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The parable of the lost was one among parables written in the bible that was all

about a father and his unconditional love for his son. The son or the lost son take
all of his inheretance from his father in spite of the fact that his father was not
yet dead. He go far and use all of his belongings for sinful activities and came
home to his father with nothing; his father forgive him for what he has done but
his elder brother was jealous because their still father accept him even though he
do ungrateful things. The parable shows not only the unconditional love of the
father but also the wrong decision that the lost son did. Invictus was a poem about
being courageous in facing circumstances in life. The word invictus came from the
Latin word "unconquerable" and the peom emphasises that every one of us must have
unconquerable spirit. The implies that you are the one who can decide on what to be
done with your soul and you should recognize no one but yourself as your own
master. The lost son and the invictus was related in the form of deciding the
things in life and in the term of following your own will. The poet of the invictus
and the lost son both have a strong will and determination that they can do things
on their own without others guidance. The only difference was, in the lost son, the
son came back to his father after he regret the decision he make; he ask for
fogiveness ang his father forgive him without hesitation. The parable shows that
even though we have a strong will and determination there will alwyas be a time
where we need to ask God if we are doing things right. Just like what the lost son
did, he knows that he was in the wrong path so he goes home to ask his father for
guidance and forgiveness; it also shows that no matter what we do, God will always
understand us, all that we need to do is to talk to him and ask him for forgives,
guidance, wisdon and strength.

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