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise stored in
a retrieval system, without the written permission of the publisher is an infringement of
copyright law.

Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Data

Vent Master
A Division of Garland Commercial Ranges Limited
ISBN 0-921501-32-3
I. Title. II. Series

Written by: Thomas E. Carter

Editor: A. W. Cockerill
Consulting editor: Charlotte Brewer, M.A. (Oxon.)

Vent Master
1021 Brevik Place
Mississauga, ON L4W 3R7

Tel: 905-624-0301
Fax: 905-624-5547
U.S.A. to Canada: 1-800-565-2981
Fax: U.S.A. to Canada: 1-800-665-2438

Publishing history

First printed September 1995

Reprinted January 1996
Revised and reprinted 1997
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Hoods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Grease Removal Devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Ducts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Air Flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Auxiliary Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Fire Protection Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
Codes and Equipment Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
Trouble Shooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
Engineered Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141
Metric Conversion Chart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149
Abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151
Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155
This book is for architects, engineers, kitchen designers, contractors, inspectors and others who install,
inspect, operate, maintain or service commercial kitchen ventilation systems. Its purpose is to explain
the elements of cooking equipment ventilation in plain English. It discusses four main topics:

C The factors that shape and define a ventilation system specified by the kitchen designer;

C Circumstances that change the selection criteria;

C Where one type of system ends and another begins; and

C Building codes, fire and environmental regulations that govern ventilation systems.

Contractors and service personnel will find here a concise summary of installation requirements,
operating, cleaning and maintenance procedure. The book makes frequent reference to the National
Fire Prevention Association 96 (commonly known as NFPA96) Standard, which many jurisdictions use
as a basis on which to inspect and approve kitchen installations. The influence of the NFPA 96
Standard on the layout and content of the book is readily acknowledged. Without the clear and concise
treatment the Standard gives to kitchen ventilation technology, the task of writing the book would have
been considerably more difficult than in fact it proved to be.

The book will help users avoid the costly mistakes sometimes made in choosing a ventilation system.
It should also answer many of the questions clients frequently ask architects and designers, including:

C How can I get the most efficient system at the least cost?

C What are the available options?

C Where can we get expert advice without making a contractual commitment?

C Can we exhaust to the side of the building?

C Will a single ventilation system satisfy a multi-restaurant site?

C Is there a generic technical specification to cover everything we need to specify in a

C What does labelled product mean and whats important about it?

C How stringently do building inspectors apply the NFPA96 Standard?

I sincerely hope that those who use the book will find sound, useful and practical advice in it to apply
to their work in kitchen ventilation technology. I purposely intended to discuss ventilation technology
in a generic sense although, admittedly with without apology, there is frequent reference to the products
of Vent Master, one of the foremost leaders in the kitchen ventilation equipment field.

Thomas E. Carter
Maplewood, NJ

More than 5000 years ago, the Egyptians built ventilation shafts into the
pyramids to provide artisans working in the vaults and passageways with a
constant supply of cool, fresh air. Visitors to the pyramids at Giza still benefit
from the built-in ventilation system of the ancient builders when they are inside
the massive structures. Without that cooling ventilation, the atmosphere in the
dimly lit passageways and tunnels would soon become exceedingly stale and
Good ventilation is important for the comfort of occupants in any
enclosed space. In commercial kitchens with banks of ovens, grills and fryers,
adequate ventilation is essential to deal with the effects of heat, smoke, odors,
pollutants and numerous airborne contaminants. Without adequate ventilation,
cooking operations in confined spaces would be impossible. The degree of
ventilation a given kitchen space requires depends on various factors: the type
of operation being conducted; the structure in which the kitchen operates; the
type of equipment in use; the heating source; applicable regulations and ecology

About this book

A number of factors govern the efficiency and reliability of kitchen ventilation

systems. They include installing the right equipment for the job, good operating
practices and regular maintenance. Users will find this practical illustrated guide
helpful whether they are dealing with kitchen design, the selection of equip-
ment, its installation, operation or servicing. It tells you the `what' and the `why'
of Vent Master equipment. Its primary purpose is to serve users as a source of
reference that neither product literature nor codes can provide.

How the book is organized

This book follows the pattern of chapters used in the NFPA 96 Standard
regarding chapter headings and topics within chapters. There are two reasons
for this. First, those familiar with NFPA 96 will find a logical sequence in the
treatment given to the separate aspects and parts of ventilation systems.
Secondly, for cross referencing purposes, users familiar with NFPA 96 will find
the parallel treatment of chapters and topics easy to follow.
Discussing the topics of kitchen ventilation in the same sequence as
the NFPA 96 Standard changes the way in which we cover major items of
ventilation equipment. For example, under Hoods we discuss the physical
aspects of hoods - the backshelf hood, the canopy type - and calculations for
sizing them. Airflow in and around hoods, however, is in the section dealing
with Air Flow. Similarly, separate chapters cover installation, operating and
maintenance procedures.
The treatment by topics to conform with the NFPA 96 Standard
chapters ends at the Design Section. In NFPA 96, Chapter 12 is a bibliography
under the heading Reference Publications. In our Design Section we deal with
kitchen design criteria not covered anywhere else in the book. This book also
includes three appendices and an index, which the Standard omits.

How to use it

The best way to use this manual is to know where to look for the information
you need. That is, for general information, consult the Contents page, which
lists the subject: Hoods, for example. For more detailed information, refer to
the Index, which lists topics and sub-topics in alphabetical order.
Regarding the use of abbreviations, the first time an abbreviated term or
phrase is used it is written in full, followed by the abbreviated letters given in
brackets. For example, Vent Master is followed by (VM). Thereafter, VM is
used and means Vent Master.

Three important words

To use this book well, understand the meaning of WARNING, CAUTION and
NOTE as used in VM shipping, unpacking, and installation procedure. They are
written for your health and safety.
A WARNING means that if you do not follow the instruction procedure
you might injure yourself or anyone working with you. VM uses a warning
notice only when there is risk to the safety of service personnel.
A CAUTION means that if you do not follow the written procedure you
might damage the equipment or component with which you are working. VM
uses a CAUTION only when there is risk of damage to the equipment or a
A NOTE gives information that is useful for you to know. A NOTE is not
an instruction, but is offered to help you understand more about the equipment.

The importance of ventilation

Ventilation is the single most important factor in the design, construction and
operation of commercial kitchens. Without adequate ventilation and an ample
supply of clean air, no kitchen can operate efficiently. To ensure a kitchen is
well ventilated, the designer must consider these factors:
National, regional and local building codes are becoming increasingly more
Environmental standards are being revised to require clean exhaust air.
Rising costs drive the industry to find innovative ways of providing competi-
tive installation, start-up and operating solutions.

The sites illustrated in the examples are
typical of the ventilation problems with
which kitchen designers, renovators and
equipment suppliers can be faced. There is
no single solution for all of these problems.
We believe, however, that Vent Master has
the equipment to provide the flexibility
required to solve the problems found in the
wide variety of kitchen sites.
These are some of the kitchen ventilation
problems this book seeks to revolve. A word
in closing, however, on the kitchen equip-
ment for which the designer must provide
sufficient ventilation.

Cooking equipment

The type of cooking operation and the equipment used has a direct bearing on
the ventilation system required. Some kitchens use more energy than others
simply because of the type of cooking done. For example, kitchens in which
grills, charbroilers and fryers are in use generate more heat than kitchens
specializing in the preparation of light meals, snacks, soups and casseroles.
Grills, fryers and charbroilers release high levels of pollutants. Ovens used
for cooking pizzas release bursts of intense heat when their doors are opened.
The hot air released by ovens, however, carries into the kitchen atmosphere
considerably less particulate matter and grease than open-top cooking.



A hood is the primary device used to collect vapors, pollutants and airborne
residues from cooking operations to funnel them into the ventilation system. The
closer the hood is to the cooking surface, the griddle plate, oven top and broiler,
the more efficiently it will collect the generated heat and particulate matter to
channel into the ventilation system. From a practical viewpoint, however, a hood
cannot be so close to the cooking surface that it hinders the kitchen staff in doing
their work.
Hood nomenclature
Over the years, a common terminology has evolved in hood types and
nomenclature. Common terms include the backshelf hood, the canopy hood,
make-up air and the abbreviations CFM, SP and FPM, as shown in Figure 7..
Make-up air means the supply of air from an exterior source to replace the air
ventilated from the kitchen.
The hood is only one component of a kitchen ventilation system, but
an important one whose size is determined by the size and capacity of the
cooking equipment being used. The capacity of the system is expressed in cubic
feet per minute (cfm). Three factors determine capacity:

1. The type of cooking appliances in use: fryers, ovens, broilers, steam

kettles, etc.
2. The type of heating source: gas, steam, electricity, or a combination of
3. The barriers to air flow: building walls, fabricated enclosures.

These factors define the velocity and rate of expansion of the air in the
generated up-draft. For example, cooking appliances with large, open heated
surfaces, such as grills and broilers, create stronger up-drafts than an

Ventilation Systems

oven, which is built to contain the heat it uses.

Gas and solid fuel-burning appliances lose most of the energy they
produce. This waste heat generates stronger thermal currents than equipment
heated electrically or with steam.
Walls, fabricated enclosures and the type of hood used affects the volume
of exhaust air needed. Hot air rising from the cooking equipment induces the
surrounding air; i.e., the faster the hot air rises the more the surrounding air is
drawn in to replace it. Therefore the more air is required on all open or exposed
sides of the hood. Another feature of ventilation systems is that the more
enclosed the cooking operation, the less the exhaust air needed to ventilate it.
An appliance open on all sides requires a larger volume of exhaust air than
when only one side is open.
Although there are many variants of the backshelf and the canopy-type
hoods, it is the cooking equipment that determines which type of hood best suits
the application.
Figure 8 shows a low cooking surface appliance for which the backshelf
hood is well suited. The backshelf hood is sometimes called a low-profile
wall or up-draft hood.
A backshelf hood in close proximity to the cooking surface requires less
exhaust air than is required by a canopy hood for the same application. This
makes the backshelf hood an efficient choice for this service. The range of
clearances from the cooking surface to the top of the hood and from the floor
to the hood ducting is fairly restricted. The backshelf hood is not suitable for
tall appliances or operations that produce large volumes of smoke or steam. For
such applications a canopy hood (see Figure 9) is essential.
A canopy hood requires a larger volume of exhaust air than a backshelf
hood. Conversely, a canopy is suitable for ventilating any type of cooking
operation, its main advantage being its flexibility. By flexibility is meant that,
being open on all sides, the hood can be positioned anywhere in the cooking
space that is not adjacent to a wall. The construction of a backshelf hood
requires it to be positioned and fitted where it was designed to go. It cannot be
repositioned without modification.


Exhaust air velocity

An air velocity of 50 fpm is the minimum required to contain a rising thermal
column and capture suspended particulate matter released by cooking
operations. This minimum velocity is called the capture velocity.
The capture velocity does more than arrest released cooking particulates.
It provides a minimum flow of air across the cooking surface to ventilate the
appliance. A velocity less than the capture velocity results in appliance
overheating problems. Higher levels can remove too much heat and cause the
cooking temperature of the appliance to fluctuate.

Calculating exhaust volumes

Once the cooking equipment layout, hood type, size and number of exposed
sides of the hood are known, calculate the required exhaust volume by adding
the lengths of the open sides, as shown in Figure 10.
The three figures combined in Figure 11 overleaf show possible
combinations of open and closed sides found in kitchen designs.
Multiply the total length of the open sides by the distance from the
cooking surface to the bottom of the hood (see Figure 12). The product in
square feet is the captive area.
Next, multiply the captive area in sq. ft. by 50 to get the captive velocity.
Finally, referring to Table 1, shown overleaf, add or subtract the cfm
correction factors according to the actual appliances in the cooking configura-

Sizing a hood
There are three areas to consider when sizing a hood.
C The cooking equipment layout. It is necessary to measure the length and
depth of the cooking bank. Most applications require a 6 overhang on
each side of the open cooking surface. The exception is with charbroilers,
for which a 12 overhang is used. Therefore, add 6 to each measurement
obtained and, if the hood is for a charbroiler, add 12.

Ventilation Systems

W1 W2 W

Length of open sides (LT)

= L + W1 = W2

Length of open sides (LT)
Type 1 - open sides and front Type 2 - One side and front open

CFM correction factors

Gas Elect.
Equipment Equip. Equip.
Broilers +225 +150
Fryers +75 +50
Griddles +150 +150
Tilting skillets +150 +150
Conv. broilers +150 -
L Live charcoal broilers +350 -
Length of open side (LT) = L Mesquite broiles +350 -
Salamanders +50
Type 3 - Open front Ovens +300 -300
+300 -200
Note: There is no correction factor for kettles,
steamers or burner ranges.
Figure 11 - Combination of open and
Closed sides
Table 1 - Correction factors

C The wall locations. Determine the wall locations around the hood
perimeter. For example, if the cooking equipment is against the back wall
and in a corner, the hood would require a 6 overhang on the front of the
cooking bank and a 6 overhang on one end of the bank only.
C The structural height limitations. The ceiling clearance determines the
height of the hood when tapers are required. For example, with a 24 high
filter hood and mounting the hood 6'6 above the finished floor line, the
top connection of the exhaust duct collar would be 8'9 above the finished
floor. Adding a 10 duct and 3 minimum clearance between the duct and
the underside of the building structure would give a required height of
9'10. If the building structural height is only 9', the GLD hood section
would require a 10 taper.
The points to remember when sizing hoods are:
1. Hood lengths are measured in increments of 6. Therefore, if an 8'3 long
hood is required to give a required 6 overhang, we recommend that the
hood be built at 8'6. An 8'3 long unit would cost the same as an 8'6
2. Hoods with odd dimensions can be and often are produced. For example,


end walls on both sides of a hood may give a dimension of 8'5. A

clearance of 1 should be allowed on either side to make sure the hood will
fit into the space with ease. This would make the hood length 8'3.
3. The standard depth of a VM hood is 4'. The smallest available depth is 3'.
If the cooking bank requires a 3'6 deep hood it is better to use a 4' deep
hood as this will increase the capture area, give improved smoke control
and will not change the cfm requirements for the cooking bank.
4. All exhaust hoods can be tapered, but VM does not recommend a taper in
excess of 12. Always consult the factory if special tapers are required.
5. When tapering an exhaust canopy, remember that it is usually mounted
with the front lip 6'6 above the finished floor. There is no minimum
height code requirement, although VM recommends a minimum height of
6'3 to provide adequate working clearance and head room.
6. Always check the height of the cooking equipment below the hood when
tapering any hood section. If a hood is tapered 12 and the hood front
mounted 6'6 above the finished floor, the back of the hood will be 5'6
above the floor. This means that, as salamanders and cheese melters
typically stand at a height of 5'10, they cannot be accommodated under
such a hood. Instead, they would need to be wall-mounted either lower
over the cooking equipment or off to the side of the bank, requiring a 3'
extension onto the hood length.
7. When sizing island canopies, take into account the fact that cooking
equipment mounted back to back requires service space or a service chase
between the two banks.
An example of hood sizing for an island cooking operation is this: a
cooking bank arrangement with steam equipment on one side, heavy
duty cooking on the other, and a 12 service chase in between might
have a face-to-face dimension of between 7 and 8'. This requires a
hood of 8 - 9' depth to give the required 6 overhang. If, however, the
bank includes a charbroiler, an additional 6 is required to provide
the specified 12 overhang.
8. For the minimum requirements, note that a single hood section can be built
to a maximum length of 16'. Beyond this length, VM banks hood sections
side by side. With this, the length of the hood section is not limited. It
could be 20' long or 100'.

Ventilation Systems

9. The cooking equipment determines the dimensions of the hood. Once this
is known, the hood can be banked, tapered or custom-built to suit the

Figure 13 is the section view of a kitchen

ventilation system of an actual
installation. This shows a back-to-back
arrangement of cooking equipment for
which one side requires an air flow
capacity of 150 cfm/ft. and the other 300

Canopy-filter type hoods

The canopy-filter type hood uses a UL listed grease filter to remove
contaminants from the air as it exhausts through the canopy. The filter
comprises a series of baffles that change the direction of the air flow. The
centrifugal force acting on the particles in suspension causes them to collect on
the stainless steel baffles and drop into a collection tray, as illustrated in Figure
The grease collection cups in the grease trays of filter hoods need to be
emptied regularly so as not to pose a fire hazard.


Terms and Conditions

Pollution contaminates the environment and decreases the purity of air, land and
water in various ways. This report is a commentary on the environmental
condition of the atmosphere as it affects commercial kitchen operations. It
explains filtration terms and conditions with which architects and kitchen
designers need to be familiar when dealing with kitchen ventilation systems.
In a healthy environmental atmosphere, the air we breathe is made up of
78% nitrogen and 21% oxygen. The remaining 1% consists of various gases and
Figure 15 overleaf illustrates these proportions. The constituent elements
of the 1% component consist of three groups: trace gases, variable gases, and
atmospheric impurities. These are present in roughly equal proportions.
Bi-product aerosols from commercial kitchen operations can raise the
impurities present in the air above the nominal 1% value illustrated in Figure

Ventilation Systems

The large circle of this illustration represents about 1 per cent of the air we
breathe. Three constituents make up this 1 per cent: trace gases, variable gases,
and atmospheric impurities
For striking comparison, Figure 17 shows various sizes of
aerosols in relation to a strand of human hair, which is
about 150 microns in size. Aerosols of the smallest size
(0.3 to 1 micron) such as tobacco smoke, cooking oil, and
perfumes are easily detected by one's sense of smell. The
smaller the size the higher the degree of filter or ventilation
equipment efficiency needed to deal with the aerosol.
An aerosol is a suspension of microscopic liquid or
solid particles in the air. It is the function of any kitchen
ventilation system to reduce the aerosols in a kitchen
atmosphere to a minimum.
Aerosols (or particles) are measured in microns. A
micron is one millionth of a meter (1/25,400 inch). Under SI (System
International) units of measure, micrometre is beginning to replace the word
micron. In the U.S. filter industry, micron (abbreviated Fm) is the term in
common usage.
Figure 18 is a tabulation of particle size distribution in the atmosphere.
Architects and kitchen designers will find the particulate size and element
comparison chart shown in Figure 19 a useful source of reference for a variety
of particulates. Some clients require technical specifications to cover various
types and sizes of particulates.


Average particle Per cent by Per cent Particle size

size (microns) particle count by weight (microns)

20 0.005 28

7.5 0.175 52

4 0.25 11
2 1.07 6 1
0.5 98.5 3 0.0
Source: NAFA
"Guide to Air Filtration"

Figure 18 - Particle size distribution in atmosphere

0.01 0.1 1.0 10 100 1000

2 3 4 5 6 7 89 2 3 4 5 6 7 89 2 3 4 5 6 7 89 2 3 4 5 6 7 89 2 3 4 5 6 7 89


Carbon black

Coal dust


Cement dust
Smoldering or flaming cooking oil
Combustion Burning wood
Auto emissions

Air freshener
Home care

Insecticide dusts
Face powder

Copier toner

2 3 4 5 6 7 89 2 3 4 5 6 7 89 2 3 4 5 6 7 89 2 3 4 5 6 7 89 2 3 4 5 6 7 89
0.01 0.1 1.0 10 100 1000
Source: ASHREA
Figure 19 - Particle size and element comparison chart

Ventilation Systems

Some technical specifications specify a media velocity of something

less than the face velocity. Figure 20 shows how a pleated panel filter
achieves this reduced media velocity. Although more expensive, the
pleated panel filter is more efficient and has a longer life than an
equivalent panel filter because the media velocity can be reduced by as
much as 50% of the face velocity.
The four diagrams shown in Figure 21 illustrate various ways in
which the filter media captures particles. They show the difference
between impingement, interception, straining and diffusional effect.


Terms and Definitions

Dust is dry particles of matter predominantly larger than colloidal size and
capable of temporary gas suspension. Dust is generated from the reduction of
larger, solid materials. The action of a jackhammer drilling rock creates dust;
volcanic eruptions discharge lava dust (also called ash) into the air.
Dust varies in size from <0.1 to >25 microns. Larger dust particles
settle rapidly. Smaller particles stay in suspension longer and settle more
slowly. Airborne dust under <0.1 behaves like a gas and has no rate of fall, but
is affected by Brownian movement*. This is the random movement of particles
caused by statistical pressure fluctuations over them.
Particles in the range of 0.1 to 1 micron have negligible settling
velocities. Particles in the 1 to 10 micron range have a constant and appreciable
settling rate, but are kept in suspension by air currents. Particles in excess of 10
microns settle out of the atmosphere.
Fumes are particulate matter consisting of the solid particles generated by
condensation from the gaseous state. Generally, this occurs after the volatization
from melted substances, often accompanied by a chemical reaction such as
oxidization. Arc welding fumes are typical of this chemical action. Heat from
the electric arc vaporizes some of the rod and its coating.
Fog is the condensation of water vapor in the air in sufficient concentration
to reduce visibility. This is the same phenomenon that causes clouds to form.
Mist is similar to fog except that it is the formation of liquid droplets
suspended in or falling through a moving or stationary atmosphere.
Smoke is dispersion of liquid aerosols formed by the incomplete
combustion of organic material in a gaseous atmosphere.
Gas is a phase of matter in molecular form, characterized by relatively low
density, which expands readily to fill any containing vessel.
Vapor is a gas formed by the evaporation of a material in liquid or solid
form. It is a gas at a temperature below critical temperature, so that it can be
liquified under pressure without lowering the temperature.

Ventilation Systems

* Brownian movement is the continuous zig-zag motion of particles (aerosols) in

suspension. The motion is caused by the impact of the molecules of the fluid (air) upon the

Grease Removal Devices

Grease Removal Devices

The control and removal of grease from hoods by means of grease filters, baffles
and similar devices is a subject of sufficient concern to warrant a separate
chapter in NFPA 96. The standard specifies the conditions of installation and
minimum distances between the cooking surface and the grease removal device.

