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1. Read this text from a problem-page and identify what this teens
problem is.

Dear Lauren,
When I started high school I had a couple of friends. However, they
ditched me and found new friends. I was never alone like that and I
didnt know how to get around, socially. I had no friends and I was very
shy. At some point I thought I wasnt good enough for friends, while my
old friends made new ones. Im going into tenth grade now and Im still
struggling a lot and I feel really insecure. How do I face my fears?

1.1 Describe this teenagers personality.

2. Now read this text. What sort of problem did the author face
when she was a teenager?

Let me tell you about my experience. I spent my entire high school

career without a best friend in school. So I understand what youre going
through. Im so sorry you feel lonely. I think loneliness is the most difficult
life challenge to endure. But what can you do about it? Well, from my own
personal experience in high school I learned a lot.
First of all, I learned how to put together a social life for myself. Because
none of the girls in my school were going to work as my best friend, I was
friendly with them, but not super close with them, and not exclusively
friends with them. I found other friends in other places, and each one of my
different friends understood and could relate to a different piece of me.
So yes, I was lonely, but I found pieces of what I needed, socially, in
many different people. You dont have to limit your search for a good friend
only to the kids who attend your school with you. Another thing I learned:
the best way to get a friend is to be a friend. Look around, and see whom
you might want to become friendly with. Then sincerely show that person
your interest in their likes and dislikes and opinions. Ask them what they
think about things. Ask them what they like to do. People are touched when
others are interested in them and their thoughts and their preferences. And
sincerely show them that you like who they are. Thats the best way to
begin the process of acquiring that person as a friend.
Finally, Id say the most important lesson of all that I learned from my
feeling so lonely in high school was: learning to love myself. Learning to be
my own best friend when I couldnt find someone else appropriate for the
Adapted from:

2.1. Identify in the text six pieces of advice given by this psychologist.

2.2. Find in the second text words/expressions that mean the same as

a. suffer with patience

b. very intimate
c. connect with
d. emotionally affected


Write an opinion text on the topic What it takes to be a good

Write about 100 120 words.
You may use the input provided by Activities A and B.

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