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CAT 2003 Actual Paper

Answers and Explanations

1 3 16 4 31 3 46 4 61 3 76 3 91 1 106 1 121 3 136 3
2 3 17 2 32 3 47 2 62 1 77 2 92 4 107 3 122 1 137 4
3 4 18 1 33 3 48 4 63 3 78 1 93 3 108 2 123 4 138 3
4 2 19 3 34 2 49 2 64 2 79 3 94 1 109 1 124 2 139 1
5 1 20 4 35 2 50 3 65 2 80 1 95 4 110 4 125 3 140 2
6 1 21 3 36 2 51 2 66 2 81 2 96 1 111 2 126 3 141 3
7 1 22 4 37 1 52 1 67 3 82 1 97 4 112 1 127 1 142 2
8 4 23 2 38 3 53 3 68 1 83 3 98 3 113 4 128 4 143 2
9 2 24 4 39 1 54 1 69 1 84 4 99 4 114 1 129 4 144 3
10 1 25 1 40 1 55 3 70 2 85 4 100 4 115 3 130 3 145 2
11 3 26 2 41 4 56 2 71 1 86 4 101 1 116 2 131 1 146 4
12 1 27 1 42 2 57 1 72 3 87 2 102 2 117 3 132 1 147 3
13 2 28 4 43 1 58 2 73 4 88 4 103 4 118 4 133 2 148 4
14 3 29 4 44 3 59 3 74 3 89 2 104 2 119 4 134 3 149 1
15 2 30 1 45 1 60 2 75 4 90 4 105 1 120 4 135 4 150 2

Question Total Total Total Total Net Time

number questions attempted correct wrong Score Taken
EU + RC 1 to 50 50

QA + DS 51 to 100 50

DI + DS + AR 101 to 150 50

Total 150

CAT 2003 Actual Paper Page 1

1. 3 See third paragraph last two lines. It is clearly 18. 1 Refer to the part Ultimately, corporate norms are based
mentioned that new free-flight concept . . . and other on middle-class values
19. 3 Refer to the part Were separated by class
2. 3 Paragraph 5, fourth line says that there is also a need
for . . ., design talents . . . 20. 4 (1), (2) and (3) are specifically stated in the passage
at the end of the first t paragraph and the second
3. 4 First paragraph fifth line says . . ., happened in less paragraph.
than a decade.
21. 3 Refer to last paragraph, line 10 they would build what
4. 2 Paragraph 4 clearly talks about the increase in size of was more beautiful than . . .
the aircraft.
22. 4 Refer to paragraph 1, line 3 Mysticism on the whole
5. 1 Paragraph 2, fourth line talks about the differences was alien and last paragraph lines 6 and 7.
and explicitly mentions takes off vertically.
23. 2 Refer to last paragraph, lines 3 and 4 Simplicity in the
6. 1 Refer to paragraph 5, line 1 became . . . more divorced Parthenon St. Columns . . .
from religion.
24. 4 Paragraph 4, last line . . . insignificant atom that was
7. 1 Refer to paragraph 1, line 10 . . . a means for man.
advancement not only in income but also in status.
25. 1 Paragraph 1, line 3 Mysticism on the whole was alien
8. 4 Refer to paragraph 3: Let us look at the clerical side and paragraph 2 line 1 Greek art is intellectual are . . .
first and paragraph 4, line 5 even though they entered
the clergy, had secular goals. 26. 2 AD is clearly a mandatory pair as D talks about the
extra enclosures. Also this . . ., wall of E should
9. 2 Refer to para 1, line 7 Christians educate their sons follow from A, D and C.
. . . for gain . . .
27. 1 ED is a mandatory pair as the they of D are the
10. 1 Refer to paragraph 4, line 1 edu was taking on many Japanese off E. Only (1) has ED in that order.
secular qualities . . .
28. 4 A is the general sentence. ED and B have to come one
11. 3 Refer to the part while the dynamics of federalism after another because they represent a sequence.
and democracy have given added strength to the rights
given to the States in the Constitution, they have worked 29. 4 Option (3) also looks correct but actually option (4) is
against the rights of Panchayats right because (A) is just an analogy to explain the
phenomenal mentioned in sentence (D). Also EC forms
12. 1 Refer to the words volition which means preference a mandatory pair.
and circumscribe which means confine
30. 1 D is the general sentence. E and A form a mandatory
13. 2 Refer to the part while the dynamics of federalism pair because the it mentioned in sentence A talks
and democracy have given added strength to the rights about the fox hunting mentioned in sentence E.
given to the States in the Constitution, they have worked
against the rights of Panchayats 31. 3 It seems as if CB is mandatory. However, looking at it
closely reveals that the she of B and the princess of
14. 3 Refer to the part exposed the intra-State level of our D are two different entities. The monarch and the
federal system to a dilemma of which the inter-State princess of C are general. The she of B is the princess
and Union-State layers are free of A. Therefore, EC and CD and DA are mandatory.