Grease Extraction Rates

The National Bureau of Standards is not equipped to test ventilators.
Manufacturers test their own units according to NBS test procedure IR74-505.
This is therefore the procedure VM uses to test its Cyclo-Wash 3, Cyclo-Maze
and Cyclo-Vent units.
Although VM tested its own units to the specified NBS test procedure, it
used the services of the Institute for Storm Research to verify the tests. Dr. J.
C. Freeman, President of the Institute, has expertise in air movement,
temperature, point and factors related to condensation extraction.
The grease extraction rates of VM units, expressed as a percentage by
weight of grease removed, are on the basis of averages of a series of tests.

Filters (stainless steel baffle type GF Series)

Of the various devices available to collect and remove grease from hoods, steel
filters were for many years the most common means. The main requirements
for a filter are that it must be:
C of steel construction, tight fitting and firmly held in position;
C easily accessible and easy to remove for cleaning;
C installed at an angle not less than 45o from the horizontal;
C equipped with a drip tray pitched to drain into a container having a
minimum capacity of 0.13 gallon (0.5L).

Ventilation Systems

Some devices for removing grease also serve other functions, such as removal
of combustion gases, heat and cooking odors. VM has pioneered a number of
combination units, which this Section explains. For installation, operating and
maintenance procedures, refer to the relevant sections and the appendices.

Filter Grease extractor chambers (Cyclo Maze series)

There are two types of Cyclo Maze ventilators. One is a dry type; the other is
a water mist unit that uses a cold water mist to extract grease and airborne
solids, and a hot water wash for cleaning. The principle of operation for both
types is the same.
Baffles cause grease-laden air entering the plenum to move in a spinning
motion. With cold water mist nozzles, the air passes through a curtain of cold
water mist, which causes grease particles in suspension to solidify and fall into
a drainage trough or to spin off and collect on the baffle surfaces.
The high velocity flow of the air stream through a further set of baffles
removes the residual grease in suspension under the effect of centrifugal force.
The larger volume of the upper section of the plenum greatly reduces the air
velocity, causing even more grease to fall out of the air stream before it flows
7 7
through the head exhaust collar into the exhaust duct, as shown in Figure 23.

The unit operates on the principle of high capture velocities and low
5 exhaust volumes. These two features combine to provide economical grease
4 extraction. Baffles cause air entering the plenum from the cooking surface to
move in cyclonic motion. The centrifugal action of the air causes heavier
particles of airborne matter to collect on the baffle surfaces and drop to the
3 bottom surface of the plenum. Stages in the air flow through the Cyclo Maze
2 unit (refer to the items shown in Figure 23 and Figure 24) are:
1 The inclined face plate directs the air into the lower baffle chamber.
2 Air entering the chamber is spun in cyclonic motion.
Figure 23 - Air flow in 3 The air then splits into two separate streams.
Cyclo Maze dry unit
4 Each stream encounters separate intercepting baffles.

Grease Removal Devices

5 Manually adjustable baffles allow for air balancing along the length

of the hood when more than one type of cooking appliance is installed.
6 The upper chamber reduces the air velocity before it exits the pod to further
drop out grease particulates.
7 The air stream passes the exhaust control dampers used to adjust air
volumes and balance different hood sections.
8 In the final stage, the cleansed air column passes through the listed fire
damper assembly.
9 The cold water mist grease extractors are fitted with cold water nozzles to
supply a continuous stream of mist to the extractor chamber (see Figure
24). This reduces the temperature in the chamber and increases the
7 7
extraction of grease (CCM series).

6 Note

Three factors affect the removal of grease in exhaust hoods:
C Air velocity
C Change of direction and spinning thin air
1 C Lower exhaust air temperatures
9 An efficient design uses a combination of one or more of these factors
throughout the path of travel of the exhaust air in the grease removal
A good design in an extraction chamber requires a low static pressure to
operate efficiently; i.e., low internal chamber resistance allows for lower
Figure 24 - Air flow in
Cyclo Maze cold water mist horsepower and energy consumption to achieve maximum grease removal
unit efficiency.

Grease Extraction Unit as an Engine

If we recognize an engine as the energy source which makes an installation or
equipment function, we realize that the engine of a restaurant is its kitchen. In
turn, the cooking bank is the engine of the kitchen and the exhaust hood or
ventilation system keeps the cooking bank engine running smoothly.

Ventilation Systems

Exhaust hoods come in various shapes, capacities and styles. The grease
extractor is the engine of the hood and the main feature on which the efficiency
of the hood depends. This report is a summary of the characteristics and
specifications of hoods and their grease extraction engines.
What makes a hood engine efficient?
C Changing the direction of air to spin out grease.
C Changing the air velocity to drop out grease.
C Changing the air temperature with cold water mist to scrub and condense
out grease.
What types of engines are there?
Automobiles with which engines are most frequently associated are equipped
with four, six and eight cylinder engines, together with many features that make
them different. The same is true of exhaust hood engines.
The power of the engine lies in its capacity to remove grease. The 4
cylinder engine (2 deep) is the smallest in the range and removes the least
amount of grease. The 6 cylinder engine is larger (12 deep) and can be
manually cleaned or self cleaning using a hot water wash. The 8 cylinder engine
has a cold water mist scrubber added and, using the third grease removal
principle, removes a lot more grease. The 12 cylinder unit is the largest engine
(18 deep). It has 200% more cold water.

6 Cylinder
4 Cylinder Dry extractor
or removable

"Engine" 6 Cylinder 8 Cylinder

area Dry extractor cold water mist
The exhaust hood body is
the same as a car body. with hot water extractor with
Vent Master hoods wash hot water wash
accommodate all engines

Figure 25 - Types of hood engines

Grease Removal Devices

Ventilation Systems



As part of an overall ventilation system, the ducting serves two important

functions. One is to exhaust the kitchen air to the outside environment; the
second, when replacement air is supplied through the ducting system, is to
deliver outside air to the kitchen space.
This chapter discusses the use of ducting in any ventilation system and
considerations designers, suppliers and owners need to take into account.
Here, in a general way, it is worth noting that ducting is to the system what
piping is to the water supply in that it directs the air flow from and, in some
designs, to the kitchen space. The shorter the duct run, the less power is needed
to move the air stream. In single-story structures where air is exhausted through
the roof, the size of the ducting is not critical. The run is short, the resistance to
flow negligible. In multi-story structures where the duct run length is
considerable, the designer must calculate the size of the run with accuracy.
Ducting resistance to air flow and duct length also determines the size of the
exhaust and inlet fans.
Space is the important criterion. A long, straight duct run with minimum
turns to smooth the air flow are basic to good design. There are, however, other
important factors to consider. Many codes and standards specify that ducts must
not pass through fire walls or partitions; kitchen ventilation ducts must not be
interconnected with any other ventilation ducting or exhaust system; and duct
runs must not have dips or traps in which cooking residues can collect. Openings
for access are also required, the openings clearly marked to prevent the placing
of obstructions to access.
These are some of the major considerations in the design and use of

Ventilation Systems

ventilation ducts, which make the ducting an important part of any system. The
applicable codes (see the Codes and Equipment Specifications Section),
provide specific detail and consultation of those considerations that apply. Here
are other important topics worth noting.

Ducts & ventilation rates

To give some idea of the cfm capacity requirements of exhaust systems, Table
3 lists cfm values used for various typical kiosk food court installations and the
hood sizes installed for food court applications.

Using the values tabulated in Table 3 for the eight kiosks, there is an average
cfm value of 17,800/8 = 2,225. It is therefore safe to work on an average value
of 2,500 cfm per kiosk, but allow for individual kiosk sizing for cfm. (See also
the Auxiliary Equipment Section.)


Access openings are required either at the sides or on the top of duct runs at
every change in direction. Hoods with dampers in the exhaust or supply collar
require an access opening for cleaning and inspection purposes. Similarly,
cleaning and inspection openings are needed for exhaust fans having duct work
connected to both sides, the opening or openings to be within 3 ft. of the fan.


Duct cleaning is such an important part of maintenance that openings must

allow for cleaning the duct work along its entire length. This, in turn, means
that the system designer must make sure inspection and cleaning openings
satisfy this cleaning requirement. Kitchen ventilation is not the same as ordinary
building air conditioning ducting. Venting odors and grease vapor material can
pose fire hazards about which local and jurisdictional authority inspectors can
be and are particular.

Ducting installation

The emphasis placed on fire safety and protection by all authorities with regard
to ducting is reflected in the installation requirements of ducting seams,
penetrations and connections.
Many codes specify that duct-to-hood collar connections must have a
liquid-tight continuous external weld. NFPA 96 from which
Figure 27 is taken is specific in its requirements for connections at the hood
collar that are not continuously welded.

Duct installation clearances

A strong emphasis of NFPA 96 Standard concerns the hazardous fire

Ventilation Systems

potential of cooking operations. Figure 28, taken from NFPA 96 Appendix A,

shows detail to cover various types of installation requirements for a typical
commercial cooking exhaust system. Figure 28 is followed by Table 4 (also
courtesy NFPA 96 Standard) giving examples of types of construction
assemblies containing noncombustible, limited combustible and combustible
10' 0" Exhaust fan

Access panel

Access panel

Not less than 1-hr fire resistance for Access panel
building less than 4 stories in height
Not less than 2-hr fire resistance for
Opening in enclosure
building 4 stories or more in height
Fire-rated Second
floor story
Grease duct

Non-fire-rated ceiling

Sealed around the duct at

this point since fire-rated
Exhaust hood

For SI units: 1in = 25.4 mm;

1 ft = 0.305 m
Source: NFPA 96, 1994 Edition

Figure 28 - Typical section view for building with two stories or more
with non-fire-rated ceiling and fire-rated floor

Exterior installation

Many codes, and NFPA 96 in particular, recommend that duct work be installed
vertically and adequately secured to the building exterior. The fasteners - bolts,
screws or rivets - used to secure the duct must not penetrate the duct walls.

Interior installation

As specified in NFPA 96, in buildings having more than one floor, but also in
single-story buildings with a specified fire-rated roof-ceiling assembly, ducts
have to be enclosed in a continuous enclosure to maintain the integrity of fire
separations required by the applicable building codes. The enclosure must
extend from the lowest fire-rated ceiling or floor above the hood through


any concealed spaces to or through the roof.

Further, if the building is less than four stories, the enclosure wall has to have
a fire rating of not less than one hour. In buildings of more than four stories, the
enclosure fire rating has to be two hours or more.
If fire does occur in a ducting system, inspection by a qualified inspector
is necessary before further use to determine if the structural integrity of the duct
and enclosure still meets requirements for fire protection purposes.
The whole point of duct design and installation for ventilation systems is
the need to consult, and comply with, applicable code requirements.

Ventilation Systems

Exhaust terminations

Codes are specific for exhaust system terminations for both rooftops and walls.
For example, for rooftop terminations, NFPA 96 specifies minimum clearances
between the exhaust outlet and property lines, adjacent buildings and air
intakes as well as minimum height levels of the outlet above adjacent air intake
The requirements for wall terminations are equally specific, particularly
with respect to clearances from the outlet to adjacent buildings, power lines, air
intakes, doors and windows, etc. At no time should grease from a commercial
kitchen cooking exhaust be allowed to run down the wall of a building.
Note: Exhaust termination requirements are shown in codes as minimum
requirements. Consideration must still be given to make sure that grease build
up will not occur through roof top air intakes or in surrounding structures.

Air Flow

Air Flow

Every commercial kitchen requires make-up air to compensate for the air
ventilated from the kitchen space to remove heat, cooking odors and grease
created by cooking operations. Ventilation is also essential to maintain a
comfortable work environment. Make-up air can be taken from the building
HVAC system of which the kitchen area is usually a part, as illustrated in Figure
29. While this is frequently done, it is an expensive and inefficient method of
replacing exhausted air.
Quite apart from the obvious need to replace air removed from a kitchen,
inadequate make-up air will prevent the kitchen operating the way it should. Air
will be drawn in from other areas through doors and passageways.
In keeping with new requirements in kitchen ventilation, VM has introduced
a number of devices for ventilating kitchens, which include kiosk ventilation
units, air cleaning systems, water wash filter hoods with make-up air packages,
dampers for adjustable volume control and fire dampers.
The easiest situation in which to provide make-up air is in a free-standing
building of one level construction, such as found in food courts or restaurants.
The complexities of providing make-up air increase as the building in which the
kitchen operates changes from the detached, single-purpose building to the
multi-story tower structure (see the Design Section for further discussion of this
Make-up air can come from the room HVAC system, either from outlets
near to the hood or integrated into the hood. The use of cooled and heated
make-up air is expensive. For example, utility bills can double and triple. (Every
200-400 cfm of air requires one ton of A-C system capacity, which is expensive.)
Following is a summary of the devices and systems available to solve the

Ventilation Systems

problem of providing make-up air.

Distributing air from the ceiling near the hood with low air velocity provides
local cooling that is a necessity because of the strong radiant heat created by
cooking appliances. Increased airflows did not raise metered indicators at the
same ratio, which proves that good results in kitchen ventilation can be achieved
with careful design and efficient equipment without excessive airflows.
The following are some basic principles of commercial kitchen ventilation:
1. Impurities and excess heat should be removed with efficient local
2. Supply air should be brought to the working area in such a way
that it first refreshes workers and then replaces convective flows.
3. Where workers are subjected to large heat radiation, supply air
should be introduced directly to the working space (local
Down discharge supply air designs

The advantage of using integrated make-up air is that in large measure it

reduces the burden on the building HVAC systems. Make-up air is supplied
by a down discharge duct and blower close to the cooking surfaces. Three
disadvantages, however, outweigh this advantage.
1. The air velocity from the hood supply air opening is greater
than that of heated air rising from the cooking surface, which
results in spillage of contaminated air held within the hood.
2. The lower temperature of the make-up air combined with the
greater velocity causes the air to drop rapidly, pulling
contaminant into the operator's face.
3. The direct down discharge can make it uncomfortable for
kitchen staff, especially in cold climates. As a consequence,
operators often shut off the make-up air system, thereby
nullifying its usefulness.
Short cycle supply air
The short cycle method of supplying make-up air provides some

Air Flow

untempered outdoor air within the hood enclosure to reduce the amount of air
the HVAC system must supply. This may seem to reduce the cost of using the
HVAC system, but unless the velocity of the supply air is strictly controlled
its velocity can exceed the velocity of the exhaust air and cause smoke
emission from the hood cavity.
The difference between discharging make-up air into the kitchen space
from the hood bottom front lip (Figure 30) and the short cycle method
(Figure 31) lies in the air discharge exits of the two arrangements.
In addition to the chance of emitting smoke, safety problems can arise
with short cycle hoods. In northern regions, for example, cold air can cause
frost build-up on fire protection fusible links, which effectively prevents the
links from detecting fire.
Front panel make-up air

The front panel type of make-up air (see Figure 32) is effective for virtually
all applications and climates. A perforated stainless steel plate keeps the air
flow velocity between 300 and 500 fpm. This permits the supply of a large
volume of air at the hood, with little or no effect on the kitchen environment.
The low velocity of make-up air means that it is felt only 3 to 4 feet from the
hood face.
During winter months, it may be necessary to heat the air of front panel
type make-up air (50o - 60oF is recommended). The need to cool the air during
the summer period is, however, negligible because the incoming air provides
evaporative cooling to kitchen staff working under the effect of radiant heat
generated by the cooking operation. Special consideration for some cooling may
be required in hot, humid climates.
Exhaust and make-up air limitations

If one site provides ample access for duct shafts to exhaust to the roof and
provide outdoor make-up air back to the kitchen, there are others with restricted
access. This poses problems. With no obvious solution to providing the required
air changes or to providing exhaust to the roof, and with space limitations that
make the installation of equipment difficult, the designer has many problems to

Ventilation Systems

overcome. A number of options are, however, available.

These are by no means the only options available for situations in which a

conventional solution to providing make-up air is difficult. The options shown

in Figure 33 illustrate that even in demanding circumstances there can be more
than one answer. The option chosen will of course depend on the particular
circumstances of each project.

Air Flow

Why ventilation systems are essential

Cooking produces heat, odors, smoke, vapors, airborne grease and other
pollutants, which is true of all cooking operations regardless of the type of food
preparation being done. When a ventilation system breaks down, the kitchen
atmosphere soon becomes stifling and impossible to work in. Hence, a constant
supply of fresh, clean air is essential.
The ventilation system must exhaust the heat produced and remove the
odors and pollutants. A kitchen which specializes in producing light snacks,
sandwiches and salads generates less heat and odors than kitchens producing
heavier fare: steaks, hamburgers, and French fries.

Venting cooking equipment

Gas, electric and steam cooking equipment must be allowed to breathe. Proper
air flow is required for combustion, to exhaust fumes and odors, and to prevent
moisture and heat build-up in control cabinets. Too much exhaust can suck the
heat out of an oven, preventing it from properly baking or roasting the product;
too little exhaust can cause a control cabinet to overheat and burn out expensive
equipment. Knowing what the cooking equipment requires for ventilation is
critical to its performance and operating life. If the cooking equipment does not
work properly, the kitchen will not remain in business long.

Maintaining negative pressure

The final reason why efficient ventilation is necessary is the need to maintain
negative pressure in any kitchen area. Negative pressure means drawing air into
the kitchen space atmosphere to contain the odors and pollutants that cooking
operations generate.
Kitchens operating under positive pressure force cooking odors into spaces
outside the kitchen envelope. This is unacceptable in most instances and
certainly in places of shared space: food courts, hotels, office buildings, and
even in large, stand-alone structures where the owner-operator wishes to
maintain fresh air free from excessive cooking odors in large dining

Ventilation Systems


Combination of equipment

The type and combination of kitchen equipment used affects the design and
capacity of the ventilation system. Deep-fryers and open ranges produce more
pollutants and continuous heat than closed ovens. When opened to remove
roasts, pizzas and baked products, ovens release waves of intense heat with
which the ventilation system must cope to maintain a stable atmosphere in the
kitchen space. The type of equipment required is one factor; the use of kitchen
space is another.
Regardless of the source of make-up air, it is necessary to calculate the
make-up air required for a given kitchen operation. This will depend on the type
of cooking being done, the equipment installed, and restrictions of the building
configuration. Some considerations to take into account when calculating the
make-up air and equipment required are:
C Keep make-up air velocities to a minimum.
C High velocity make-up air will disturb the capture of smoke by other
C Maintain a slight negative pressure in a kitchen to prevent odors and
pollutants moving from the kitchen area to other parts of the building
(a 20% negative pressure is recommended).
C Local regulations are an important consideration and no installation
should be undertaken nor an existing operation changed without first
checking local regulatory requirements.
CFM requirements of exhaust hoods

To calculate the required exhaust air for a hood, a number of factors must be
C The cooking equipment being used, to determine where the most smoke,
grease and heat will be produced along the cooking bank.
C The type of cooking to be done: soup and sandwich preparation; burger
and French fries cooking, fish and chip operation.

Air Flow

C The hood arrangement and wall locations around the cooking equipment,
island operation, or a combination of island and wall locations.
C The kitchen layout, to determine if there is a combination of space
restriction with a hot cooking operation.

A guide to use for estimating CFM requirements for wall-mounted hoods is:
C For light duty equipment such as steam and ovens, use 250 CFM per
linear foot.
C For medium-duty equipment such as fryers, griddles and restaurant series
ranges, use 300 CFM per linear foot.
C For heavy duty equipment, charbroilers and heavy-duty equipment, use
350 CFM per linear foot.

In the majority of instances, the CFM estimates given in the guide will provide
ample air for the exhaust requirements. The guide serves for wall-mounted
canopies only. It does not serve for island applications, single cooking bank
arrangements or in cases where, say, the designer wants to know the absolute
minimum requirements.

CFM calculations for hoods

The terms used to calculate CFM values are:

Minimum exhaust cfm = Capture area x capture velocity + equipment cfm
correction factors.
Capture area = all open sides of the hood x the height above the cooking
equipment (in feet).
Capture velocity = 50 fpm (minimum.)
Equipment cfm correction factors = see Table 5 in left hand column of this
A sample CFM calculation based on the elements discussed in this section is
shown in Figure 34.

Ventilation Systems

18' 3.5'

Broiler Note:
Kettle Using a rule of thumb for medium
Range duty cooking of 300 cfm/linear foot
3.5' Fryer of hood, the total cfm is
3.5' Fryer
Griddle = 300 x 18 = 5400 cfm

Min. exhaust cfm = (W1 + W2 + L) x H x 50 broiler + fryer + griddle

= (3.5 + 3.5 + 18) x 3.5 x 50 + (225 + 75 + 75 + 150)
= 4375 + 525
= 4900 cfm (min.)

Figure 34 - Sample cfm calculation

Velocity readings on Cyclo Maze-type hoods

To measure the average velocity on intake slots for ventilators use one of the
following formulas:

1. The velocity in feet per minute (FPM),

Vol = FPM or CFM = FPM
OPN sq.ft.area
where OPN is the total area of intake throat in sq, ft.
2. To find the volume in CFM,
3. To calculate the velocity, divide the CFM by the total opening. The
CFM or CFM/ft is information given on the U.L. label of the hood.
The standard Cyclo Wash opening is 3.5 x the length of the throat.
The total opening is 3.5 x the overall length of the intake throat.
The average throat velocity on most VM Cyclo-Maze Wash and
Cyclo Maze Dry is calculated by multiplying the design air flow
rating (shown on the ventilator nameplate) in CFM per linear ft. by
3.5. The result is the velocity in FPM.

Air Flow


The specification is for 2250 CFM on a 9' ventilator.

