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Steps in the Writing Process

The Research:
Studies show that students who learn the process for writing score
better on standardized tests as well as gain the lifelong writing skills
that they can apply to all subjects. When completing formal writing
assignments for my class, I expect students to practice all of the ****
steps in the process. If students build strong foundational writing skills
starting this year, they can continue to hone their skills as they continue
their education. Much of what they get out of the process will depend on
the effort, attitude, motivation and engagement they put into the process.

The writing process mirrors the way proficient writers write. The
process is:

1. Prewriting - In this step students will brainstorm and use

various graphic organizers to connect ideas and create a structure
for their writing.
2. Drafting - Students will work independently (with support
from me) to create a draft of their writing. Drafts will be
handwritten and students should skip lines to allow for editing
3. Revising and Editing - We will practice different
techniques for students to revise and edit their drafts. These
techniques include Round Robin editing, peer editing, read-aloud
editing and revising,individual conferencing to name a few. In the
revising and editing step, students will need to look at both
mechanics and ideas.
4. Rewriting - Students will make their changes and type their
final piece of writing (often called their final draft).
5. Publishing - Students will submit most of their final pieces of
writing through Google Classroom AND turn in the hand written
rough draft (with editing marks).

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