15. 2 Refer to the part The spurt given to a multi-party 32. 3 CE is mandatory as can be seen by the these . . .,
democracy by the overthrow of the Emergency in 1977 food stuffs of E. However, this still leaves us with
became a long-term trend later three answer choices. B should follow E as can be
seen by the word similarly, hence (3) becomes the
16. 4 (1), (2) and (3) are specifically stated in the paragraph answer.
starting People born into the middle class to parents
33. 3 Link between BD British-foreign policy and then AE
17. 2 Refer to the part jobs in which they are closely from overbranding and since then . . . nervous on
supervised and are required to follow orders. promoting and the EC but reunification . . . think again.

Page 2 CAT 2003 Actual Paper

34. 2 (1) is wrong because if they focus on cost . . . they will 49. 2 Again the second blank can only be filled by damaged.
reduce [too definite]. (3) is wrong Any cost minimization
is too broad. (4) is wrong because quality 50. 3 The two blanks should have contrasting words as
improvement rather than cost cutting is not implied. choices and constraints are also contrasting.
Both should be done. Hence, choice (2) is correct. (3) fits in.

35. 2 (1) is wrong because there is no mention of choices. 51. 2 MDCCLXXXVII = 1000 + 500 + 100 + 100 + 50 + 10 + 10
(3) is wrong because always try [too extreme]. (4) is + 10 + 5 + 1 + 1 = 1787
wrong because we urge . . . to buy vans is too
narrow. Hence, choice (2) is correct. 52. 1 MCMXCIX = 1000 + (1000 100) + (100 10) + (10
1) = 1000 + 900 + 90 + 9 = 1999
36. 2 There is only one type of inertia which has both mental
and physical effects. That is why (3) and (4) are 53. 3 (I) MCMLXXV = 1000 + (1000 100) + 50 + 10 + 10
wrong. (1) which says freezes . . . decapitates is too + 5 = 1975
extreme. Hence, choice (2) is correct. (II) MCMXCV = 1000 + (1000 100) + (100 10) + 5
= 1995
37. 1 A is unambiguous, B is not right because the boss did (III) MVD = 1000 + (500 5) = 1495
not offer any job. C is wrong because free holiday (IV) MVM = 1000 + (1000 5) = 1995
accommodation does not come that frequently in our Therefore, the answer is (II) and (IV), i.e. option (3).
lives. D is wrong because you never take the bosss
job when she is away.
For questions 54 to 56: A1A2 = 2r, B1B2 = 2r + r 3 , C1C2
38. 3 The phrase help with the beer is incorrect as it should
= 2r + 2r 3
be help to the beer.
Hence, a = 3 2r
39. 1 Its always suggestions look great on paper. b = 3 (2r + r 3 )
40. 1 It should be serve themselves in stead of service
c = 3 2r + 2r 3 ( )
41. 4 The correct phrase is listen to reason and not listen 54. 1 Difference between (1) and (2) is 3 3r and that
to a reason.
between (2) and (3) is 3 3r . Hence, (1) is the correct
42. 2 The phrase profitable business should be a profitable choice.

43. 1 The first part talks about how punctuation should be. 2r 2r 2r 2r 9 3
55. 3 Time taken by A = + + = = r
The second part gives reasons for it. If punctuation 20 30 15 60 10
makes the reader least conscious then it should be
least obtruding. 3
Therefore, B and C will also travel for time r.
44. 3 stimulate and control should be on almost opposite
tangents as the passage talks of why a looser fiscal
policy is better than the control of budget.
Now speed of B = 10 3 + 20 ( )
Therefore, the distance covered
45. 1 leisure and explore go with peaceful and
prosperous. (2) is wrong because when you travel (
= 10 3 + 20 ) 3
r = ( )
3 + 2 10
abroad you dont ignore the world. (3) is obviously
wrong you dont suffer the world. (4) is wrong as
temerity means audacity.
( )
= 2r + 3r 3 = B1B2 + B2B3 + B3B1
B will be at B1.
46. 4 Reading this sentence tells us that the second blank Now time taken by for each distance are
has to be of a slightly higher degree but on the same
C1C2 C2C3 C C
theme. Only (4) fits this criterion. , , 3 1

47. 2 If men had groveled before her then her attitude would
( 3 +1 ) 40
3 + 1 120 )
definitely be negative.