OPN = 107 x 3.5 = 374.5 sq. in.
= 374.5 = 2.6 sq. ft.
VEL = 2250 = 865 FPM
For quick reference, use Table 7.
Measuring intake velocity

VM recommends the use of either an Alnor 6000 or Alnor Jr. to measure the air
velocity through the slot of Cyclo Wash and Cyclo Maze ventilators.
To measure velocity at the throat using the Alnor 6000 (see Figure 35)
position the tip of the velometer probe halfway between the inside rim and the
face of the access panel at a plane perpendicular to the air stream. Do not put
the probe too deeply into the intake throat or you will get erroneous readings.
Make sure that the hoses are of reversed polarity (+ to - and - to +) when
measuring the exhaust. Take a minimum of three readings, evenly spaced, at
each access door, then average the readings to calculate the exhaust rate.
The Alnor Jr. (see Figure 36) has a dual scale range to 1600 FPM and is
another convenient way of measuring the intake velocity. Position the velometer
as shown in the figure and take multiple readings at various points across the
length of the intake throat. Because the instrument is calibrated for use in an
upright position, expect a slight error (to 5%) on the high side. If accurate
readings are needed, use an Alnor 6000 velometer.

Ventilation Systems

Auxillary Equipment

Auxiliary Equipment

Auxiliary equipment covers those items specified as such in NFPA 96 together

with other devices or equipment not easily categorized under other references.
Typically, VM's modular utility distribution systems (MDS) discussed here are
in this category. Other devices and equipment include dampers, electrical
equipment, fans and the VM Ecoloair system.


A common problem in large kitchens is that of air balancing and control. The
use of air volume control dampers helps. NFPA 96 does not, however, permit
the inclusion of dampers in hoods or ducts unless they are specifically listed for
such use.
Manually-operated dampers for volume control and balancing are normally
mounted before a (hood) ventilator fire damper as shown in
Figure 37. All VM ventilators are equipped with UL/ULC listed dampers. The
volume control damper can be adjustable to close off up to 50% of the outlet
duct collar area by means of locking fasteners.

Electrical equipment

Electrical equipment, wiring, and controls are for the most part governed by the
National Electrical Code as well as local jurisdictions. Specific requirements
regarding electrical devices and wiring systems in kitchen ventilation systems
are summarized:
C It is not permissible to install wiring of any type in ducts.
C Similarly, no electrical devices may be installed in ducts, hoods or in the

Ventilation Systems

path of exhaust air except where specifically approved for that use in
grease ducts. For example, they are essential in fire control and protection
devices such as fire doors.
C Steel-enclosed lighting units mounted on the outer shell of a hood and
separated from the exhaust products by tightly fitting tempered glass and
vapor-tight seals are acceptable, but cannot be placed in concealed spaces
or cavities.


The selection of fans for ventilation systems, either to exhaust or to provide

make-up air, is an important consideration. Many types and arrangements are
For typical roof top exhaust equipment and fan design improvement:
1. Check the location and setting of the exhaust air discharge in relation
to the fresh air intake as shown in Figure 38, A and B.
2. Check the location and setting of the exhaust air discharge in relation
to the fresh air intake as shown in Figure 39, A and B.

3. Improve the vertical discharge velocity to disperse smoke and redirect

exhaust air away from the roof line.
4. Simplify the fan access and duct access.
5. Remove the need for external wire connections and pitch pockets at
the roof.

Auxillary Equipment

6. Stop the build-up of water in fans during heavy rain storms and when
the fan is not in service.
7. Improve grease removal from fans during cleaning.
8. Stop the build-up of grease on the roof during rain storms by flushing
grease out of fan collection boxes.
9. Simplify installation requirements and cut the cost of installing
exhaust fans.
10. Provide improved access to fans for servicing.
11. Provide additional fire safety for exhaust discharge and the roof
structural opening.
12. Prevent the build-up of grease on roof tops and the A/C unit. (See
Figure 40).

Open area around entire fan

to allow slow velocity dis-
Fan location
charge & rain water inlet

Light, aluminum construction Exhaust air, smoke and

& access area grease, odors

Overflow drain plug Disconnect switch and hood-up

from fan and external switch

Greasebox and lid Run waterproof wiring to fan

Roof pitch pocket to seal

Custom fabricated fire- opening for wiring
rated roof curb

Fire-rated enclosure for

Grease duct to go up to top of Wiring to run
roof opening as per NFPA 96
roof curb min. 18" above roof outdoors to fan
line as per NFPA 96
Figure 40 - Exhaust equipment design features

VMs grease exhaust roof fans are heavy duty UL\ULC units listed for 3
clearance from combustible material. A discharge clearance of 40 above the
roof line as required by NFPA 96 eliminates discharge duct work above the
roof. This unit, shown front view in Figure 41, has removable access doors for
servicing, a pivoted fan drive section to give access to the exhaust duct, and an
average discharge velocity of 3,000 fpm as recommended by

Ventilation Systems

environmental authorities.

Filtration systems

The ecology filtration system of an Ecoloair unit removes 95 per cent (and 99%
as measured by ASHRAE Standard 52-68) of particulates over 0.03 microns.
This virtually means the removal by filtering of all smoke and grease, which
means that part of the odor-carrying material is removed from the exhaust.
Molecules too small to be filtered out, however, convey most of the odor. This
material is chemically treated by VM's Scentry liquid odor control solution,
which reduces cooking odors to innocuous levels.
VM rates odors for cooking operations in three categories:
C Light: cooking a general menu for a period of 8 to 10 hours a day; covers
the operations of a small to medium-sized restaurant.
C Medium: Small to medium-sized restaurants cooking from 12 to 16 hours
a day, preparing fragrant or pungent foods and marinades, are in this
category. If, however, the menu includes a high proportion of strong
fragrance-producing foods the restaurant should be placed in the high
odor-emission category. Similarly, restaurants that produce large volumes
of even general menu foods with short, heavy peak periods are in a
medium to high category.
C High: This category covers large volume restaurants, hotels and 24-hour
food preparation operations using large broilers and preparing fragrant
foods for 16 hours a day or more.

Heat exchangers

Relative to make-up air systems, cooking operations require large amounts of

energy. Up to 70 per cent of the heat energy needed for cooking is exhausted to
atmosphere when drawing in make-up air and exhausting the used air.
Recovering this otherwise lost energy by means of an air-to-air heat exchanger
is possible and has obvious economical advantages in the right circumstances.
It is part of the kitchen consultant's job to include this in any kitchen planning

Auxillary Equipment

study. This section will help clarify the main points.

Exhaust air temperatures in the order of 85oF to 95oF at 50% RH make the
heat recovery option economic, when the air volume being considered is in
excess of 5,000 cfm. For air volumes less than this level, the energy cost saving
may not cover the cost of the equipment. These are general statements, but give
some idea of the point at which heat recovery is worth considering.
Nevertheless, since the make-up air is about 80% of the exhaust air there is
more heat in the exhaust air stream to recover, which allows a higher
temperature rise in the fresh supply air stream.
Kitchen heat recovery equipment usually handles exhaust air laden with
airborne greases given off by the cooking equipment. As this can easily plug up
the heat exchanger it is necessary to wash and clean the coil frequently.
Depending on the application, a detergent spray wash system is fitted on the
exhaust side of the unit. The frequency and duration of the spray is adjustable
to suit the particular operation.
Note: Heat pipe systems are normally used for this application as air-to-air
plate type heat exchangers are difficult to clean and maintain in greasy cooking
Another way of dealing with grease-laden air when using heat recovery
equipment is to filter the exhaust air before it enters the heat exchanger. Again,
the relative cost of this method as compared with a wash feature on the heat
exchanger requires study.
A rule of thumb to calculate savings from the installation of a heat
recovery system is $1 per cfm per year. A pay-back period of two to four years
would be the second criterion to use. To use an example, if the supply air
volume being handled is, say, 10,000 cfm, the saving in fuel costs would
amount to $10,000 per year. Applying the pay back period of three years, a
capital cost estimate of $30,000 for energy recovery equipment is an economic

Ventilation Systems

Modular distribution systems

An efficient and economical way of supplying utilities to commercial cooking

equipment and distributing those same services is by means of a utility
distribution unit. VM manufactures such a unit as a modular utility distribution
system, abbreviated MDS.
A MDS unit can include the utilities of gas, electrical power and controls,
hot, cold and chilled water, steam supply and condensate return, and compressed
These pre-assembled units eliminate the installation and coordination of all
of the trades for piping, junction boxes conduit runs, and service wall
construction. Installation of a MDS unit requires only limited preparatory work
to bring incoming utility services for hook-up.
A big advantage of the unit is the ease with which cooking equipment can
be re-arranged to suit changed cooking operations. Quick disconnect fittings for
electrical and plumbing utilities mean that there is no need to rewire or change
the plumbing. Figure 42 shows a cut-away view of a MDS unit and lists its
main features.
Figure 42 and Figure 4.4 provide raceway and riser options of specific
MDS units.
Power supply available Mechanical
Access panel services available
120V AC through 600V AC
Single phase or 3-phase Gas
Hot water
Safety shunt trip breakers Cold water
Isolated electrical Steam supply
chase Steam return
Chilled water
Compressed air

Example Bus bars or

Location of branch
circuit breaker panel box

Equipment Isolated
bumper rail plumbing chase

Cords and plugs

or sealtite conduit Branch plumbing connections
with optional quick disconnect
fittings and color-coded hoses

Figure 42 - Modular Distribution System

Auxillary Equipment

Features of the MDS

Features of the modular distribution system (see also the Engineered Features
Section) are:
C It provides the most cost-effective method to distribute utilities in
commercial cooking operations.
C All piping and wiring is completely enclosed in an isolated stainless steel,
300 series chassis.
C Full function capabilities are available for gas, electric, hot water, cold
water, steam, chilled water, and compressed air services.
C Flexibility is built into the system allowing for additions and changes.

There is safety, convenience, flexibility and efficiency in a UL/ULC

factory-built utility wall.

Ventilation Systems

Raceway Options
Typical electrical
plates configuration
24" 12"
(Typ) (Typ) A


Space between A 31"

electrical plates
Note: Raceways can be wall mounted
2" Gas
3/4" C.W.
1.5" Insulated Receptacle
28.5" Cord & plug
21.5" 6" 3/4" H.W.
3/4" H.W.
Bumper strip Insulated
1.5" Steam 3/4" C.W.
insulated Insulated

1.5" Gas
MDS-GW Unit 1" Condensate
View A-A return insulated
View B-B 12"

Typical electrical
24" 12" plates configuration
(Typ) (Typ) B


B 24"

Figure 43

Auxillary Equipment

Riser Options
for MDS-GW & MDS-GWS Units

72" 72"

(Recommended) (Recommended)

Electrical Plumbing Pedestal Electrical

& plumbing

72" 72"

(Typical) (Special)

Electrical Plumbing Electrical Electrical

& plumbing & plumbing & plumbing


Figure 44 - Riser options

Ventilation Systems

Kiosk Ventilation System

The Kiosk Ventilation System (KVS) is a recirculating air unit that was
developed for kiosk-type food court operations and non-traditional sites where
NFPA 96 duct work either cannot be installed or would be difficult to install.
The KVS unit can be a right hand (RH), left hand (LH), Back (B) or
remote mount (REM). The size of a unit depends on the CFM delivered and
ranges from 1100 cfm to 2250 cfm.
To select a particular size of KVS unit, the designer needs to know the type
of cooking equipment installed in a given kitchen and its size. Types of cooking
equipment are summarized in Table 8 following.

Note 1: There are three VM KVS models available. These are the KVS-5,
the KVS-6 and KVS-8. Referring to the table of cooking equipment, a KVS-5
can satisfy a cooking load for a maximum of 2 appliance; a KVS-6 for 3
appliances; and a KVS-8 for 4 appliances. See also the Codes and Specifications
Note 2: A recirculating hood system must meet the requirements of NFPA
96, Chapter 10 and be tested and listed as per U.L. 197-1994 for integral
recirculating systems for commercial electric cooking appliances. A clean air
EPA 202 test must also be passed using the specific cooking equipment being
used with the system.

Fire Protection Equipment

Fire Protection Equipment

Fire protection and control is an integral part of any kitchen ventilation system.
The subject is specifically addressed in the NFPA Standard, which requires fire
extinguishing equipment for the protection of grease extraction devices and
cooking equipment. NFPA 96, however, is not the only standard local regulatory
authorities apply to commercial kitchen systems.
Automatic fire extinguishing systems are an increasingly common feature
of modern kitchen ventilation systems. Indeed, most codes require that automatic
fire protection systems form part of the ventilation system. This system must not
only provide fire protection, but also automatic disconnection of the fuel supply
to the cooking equipment if a fire occurs.
The three primary types of fire protection systems are dry chemical, wet
chemical and water sprinkler, which are summarized here.

Dry chemical systems

The chemical most often used in a dry system is a sodium bicarbonate based
material. In this type of system, the chemical suppresses the flame and reacts
with the grease to form a foam, which prevents the grease and vapors from
escaping to the atmosphere. The dry chemical system is being replaced by the
more efficient and cost effective wet chemical system and will soon be removed
from the field for new installations.

Wet chemical systems

In contrast, wet chemical systems most commonly use a potassium carbonate,

potassium acetate, or CO2 based formulation. The wet chemical is similar to the
action of dry chemical in suppressing the flame and preventing or retarding the
escape of grease vapors to the atmosphere.
Both wet and dry chemicals are effective fire extinguishing agents, but
both have several disadvantages. The most obvious is that, following
Ventilation Systems

activation and suppression of the fire, the cooking line requires thorough
cleaning to restore it to an operating condition. As a result, the down time can
be lengthy. Also, to conform to fire regulations, the chemical agent must be
replaced before a resumption of cooking. If a reflash occurs, there is no agent
left to discharge a second time. Also the system discharges all at once over the
entire cooking bank.

Water sprinkler systems

A water mist sprinkler installation is a preferred means of providing fire

protection in a kitchen. Water mist sprinkler systems are easily interconnected
to a building's sprinkler system. A fire detecting element fitted in each of the
system's nozzles guarantees that water comes from an activated nozzle only.
Once the fire is extinguished, the water supply is easily shut off by means of the
hand operated valve in the control cabinet.
Once activated and the fire suppressed, clean-up is quick, easy and
simple with, as a consequence, a minimum down time of the cooking line.
The general requirements for fire suppression systems are:
C The system is to be connected to the building sprinkler system.
C The minimum water pressure at the control cabinet must not be less than
40 psi.
C The maximum pressure at the cabinet must not exceed 175 psi.
C If the authority having jurisdiction accepts a water pressure greater than
175 psi, the contractor responsible for the sprinkler installation must
supply and install an approved pressure reducing valve.
C The minimum water flow required in gpm will depend on the pipe size of
the system. Refer to the pipe size chart -
C Table 9.
C The size of pipe required is determined by the number of nozzles (see
Table 10 in the Installation Section).

Figure 45 shows a general arrangement for a water sprinkler system and

specifies basic elements such as pipe size limitations.

Fire Protection Equipment

Pipe Max. Nozzles Min Model

size Nozzles Disch. GPM No.
1" 8 2 15 SU3-100
1 1/4" 12 4 30 SU3-125
1 1/2" 20 6 45 SU3-150
2" 30 8 75 SU3-200
1 1/4" Min. pipe size for venti- No. of
lators rquiring plenum and nozzles on
duct collar protection system

Table 9 - Pipe size chart

Size of sprinkler piping

determined by the Inspection test valve
Piping and wiring connections number of nozzles
between control panel, hood (1" min - 2" max.) Manual air vent
and cooking equipment by services
other than the equipment supplier

Wiring to building fire

alarm monitoring system
if so equipped

120V power supply

Sprinkler head nozzles

Number required will
depend on cooking
Water supply from equipment.
building sprinkler system

Connections for water wash

Water-mist control panel control panel and fire stat.
Surface or recessed relay if a water-wash hood
mounting is installed

Space occupied by
cooking equipment
Warning lights & alarm horn per project specifications
Green "Power On" (supplied by others)
Green "System operational"
Amber "Low water pressure"
Amber "Hand valve open"
Red "Fire alarm"

Figure 45 - Water-Mist protection system

Ventilation Systems

Surface fire protection

The number of nozzles required in a fire suppressor system depends, of course,

on the variety and number of items of cooking equipment.
VM calculates the number of nozzles required and designs each system to
meet the cooking bank lay-out requirements.


The sprinkler nozzle is an important part of any fire protection system. Table
10 (see the Installation Section) gives hydraulic data based on the size of
piping and number of nozzles in a system.
For installation, nozzle settings and related information, refer to Figure 47
in the next section, Installation.

Fire dampers

There is considerable divergence of opinion among various code authorities,

inspectors, engineers, consultants and manufacturers on the need for and
effectiveness of fire dampers in commercial cooking exhaust hoods.
There are two bodies of opinion on the use of dampers. The first is that
U.L. listed and properly installed dampers can contain a fire and that the
mechanism will not permit the ambient air temperature in the exhaust duct work
to rise above 365oF. This parameter is established under U.L. Standard 710 and
VM products listed under this evaluation have passed this requirement. Here the
intent is to contain a fire within the hood or a portion of the exhaust duct work
to avoid transfer of the fire into adjoining areas of the building. This minimizes
fire damage and is some insurance against loss of life, particularly in
multi-story buildings.
The second body of opinion is to install exhaust systems and not to permit
a damper of any kind, so as to allow the fire and smoke to escape through the
exhaust duct to give building occupants more time to leave the building. This
approach relies strictly on the construction of the duct, the rated duct shaft
enclosure, and the ability of the building to contain the fire until it is
extinguished. The principle behind this approach is that loss of life occurs
through smoke inhalation much sooner than by any fire in a building.

Fire Protection Equipment
Manufacturers of fire extinguishing systems recommend that the fire
suppressant agent be drawn through the duct work to help choke any fire, which
suggests the non-damper approach to dealing with the outbreak of fire.
Nevertheless, a U.L. listed hood can serve its function (that is, having the
damper mechanism operate) and still allow the fire suppressant chemical to
disperse in the duct work beyond the damper as well.
The VM fire damper (see Figure 46) uses a fusible link to actuate the
movement, not electrical power. This means the damper will operate even if the
electrical power is lost. The hood and fusible link damper has been approved
by Factory Mutual Research and is listed as a fire barrier by the New York
Board of Standards and Appeals.
This use of fire dampers is substantiated by NFPA Bulletin #96 to permit
the use of dampers if specifically listed as such or when part of an approved
VM's opinion on the use of dampers is that listed products are the best
insurance of safety and reliability. When a system incorporates a non-damper
arrangement, the construction of the exhaust duct work and duct enclosure
becomes considerably more important.
When fire occurs and the extinguishing system fails, dampers can control
fire, allow more time for people to evacuate the kitchen, and give a measure of
protection to the rest of the building until outside fire fighters arrive. In short,
an investment in proven products that exceed the minimum requirements of
codes ensures safety to the owner and employees.

Listed grease extractors

National fire codes have for many years included provision for the use of listed
grease extractors. Recognizing the extensive fire severity testing performed on
listed equipment, fire codes grant specific exceptions regarding the fabrication
and installation of water wash grease extractor hoods.
Fire severity tests performed under U.L. Standard 710 evaluate the
ability of the ventilator to contain a surface fire beneath the hood canopy. One
test requires that the exhaust plenum and 36 of the connecting grease duct be
coated with 0.3 lbs of grease per sq. ft. of the interior surface. Subjected to a
surface fire, the plenum grease is allowed to ignite. For the duration of

Ventilation Systems

the test there may be no separation of seams or undue buckling of the unit. No
flames or temperatures in excess of 375oF may enter the exhaust duct at any
The U.L. test is conducted without the use of water, the assumption being
that a fire could render the water wash function inoperable. For this reason, the
U.L. listing does not require the grease extractor to go into a wash down
mode during a surface fire.
Fire marshals, building inspectors and specifiers in some areas do require
that the wash function be energized simultaneously with the fire protection
system. There are several ways of achieving this function. They are:
1 Specify a control panel that interconnects to the fire protection panel. When
it is specified, VM adds a firestat relay to the control panel. Wired in the
field, the relay allows an external control circuit to energize the wash timer.
(Specify 120V AC, 24V AC, or 24V DC.)

2 Specify a microswitch option with the fire protection system. This will be
supplied with the unit for installation by the fire protection or electrical

3 Specify that the electrical contractor provides a separate control circuit

(120V AC unless otherwise specified) to the fire protection panel. From
there the contractor should provide a 2-wire service to the ventilator control
panel and the cooking equipment disconnect.

For detail regarding the inter-connections between the ventilator control panel
and the fire protection panel refer to the Installation Section under Listed
grease extractors, electrical controls.

Automatic duct protection

Fire protection of ducts equipped with dampers is by means of fusible links that
monitor the exhaust temperature at the duct collar. Rated to activate at 280oF,
the fusible link will cause the damper to close.





Clients, kitchen consultants and general contractors install equipment using

personnel other than those available from the equipment supplier. In those
instances, and to guide those who might be required to install Vent Master
Ecoloair Filtration Systems, we offer these mechanical and electrical
installation procedures.


Make sure that the exhaust duct work installed between the ventilator and the
Ecoloair unit conforms to the NFPA 96 Standards.
All duct work downstream of the Ecoloair unit fire damper shall conform to the
applicable ASHRAE guidelines and local codes.
C All duct connections to the unit must be transitioned to the full opening at
the unit inlet and outlet openings.
C All duct work between the ventilator, the Ecoloair unit, and downstream
of the unit is by others.
C Maintain a minimum 30 clearance on the access panel side of the unit for
servicing and replacement of the filter.
C Install the filters in the correct sequence (see the Section on Grease
Removal Devices) and make sure the panels are properly seated against
the filter support frame.
C Remove the fan spring isolator hold-down brackets before starting the
exhaust fan. The brackets are used for shipping purposes only. When the
brackets are removed, the exhaust fan should float freely on the spring
isolators. Make sure the fan does float freely.

Ventilation Systems

C A qualified structural engineer should verify that the structure will support
the additional load and provide the qualification details. This applies to all
applications: roof mounted, ceiling suspended or any other form of
mechanical structural support.
C Provide suspended units with a service platform along the entire length of
the unit. Service platforms supplied by others should provide a minimum
clearance of 30 for servicing access as specified for replacing the filter.
C Maintain a minimum clearance of 6 between modular units when they are
mounted piggy-back.


Connect the incoming 3-phase, 60 cycle power supply to the main disconnect
of the fan starter of the exhaust fan section.
The electrical power rating shown on the control panel will determine the size
of the power cable, which must conform to the applicable electrical codes.
C For particular installations, refer to the wiring diagrams included in the
package of shop drawings shipped with the unit and make the following
electrical connections. (Additional copies of shop drawings are usually
available on request.)
Use 120V 14 gauge (min.) AWG wire for control wiring connections between
panels. It is, however, necessary to check that wiring used for field connections
conforms to the applicable local electrical codes.
C Through conduit run between the exhaust fan cabinet panel and the
pressure sensor enclosure on the filter section, make the control wire
connections as shown on the wiring diagram supplied.
C Make the wiring connections through appropriate conduit between the
exhaust fan cabinet and the Ecoloair control panel as shown in the wiring
C Connect the utility terminals in the enclosure panel to the numbered
terminals in the Ecoloair control panel.
C Connect the field wiring from the Ecoloair control panel to the ventilator
control panel or disconnect switch, whichever is applicable as shown

on the wiring diagram.

C If the installation includes an optional Energy Reclaim Section, connect
the field wiring between the exhaust fan cabinet panel to the energy
reclaim section supply fan, making the connections between corresponding
numbered terminals as shown on the wiring diagram.

Sound levels

Workers and the general public are becoming increasingly concerned with noise
pollution in all its forms: blaring radios, Musak systems, loud machinery,
engine noises, aircraft near airports. Conscious of the need to eliminate
unnecessary noise in its equipment, VM has designed its Ecoloair system for a
smooth-running minimum noise operation and has available acoustic insulation
options; (consult the factory if required).
Some local codes and regulations may not permit connection to the building
domestic water system. This needs investigating. If the connection is not
approved, operation of the fire suppressor system might trip the low water
pressure switch, shut down the equipment, and register an alarm. The water
pressure must be constant and uninterrupted.

Sprinkler nozzles

The positioning and setting of sprinkler nozzles varies from one type of cooking
equipment to another. Particular features follow for each type of ventilator or
item of cooking equipment. Table 10 is a nozzle temperature rating chart.

Canopy ventilator

Figure 47 illustrates the important setting and positioning features of sprinkler

nozzles in the canopy drop ventilator. Accurate leveling and positioning of the
nozzle frame below the lower edge of the ventilator face is essential.

Ventilation Systems

Install a VM fire suppressor system by following this general procedure,

making sure there is compliance with all local codes, ordinances and


Connect a 110V AC single phase power supply to terminals noted in the control
panel wiring diagram. For terminal connections to the cooking equipment
shutdown device (not supplied by VM), for 120V AC connections to the
waterwash control panel (but omit if the ventilators are filter-type hoods), and
for a signal line from the suppressor panel to the building fire alarm monitor
circuit, refer to the control panel wiring diagram.



Piping for the suppressor manifold is sized according to the number of nozzles
required. The suppressor system, complying with the requirements of NFPA 13,
is for incorporation in the building sprinkler system. For this reason, the
sprinkler contractor will need to review the water requirements and number of

Note: VM duct and plenum nozzles are rated at 325EF. For special
applications or for equipment not shown in this chart, consult the factory.
Nozzles have a 1/4" orifice.

Backshelf ventilator

Duct and plenum protection is required for dry-type hoods only when surface
protection is needed or when local codes and regulations specify it. (See
Figure 48.)

Ventilation Systems


Positioning of the nozzle must be within a 6 area of the nozzle plane,

as shown in Figure 49, with the center of the plane 3 back from the
center point of the fryer. The mounting height of the nozzle is 24 min.
to 42 max. as measured from the fat surface to the nozzle deflector.

Ranges, griddles, hot tops and hot plates

For any of these types of equipment or combination of them one nozzle will
cover up to 6 ft of equipment length. The nozzle mounting dimensions are as
shown in Figure 50. The head temperatures are summarized in Table 11.

Ranges, griddles, hot tops and plates with high shelves

The rules for positioning a nozzle above the ranges, griddles, hot tops and plates
apply when those types of cooking equipment are equipped with high shelves.
The only difference is that the nozzle must be within the 6 square area starting
1 in front of the high shelf and centered left to right
over the equipment. Similarly, the mounting height is 24 min. to 42


max. as measured from the cooking surface to the nozzle deflector (see Figure
51). For the head temperature range, refer to Table 11.

Salamander broiler

Each salamander broiler requires a nozzle. This must be positioned within the
nozzle plane area 1 to 3 below the broiler compartment opening and between
0 to 3 in front of the opening. See Figure 52, which includes the applicable
head temperature information.

Ventilation Systems

Upright broiler

One nozzle is required for each compartment of an upright broiler, each nozzle
being positioned in the same place specified for the salamander broiler (see
Figure 53).

Tilt fry pan

A tilt fry pan up to 48 wide requires one nozzle positioned within the nozzle
plane 6 square area, starting 1 in front of the fry pan center and centered
left to right. The head temperature is 175oF.
A fry pan cover in the upright position may require a different
nozzle location. This is best determined by checking the clearance when the
cover is moved from the closed to the open position (see Figure 54).


Conveyor broiler

Conveyor broilers require three nozzles, one for each conveyor opening
positioned within a 6 square area nozzle plane and the third for the exhaust
opening. The plane is 1 to 2 below the bonnet or opening flush with the end
of the bonnet and centered left to right on the end of the broiler (see Figure 55).

Plenum protection for hoods

One nozzle protects up to 10 ft. of plenum length, the nozzle to be positioned

in the center of the plenum, left to right, and 2 1/2 away from the back of the
plenum. Two nozzles are required for a plenum of between 10 ft. and 20 ft in
length. The nozzles are to be positioned 1/4 of the total length from each end of
the plenum and 2 1/2 from the back of the plenum. See the threeviews shown
in Figure 56.

Duct collar 1" pipe 1" pipe

1" pipe

Max. 10' 0" A' 2xA A'

Front elevation 10' 0" to 20' 0"
Front elevation
2 1/2" +/- 1/2"
1 1/2" to 2 1/2"

Top of pipe
Make sure top of
pipe clears swing
of damper

Section at pod
Figure 56 - Plenum protection

Ventilation Systems

Duct protection for hoods

Duct protection is required only when it is specified or required by local

One nozzle will protect a duct with a maximum dimension of any side
not exceeding 30. The nozzle should be positioned in the center of the duct
within 1 min. to 12 max. from the top of the damper blade.
Ducts 31 and larger on any side require two nozzles positioned at
quarter points from sides not equipped with a damper and from the top of the
plenum. Ducts fitted with nozzles require service access doors of adequate
size, grease and water tight, and of approved construction (see Figure 57).
Test valve arrangement

Each suppressor control cabinet requires one test nozzle positioned at the most
remote ventilator after the last sprinkler head of the system. In Figure 58, the
water-wash hood is shown in solid lines, the filter hood arrangement in broken

Fire system certification

The sprinkler contractor or an agent of the local fire authority is responsible for
certifying the fire system. A manufacturer is not responsible for testing or
certifying the system. Most codes require that fire systems be tested and
recertified annually. A manufacturer is not liable for problems attributable to
water pressure, installation, testing or certification.

Listed grease extractors, electrical controls

The Fire Protection Equipment section deals with specified requirements of

control systems concerning the control circuit to simultaneously energize wash
function of listed grease extractors with the fire protection system. Figure 59
and Figure 60 outline typical wiring interlocks with exhaust hood water wash
panels and cooking equipment shutdown interlocks.


Ventilation Systems


Ventilation Systems



Cyclo-wash and Cyclo-Maze wash

As with any grease extraction unit, it is important to clean and maintain the
equipment because accumulated grease poses a serious fire risk.
If a ventilator hood is not properly maintained, accumu- lated grease
becomes a serious fire hazard.

Automatic cleaning

Grease accumulates in the extractor unit during operation, so the cleaning of the
interior surfaces is part of the cleaning cycle.
When the STOP push button on the Cyclo Wash unit is operated, the
exhaust fan and cold water solenoid are switched off, a pre-set timer energizes
the hot water solenoid and detergent pump system for a short cleaning cycle.
The hot water and detergent mixture is sprayed through a series of nozzles to
scour the interior of the unit.

C Clean the exterior of the ventilator.

C Check the water nozzles to make sure they are working properly.
C Check the detergent container (inside the control panel) and keep it topped up with
detergent. (See the control panel manual for the correct use of detergent.) Note:
VM control panels have a low level detergent alarm.

Ventilation Systems

C Clean the water line strainers: on both hot and cold water models, if water nozzles
become clogged with scale, remove and immerse them in vinegar for half an hour.
C Check that the solenoids and relay click when the START and STOP pushbuttons
are energized.
C Pour a pint of full strength detergent in the bottom of each ventilator section and
let it sit overnight.
C Check the duct work.

Twice a year
C Thoroughly clean the unit and related duct work to remove grease. A commercial
cleaning service is recommended for this work. The frequency of cleaning will
depend on the type of operation being used.

Non-water wash hoods

Daily/weekly as required

C Use hot water and detergent to clean the ventilator and remove any surface grease.
C Remove and clean the access panels to inspect and clean the interior of the unit.
C Clean the grease collection pans.

Twice a year
C Thoroughly clean the unit and related duct work to remove grease. A commercial
cleaning service is recommended for this work. The frequency of cleaning will
depend on the type of operation being used

General requirements for start-up

C To help maintain the equipment warranty, obtain an authorization number from the
Service Department before starting up the equipment following installation.
C To make sure the service technician is on site at the right time, contact the job site
manager and the dealer for coordination.
C Have the correct drawings available for the equipment start-up.
C The system cannot be fully checked if the kitchen is already in operation. If this
is the case, contact the Service Department for instructions.
C Thoroughly check the system, the ventilators, ducts, air passages, water strainers
and control panel for foreign material: dirt, tape, fabric, tools.


Control panel
1. The control panel is wired with 18-gauge wire and has a 3AG 8
amp fuse. The incoming power line is a field connection at
terminals 1 & 2. Check that there is 120V AC between terminals 1
& 2.

2. For all field connections to terminals and interlock functions always

refer to the project's shop drawings and control wiring diagrams.

3. Control panels are for cold water mist and hot wash as well as for
hot water only.
4. Usually, the water wash control panel governs operation of the
exhaust fan to make sure the fan stops during the wash cycle. Some
units, however, may be controlled by a remote control station or
building management system.
5. The detergent line (plastic tubing in the panel) should be connected
to the main hot water feed to the hoods. This should be on the
secondary side of the panel and the vacuum breaker.
6. Check that the cold water pressure at the panel is at 20 psi. of the air
7. The recommended hot water pressure is 30 psi. At pressures above
40 psi, safety requires the system be fitted with a pressure regulator
if one was not ordered with the unit.
8. The recommended hot water temperature is in the range 140oF and
180oF. Operating the unit below this recommended range means
that the system will not properly clear out grease; above the upper
limit of the range, grease may be baked on to metal surfaces.
9. Cold water mist in the hood [distributed from the lower row of
nozzles] greatly improves grease removal.
10. The RUN switch and the momentary switch will open the cold
water solenoid, and start the fan and mist.
11. When the switch is in the wash position, the momentary switch
drops out the cold water solenoid and stops the fan. The hot water
and detergent pump are activated.

Ventilation Systems

12. The wash cycle is adjustable from 0 to 10 minutes (2 minutes for

cold water mist models and up to 10 minutes for hot water wash
only models).

13. The detergent pump has a LOW DETERGENT pressure switch

which, if there is no cleaner in the container, causes a buzzer to
sound. The pump stops almost immediately. If, however, detergent
is flowing through the line and the buzzer is still sounding, it may
be necessary to adjust the setting of the adjustment screw under the
switch cover.
14. Tighten the detergent line fittings by hand only. Over-tightening can
cause leaks.
It is a good idea to insulate all cold water pipes to help avoid
condensation build up and dripping in warm, humid kitchen spaces.



Anyone who works on the design and selection of equipment in commercial

kitchen operations needs a general knowledge of the principles involved. The
purpose of this section is to discuss the factors that affect ventilation system
design. The section includes these subsections:
C Types of filtration technologies
C Types of installations and available options
C Assessing space and operating factors
C Factors that govern choice
C The development and use of space
C Energy management, efficiency and costs

Types of filtration technologies

The majority of kitchen ventilation systems - the 1995 ASHRAE Handbook on

heating, ventilation and air-conditioning applications puts this at 90 per cent
-depend on the grease removal device in the hood for effluent control. For the
most part, effluent controls are mounted on the roof of food service facilities.
Currently, common practice is to carry the effluent from the hoods through the
ducts and then to treat the effluent components. NFPA 96 specifies minimum
velocities in ducts to minimize grease build-up. The trend, however, is to
develop effective effluent control immediately following the hood to reduce the
fire hazard by limiting the spread of the grease contaminant. This can reduce
duct cleaning costs, especially in multi-story buildings and in multiple-hood
systems. Additionally, it could reduce strict construction requirements for fans
and ductwork once the fire safety of the components has been proven. The 1995
ASHRAE Handbook strongly advises designers to pay special attention to
effluent control equipment that traps grease in the removal device.
Full effluent control requires the control of grease in its solid, liquid

Ventilation Systems

and vapor state, other solids, and volatile organic compounds (cooking odors).
Failure to remove the grease first will result in the fouling of the odor control
Grease removal starts in the hood with the grease removal devices such as
baffle filters. The more effective these are, the less necessary it is to install
additional equipment downstream of the hood. The next device is almost always
another grease removal device to capture the remaining grease. The odor
removal device follows.
Grease extraction filters are tested and listed for their ability to limit, but
not totally prevent, flame penetration into the hood plenum and duct, not for
their ability to extract grease. Research shows that grease particles are so small
(less than 20 m diameter) that they are aerodynamic and not easily removed
by the centrifugal impingement principle usually used in grease extraction
The following summarizes the filtration technologies available today and
applied to varying degrees for control of cooking effluent. Quoted from the
earlier referenced 1995 ASHRAE Handbook, they are listed in common order
of use with particulate control upstream of the VOC (volatile organic
compounds) controls.

Water mist, waterfall, and water bath: The water forms a barrier that
mechanically entraps the particulates as the effluent stream passes by.
C Bath types have a high static pressure loss.
C Spray nozzles need attention to deal with the build-up of scale.
Watermay need to be softened to minimize clogging.
C Drains can become blocked if the system is not maintained.

Electrostatic precipitators (ESPs): Particulate removal is by high-voltage

ionization, then by collection on flat plates.
C In a greasy environment, collected grease can build up on the plates in
the precipitator. As the build-up increases and the cell gets dirtier, the
efficiency drops because the build-up reduces the spacing between the
collection plates and drops the resistance, causing arcing and reducing
C Cleaning is difficult and expensive.

Pleated or bag filters of natural and synthetic fibers: Very fine particulate
removal is by mechanical filtration. Some types have an activated carbon face
coating for odor control.
C These filters become blocked if too much grease enters.
C Static loss builds with extraction, and airflow drops.
C Almost all filters are disposable.

Active carbon filters: VOC control is through adsorption by fine activated

charcoal particles.
C Require a large volume and thick bed to be effective.
C Heavy and can be difficult to clean and replace..
C Expensive to change and recharge. Many now are disposable.
C Quickly ruined if they become grease coated or subjected to water.
C Some concern about increased fuel hazard in fire.

Oxidizing pellet bed filters: VOC and odor control is by oxidation of gaseous
effluent into solid compounds.
C Require a large volume and long bed to be effective.
C Heavy to handle and can be difficult to clean.
C Expensive to change.
C Increased oxygen available in a fire is of some concern.

Incineration: Particulate, VOC, and odor control is by high-temperature

oxidation (burning) into solid com- pounds.
C Must be at system terminus and clear of combustibles.
C Expensive to install with adequate clearances.
C Can be difficult to access for service.
C Expensive to operate.

Catalytic conversion: A catalytic or assisting material, when exposed to

relatively high-temperature air, provides additional temperature that is adequate
to decompose (oxidize) most particulates and VOCs.
C Requires high temperatures (260oC minimum).
C Expensive to operate because of high temperature requirement.

In addition, for fire safety, grease should be eliminated entirely or drained from
the duct to a safe container.

Liquid odor control systems: Dispense a powerful odor eradicator into the

Ventilation Systems

cooking exhaust air on a continuous programmed cycle. This mist spray of

atomized particles permeates the exhaust air, attacks and neutralizes airborne
odors and the bacteria that cause odors. The odor control system works
continuously while the exhaust fan is operating.
C Requires regular replacement of solution.
C Will work with organic odor molecules only.

Exhaust system terminations

Rooftop terminations are preferred because the discharge can be directed away
from the building, the fan is at the end of the system and is accessible. The
common concerns with rooftop terminations are:

C The discharge of the exhaust system should be arranged to minimize

re-entry of effluent into any fresh air intake or other opening to any
building. This requires not only a separation of the exhaust from
intakes, but also knowledge of the direction of the prevailing winds.
Some codes specify a minimum distance to air intakes.
C If a fire occurs, neither the flames, nor the radiant heat, nor the dripping
grease should be able to ignite the roof or nearby structures.
C All grease from the fan or the duct termination should be collected and
drained to a remote closed container to preclude ignition.
C Rain water should be kept out of the exhaust system and especially the
grease container. If this is not possible, then the grease container should
have a design that separates the water and grease and drains the water
back onto the roof. Figure 63 shows a roofing upblast utility set with
a stackhead fitting, which directs the exhaust away from the roof and
minimizes rain penetration. Discharge caps should not be used because
they direct the exhaust back toward the roof and can become fouled with
Outside wall: The fan of a wall termination may or may not be the terminus of
the system, located on the outside of the wall. The common concerns with wall
terminations are:
C Discharge from the exhaust system should not be able to enter any fresh
air intake or other opening to any building.
C Adequate clearance from combustibles must be maintained.

Upper stack held off from

C Duct sections should pitch back to the hood inside, or a grease drain should
lower stack 10 mm ON ALL
SIDES. Bracket upper
stack to lower stack.
be provided to drain the grease back into a safe container inside the
building to prevent grease from draining down the side of the building.
4 Dh
C The discharge must not be directed downward or toward any pedestrian
150 mm min.
For round duct, Dh = D.
Louvers should be designed to minimize grease extraction effects and to
For rectangular duct,
Dh = (H + W/2) prevent staining the building facade.
Reducer if necessary to C To ensure clean, safe exhaust discharge, an approved air filtration device
increase stack velocity
to disperse effluent should be added in the duct system.
Upblast utility set

Source: 1995 ASHRAE

Applications Handbook (SI)
Types of installations

Figure 63 In the introductory chapter to this manual we touched on the types of buildings
in which commercial kitchen operations are conducted. These include high-rise
buildings of various architectural designs, some suited for venting to the roof
and some not. Historical sites, food courts, existing buildings such as hospitals,
schools and penitentiaries all present the designer with features and factors not
found elsewhere.
Although each site requires separate assessment, study and treatment the
following illustrates some of the problems encountered and factors to take into
In general, considering both traditional and non- traditional sites, a number
of options are available to the designer. Options 1, 2 and 3 following illustrate
three of these.

An existing installation

Roof-mounted exhaust and make-up air systems are installed to meet the
applicable codes. The design shown in Figure 64 exhausts 100 per cent of the
required air volume and replaces 80 per cent of the make-up air directly back
into the kitchen using outdoor air through some type of ventilation unit, which
possibly provides heat, air conditioning and free cooling.

Ventilation Systems

E/A Exhaust air 100%

HVAC unit
The exhaust system serves several functions. Exhaust fan 80% fresh air
The system removes grease-laden vapors as
per the codes. Local and NFPA
It also removes kitchen cooking, preparation Code requirements
and serving odors.
It provides general ventilation and air change 20%
required in all kitchens. transfer
Exhaust hood Maximum 80%
Keeps the kitchen under a negative pressure to Odors make-up air
contain all odors within the space. Grease, odors & heat

Cooking Serving Preparations

Figure 64 - An existing installation

Option #1 If there is adequate general ventilation available from the HVAC system for that space, a re-cir
culation, exhaust air cleaning unit for the kitchen operation may be the answer, as shown inFigure 65.

Exhaust air of Fresh air inlet of

general building general building
system system
Adequate general ventilation from the building
system for the space should:
remove heat and odors from the cooking
Preparation and serving areas of the kitchen; Inlet air
provide the required air changes; and Clean, recirculated Return air
prevent kitchen odors from being carried to air
building areas beyond the kitchen space.

Cooking Serving Preparations

Figure 65 - Exhaust air cleaning unit

Option #2 If there is no existing exhaust-ventilation system in the building or it is not available for kitchen
operations, cleaned exhaust air can be vented through an exterior wall for low level exhaust asFigure 66

Cooking operations using a

VM recycle hood, which
has capacity and power to
Transfer air from surrounding areas can be Clean exhaust air add ductwork for serving
used to provide the required air changes. Low level exhaust and preparation operations

Transfer air

Cooking Serving Preparations

Figure 66 - Exterior wall ventilation


A VM recycle hood system returns 70% to 80%

of the air directly back into the existing system

Option #3 If the only available exhaust is through exist

ing ductwork with low volume capacity, then the recycle Existing ductwork for other systems
option may be able to be used on the air cleaning unit. Making use of a VM recycle
Containment of odors and the build up of heat needs to 30% to 50% hood with a direct recirculation
clean exhaust option
be considered with care. air 30% to 50% transfer
air or outdoor air

Cooking Serving Preparations

Figure 67 - Recycled ventilation

Options using clean air filtered systems

Option #4 Using an approved air cleaning system,
Clean exhaust air
operators can now exhaust out of the side of a building Low level exhaust
and owners will no longer be required to provide vertical Fan
fire-rated shafts and duct runs to 40 in. above the roof.
Figure 68 shows a clean, low level exhaust arrangement
in a single-story building. Odors Transfer

Cooking Serving Preparations

Figure 68 - Clean, low level exhaust


Option #5 The use of the low level exhaust arrangement

shown here means a wall exit can be used in a
multi-story building such as a tower block.