2+2 3 r 3
2+2 3 r 2+2 3 r
( ) ( )
48. 4 The second blank cannot be filled by any other choice
other than facing.
40 3 +1 (
40 3 +1 )
120 ( )
CAT 2003 Actual Paper Page 3
Therefore, total number of lines required for internal
i.e. 3 2r, 3 2r,
1+ 3
( ) connections in each zone = 9 4 = 36 lines.
Now consider the connection between any two
40 40 60

1+ 3 (
20 20 60

We can observe that time taken for C1C2 and C2C3

3 3 3
combined is r+ r= r , which is same as time
20 20 10
Each town in first zone can be connected to three
taken by A. Therefore, C will be at C3.
towns in the second zone.
Therefore, the lines required = 3 3 = 9
56. 2 In similar triangles, ratio of Area = Ratio of squares of
Therefore, total number of lines required for connecting
corresponding sides.
towns of different zones = 4C2 9 = 6 9 = 54
Hence, A and C reach A3 and C3 respectively.
Therefore, total number of lines in all = 54 + 36 = 90
57. 1 The whole height h will be divided into n equal parts.
61. 3 PQ || AC
Therefore, spacing between two consecutive turns
h = =
= . QB PB 3
QD || PC
58. 2 The four faces through which string is passing can PD CQ 4
be shown as = =
n n
PD 4
4 As =
DB 3
n n
n n 4 4
4 PD = PB
4 7
Therefore, length of string in each face AP AP
n 7
= n2 +
7 AP
4 PB
n2 17n
= n2 + = 7 4
16 4 =
4 3
Therefore, length of string through four faces
= 4 = 17n 62. 1 Let AB be the tower and C and D be the initial and final
positions of the car.
59. 3 As h/n = number of turns = 1 (as given). Hence h = n. A

60. 2 Consider first zone. The number of telephone lines


can be shown a follows.

= 9 lin es

4 5 6 0

Page 4 CAT 2003 Actual Paper

Let AB = 1
For a = 1, 4a = 4, b = 2, 3, 4
Therefore, BC =1
a = 2, 4a = 8, b = 3, 4
tan 60 = a = 3, 4a = 12, b = 4
a = 4, 4a = 16, b = 4
3= Number of equations possible = 7.
1 65. 2 log10 x log10 x = 2logx 10
BD =
log10 = logx 100
CD = BC BD x
= 1 log10 100
3 log10 x =
log10 x
As time for traveling CD, i.e. 1 is 10 min 1 2
3 log10 x =
2 log10 x
(log10 x ) = 4
Time required for traveling BD = 1
3 log10 x = 2
1 10 10 3 +1
= 10 = = log10 x = 2 or log10 x = 2
3 1 3 1 3 1 3 +1
102 = x or 102 = x

10 ( 3 +1 ) =5 ( )
3 + 1 min 1
2 x = 100 or x =
63. 3
66. 2 Such numbers are 10, 17, , 94.
These numbers are in AP. There are 13 numbers.
10 + 94
C Sum = 13
96 2
x = 52 13 = 676
180 2y

x y y 67. 3 Total codes which can be formed = 9 9 = 81.

D B (Distinct digit codes)
Using exterior angle theorem The digits which can confuse are 1, 6, 8, 9, from
these digit we can form the codes = 4 3 = 12
A + B = 96
Out of these 12 codes two numbers 69 and 96 will not
i.e. x + y = 96 (i)
create confusion.
Also x + (180 2y) + 96 = 180
Therefore, (12 2) = 10 codes will create a confusion.
x 2y + 96 = 0 Therefore, total codes without confusion
x 2y = 96 (ii) = 81 10 = 71.
Solving (i) and (ii),
y = 64 and x = 32 68. 1 Consider a square of side x.
Therefore, its area = x2
DBC = y = 64o
Therefore, area of the largest circle = ,
64. 2 ax2 + bx + 1 = 0 2
For real roots, b2 4ac 0
2 which can be cut from square = .
b 4a(1) 0 4

b2 4a 2 2
Therefore, area scrapped = x x = x2 1
4 4

CAT 2003 Actual Paper Page 5

x2 1 Let =x
Area scrapped 4 l
= = 1 = Con tan t
Area of square x2 4 Therefore, from (i), we get