Figure 69 - Side wall exit in multi-story building

Ventilation Systems

Odor control
Factors that affect cooking exhaust odors are:
1 Food being cooked. Fish, chicken, sauces and marinades, garlic, etc.,
produce noticeable cooking odors.
2 How food is cooked. Broiling, frying, wok and saut produce smoke, steam
and vapors that carry odors. High heat, charring or burning may increase
odor production.


3 The number of meals cooked per day and actual cooking hours.
4 The volume of air in CFM exhausted from the kitchen.
5 The state of cleanliness of the ducts, hoods, cooking equipment and the
presence of rancid grease and garbage odors.

Liquid odor solution

The use of non-approved products in Ecoloair and Ecolo-spray odor-reducing

units voids the warranty on odor control and other components that may be
affected, including the fan and motor. The liquid solution works. It does not
clog the nozzle nor does it leave oil or harmful residue downstream of the odor

Special odor problems

The sense of smell is subjective. What one person finds pleasant another might
find unpleasant. When cooking odors collect in confined areas of buildings, in
cul-de-sac areas, courtyards and similar places one's sense of smell is
heightened. Otherwise pleasant cooking odors become offensive and present a
problem. This may have nothing to do with how good or bad the odor is as
much as the fact that the smell is inappropriate because it is retail space or
office or residential territory. The restaurant operator may wish to select
continuous spray settings on the odor control equipment as the preferred
option to handle tenant complaints or, even worse, health department citations
and law suits. In these circumstances, the use of filtration and odor-reducing
equipment may make the difference between being permitted to operate a
restaurant or not. In such cases, cost is of secondary importance.

Elements of ventilation design

Many factors affect the choice of a ventilation system that is right for a given
operation. Some are obvious from the options discussed for new and
non-traditional site problems encountered. One of the most important, however,
is cost. When cost is examined in terms of capital outlay and operating costs,
the whole concept of life cycle costing can be assessed in its proper perspective.
That is, a choice between high and low capital cost must be analyzed in

Ventilation Systems

relation to the life cycle cost to have meaning in terms of the whole economic
investment. For example, the cost of a conventional hood as compared with
an engineered ventilation system (EVS) pales into insignificance when the
initial savings are quickly lost in increased operating expenses. The same
reasoning can hold true for other major items of a system: the ducting,
extraction fans, grease extraction and controls.
Use of the available space for designing and installing an economic kitchen
ventilation system to manage the by-products of a cooking operation also
centers on basic elements. These are factors that affect the containment of
odors, equipment sizing and, by extension, the overall efficiency of the
operation. The elements are:
C The cooking equipment to be used
C The type of kitchen operation planned
C The ventilation and make-up air required
C Compliance with the regulations

Where does assessment begin?

Assessment begins with a thorough understanding of the facts, conditions and

circumstances of the particular case. A disciplined approach to research and
intelligent use of the results is the surest way of containing costs by making the
most economical decisions. It is recommended that kitchen designers and
consultants follow these recommendations.
Note and record all the operating parameters and limitations of the proposed or
available space. This applies to new and proposed, as well as existing, space
intended for conversion from some other function into a cooking operation.
What is the condition of the existing HVAC system? What structural
limitations are there for running ducts? What are the wall enclosure designs for
the cooking banks? What false ceiling space is available? These are the types
of questions to ask and answer.
Based on the type of cooking operation planned and the type and configuration
of cooking equipment to be used, calculate the exhaust air required; (see Air
Flow Section for the formula to calculate the exhaust air).


Calculate the make-up air required. This is where knowledge of the installed
HVAC system on an existing site is important. It is necessary to know the
volume of air delivered to the kitchen area by the HVAC system to calculate the
make-up air needed to offset the air exhausted from the kitchen.
The NFPA 96 Standard is an excellent source of reference for making sure the
ventilation equipment complies with national requirements.
All the factors so far discussed can and do present problems in applying
ventilation principles. Frequently, problems stem from inadequate assessment
of the proposed cooking operation and the majority arise from ignoring factors
that affect the ventilation equation in some way. Conditions vary from site to
site, so it is necessary to assess everything that can change them.
Odors are contained in the kitchen area by keeping the atmosphere under
negative pressure and then removing them through an exhaust hood using a
ventilation system of adequate capacity.
In energy management, it is necessary to calculate the minimum exhaust
required to permit efficient operation at the least cost. Energy costs money. The
less energy used to exhaust cooking vapors and provide make-up air, the lower
the operating cost. Efficient ventilation reduces operating costs and extends the
equipment's operating life. If, however, there is not enough exhaust air then the
kitchen space cannot operate efficiently and the cooking equipment will not
perform properly.
Many problems occur in renovations or the conversion of space to a kitchen
operation through insufficient attention to detail.
In a traditional site application a separate, kitchen roof-mounted exhaust
and make-up air system is fairly common. The design shown in Figure 64
exhausts 100 per cent of the required air volume for cooking exhaust and
replaces 80 per cent of the make-up air directly back into the kitchen, using
outdoor air. This is done through some type of ventilation unit that may provide
heat and cooling.
An installation of this kind does all the things a good design requires:
Ventilation Systems

C It removes grease vapor, heat and odors produced from the cooking
areas of the kitchen.
C It exhausts heat from other kitchen heat sources, including compressors,
toasters, lighting and hot food containers.
C It provides general ventilation and the required air changes specified by
health codes.
C It maintains the kitchen under negative pressure, to confine cooking
odors to the kitchen space.

The lay-out of cooking equipment is another important consideration in the

choice of the ventilation system. Equipment installed in an island pattern in
the central space of a kitchen has different air flow characteristics from ovens,
broilers and deep-fry units installed alongside a wall or other enclosed
arrangement. The designer must take the position of the cooking equipment into
account and note all wall enclosures for exhaust air volume requirements.


Within the boundaries of physical limitations and regulatory control, there is a

range of options in the choice of a ventilation system. Choice depends on the
shape and space of the kitchen area, the cooking equipment selected, restrictions
imposed by various authorities, and the in-built HVAC system.
We discuss the shape and limitations of various structures as governing
factors of choice in the next section. Even so, in most instances the choice of
a ventilation system ranges from the simple exhaust of cooking vapors to a
self-contained recirculating system requiring minimum make-up air. In all
instances fire protection is of prime importance.


Efficiency and costs

The life cycle cost of any electro-mechanical equipment has two main
components: the capital cost of the installation and its maintenance and
operating cost. Owners are concerned with the capital cost of the ventilation
system; the operator, however, in addition to paying for the installation, must
also consider the cost of upkeep and maintenance. Large chains that own and
operate commercial cooking operations concern themselves with the life cycle
cost of the installation.
Designers need to choose equipment based on a knowledgeable
understanding of the life cycle equation; will the client opt for a top-of-the-line
installation for the highest efficiency or be reconciled to something less? This
and similar questions are important and require answering. This is where
ventilation experts can help.
The efficiency of the system, its capital cost, and estimated operating cost
are important factors to consider when choosing equipment.

Factors that govern choice

Discussing the need for kitchen ventilation, we have dealt with the main
principles that affect ventilation. More particularly, what factors govern the
choice of a system? There are four main categories: structure and ecology; type
of cooking equipment; kitchen lay-out and equipment placement; and the type
of heating source used (gas, electricity or steam).

Placement of equipment

The placement of cooking equipment in the kitchen area dictates the type of
ventilation hood required to capture and contain the exhaust stream. The
combination of hood and equipment placement also influences the type and
capacity of the HVAC (heating, ventilation and air-conditioning) system.
Is the kitchen equipment in an island configuration? Is it placed against a
wall? In a corner? How does placement affect cfm calculations for ventilating
the space?

Ventilation Systems

Sound levels

The subject of equipment noise was discussed in the Installation Section, under
the subheading Sound Levels. It is worth repeating here. Noise is an especially
important consideration of ventilation systems about which kitchen designers
should be aware. Sources of noise in ventilation systems include:

C Inadequately-sized air inlet and exhaust ducting for type and size of fan
or fans installed.
C Poorly anchored duct runs that produce resonant vibrations in the
C Air leaks in ducting from poor mechanical joints.

Equipment specifications increasingly include limitations with regard to noise

levels as measured by a decibel meter against some standard.

Heat source

The source of heat used for cooking is relevant to the ventilation system. Gas
produces carbon dioxide, which may need additional exhaust capacity.
Electricity is comparatively expensive and steam needs humidity control.

Typical full-scale Restaurant Schematic

Figure 71 and Figure 72 shown overleaf are of a typical restaurant schematic

to illustrate possible design problems the designer needs to consider.
Figure 71 shows the physical lay-out of a drive-through restaurant, its
seating plan, entrances, exits, and service areas.
Superimposed on this lay-out are the key points to consider, as shown in
Figure 72. These include possible odor problems, the build- up of grease and
acids on the roof top exhaust fans and fresh air intakes of the HVAC equipment.


commercial and/or residential area
Street front

Entrance Optional outdoor Exit


Serving area
seating Drive through
pick up

Kitchen area


Delivery and
Washrooms services

Parking varies

Figure 71 - Layout of typical

drive-through restaurant

Figure 72 is the same lay out as shown in the

preceding Figure 71 illustration, but with seven key 1
points superimposed. These include possible odor Surrounding
problems, the build-up of grease and acids on the commercial and residential areas
roof-top exhaust fans and fresh air intakes of the
HVAC equipment. Table 17 summarises the possible
problems by type in the various areas.
Entrance Playground & Exit
2 pedestrians

3 entrances

Area Possible problems 4 Building HVAC air

intakes and equipment
Smoke Odor Grease
1 x x -
2 x x -
3 x x -
4 x x x Kitchen exhaust
5 5 discharge
x x x
6 x x x Roof
7 - 3 7 area
- x

Climate and
Table 17 prevailing winds 6

Figure 72 - Smoke, odor, grease design

considerations for outdoor areas

Ventilation Systems

Exhaust Hood Ventilation Design Checklist

Budget parameters [ ] Trim and finished ceiling Automatic wash down system
Type of ventilator required: [ ] Additional hood depth for If a water wash ventilation system
[ ] Self-cleaning (water wash) non-standard cooking equipment with more than a 60ft. hood is planned,
[ ] Dry slot type Exhaust demand sizing will the cleaning cycle be:
[ ] Conventional baffle filter type CFM requirements vary according to the [ ] Simultaneous operation
$ per linear ft. __________________ lay-out of the cooking equipment. For [ ] Independent/sequential
What codes and standards instance, if the layout consists of one operation
apply? heavy piece and several light pieces, one (This determines the number and type
[ ] U.L. may lower the nominal range of CFM of control panels required.)
[ ] BOCA used. The general rule for exhaust Architectural considerations
[ ] NFPA 96 Demand calculations is: [ ] Are there ceiling height problems?
[ ] NSF Light - 250 CFM/linear ft. [ ] Are there obstructions, such as
[ ] UL/ULC Medium - 300 CFM/linear ft. beams and colums?
[ ] UMC Heavy - 350 CFM/linear ft. [ ] If a wash-type ventilator is
[ ] SBCC (See Figure 34 in Airflow Section for planned, are the floor drains
[ ] AGA/CGA detailed calculations.) and grease traps suitable
[ ] Local codes _________ Low volume ventilation and of adequate capacity?
Equipment to be ventilated Depending on the architectural conditions [ ] Do the overhead structural
[ ] Junior range and local regulatory authorities, low conditions permit the
[ ] Ranges with open burners volume ventilation (150, 180, 210 proper erection of exhaust
[ ] Single-deck ovens CFM/linear ft.) may be appropriate. We ducting, plumbing, and gas
[ ] Steamers and kettles recommend that designers consult VM lines without interference?
[ ] Will the access doors,
[ ] Counter equipment, light duty engineering staff to see if this cost saving windows, elevators allow
[ ] Ranges option is suitable to the application. entry of the hood when
[ ] Deep fat fryers Type of hood the construction is completed?
[ ] Multi-deck ovens [ ] Wall mount [ ] Island mount [ ] Is there provision for utility
[ ] Single-deck broilers [ ] Canopy style raceways?
[ ] Multi-deck broilers [ ] Backshelf style [ ] Are the supporting walls
[ ] Salamanders Make-up air combustible?
[ ] Heavy duty counter equipment Is the supply air system for the kitchen
[ ] Tilting fry kettles exhaust hood to be provided by: (In some areas a 3" space is required
[ ] Solid fuel apppliances [ ] Room HVAC for hood walls. 3" space is standard on
[ ] Salamanders over range [ ] Ceiling grills and diffusers VM hoods for wall mounting.)
Type of fuel [ ] Tempered (front discharge
[ ] Gas method) from the hood
[ ] Electric [ ] Untempered supply air
[ ] Steam plenums, hood or ceiling mounted
[ ] Solid fuel (charcoal, mesquite) In cold climates make-up air tem-
Options to be included pered to 55 oF (min) is recommended.
[ ] Lights Type__________
[ ] Manifold and drains
[ ] Utility riser cut outs

Table 18 - Hood check list


Fire Protection Ventilation Design Checklist

Fire protection Type of fuel These points can serve as a
[ ] Will the fire protection [ ] Gas guideline to determine the client's
system be part of the [ ] Electric needs for an effective ventilation
ventilator specification? [ ] Steam system. As the project designs are
Check the type of fire protection [ ] Solid fuel (charcoal, completed, the issues and questions
system planned: mesquite) noted here will supplement the
[ ] Wet chemical (i.e. ANSUL Note planning function and ultimately
R- 102) To make certain that the client's needs result in client satisfaction.
(Liquid chemical systems are are met, a certified test and air balance
currently UL listed for charcoal or of the ventilation systems can be
solid fuels.) included in the project specification.
[ ] Water mist "suppressor" This work may be incorporated into
(If water mist is selected, the kitchen (Division 11) or mechani-
is there a sufficient water cal (Division 15) contract.
supply in the building fire
sprinkler system?)

EcoloAir Checklist
What codes & standards [ ] Are the required controls [ ] Temperature sensor in
apply? and sensors specified? the Energy Reclaim
[ ] U.L. Alarms? temperature Module?
[ ] BOCA controls? Filter pressure Note
switches? This is a checklist reminder of the
[ ] NFPA 96
Optional equipment applicable codes and standards, the
[ ] NSF main features needed to meet a
[ ] UL/ULC [ ] Does the unit include an particular client's needs. A detailed
[ ] UMC ecology reclaim system? specification for an Ecoloair assem-
[ ] SBCC [ ] If so, is the cfm, total static bly is provided in the Codes and
[ ] AGA/CGA pressure, power supply, fan Equipment Specifications
[ ] Local codes --------- motor HP and BHP specified? Section following.
Capacity & technical data [ ] Is the unit to be rooftop
[ ] Delivery in cfm -------- mounted, floor mounted or
[ ] Static pressure_-------- suspended above the ceiling?
[ ] Is the exhaust fan data covered? [ ] Is a mixing chamber and
[ ] HP of motor the type of filter specified
[ ] Fan RPM (i.e., a 2", 40% efficiency
[ ] Power supply voltage filter)?
[ ] Single phase or 3-phase [ ] Is a temperature controller
[ ] Are the filters and filter located in the control panel
efficiencies specified? specified?

Table 19 - Fire protection design checklist

Ventilation Systems

Exhausting multiple kiosks in food court applications

Food courts using multiple kiosks present designers with a number of

options for exhaust fan arrangements. Following are four possible
arrangements together with the advantages and disadvantages of each.
The comparison chart shown in Figure 73 following shows
typical food court exhaust requirements for a variety of food court
operations. Calculated exhaust requirements for a given food court
operation will depend on the size, type and capacity of the food service
operation. Nevertheless, the chart is a representative sampling of food
service operations.


Option A
System diagram and budget pricing
GEF exhaust The installation may require two or more shafts to balance the air flow
fans - ULC if the duct runs are too long or too difficult to size properly.
listed Budget Pricing:
Exhaust fan 16,000 cfm $?
Welded duct work and fire-rated enclosures ?
Indirect gas fired make-up air heater 16,000 cfm
rooftop unit ?
Installation cost for above equipment ?
Shaft requirements
Loss of rentable floor space for shafts ?
NFPA 96 welded
Relocation costs of exhaust fan and shaft extension .
& fire-rated
if additional floors are planned for the future ?
enclosed duct

Kiosk-mounted Figure 74
exhaust hoods

Option A
Central fan for all kiosks
Under this option, a single, roof-mounted fan connected to a main exhaust
duct serves each kiosk area via the branch ducts.
C It is the least expensive option.
C It saves space because a single duct requires less floor and ceiling space
for exhaust shafts and fire-rated enclosures as required by codes.
C Difficult to balance exhaust cfm of each kiosk, as balancing dampers are
not per- mitted in ducts.
C Difficult to change once installed: duct runs sized for originally
designed cfm and ducts welded.
C If one kiosk shuts down due to fire, the exhaust velocity may fall below
the minimum of 1,500 fpm allowed by code and require a shutdown of
the entire system.
C Local jurisdictions may not permit other kiosks to run when one is shut
through fire.
C A kiosk shut down by fire is not protected should fire occur in another
kiosk. On single fan systems, fire protection systems work as one and
shut off all equipment until the fire system is recharged.

Ventilation Systems

Option B
System diagram and budget pricing
GEF exhaust Future roof line requires relocation
fans - ULC of fan and NFPA shafts

Budget Pricing:
NFPA 96 welded
& fire-rated Exhaust fan complete with roof curb $?
enclosed duct Welded duct work and fire-rated enclosures ?
Indirect gas fired make-up air heater
16,000 cfm rooftop unit (central) ?
Installation cost for above equipment ?
Shaft requirements ?
exhaust hoods
Loss of rentable floor space ?
Future relocation costs for fans if required ?
Interlocking of exhaust fans ____
Figure 75

Option B
Separate exhaust for each kiosk
Under this option, each kiosk has a separate exhaust hood and roof-mounted fan.
C Easily balanced by adjusting the fan rpm.
C Easy to adjust provided ducts are sized to accommodate cfm changes within a
fixed range.
C As each kiosk operates independently, it does not need to be shut down for fire in
another unit.
C Supply and installation of multiple exhaust shafts and fans is expensive, although
its flexibility makes this the most commonly used system.
C Fans occupy a large roof area.
C Separate systems are too small to justify the cost of a future heat recovery
C The relocation of fans to accommodate changes in equipment lay-out is


C If a central make-up air system is used, exhausts should be interlocked to a timer
system. Alternatively, separate make-up air systems are needed for independent
operation. Independent operation requiring increased roof area is common, but
code exhaust outlets and make-up air inlets must be 10ft. apart.

Option C
System diagram and budget pricing
Roof-mounted ecology
exhaust unit (mount fan Future addition and duct
indoors if possible) extension (if required)

Standard duct work Standard duct work,

Future addition and - not NFPA welded ULC (Canada approved)
duct extension (if U.S. jobs require local
required) code authority approval
for non-welded ducting

Ecology filter box

(indoor mounted) NFPA welded and fire
rated enclosed duct
Kiosk-mounted work
exhaust hoods

Budget Pricing:
VM Ecology B-20 exhaust fan, 20,000 cfm roof mounted $?
VM Ecology EF-20 filter box, indoor mounted ?
VM odor control ?
Duct work - NFPA welded and standard ?
Indirect gas fired make-up air heater, 20,000 cfm rooftop unit ?
Installation costs of this equipment ?
Extra cost to add heat recovery section (optional) ?
Benefits to add odor control ?
Savings to add future kiosks without relocating fans ?
Savings for duct cleaning and roof replacement ___
Figure 76

Option C
Central ecology system

The central ecology system option serves all kiosks in much the same manner
as the common fan of Option A. The difference is the addition of the

Ventilation Systems

filter unit, which can be located indoors if need be.

The ULC listed ecology system eliminates grease and smoke from exhaust
air. Odor control is an optional addition. The use of an ecology unit eliminates
the need for roof top discharge of exhaust air as well as welded duct work on
the secondary side of the filter box. (In the U.S.A., check local codes for


C The exhaust air and ducts on the secondary side of the filter unit are
C Because the exhaust is clean, it can be discharged through a building
side wall and does not have to exit through the roof.
C The equipment is less expensive than separate filters (see Option D).
C A single shaft occupies less space than multiple shafts required for
Option B.
C Standard duct work between the filter box and building exit does not
require welding nor a fire-rated enclosure. (In the U.S.A., check local
codes for approval.)
C Heat recovery equipment can be added without the wash down feature.
C Increased fire safety can reduce insurance costs.
C Odor control is easily added.
C Reduced expense in installing a single exhaust duct.
C If a kiosk is added, additional filter boxes can be tied into the existing
C If a new level is added to the building, the ecology unit need not be
relocated. A duct extension will accomplish the change or be redirected
through a side wall.
C The cleaning of ducts is minimized.
C The discharged air is clean and grease free.


C Increased capital equipment cost.

C As with Option A, air balancing is difficult.


Option D
System diagram and budget pricing

Future addition and Roof-mounted ecology

duct extension (if exhaust unit (mount fan
required) indoors if possible)

Standard duct work Standard duct work,

Future EF-4 ecology Kiosk-mounted - not NFPA welded ULC (Canada approved)
systems filter boxes exhaust hoods U.S. jobs require local
code authority approval
for non-welded ducting

NFPA welded
duct work
Budget Pricing:
VM Ecology B-30 exhaust fan (total 8 units x unit price) $?
VM EF-4 Ecology filter boxes (total 8 units x unit price) ?
VM odor control mounted on roof ?
Duct work - NFPA welded and standard ?
Indirect gas fired make-up air heater Temprite TDM-20,
20,000 cfm rooftop unit ?
Installation costs of this equipment ?
Extra cost to add heat recovery section (optional) ?
Benefits to add odor control ?
Savings to add future kiosk ?
Savings for duct cleaning and roof replacement ?
Benefits to balance system easily ___
Figure 77

Option D
Central fan and separate filters

This option consists of a single roof-mounted exhaust unit and a separate

filter unit for each kiosk.


C Ducts and the exhaust air are clean.

C Standard duct work between the filters and fan need not be welded or
fire rated (as ULC approved in Canada; in the U.S., check local codes).
C With a 4,000 cfm filter box per kiosk, there is room for future
expansion. (The cost difference between 2,000 cfm and 4,000 cfm
filters is minimal, whereas the doubled capacity accommodates any type
of kiosk size.)
C A single main exhaust shaft occupying less space than multiple shafts
reduces costs.

Ventilation Systems

C Additional kiosks easily added.

C Future heat recovery and odor control easily added.
C Again, improved fire safety can reduce insurance costs.
C Kiosks are independently operable with fire protection shut down.


C Increased capital equipment cost.

It is not possible to recommend one of these options over another. The choice
made will depend on the particular circumstances of each application. Life
cycle cost analysis is an important part of any commercial kitchen plan
regardless of the size of the investment. The importance of cost analysis to the
project, however, increases with the level of the capital investment.
For example, Option C discusses the application of central ecology
systems. Their use may or may not be cost effective in single-story structures,
but have a clear advantage in multi-story structures with, perhaps, cooking
operations being conducted at the ground floor or mid-way up the building. In
this case, the expense of an ecology unit will compare favorably with fire-rated
shafts and ducting through many floors to the rooftop.

Filtration System

Ecoloair is the name VM has given to the modular air filtration system for use
in kitchens in which grease and smoke removal, environmental and odor
considerations are of paramount importance. The system contains three
sections: a filter section, an odor-reducing section, and an exhaust section. An
optional section for the Ecoloair filtration system, however, is an energy
reclaim section.
Handling capacities range from 1,000 cfm to 40,000 cfm, although larger
units are available. An Ecoloair unit is applicable:

C where pollution abatement and odor control are required;

C in existing buildings with no exhaust, fire-rated shaft or ducting
installed to enable a side wall discharge (that is, at a minimum of 10 ft
above grade);
C in newly constructed buildings where considerable savings result

if costly fire-rated shaft and duct connections to the roof of the building are
eliminated. The Ecoloair system allows the discharge of cleaned exhaust
through the ventilation shaft or via a side wall;
C where recycling cleaned exhaust air (maximum 80%) into the kitchen
area or ventilator is desired, thus creating savings in the reduction of the
amount of required conditioned make-up air and related equipment.
C when recycling cleaned exhaust air (80%) into the kitchen area or
ventilator, check local codes for approval.

Benefits of the Ecoloair system are:

C There is efficient removal of smoke, grease and odors.
C The unit's efficiency is 99% ASHRAE (on particulates down to 0.3
microns, 95% DOP).
C The system can be installed in the mechanical room, on the roof of the
building, or in ceiling space.
C Pre-wired panels, alarm disconnects, and controls ready for installation.
C The elimination of costly fire-rated ducts and shafts.
C Clean air duct work for use downstream of the system. (Check local
codes for approval.)

The modular construction of Ecoloair units allows consultants and ventilation

specialists to custom design a system to specific requirements. These are:

C To eliminate the odor control section when it is not required.

C To dispense with the exhaust fan section if an exhaust system already
exists and meets the manufacturer's approval.
C To hang the filter and odor sections in the ceiling space and install the
fan section in a mechanical room.
C To connect two or more filter sections into one exhaust fan section.

Control panels coordinate the operation of the ventilator and the Ecoloair
system. Turning the main switch on the Ecoloair control panel to the ON
position activates a separate control circuit in the ventilator wash control panel
or a regular motor starter when a dry ventilator is employed. Turning the wash
control panel switch to the RUN or ON position starts the exhaust fan.
Heated, grease-laden air is pulled through the ventilator and a high
percentage of grease is removed from the air stream through the baffled
Ventilation Systems

grease extraction system. The exhaust air is then ducted to the filter section
where it passes through a three-stage series of filters, with a final efficiency
rating of 99% as defined in ASHRAE Standard 52-76.
The air is then drawn through the odor-reducing section and sprayed with
an odor eradicator, then through the exhaust fan section and discharged through
the duct work system.
When the system includes the optional energy reclaim section, the heated,
cleaned exhaust air is mixed with untempered outdoor air through a series of
modulating dampers. A temperature-controlling sensor determines the mix for
the correct temperatures of return air to the kitchen area as make-up air. All the
heat needed to return comfort-controlled air back to the kitchen is reclaimed
from the exhaust air, leaving the customer with no additional fuel cost to heat
the kitchen supply air in winter. No supplementary heat is required, as a
temperature controller dictates the amount of heat desired for reclaim. In
summer, the mixing dampers automatically adjust to discharge all of the
cleaned exhaust air to the outside and bring in the required amount of fresh
outdoor air required for the kitchen.
Make-up air supply in a kitchen is normally based on a volume of 80% of
the exhaust volume. This leaves a negative pressure of 20% in the kitchen area,
containing cooking odors in the kitchen.
All fans, exhaust and supply, are sized to suit air capacity of the system,
including an appropriate allowance for external static pressure. In arriving at the
external static pressure for fan sizing, a dirty filter factor of 0.5 is added. This
will account for an average rating of the pressure increase over the three stages
of filters.
A modulating volume control is an available option in lieu of employing
an average dirty filter factor (see Typical Ecoloair Unit Selection).

Codes and Equipment Specifications

Codes and Equipment


Applicable codes & standards

A number of national codes and equipment labelling authorities regulate the

kitchen ventilation industry, as well as local jurisdictions. Several regions
require approvals for kitchen ventilation systems. Some authorities (The City
of New York, for example) require ventilators and related equipment to have
a Materials Evaluation (MEA) number. In other jurisdictions, departments of
public health issue requirements and guidelines for the design of kitchen
ventilation systems.
To assure clients that equipment selected, recommended and installed
meets local as well as national codes and standards, designers need to keep
informed of changing jurisdictional requirements. As a service to clients in this
regard, VM publishes its Stainless Report, which includes information on local
requirements. Here is a summary of the national codes and labelling authorities,
and their areas of interest.
VM has published a detailed cross reference chart for the major code
publications regulating kitchen ventilation equipment in its Stainless Report 29.
Copies of the chart are available on request.

Building regulatory provisions

Many codes and standards affect HVAC systems and energy use in the building
industry and, by extension, in kitchen ventilation systems. The following
observations represent a cross section of applicable documents reviewed in
North America.

1. Uniform codes of the International Conference of Building Officials

Ventilation Systems

(ICBO) are used as a basis for most codes west of the Mississippi River and
the state of Indiana.
2. National codes of the Building Officials and Code Administrators
International, Inc. (BOCA) are used as a basis for most codes east of the
Mississippi River, north of North Carolina and Tennessee, and in parts of
Oklahoma and Texas.
3. Standard codes of the Southern Building Code Congress International, Inc.
(SBCCI) are used as a basis for most codes east of the Mississippi River,
south of Kentucky and Virginia, and in parts of Texas.
4. State-developed codes apply in Wisconsin, New York, and Michigan.
5. The cities of New York, Chicago, Phoenix and Los Angeles apply their own
6. NFPA standards referenced in the preceding documents apply, as well as
being adopted directly by many state and local regulatory agencies.
7. Similarly, applicable national product standards referenced in the preceding
documents also apply.

Definition of cooking equipment as commercial cooking in applying these

regulatory codes and standards to commercial cooking ventilation will
determine the need for an exhaust hood and duct system. If none is required,
any by-products of the cooking will become an internal load of the building. If
a hood is required, the code may dictate the minimum exhaust, which will, in
turn, affect the amount of make-up air required or a listed hood assembly and
its exhaust requirements may be used.

The need for exhaust

Three questions are asked:

Under what conditions are commercial cooking exhaust systems and hoods
required by codes?
Is there a logical matching of effluent quantity or quality or both to the
required exhaust?
Can the exhaust be segregated to match different loads, or must the exhaust
be based on the worst case in the cooking facility?
Codes and Equipment Specifications

A review of these questions in relation to building codes finds:

1. Building regulatory criteria consistently require hoods and exhaust systems
if smoke and grease-laden vapors are produced by the cooking equipment.
There is no provision for considering the relative hazard based on quantity
of effluent.
2. In the most conservative building regulatory provisions, all equipment
associated with a commercial cooking operation may be served by a hood
and exhaust system.
3. Cooking equipment, food preparation, and other aspects of commercial
cooking operations that do not produce smoke- and grease-laden vapors
are not consistently, uniformly, or appropriately addressed. This is
primarily attributable to the failure to consider relative hazard in terms of
quantity, quality, and diversity of cooking effluent production.
4. In all but two instances, the applicability of hood/exhaust requirements is
uniform across all fuel types.
5. Fixed equipment is fully addressed, while portable equipment is less likely
to be regulated, although the latter can produce effluent needing exhaust.

Regional code requirements

Although VM products meet national standards of quality and performance,

several states and city authorities in the United States specifically require
manufacturers and suppliers to obtain approval for the installation and use of
kitchen ventilation systems. Vent Master has approval of its ventilation
equipment in New York City, Baltimore (Maryland), the State of Michigan,
Denver (City and County), Los Angeles, Nevada and Florida. Following is a
commentary on these special requirements.
New York, NY (BSA)
The City of New York requires ventilators to have an MEA number. The
procedure for receiving a file number requires an application, statement and
explanation of compliance with RS-13 (New York City code), and the
submission of complete technical data on products for which the MEA approval
number is required. The Materials Examiner reviews the information submitted
before the application goes in for acceptance. Products receiving an MEA
Ventilation Systems

number are listed and a copy is given to the product manufacturer. New
products installed in the City of New York require stickers bearing the MEA
number and a statement of compliance. Vent Master's MEA number is available
on request.
Baltimore, Maryland

Ventilators installed in Maryland must meet the Maryland Department of

Public Health Requirements for design of kitchen ventilation systems. Some of
its specific requirements are:
1. Capture velocity at the perimeter of the cooking equipment must be 50
2. The minimum distance for a canopy above the floor is 6.25 feet.
3. The minimum overhang is 12 inches.
4. Grease filters must be installed in T-bar mullions with spring clips.

This guideline also states air quantity requirements for wall and island hoods:
back shelf ventilators will use 250 cfm per linear foot. They require the total
make-up air to be 90% of exhaust quantity. The authority grants no prior
approvals; this is done on a per job basis. Recently, some areas of Maryland
have begun recognizing UL listed products. In these instances, however, the
jurisdictional authority requires a letter of guarantee to confirm compliance with
State of Michigan

The State of Michigan requires contractors and suppliers to comply with the
Michigan Food Service Establishment Guidelines for Ventilation Systems. The
Department of Public Health requires that contractors submit plans and
technical data for approval before installing commercial kitchen ventilation
systems. The guidelines for ventilation systems cover materials, installation,
hood overhang, filters, grease extractors, and air exhausts.

The formula to determine the requirement for an air exhaust is Q = V x P x D

Q is the quantity in cubic feet per minute;
V is the velocity as derived from a table given in the guidelines;
Codes and Equipment Specifications

P is the perimeter in linear feet of exposed hood (i.e., the hood face, exposed
ends and rear on island hoods); and
D is the distance in feet between the cooking surface and the face of the

After all the criteria are met and the ventilators installed, the responsible
contractual authority must use an independent environmental, or air quality, test
laboratory approved by the Department of Health to test the installation. The
responsible contractual authority is usually an architect, although the
responsible party could be the manufacturer, designer, building owner, or the
food service operator. The laboratory must submit the results of the test to the
local health authority and the Michigan Department of Public Health, Food
Service Sanitation Section. Once the Section has approved the application it
will issue a Notice of Acceptance (NOA) for that specific installation.
In addition, ventilators that handle exhaust air at rates under those
specified by the State (even though tested by a nationally recognized laboratory)
must be further tested to the satisfaction of the Department of Public Health
following installation. Further, ventilators that use direct (short cycle) make-up
air are likewise subject to testing after installation, with the local Mechanical
Inspector attending to monitor and certify the test.
Denver (City & County)

Commercial kitchen ventilators in the City and County of Denver, Colorado,

must be approved before installation. They must also have a case number.
Drawings, a technical specifications, explanatory literature, and performance
test data from an approved laboratory must support the submitted application.
The jurisdictional authority assigns a case number to manufacturers, who must
supply plans for each installation to obtain a permit. Ventilation systems
manufacturers must comply with the requirements of NFPA 96 and Denver
Building Code. Vent Master case numbers are M-76-36-B and M-83-94-B.

Los Angeles, California

Ventilators installed in the City of Los Angeles requires a Research Report

Number. The City's Mechanical Testing Laboratory issues a Research Report
Number to ventilator manufacturers when it has tested a unit for general

Ventilation Systems

approval. Along with the RR Number, the City issues the manufacturer with a
set of conditions with which they must abide. This includes a requirement for
annual renewal of the manufacturer's products and an explanation of any
product changes made. Vent Master's Research Report Number is RR8115.

With the recent revision of the categories of UL710 from Grease Extractors
to Listed Exhaust Hoods with Exhaust Dampers, some local authorities have
adopted a stricter interpretation of the UMC Code where air volumes are
concerned. We advise consultation with the local authorities.

Most of Florida, with the exception of the :Reedy Creek District, requires the
exhaust fan to activate or remain active with the supply fan shutting down when
the fire system is activated. If a ventilation system includes a damper, the
system exhaust fan must be shut down when the damper closes.


The NFPA (National Fire Prevention Association) Standard for Ventilation

Control and Fire Protection of Commercial Cooking Operations is the almost
universally accepted standard for the industry. The actual standard is known as
NFPA 96. Some authorities and inspection departments impose supplementary
standards and conditions on the design and installation of ventilation systems,
so it is necessary to make sure that the design and installation package meets
with local approval. NFPA 96 emphasizes these areas of ventilation equipment:
Grease tight construction
Location of hoods in relation to the cooking equipment
Structural integrity of the hood
Placement and types of accepted fire prevention equipment
Duct work design and specifications
Recirculating hood system requirements


The Building Officials and Code Administration (BOCA) publish guidelines

Hood design
Codes and Equipment Specifications

Grease removal
Duct systems
Fire suppression equipment


The UMC concerns itself with the design, construction and installation of
commercial kitchen ventilation systems. The major points covered by the UMC
Duct work specifications for prevention of grease accumulation
Hood clearance from combustible construction
Types of acceptable grease filters
Canopy size and location
Capacities for hoods
Make-up air standards
Exhaust air standards

One of the best safeguards and guarantees designers and owners have is the use
of UL- labelled units and equipment. City, county and municipal building
inspectors almost always accept labelled equipment as having passed stringent
UL performance acceptance tests. In the interests of safety and satisfaction,
designers should specify the use of UL-labelled equipment only.

Technical specifications

Government regulations at every level govern the kitchen ventilation system

industry. There are building regulations, health, fire, safety and environmental
controls which must be followed. Building permits, standards of inspection,
electrical and mechanical codes, fire standards such as the National Fire
Protection Association (NFPA 96), worker protection guidelines, and local
inspection requirements must be met.
Within the past few years, increasingly stringent ecological standards have
been applied to kitchen operations. They vary from state to state in the U.S.A.
and province to province in Canada, meaning that kitchen designers must
become familiar with local standards. (The same applies to many aspects of
regulatory controls without, however, changing the overall application and
inspection requirements of national standards such as NFPA 96.)
NFPA 96 now includes the majority of all of the various code

Ventilation Systems

requirements found throughout North America. This code may be one of the
most helpful in providing the designer with a good understanding of what is
required for commercial cooking ventilation.

Auxiliary clean air filtration

The use of filters is an essential part of the Ecoloair Filtration System. Without
a filter section the unit would be little more than a forced air exhaust or
recirculation system. As the word implies, a filter removes dust, grease and
airborne particles from the air. Air washers and electrostatic precipitators do
much the same thing with varying degrees of efficiency.
Airborne particles range in size from less than 0.1 microns. Although it is
impossible to design a filter that suits every application, it is possible from
experience and empirical tests to choose one suitable for most kitchen
applications. This is one of the reasons why VM needs to know the type of
application for which an Ecoloair system is required.

Filter ratings

Three characteristics distinguish the various types of filter available. These are
the efficiency, its resistance to air flow, and its cleaning cycle. By `cleaning
cycle' is meant the filter's dust-holding capacity. These characteristics are:
Filter efficiency is a measure of the filter's ability to remove pollutants from
the air.
Resistance is the static pressure drop across the filter at a given rate of air
Capacity is the amount of dust or pollutant a filter can hold. The capacity is
also a measure of the operating life of the filter before it requires cleaning or,
more likely, replacing.

VM filter specifications following are based on various applications in which

VM air filters are installed. The listing is a guide and no more to the
replacement of filters in various applications. Experience will dictate when a
particular filter requires replacing.

Codes and Equipment Specifications

Filter specifications

Although VM specifies that all filters used in Ecoloair systems be rated Class
II (as a minimum), ASHRAE specifies these types of filters:

1. Pre-filter: Class II UL; 40% ASHRAE. Non-flammable board or metal

frame. Media - non-woven, reinforced cotton and synthetic fabric, 0.15
thick with 96% open-area grid. Capacity - 2000 cfm @ 24 x 24 or 1000
cfm @ 12 x 24 at 500 fpm, 0.1 initial static pressure; 0.75 final static
2. Bag filter: Class II UL; 90-95% ASHRAE. Galvanized steel retainer and
header; media - spun glass, fire-retardant sealer. Capacity - 2000 cfm @
24 x 24 or 1000 cfm @ 12 x 24 at 500 fpm; 0.7 initial static pressure;
1.25 final static pressure.
3. HEPA filter: Class I UL; 95% DOP; 99% average ASHRAE. Separators;
16 ga. galvanized casing; neoprene gasket downstream; Media - glass,
urethane sealer, fire resistant rating; Capacity - 2000 cfm @ 24 x 24 or
1000 cfm @ 12 x 24 at 500 cfm. 1.0 initial static pressure; 2.0 final
static pressure.

The Ecoloair filter chart shown in Table 20 gives the pre-filter, bag filter and
HEPA filter distribution for the unit sizes shown. VM is approved for filters of
all manufacturers meeting the above filter specifications.

Ventilation Systems

Odor control

The liquid deodorizer used in the Ecoloair Filtration System is a blend of many
ingredients. Because the dispensing system is non-aerosol, the deodorizer is
non-toxic and completely free of CFCs. For this reason, the solution is
environmentally and ozone safe, and non-hazardous when inhaled.

Ecoloair/Ecology filter replacement guide

This filter replacement guide is compiled from some projects in which VM has
been involved. Depending on the conditions prevailing at a particular site, it
may be necessary to increase or decrease the frequency for filter changes. In
short, this is a guide, not a specification.

Codes and Equipment Specifications

Equipment specifications

The specifications following will interest architects, engineers and kitchen

consultants who need a check list of options. They are also a reliable source of
reference in the compilation of contract bid packages for kitchen construction
and renovation projects. They are based on specified VM products with options
for various combinations of electrical and mechanical services. To prepare a
specification that meets the client's needs, check the appropriate boxes of the
required equipment. These specifications have provision for item numbering
for inclusion in larger specification packages.

Ventilation Systems

Filter Hoods

This generic specification is based on VM's Cyclovent range of canopy style ventilators, suitable for all types
of cooking equipment. All Cyclovent ventilators are of the canopy style and the common alpha designation
in the GFIII series of UL/ULC listed filters is GLD for hoods with a damper assembly and GL for hoods
without a damper assembly. Refer to the explanatory listing of models in the Cyclovent range.

Model Description
-B Box style hood for ceiling or wall and ceiling mounting (full designation therefore GLD-B for a unit
with damper assembly and GL-B for a unit with out a damper assembly).
-D Double sided, island style hood c/w V filter section.
-T Box style hood with tapered sides for ceiling or wall and ceiling mounting.
-MA Hood with integral, front discharge make-up air, c/w 60% perforated s/s panels, air diffuser plate,
make-up air collar.
-DMA Hood with integral, internal make-up air c/w insulated plenum, interior access door to fire dampers,
air diffuser plate, and adjustable supply air slot.
-L Low profile style ventilator, wall or equipment mounted for counter top cooking equipment.
The kitchen exhaust ventilator shall be a Vent Master Model:

[ ] Model GLD-__________canopy style ventilator UL/ULC listed with damper assembly

[ ] Model GL- __________canopy style ventilator UL/ULC listed without damper assembly
[ ] Provide a ventilator constructed of stainless steel with all welded exhaust duct collar with a 1 (25 mm)
connection flange; all joints and seams welded and/or liquid tight; all exposed welds ground and
polished to the original finish of the metal. Provide hanging brackets on each unit for mounting as
required by the model designated.
[ ] Provide each ventilator with a UL/ULC listed self-closing, spring loaded fire damper assembly activated
by a listed fusible link rated at 286oF (141oC).
[ ] Provide a UL/ULC listed exhaust air volume control damper for optimum balancing of single and
multiple ventilator systems accessible through the ventilator plenum c/w fire damper assembly.
[ ] Supply all stainless steel UL/ULC listed filters deburred and reversible with grease drain holes top and
[ ] Hood size: Length ________ width _______ height _______

Codes and Equipment Specifications

[ ] Exhaust air ______________
[ ] Static pressure ___________
[ ] Collar size ______________
[ ] Supply air ______________
[ ] Static pressure ___________
[ ] Collar size ______________
[ ] Electrical: 120/1/60_______ watt
[ ] Direct connect to _______ junction box for lights (by electrical contractor)

Modifications and options

[ ] Lights - the ventilator shall contain - quantity _______
[ ] Flush mount fluorescent light fixtures 36 (914 mm) or 48 (1219 mm) long (2 x 40 watts).
[ ] Flush mount vapor proof incandescent light fixture (2 x 75 watts).
[ ] Surface mount globe-type light fixtures complete with clear thermal shock proof glass with plated steel
wire guard (1 x 100 watts).
[ ] Offset collar - (specify left or right of center line) duct collars __________
[ ] Rear duct collar take-off.
[ ] Taper - (on T models) specify taper required __________ to suit low ceiling. Standard is 12(305 mm).
[ ] Make-up air grilles - double deflection grilles with opposed blade balancing dampers in lieu of
perforated panels.
[ ] Stainless steel main back - where exposed, for island applications.