As this ratio is constant whether we cut a circle from 1 4

small square or larger square, scrapped area will be a x 3
fixed percentage of square. Therefore, in our problem
as two squares are of the same size, the ratio will 1 + x2 4
be 1 : 1. =
x 3

3 + 3x 2 = 4x
69. 1 E
A B 3x 2 4x + 3 = 0

x =
( 4) 16 4 ( 3) 3

C 2 3
4 16 12
BD = 2r =
2 3
Area of circle r 2 42
= = =
Area of rec tan gle lb 3 2 3

r2 1 6
= =
lb 3 2 3
2 2
4 = 1 2 3
lb 3
3 1
= OR
d 2
1 1 3
4lb 3 1
From options, the answer is , i.e. 1: 3 .
l2 + b2 1
4lb 3
70. 2 log3 M + 3log3 N = 1 + log0.008 5
l2 + b2 4 3
lb 3
log3 (M1/ 3N3 ) = 1 +
(log10 log2 )
l b 4 log8 log1000
+ = (i)
b l 3
log3 (M1/ 3N3 ) = 1
(1 log2 )
Now AED : CBD 3 (1 log2 )
= 1 2
CB DC log3 (M1/ 3N3 ) = 1 =
3 3

= M1/3N3 = 32/3
AD DC MN9 = 32
AE b 9
= N9 = .
AD l M

We have to find AE , i.e. b .

AD l

Page 6 CAT 2003 Actual Paper

71. 1 Lets make the given sum by using minimum number of
coins as 1
m(n +1) 2 m3 m3
No. of No. of No. of Total no. log = log = log
Value of coin n(n 1) n n

coins coins coins of coins
50 1 1 1 3
25 1 1 P
10 1 2 2 5 P 1
P+ + L 1 P 2 1
2 2 =
( )
5 1 1 76. 3
A 2A 2 1 2A
2 2 4 3 9 A + + L
Total amount 69 78 101 19

2P ( 2 + 1)
2 4a ( 2 +1 )
72. 3 Its standard property among circle, square and 2
triangle, for a given parameter, area of circle is the
2A 2a

( ) ( )
highest and area of the triangle is least whereas area
of the square is in-between, i.e. c > s > t. 2 2 2 +1 2 2+ 2
= =
a a
73. 4 To find the remainder when , let us use the basic
6 77. 2 xyz = 4
property of dividing the power of 4 by 6, i.e., yx=zy
2y = x + z
41 y is the AM of x, y, z.
2 1
42 Also, 3 xyz = 4 3 3 xyz = 2 3 .
=4 2
y 23
=4 Therefore, the minimum value of y is 2 3 .
Hence, any power of 4 when divided by 6 leaves a
remainder of 4. 78. 1 BAC = ACT + ATC = 50 + 30 = 80o
And ACT = ABC (Angle in alternate segment)
74. 3 5x + 19y = 64
We see that if y =1, we get an integer solution for o
So ABC = 50
x = 9. Now, if y changes (increases or decreases)
by 5x will change (decrease or increase) by 19. BCA = 180 (ABC + BAC )
Looking at the options, if x = 294, we get y = 74.
Using these values we see options (1), (2) and (4) = 180 (50 + 80 ) = 50o
are eliminated and also that there exists a solution for
250 < x 300. o
Since BOA = 2BCA = 2 50 = 100

m2 m3 Alternative Method:
75. 4 Sum of log m + log + log + L n terms such
n n2
Join OC
problem must be solved by taking the value of number OCT = 90 (TC is tangent to OC)
of terms. Lets say 2 and check the given option. If we OCA = 90 50 = 40
look at the sum of 2 terms of the given series it comes
OAC = 40 (OA = OC being the radius)
m2 m m2 m3 BAC = 50 + 30 = 80
out to be log m + log log = log
n n n OAB = 80 40 = 40 = OBA (OA = OB being

Now look at the option and put number of terms as 2, the radius)
only option (4) validates the above mentioned answer. BOA = 180 (OBA + OAB) = 100

CAT 2003 Actual Paper Page 7

4 9 16 25 3
79. 3 Let S = 1 + + + + (i) Area as ACE = ( 3a)2
7 7 2 73 7 4 4
1 1 4 9 16 1
S= + + + (ii) Therefore, ratio =
7 7 7 2 73 7 4 2
(i) (ii) gives,
82. 1 Let is the common root.
1 3 5 7 9
S 1 = 1 + + + 3 + 4 (iii)
7 7 7 2
7 7 3 + 3 2 + 4 + 5 = 0

1 1 1 3 5 7 3 + 23 + 7 + 3 = 0
S 1 = + 2 + 3 + 4 (iv)
7 7 7 7 7 7 2 3 + 2 = 0
(iii) (iv) gives,
= 2, = 1
1 1 1 2 2 2 2 But the above values of do not satisfy any of the
S 1 S 1 = 1 + + + + L
7 7 7 7 72 73 74 equations. Thus, no root is common.