Ventilation Systems

Water Wash Hoods

VM Cyclo Maze wash ventilators are of many types and styles. The designation C-CM, meaning cold water
mist and hot water wash Cyclo Maze, or H-CM, meaning hot water wash only Cyclo Maze, is common to all
models available. Additional alpha designations cover a variety of applications as here explained.

Model Description
-B Box type canopy style ventilator for ceiling or wall and ceiling mounting.
-T Canopy style hood with tapered sides for low ceiling or wall and ceiling mouting.
-MA Hood with integral, front discharge make-up air, c/w 60% perf s/s panels, air diffuser plate.
-DMA Hood with integral, internal make-up air c/w insulated plenum, interior access door to fire
dampers, air diffuser plate, and UL/ULC collar.
-L Low profile style ventilator for wall or equipment mouting for counter top type cooking
L-MA Low profile style hood, for wall or equipment mounting with integral, front discharge make-up
air for counter top type cooking equipment c/w 60% perf. s/s panels, air diffuser plate, and
UL/ULC collar.
-D Canopy style, double sided island ventilator for ceiling mouting.
-D-MA Canopy style for ceiling mounting with front discharge make-up air c/w 60% perf. s/s panels, air
diffuser plate, and adjustable supply air slot.
-D-DMA Canopy style hood for ceiling mounting with integral internal make-up air c/w insulated plenum,
interior access door to fire dampers, air diffuser plate, and adjustable supply air slot.
The kitchen exhaust ventilator shall be a Vent Master:

[ ] Model C-CM__________ hot water wash and cold water mist, UL/ULC listed grease extractor (add
designated abbreviation as required; e.g., C-CM-D-DMA for a canopy style, double sided ventilator for
ceiling mounting with integral internal make-up air).
[ ] Model H-CM__________ hot water wash, UL/ULC listed grease extractor.

[ ] Provide a ventilator constructed of stainless steel with an all-welded stainless steel duct collar with a 1
(25 mm) connection flange; all joints and seams welded and/or liquid tight; all exposed welds ground
and polished to the original finish of the metal. Provide continuous full-length hanging brackets on each
unit for mounting as required by the model designated.
[ ] Provide each ventilator with a UL/ULC listed self-closing, spring loaded fire damper assembly activated
by a listed fusible link rated at 286oF (141oC).
[ ] Provide a UL/ULC listed exhaust air volume control damper for optimum balancing of single and

Codes and Equipment Specifications

multiple ventilator systems accessible through the ventilator plenum c/w fire damper assembly.
[ ] Provide water manifolds constructed of square, stainless steel tubing, and looped to provide equal water
pressure to all nozzles.
[ ] For hot water wash models, provide spray nozzles of machined brass.
[ ] For cold water mist models, provide spray nozzles of stainless steel.
[ ] Integrated make-up air shall be accomplished through the top of the ventilator at designated collars.
[ ] Hood size: Length ________ width _______ height _______

[ ] Exhaust air ___________[ ] Static pressure ___________[ ] Collar size __________
[ ] Supply air ____________[ ] Static pressure ___________[ ] Collar size __________
[ ] Electrical: 120/1/60_______ watt
[ ] Direct connect to _______ junction box for lights (by electrical contractor)

Modifications and options

[ ] Lights - the ventilator shall contain - quantity _______
[ ] Flush mount fluorescent light fixtures 36 (914 mm) or 48 (1219 mm) long (2 x 40 watts).
[ ] Flush mount vapor proof incandescent light fixture (2 x 75 watts).
[ ] Surface mount globe-type light fixtures complete with clear thermal shock-proof glass with plated steel
wire guard (1 x 100 watts).
[ ] Drain manifold - for multiple sections to one common connection, complete with removable lower drain
[ ] Offset collar - (specify left or right of center line) duct collars __________.
[ ] Taper - (on T models) specify taper required __________ to suit low ceiling. Standard is 12(305 mm).
[ ] Stainless steel main back - where exposed, for island applications.
[ ] Rear duct - rear duct collar take-off.

Ventilation Systems

Water Wash Control Panels

Clear specification of electrical control panels is an important part of the total bid package consultants prepare
for any commercial kitchen project. VM offers two series of control panels for water wash equipment. These
are the H4-25 series for hot water wash equipment and the HC4-25 series for cold water mist with hot water
wash. The legend of optional selects for control panels is as explained in this table:
Base Optional Mandatory Legend
Model Select Select
H4-25 -S -R S - surface mounted on wall;
HC4-25 -S -R R - recessed in wall;
-24V 24v Ecology interlock
-2SQ 2SQ - two sequence wash;
-3SQ 3SQ - three sequence wash, etc.
-24HR 24 hour timer
-BFP Back flow preventer cabinet
-BMS Building management system controlled
-MP Micro processor
-TPG Temperature/pressure gauge
Example of Model designation: HC4-25-2SQ-24V-R - i.e, hot and cold water panel, size 25, double sequential
wash, 24 volt control interlock, recessed in wall.
Cold Hot Maximum ventilator length
Model water water
Cyclo Maze wash Cyclo wash
spray mist
Feet MM Feet MM
H4-25 -- x 40 12192 25 7620
HC4-25 x x 40 12192 25 7620
Table 22
For the ventilator specified, provide a VM wash control panel to provide:
[ ] Cold water supply to the ventilator
[ ] Auto wash down cycle with adjustable wash timer and low detergent alarm.
[ ] Include provision for electrical interlock with the fire alarm system and, in case of fire, to initiate the
wash cycle.
[ ] Automatic operation of the exhaust and supply fans in addition to the run and wash cycles of the
[ ] A selector switch with RUN and WASH indicator pilot lights and a low level detergent light.
[ ] Hand shut-off valves on inlet and outlet, hot and cold water solenoid valves, detergent pump, wash time,

Codes and Equipment Specifications

wash time delay, low level detergent alarm, hot and cold water pressure reducing valves complete with
strainers, field adjustable wash timer.
[ ] For HC4 series panels, a cold water pressure gauge.

[ ] Provide a control panel body constructed of18 gauge stainless steel finish with a stainless steel hinged
lift off cover, and with separate plumbing and electrical compartments.
[ ] For the initial charge of the detergent container, provide a 4-liter container of detergent for each control
panel supplied.

Trade notes
[ ] MECHANICAL: Supply and install back flow preventers, anti-syphon valves or vacuum breakers as
required by local codes. It is recommended that the control panel be located within 35 pipe feet (10668
mm) of the ventilator.
[ ] ELECTRICAL: Supply and install control field wiring and electrical devices required outside the
control panel. VM supplies field wiring diagrams on request. Power supply to be 120/1 /60 cycles.
Maximum control panel amperage during the wash cycles is 1 amp.

Ventilation Systems

Exhaust Fans
[ ] Supply [ ] grease extraction fans Garland GEF-A Series Model ________ (Specify model by air
volume, cfm, motor HP and static pressure as noted below.) The entire fan housing, cowl and discharge
shall be 16 gauge cold rolled steel, continuously welded and liquid tight to NFPA 96 requirements. The
unit(s) shall be complete with a 16 gauge cold rolled steel roof curb shipped separately for installation
in the field. Provide an exhaust duct collar of 1 (25mm) insulated double skin (16 ga. inner skin, 20
ga. outer skin) of welded cold rolled steel. The unit(s) shall extend 12 (305 mm) below the roof line
and have a 1.5 (38 mm) flanged connection for welding or bolting to the duct system. The minimum
clearance from the duct collar to combustible roof opening shall be 3 (76 mm) as per UL/ULC
The fan wheel shall be all welded, statically and dynamically balanced at the factory with single inlet
and backward inclined blades to provide non-overloading characteristics and minimum noise level.
Bearings shall be grease lubricated, heavy duty self-aligning flange type, mounted outside of the air
stream on an oversized, polished steel shaft.
The unit shall be complete with a smoothly curved inlet venturi to create a streamlined air flow into
the fan wheel. The complete unit shall be factory primed and painted, ready for outdoor installation.

[ ] Provide an electrical disconnect switch (wired to the fan motor) and an electrical conduit sleeve that runs
the complete length of the duct collar. Provide a high temperature wire in the conduit to a point about
6 (151 mm) below the duct collar for electrical junction box hook- up below the roof line, indoors.
[ ] Provide an adjustable pitch (1 or 2 groove) pulley factory set at the proper operating speed for motors
up to 5 HP or a fixed pulley for motors over 5 HP.

Standard components
[ ] Provide unit(s) complete with a gravity back draft damper located at the fan discharge.

The fan shall be AMCA rated and listed by the UL/ULC as a power roof ventilator for restaurant exhaust

[ ] Exhaust air ____________(specify cfm requirement)
[ ] Static pressure__________(specify water gauge in inches)
[ ] Motor HP______________and voltage ___________

Codes and Equipment Specifications

EcoloAir/Ecology Systems

The VM EcoloAirTM Ecology system removes smoke, grease and odors. It is used in conjunction with water
wash or filter type hoods. It permits the use of duct work from the unit to a low level outdoor discharge. This
is an exception to the NFPA 96 Standard because of the high filtration efficiency of this continuously
self-monitoring system. The system is applicable to non-traditional sites to meet environmental requirements
where the use of an all-welded NFPA duct from the hood to the roof fan is not possible, when the cost of
all-welded ducting is prohibitive.
[ ] The EcoloAirTM Ecology shall be a Vent Master Model EF-___-A___-B UL/ULC Approved.
[ ] CFM capacity _________
[ ] CFM set for __________
[ ] Total static pressure ____________
[ ] External static pressure: filter inlet ________ fan discharge ____________
[ ] The unit casing shall be of double wall construction reinforced and braced for maximum rigidity. The
inner walls shall be 16 gauge liquid tight welded construction and the outer walls shall be of 20 gauge
steel minimum.
[ ] Provide a filter section insulated with 1.5 (38 mm) insulation to UL/ULC requirements.
[ ] Provide a unit with three stages of filtration. The first stage shall be a 4 (102 mm) pleated UL/ULC
bag filter rate at 40% ASHRAE 52-76. The second stage shall be a 22 (559 mm) UL/ULC bag filter
rated at 95% ASHRAE 52-76. The third stage shall be a 12 (305 mm) absolute filter UL/ULC rated
at 95% DOP to 0.3 microns. A UL/ULC listed fire damper actuated by a fusible link shall be located
at the outlet.
[ ] Provide a unit complete with four pressure switches to monitor pre-filter, high efficiency filter, absolute
filter and overall filters.
[ ] Provide a fan housing constructed from heavy gauge cold rolled steel with all joints reinforced and
braced for rigidity. The fan shall have a DWDI backward inclined wheel with an AMCA rating mounted
on heavy duty ground and polished steel shaft. The bearings shall be pillow block units with lubrication
[ ] Provide hinged access doors to permit easy access to the fan and motor.
[ ] The entire system shall be UL/ULC listed and approved for clean air, low level exhaust for commercial
kitchen cooking.
[ ] Provide a high temperature limit sensor for emergency unit shut down and provide interlock to control
panel alarms.

Ventilation Systems

[ ] Supply V-belt drives of a capacity 25% greater than the motor horsepower.
[ ] Supply a control panel constructed of heavy gauge steel for remote mounting with front locking screws
complete with timers, relays and lamps to indicate system on, condition of pre-filter, bag filter and
absolute filter, filter missing, fire and odor reducing operation.
[ ] Supply control circuits to operate at 24V AC.
[ ] Voltage ___________Phase(s)__________ HP ___________connection to fan compartment disconnect
[ ] Supply an EcoloAir automatic odor control system VM Model A1R UL/ULC listed and NSF
approved with a reverse spray nozzle. Cabinet sizes: 16 (406 mm) wide x 11 (279 mm) deep x 32
(813 mm) high, having a capacity of 5 imperial gallons (23 liters). The unit shall be constructed of 18
gauge satin coated steel, charcoal air dry enamel finish with a side hinged access door panel fitted with
a key lock and two security bolts; an air compressor that operates at 22 psi (152 Kpa) and having an
atomizing type spray nozzle. Provide a program control in the master control panel equipped with two
timers: a 0-20 minute cycle timer and a 0-20 second spray timer. Provide a poly plastic reservoir bottle
with a removable cap, transfer tubing and 5 gallons of liquid solution.
[ ] Odor reducing system consisting of a liquid spray system with timers mounted in the remote control
panel to switch on, off and cycle control and provide for infinite adjustment.
[ ] Double odor reducing system.
[ ] Odor liquid low level alarm.
[ ] Split sections.
[ ] 24 hour timer for odor reducing sequence.
[ ] Access platform base.
[ ] Lift off panels (in lieu of hinges).
[ ] Fifth pressure switch for absolute filter monitoring (filter missing).

Codes and Equipment Specifications

Fire Protection (Sprinkler) System

The VM Suppressor water mist fire protection system is good for all types of cooking equipment under VM
ventilation equipment.
Models & Water Requirements
Suppressor Pipe Max. Designed Min. water
Model Size Nozzl nozzels vol. required
es discharged U.S. Gal. Liters

SU3-100 1.00" 8 2 15 57
SU3-125 1.25" 12 4 30 114
SU3-150 1.50" 20 6 45 170
SU3-200 2.00" 30 8 75 374
Table 23
Models & Options Legend
Specify the model required in the sequence:
-EFO exhaust fan remains on
Series model + mandatory select + optional -FP fire pull
select -FPR fire pull remote
-S Surface mounted on wall
Example: Series SU3-150-S-FPR (see legend) -R Recessed in wall
The fire protection system shall be a VM water mist fire protection suppressor system Model:
[ ] Series SU3-100-____-____
[ ] Series SU3-120-____-____
[ ] Series SU3-150-____-____
[ ] Series SU3-200-____-____
[ ] Provide mandatory trouble indicating lights and audio alarm to indicate that system shutdown is a result
of the hand water valve being closed, system low water pressure or a fire condition.

[ ] The panel housing and hinged doors shall be of 18 ga. (min.) stainless steel; a backing plate of 16 ga.
(min.) galvanized steel; the piping of the fire extinguishing system shall be schedule 40 black iron; and
a watertight partition shall be provided between the plumbing compartment and the electrical
compartment. In the panel, provide these components.
Supervised manual shut-off valve.
Pressure sensing switch to shut off fuel sources should sprinkler water pressure drop to

Ventilation Systems

unsafe levels.
Gas shut-off delay with battery back-up for momentary power outage.
Flow sensing switch for immediate fuel shut-off and alarm activation upon nozzle discharge.
Pushbutton gas valve reset.
Pressure gauge (sprinkler water line).
Status indicator lights for POWER ON and GAS ON with lights and audible alarm for FIRE
Factory pre-piped, pre-wired and tested.
Listings and approvals
All fire protection (sprinkler) systems shall be UL/ULC Listed, conform to the requirements of NFPA 13
Standard, NFPA 96 Standard, and the UMC.

[ ] Approved by the New York City Board of Standards and Appeals.

[ ] City of Los Angeles Mechanical Inspection Department.

Codes and Equipment Specifications

Kiosk Ventilation System

The recirculating air kiosk ventilation system (KVS) is primarily for kiosk-type food court operations and
non-traditional sites where NFPA 96 duct work either cannot be installed or is exorbitantly costly. The KVS
can be a RH, LH, back or remote mount unit. For example, a Model KVS-8 right hand mount unit is identified
by the designation KVS-8-R. The chart following will assist designers in selecting the right KVS unit for the
Unit Specification Chart
Model CFM Motor KW Amps DS
HP Switch
KVS-5-L, or -R 1100 2 24 70 100
KVS-5-B 1250 to 1800 3 24 70 100
KVS-5-REM 1250 to 1800 3 24 70 100
KVS-6-L, or -R 1500 2 36 105 175
KVS-6-B 1500 to 1950 3 36 105 175
KVS-6-REM 1500 to 1950 3 36 105 175
KVS-8-L, or -R 2000 3 48 140 175
KVS-8-B 2000 to 2250 5 48 140 175
KVS-8-REM 2000 to 2250 5 48 140 175
L- Left hand mount
R- Right hand mount
B- Back of hood mount
REM - Remote mounting of filter tower up to 30 feet away.
5S6S8 -5, 6 or 8 ft. long sections.
Table 24
The KVS shall be a Vent Master Model:
[ ] KVS-5 _______(specify -L, -R, -B or -REM)
[ ] KVS-6 ________(specify -L, -R, -B or -REM)
[ ] KVS-8________(specify -L, -R, -B or -REM)
[ ] The KVS shall be a UL/ULC listed system tested in accordance with NFPA 96, Chapter 10, and UL
197-1994 for integral recirculating systems for commercial electric cooking appliances.

Ventilation Systems

[ ] The system shall have a listed exhaust filter hood, complete with VM stainless steel GFIII UL listed
filters, mounted 6' 2 (1880 mm) from floor level. The filtration tower shall include a filter module, fan
and motor, fire protection, odor control system and electrical cabinet.
[ ] The assembly shall be stainless steel construction with all exposed welds ground and polished to the
original finish of metal. The system shall be fully self-supported, pre-piped and wired for a fully
automated operation, factory tested and balanced.
[ ] The system shall be listed and approved for a total flood fire protection of the cooking equipment below
with a fixed nozzle distribution system.
[ ] The system shall provide the utility power distribution, interlocks and controls for the cooking
[ ] The filtered, clean air shall be discharged back into the cooking area through the air wall vents and/or
through the air register mounted on top of the unit.
[ ] The filtered clean air shall be discharged through a duct to outdoors.
[ ] Lights - the hood section shall contain ______(specify the number) surface mount globe type fixtures.

Codes and Equipment Specifications

Utility `Modular' Distribution System

The MDS shall be a Vent Master Model:
[ ] MDS-W, Wall Style
[ ] MDS-I, Island Style
[ ] MDS-S, Raceway, no chases

The MDS shall be built to UL/ULC standards and conform to the NSF National Sanitation Foundation
[ ] [ ] ft/m long, MDS of drip-proof construction using a minimum 18 ga., 304 stainless steel, No. 4 finish
with raceways and chases for mechanical and electrical services as herein specified. Install removable
panels for access to interior space to install and service the mechanical and electrical services. The use
of gaskets and sealants to make the unit drip-proof is not permitted.
[ ] Provide frame-mounted, full length bumper guards.
[ ] Except as noted for circuit breaker (CB) panels below, provide secure fasteners on panels that must be
removed to give access to electrical components and services.
[ ] Provide a hinged, latching sub-door for access to the CB panel housing ON/Off switches and re-set
[ ] The services and supply lay-out is to match the cooking bank line-up specified and shown on the
Mechanical Services
[ ] Provide pipe manifold support brackets of corrosion-protected 12 gauge steel, formed to accept
cushioned clamps of the correct size for each manifold. Each manifold shall traverse the full length of
the mechanical raceway. Supply a main quarter-turn shut-off ball valve for each piping service where
it enters the MDS. Using permanent tags that are not easily removed, label every manifold as to its
service; for example, `Hot Water', `Cold Water', `Steam', `Condensate Return'. Insulate the steam
delivery and condensate return manifolds.
[ ] Provide a [natural or LP] gas supply. A minimum Schedule 40 black iron pipe to be painted and used
for the gas manifold.
[ ] For connection to the fire suppression system during installation, provide a solenoid to shut off the gas
supply should a fire occur.
[ ] Provide a cold water service having a fully insulated manifold of Type L hard-drawn copper.
[ ] Provide a hot water service having a fully insulated manifold of Type L hard-drawn copper.
[ ] Provide a steam line and condensate return line with insulated manifolds of minimum Schedule 40 black
iron pipe. Pitch the steam supply manifold not less than 1/4 per 5' of horizontal run and connect a steam
trap. Connect the secondary side of the steam trap to the condensate return line 1/4 per 5' of horizontal
run to the building return end of the manifold.

Ventilation Systems

[ ] Provide an AGA/CGA quick-disconnect, plastic-coated hose set for each item of equipment requiring
gas or water connections.
[ ] Use restraining devices where equipment is on casters.
[ ] Mount a FILL faucet [specify type] at the peak of the raceway to serve these items of equipment:
[ ] Each unit that is part of this item shall be furnished complete with a prison package that shall consist
of keyed latches and tamper proof screws.
Electrical Services
[ ] The common requirements for electrical services shall be a raceway of adequate cross section for the
services being provided; a CB panel that meets regulatory code requirements for water-tight
applications; a main circuit breaker with a shunt trip for connection during installation to the ventilation
fire suppression system.
[ ] Provide ground fault interrupters for electrical circuits rated 120V AC, 20A single phase and 208/240V
AC, 20A and 30A single phase.
[ ] In the mechanical chase, install a ventilator wash control station having RUN/WASH selectors with
indicator lights, a LOW DETERGENT light, audible alarm, 1/4-turn main shut-off valves, Y-strainers,
solenoid valves, detergent pump with TEST switch, PRESSURE TEMPERATURE gauge and
[ ] Provide suppressor water mist fire protection controls for a main shut-off valve, LOW WATER
pressure switch; a pressure gauge WATER FLOW switch; and electronic controls to monitor system
operation and provide audible and visual indication of fire, low water pressure, and closed main shut-off
[ ] Supply a battery back-up system to maintain the gas valve in the open position and maintain the exhaust
and supply latching circuit for five seconds during electrical power outages.
[ ] At each end of the MDS, provide EMERGENCY SHUT-OFF push buttons with red mushroom
head-type actuators to turn off the gas and electrical supplies.
[ ] Provide electrical cord sets or pre-wired seal-tight conduit as required.

Codes and Equipment Specifications

Heating/Make Up Air Unit

Packaged heating systems for roof-top mounting are used to meet make-up air or combination heating and
make-up air requirements. Gas-fired appliances are not designed for use in hazardous atmospheres containing
flammable vapors containing chlorinated or halogenated hydrocarbons.
The designation of VMRIG units (e.g., VMRIG 125) refers to the BTUH input as shown in the
accompanying data chart, Table 25.
Technical Data

125 250 400 500

BTUH input 125,000 250,000 400,000 500,000

Thermal capacity output 96,250 192,500 308,500 385,000

Unit current (less motor) at 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9

115V 0.95 0.95 0.95 1.9

Control current (24V) 980 to 1960 to 3135 to 3500 to

AGA cfm range 1175 2350 3765 12,000

CGA cfm range 482 588 662 1104

Net. wt. in lbs. 622 817 930 1588

Shipping wt. in lbs 1/2" 1/2" 3/4" 1"

Gas connection (natural gas) (2) 20 x 25 (1) 20 x 20 (2) 20 x 20 (1) 16 x 20

Filter size (filters are optional (3) 20 x 25 (1) 16 x 20 (1) 16 x 25

and available in 1" or 2". (1) 16 x 25 (4) 12 x 20

permanent or pleated) (2) 20 x 25 (4) 12 x 25

AGA ratings for altitudes to 2000 feet. Above 2000 feet derated by orifice change, 4% for each 1000 feet above sea level. CGA
ratings for altitudes to 2000 feet. High altitude units (2001 to 4500 ft.) Are derated by 10% of maximum output.
Table 25
The heating/make-up air unit shall be a Vent Master
[ ] Model VMRIG 125.
[ ] Model VMRIG 250.
[ ] Model VMRIG 400.
[ ] Model VMRIG 500.
Construction and operation
[ ] The heater/make-up air unit shall have a weatherized, aluminized steel cabinet with a full curb cap for
mounting on a roof curb or supports.

Ventilation Systems

[ ] Specify a unit for use with:

[ ] Natural gas, or
[ ] Propane gas.
[ ] Specify a built-in power vent system, or
[ ] Specify a gravity-vented unit.

[ ] Supply limit and safety controls certified by the AGA and approved by the CGA and bearing the AGA
or CGA label.
[ ] A bottom discharge air opening with the addition of a downturn plenum.
[ ] Bottom air inlet with specified option damper control system.
[ ] Cooling coil cabinet.

Trouble Shooting

Trouble Shooting

Kitchen ventilation manufacturers should provide extensive installation,

operating and maintenance instructions for the equipment and systems they
supply. Instructions, however, are often found missing when needed. This
trouble shooting guide, therefore, is a general one only and cannot more than
supplement particular system instructions. It lists the common causes of faults
in systems and recommends the response.
The guide is in alphabetical order of topics and components. We
recommend that readers use it as a reminder as to the causes and recommended
responses to problems that arise.

Actuators/Damper Motors
Trouble Cause Response
Not in proper position. Off its set point position. Make sure set point is correct.

Do the controller and sensor set

points agree?

If this fails to correct the

condition, re-calibrate the

If the controller is correct, check

the actuator.
Suspected faulty sensor. Open or short circuit. Disconnect leads to the controller.

Check for open circuit (above

2000 ohms) and short circuits. If
either condition is found, replace
the unit.

Ventilation Systems

Air-conditioning systems
Trouble Cause Response
HP too high Fan speed above design. Fan wheel installed backwards.
(High amp readings). Correct.
Fan rotates backwards. Correct rotation.
Loose wire connections. Correct.
Low CFM Fan running backwards. Correct (i.e., reverse two
Leaks or obstructions in the duct connections of the 3-phase power
system. supply).
Fan RPM too low. Investigate and adjust fan speed.
System resistance too high. Find and correct cause.
Variable inlet vanes partially Check inlet vanes and readjust.
Access door open. Close the door and re-lock.
Scroll bypass damper open. Close the damper and readjust.
Fan RPM too high. Adjust fan speed.
High CFM. System resistance below design. Correct the fault and/or adjust the
hood balancing damper.
Fan wheel installed backward. Remove and re-install.

Trouble Cause Response
Running hot or noisy or both. Lubrication. Check lubrication - too much or
too little.
Excessive belt tension.
Poor alignment. Correct alignment.
Distorted shaft. Correct shaft eccentricity.
Loose mounting or housing. Tighten.
Seals misaligned. Correct or replace.
Dirty. Remove and clean.
Bearing worn. Replace.

Trouble Shooting

Trouble Cause Response
Running hot and noisily. Coupling unbalanced. Correct alignment.

Control devices (electronic)

Trouble Cause Response
Faulty operation. Incorrect output signals. Note: These references to
equipment controller problems are
general. The best advice is to
consult the supplier literature of
the particular controller. This is
especially important regarding set
points and output signals.
Note interlocked with control Have a control technician check
panel. the control circuitry against
specification and correct if faulty.

Cyclo-Wash Units
Trouble Cause Response
Water leaking from bottom of unit. Drain manifold loose. Tighten union and add plumbing
tape if necessary.
Water leaking from above unit or Leaking ductwork connected to Make the ductwork watertight.
from the light fixture. hood.
Leaking plumbing connected to Service the plumbing holding
hood. brackets and joints.
Water supply lines sweating. Insulate lines.
Ventilator not draining properly. Foreign material in extractor Clean chamber and drain line.
chamber or drain line.
Ventilator not plumb and level. Plumb and level unit.
Drain line too small.
To many 90o turns and/or P trap Floor drain line should be 1 larger
added. than ventilator drain line. Correct.

Ventilation Systems

Trouble Cause Response

Insufficient water. Low water pressure. Check supply pressures: 30 psi for
cold water and hot water.
Clean all strainers and nozzles.
H & C water lines not properly
flushed following installation. Ditto - clean nozzles.
Nozzles plugged.
Unit not cleaning properly. Unit out of detergent. Refill detergent tank and check
operation of pump.
Wrong detergent formula. Change to detergent
Water not hot enough. Check water temperature, which
must be 120o to 180oF.
Hot water line pressure too high. Reduce pressure to 30 psi max.
(High pressure dilutes detergent.) (May require addition of
reducing valve outside panel.)
Ventilator not capturing smoke and Inadequate exhaust air capacity. Check capacity against
odor. Blower inadequate. specification.
Check static pressure against
Blower operating backwards. specification and correct.
Change wiring to reverse direction
Drive belt slipping. of blower.
Dampers closed. Tighten or replace belt.
Make-up air inadequate or Replace fusible link.
improperly introduced. Check make-up air and flow
against specification and correct.
Exhaust fan not running; no cold No power. Check power supply at panel; fuse
water. or breaker overload.
Exhaust fan runs; no cold water. No cold water to panel. Check water supply to panel.
Hand valve in panel closed. Open valve.
Clogged line strainer. Clean strainers in panel and unit.
Turn switch to RUN position.
Defective relay or cold water Solenoid should click. Replace if
solenoid. faulty.
When RUN switch is on, fan starts, Defective switch or relay. Make electrical check. Clean
but will not keep running. contacts. Replay items if defective.
Check amp readings and correct.
Defective motor or breakers.

Trouble Shooting

Trouble Cause Response

When switch is in WASH position, No hot water to panel. Check and ensure main water
fan stops, but no hot water (after supply.
60 second delay). Hand valve in panel closed. Open hand valve.
Dirty water strainer. Clean strainer in panel.
Defective hot water solenoid. Switch on WASH. If no click of
solenoid replace as needed.
Timer relay defective. Set dial indicator for 2 1/2 min. for
Timer relay dial turned to zero. CWCH; 5 min. for CWH.
When switch is in WASH position, Dirt in cold water solenoid. Clean solenoid.
fan stops and cold water continues
to run.
Hot water continues to run when Dirt in hot water solenoid. Clean solenoid.
wash cycle ends.
Buzzer sounds when washing. LOW DETERGENT alarm. Refill container.
Air in detergent line. Re-prime pump.
Setting of LOW DETERGENT Adjust screw on switch.
LOW DETERGENT switch Test and replace switch if
defective. necessary.
Detergent in control panel is Cracked tubing. Replace tubing.
leaking. Loose vent plug. Tighten plug.
Fittings over-tightened. Hand-tight fittings are sufficient.
Make sure they are no more than
Back pressure in the line. Check and adjust the water
Check the anti-syphon valve for
wear and replace if needed.

Ventilation Systems

Trouble Cause Response

Detergent pump will not prime. Back pressure in line. Check water pressure. If it exceeds
(Consult the section on pump 40 psi, add regulator.
Worn or clogged fittings in suction Check tubing and fittings for
or discharge lines. debris and clean.
Worn diaphragm. Flush system with hot water and
replace defective fittings or
Vent plug not tight. Tighten plug and O-ring for
Pump cam set at zero. Adjust cam to specification.
Incorrect detergent. Use recommended detergent.

Fan and motor drives (also see electric motors)

Trouble Cause Response
Vibrating and noisy. Sheave loose on shaft. All the reasons given here as
V-belts striking guards or shields. possible causes for poor
operation stem from mechanical
V-belt tension incorrect.
faults. Correct the fault and defect
V-belts of incorrect size. identified.
Unmatched V-belts.
Misaligned mechanical parts.
Belts oily, dirty or worn.

Electric motors
Trouble Cause Response
Fails to start. Blown fuses or tripped Check for short circuit before
breaker replacing fuses or re-setting
Overloads trip. Motor overload. Check cause and
Open circuit. Check power supply and for loose

Trouble Shooting

Trouble Cause Response

Motor stalls. Single phasing. Check lines for open phase.
Mechanical overload. Find cause and correct.
Undervoltage. Check supply voltage.
Motor starts and stalls. Power failure. Check power supply.
Fails to reach speed. Low voltage. Check voltage line drop.
High starting load. Check mechanical loading.
Open primary circuit. Check the incoming lines.
Wrong rotation. Wrong phase sequence. Change two phases.
Motor overheating. Mechanical overload. Reduce the load
Inadequate ventilation. Clean air vents and passages.
Unit single phasing. Check lines for open phase.
Unit misaligned. Re-align.
Mechanical fault. Check bearing alignment.
Noisy operation. Air gap not uniform. Check for worn bearings.
Rotor out of balance. Re-balance or replace motor.

Trouble Cause Response
Impeller hitting inlet ring or Impeller not centered in inlet ring. Again, these faults listed are
housing. Inlet ring damaged. possible causes of fan units that
run roughly and noisily. Check the
Crooked or damaged impeller.
possible causes and correct these
Shaft loose in bearing. mechanical faults accordingly.
Impeller loose on shaft.
Bearing loose in housing.

Ventilation Systems

Trouble Cause Response

Fan running noisily and Unit running out of balance. Left to run, an unbalanced fan
vibrating. will eventually result in
mechanical damage. Re-balance
the fan to restore its smooth
Fan blades cracked or Seek and eliminate cause of
damaged from mechanical mechanical interference and
interference. replace damaged blades.
Impeller loose on shaft. Check and secure the impeller
Worn impeller blades. Remove abrasive, corrosive or
otherwise loose material from air
flow passages.

Trouble Cause Response
Unstable performance. Shaft bent. Check for eccentricity.
Defective bearings. See Bearings.
Shaft misaligned. Re-align.
Shaft squealing. Lubrication. Lubricate.
Shaft misaligned. Check and re-align seals.
Shaft overheating. Poor lubrication. Lubricate.
Seal failure. Replace.

Engineered Features

Engineered Features

Engineering designs and modular equipment packages are an important aid to the
architect and kitchen designer. The result of years of experience working in the
field of kitchen ventilation systems, modular kitchen equipment packages help
solve problems encountered both in new kitchen designs and renovations.
Ventilation problems are often found in dealing with non-traditional site exhaust
systems, in life cycle costing assessments, and when considering the economics
of recirculating clean air systems. The purpose of this section is to discuss the
key features that architects, engineers and designers should look for regarding
product design.
The best product and kitchen system design should:
Simplify construction and installation requirements;
Reduce operating costs;
Make maintenance and servicing easier;
Provide efficient ventilation; and
Improve ventilation balancing and flexibility to meet changing conditions.

Typical engineered equipment packages

Many engineered equipment packages are available for use in commercial

kitchens. The following engineered packages are typical of those offered in the
design of new commercial kitchen sites or in the renovation of existing ones:
Kitchen exhaust hoods - filter, dry Extractor and water mist/wash
Kiosk recirculating equipment
Ecology/clean air equipment
Exhaust fan equipment
Prefabricated roof curbs
Make-up air distribution plenums
Fire protection systems

Ventilation Systems

Control systems
Make-up air units
Utility distribution equipment

In the pages that follow, the key features of the equipment packages listed above
are shown and advantages highlighted.

Key features to look for

Each hood type should provide the highest grease removal

efficiencies with the lowest operating static pressures

Dry or water wash available in all

stainless steel 300 series construction
Adjustable volume control dampers
and air baffles
Up to 16 ft. length single piece construction
Cold water mist grease
removal system
Full length hanging brackets (front and rear)

Allows each hood to have its total air adjusted

Provides initial installation savings
Reduces wash down costs by over 50% and
provides the greatest fire safety with the cleanest
ducts and roofs
Simplifies and reduces installation costs

Engineered Features

Ventilation Systems

Engineered Features

Ventilation Systems

Engineered Features

Ventilation Systems

Metric Conversion Chart

ICBO International Conference of
Building Officials
KG or Kg Kilograms
KPA Kilopascals
AC Alternating current KVS Kitchen ventilation system
AGA American Gas Association KW or kw Kilowatts
AMCA Air Movement and Control LB or lb Pound weight
Association, Inc. M Meter (unit of length)
Amp Ampere Max. Maximum
ASHRAE American Society of Min. Minute or minimum
Heating, Refrigeration and MDS Modular distribution system
Air Conditioning Engineers NFPA National Fire Protection
ASTM American Society for Association
Testing and Materials NSF National Sanitation
AWG American wire gauge Foundation
BOCA Building Officials and Code OPN Open area of intake
Administrators International, Inc. PA Pascal
CFM or cfm Cubic feet per minute PSI Pounds per square inch
CGA Canadian Gas Association REM Remote
CM or cm Centimeter RPM or rpm Revolutions per minute
C/W or c/w Complete with SBCCI Southern Building Code
CWCH Cold wash, cold water mist and Congress International, Inc.
hot water wash SP Static pressure
CWH Cyclo Wash, hot water only s/s Stainless steel
DC Direct current Temp. Temperature
DWDI Double width double inlet TPG Temperature/pressure
EPA Environmental Protection gauge
Agency UL Underwriters' Laboratory
EVS Engineered ventilation ULC Underwriters' Laboratory of
system Canada
Ft. or ft. Feet UMC Uniform Mechanical Code
FPM or fpm Feet per minute Vol. Volume
Ga or ga Gauge V Volts or voltage
GPM or gpm Gallons per minute VM Vent Master
HEPA High efficiency particle WG Water gauge
HP Horse power
HVAC Heating, ventilating and air

ASHRAE Developments in Kitchen Ventilation Technology, Technical DataBulletin,

Volume 8, Number 4
ASHRAE Heating, Ventilating, and Air-Conditioning Applications, 1995 ASHRAE
AMCA Air Movement and Control Association Inc.
ASTM E-1993 Standard Test Method for Behavior of Materials in a Vertical Tube
Furnace at 750o C.
BOCA Building Officials and Code Administrators International, Inc.
EPA Environmental Protection Agency
EPA Test Method 202, Determination of Condensible Particulate Emissions for
Stationary Sources
NFPA 10 Standard for Portable Fire Extinguishers, 1990 edition.
NFPA 12 Standard for Carbon Dioxide Extinguishing Systems, 1993 edition.
NFPA 13 Standard for Installation of Sprinkler Systems, 1994 edition.
NFPA 16 Standard for Installation of Deluge Foam-Water Sprinkler and
Foam-Water Spray Systems, 1991 edition.
NFPA 17 Standard for Dry Chemical Extinguishing Systems, 1990 edition.
NFPA 17A Standard for Wet Chemical Extinguishing Systems, 1990 edition.
NFPA 54 National Fuel Gas Code, 1992 edition.
NFPA 58 Standard for the Storage and Handling of Liquefied Petroleum Gases,
1992 edition.
NFPA 70 National Electrical Code, 1993 edition.
NFPA 80 Standard for Fire Doors and Fire Windows, 1992 edition.
NFPA 96 Standard for Ventilation Control and Fire Protection of Commercial
Cooking Operations, 1994 edition
NFPA 211 Standard for Chimneys, Fireplaces, Vents, and Solid Fuel-Burning
Appliances, 1992 edition
UL 723 Test for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials.
UMC Uniform Mechanical Code

Air flow need for exhaust, 106
available options, 38 NFPA 96, 110
calculations, 40 Regional code requirements, 107
CFM calculations, 39 Baltimore, Maryland, 108
CFM requirements of hoods, 40 Denver (City & County), 109
down discharge supply, 36 Florida, 110
front panel make-up air, 37 Los Angeles, California, 110
limitations of exhaust and make-up air, 37 Nevada, 110
make-up air, 35 New York, 107
State of Michigan, 108
negative pressure, 39
Cyclo-type units, Velocity readings,42
short cycle supply, 36
Cyclo-wash units, trouble shooting guide, 135
Auxiliary Equipment
features of the MDS, 51
assessment, 88
Kiosk ventilation systems, 54
calculate make-up air, 89
Auxiliary equipment
checklist, 92
air balancing, 45
elements of ventilator design, 87
dampers, 45
equipment placement, 91
electrical equipment, 45 factors governing choice, 91
fans, 46 odors, 89
fans for multiple kiosks, 96 options, 90
heat exchangers, 48 reference source, 89
Modular Distribution Systems, 50 sound levels, 92
Backshelf hood, Clearances, 12 sources of heat, 92
Calculating velocity, example, 43 types of filtration technologies, 79
Canopy hood, Clearances, 12 types of installations, 83
ASHRAE filter specifications, 113 use of space, 89
BOCA, 111 Ducting
Ecoloair/Ecology filter guide, 114 duct cleaning, 30
filter ratings, 112 duct installation clearances, 31
NFPA 96, 105 duct openings, 30
odor control, 114 exhaust terminations, 34
technical specifications, 111 exterior installation, 32
UMC, 111 general consideraitons, 29
Codes and standards installation, 31
auxiliary clean air filtration, 112 interior installation, 32
building regulatory provisions, 105 ventilation rates, 30
filter specifications, 113 Ecoloair filtration system, 102
benefits, 103


handling capacities, 102 listed grease extractors, 59

modular construction, 103 nozzles, 58
Ecolair system pipe sizes, 56
solution mixing instructions, 113 surface fire protection, 58
sound levels, 63, 92 water mist systems, 58
EcoloAir Systems, Installation water sprinkler systems, 56
Design Requirements, 61 wet chemical systems, 55
Engineered features Fire suppressor systems, Installation
air make-up systems, 148 & Design Requirements, 63
clean air exhaust systems, 144 Food court applications
grease exhaust fans, 147 comparison chart cfm vs leased area, 96
hoods, 142 exhausting multiple kiosks, 96
recirculating head systems, 143 Greader removal devices, extraction rates, 23
sprinkler fire protection, 145 Grease devices, extraction rates, 23
typical equipment packages, 141 Grease extraction devices
utility distribution systems, 146 air flow in Cyclo Maze cold water mist, 25
Equipment specifications, 115 air flow in Cyclo Maze dry unit, 24
Ecoloair/ecology systems, 123 Cyclo Maze series, 24
exhaust fans, 122 hood engine specifications, 27
filter hoods, 116 types of extraction engines, 26
fire protection (sprinkler) system, 125 unit as an engine, 25
Kiosk ventilation system, 127 what makes units efficient, 26
Modular distribution system, 129 Grease extractors, 16
water wash control panels, 120 Grease removal devices, 23
water wash hoods, 118
backshelf, 12
Exhaust air
canopy, 12
calculating volumes, 13
CFM calculations, 41
velocity, 13
CFM correction factors, 41
Exhaust hoods, Factors affecting
equipment lay-out, 13
grease removal, 25
filters, 16
Filters, 23
height limitations, 14
Fire dampers, 45
incremental lengths, 14
NFPA 96 on dampers, 59
nomenclature, 11
opinions, 58
sizing, 13
Fire protection
wall locations, 13
automatic duct protection, 60
certification, 70
listed grease extractors electrical controls, 70
dry chemical systems, 55
ranges, griddles, hot tops and plates with
fire dampers, 58
high shelves, 66
general requirements, 56
Intake velocity measurements, 43
Jurisdiction & inspection, 56
Listed grease extractors, U. L. tests, 60
Maintenance, Cyclo-wash 3, 75

Odor control, 86 actuators/damper motors, 133
categories of odor, 48 air-conditioning systems, 134
filtration systems, 48 couplings, 135
liquid odor solution, 87 Cyclo-Wash units, 135
special odor problems, 87 electric motors, 138
Procedures, Warnings, cautions & notes, 9 fan and motor drives, 138
Sprinkler nozzle fans, 139
conveyor broiler, 69 shafts, 140
duct protection, 70 Types of filtration technologies
plenum protection, 69 active carbon filters, 81
test valve, 70 catalytic conversion, 81
tilt fry pan, 68 electrostatic precipitators, 80
incineration, 81
upright broiler, 68
liquid odor control, 82
Sprinkler nozzles, 63, 65
oxidizing pellet bed filters, 81
nozzle temperature rating chart, 63
pleated or bag filters, 81
ranges, griddles, hot tops and plates, 66
water mist, waterfall, and water bath, 80
salamander broiler, 67
Velocity calculations, 42
System capacity factors, 11
Ventilation at different sites, 9
Terms and definitions, 21
Venting cooking equipment, 39
Trouble Shooting, Bearings, 134
Why ventilation is essential, 39
Trouble Shooting
Work processes, 7, 8, 9, 10


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