1 1 2 1 1 1 1
S 1 1 = 1 + 1 + + 2 + L 1 < x3+
7 7 7 7 7 83. 3
n n
2 Put n = 1
1 2 1
S 1 = 1 + 0<x4
7 7 1 1

2 84. 4 36 n 72
6 2 7
S = 1+
7 7 6 n2 + 2 n(n + 4) + 16
n+4 n +4
36 1
S = 1+ Putting n = 36, we get
49 3
49 4 (36)2 + 2 6 40 + 16
S = x= = 28
36 3 36 + 24 + 4
which is least value of x.
85. 4 13x + 1 < 2z and z + 3 = 5y 2
80. 1 By observing, we see 6 will appear in 5 sets T2, T3, 2
T4, T5 and T6. Similarly, 12 will also appear in 5 sets 13x + 1 < 2 (5y 3)
and these sets will be distinct from the sets in which
13x + 1 < 10y 2 6
6 appears, i.e. T8, T9, T10, T11 and T12. Thus, each
multiple of 6 will appear in 5 distinct sets. Till T96, there
13x + 7 < 10y 2
will be 16 multiplies of 6. These 16 multiples of 6 will
appear in 16 5 = 80 sets. Putting x = 1

20 < 10y 2 y2 > 2

81. 2 B a C
a (y 2 2) > 0
3 0 3 a
D (
y+ 2 )( y 2 ) > 0.

a y ( , 2 ) ( 2, )

E x=1

Q ACE is equilateral triangle with side 3 a.

3 2 0
Area of hexagon = a 6 2 2

Page 8 CAT 2003 Actual Paper

86. 4 Let n = 6.
12 19 + 36 8 19 16
Therefore, n = 6 2.4. =
Therefore, divisors of 6 are 1, 2 and 3.
If we take 2 as divisor, then, n > 2 > 1. 4 19 + 20 2 19 + 10
= = .
Therefore, statement A is true. 6 3
If we take 3 as divisor, then 6 > 3 > 2.4, i.e., n > 3 > n.
Therefore, statement B is also true. 90. 4 x x

87. 2 x = |a| b x x
Now a xb = a ( |a| b) b
= a + |a| b2 x x

a + ab2 if a 0 x
a xb = x
a ab if a < 0
Volume = l b h
a 1 + b2 if a 0

) V = (12 2x)(12 2x) x
V = (12 2x) (12 2x) 4x
a 1 b2 if a < 0
) Where V = 4 V
Now sum = 12 2x + 12 2x + 4x = 24 [Constant]
Consider first case: As sum is constant for maximum product 12 2x
As a 0 and |b| 1, therefore (1 + b2) is positive. = 12 2x = 4x
a (1 + b2) 0 Therefore, x = 2
a xb 0
Consider second case. 91. 1 Any prime number greater than 3 can be expressed in
As a < 0 and |b| 1, therefore (1 b2) 0 the form of 6n 1 and minimum difference between
a (1 b2) 0 (Since ve -ve = +ve and 1 b2 can three consecutive prime numbers is 2 and 4. The
be zero also), i.e. a xb 0 values that satisfy the given conditions are only 3, 5
Therefore, in both cases a xb 0. and 7, i.e., only one set is possible.
88. 4 The required answer is 34 0.65 0.65 = 14.365 92. 4 a = 6b = 12c and 2b = 9d = 12e.
Because we get two similar triangles and area is Dividing the first equations by 12 and second by 36,
proportional to square of its side.
a b c b d e
89. 2 B we get = = and = =
12 2 1 18 4 3
a b c b d e
= = = =
1 2 R1

i.e. and
108 18 9 18 4 3
a b c d e
4 19 = = = =
108 18 9 4 3
A 1 20 a : b : c : d : e = 108 : 18 : 9 : 4 : 3.
c 9
8 = is not an integer.
R2 d 4

BC2 = (12)2 + 82 2 12 8 cos120 93. 3 Let in 2001 the number of huts before floods = 32
BC = 4 19 Huts destroyed = = 16 and rebuilt = 32.
4 19 + 8 4 19 + 12 Total huts after floods in 2001 = 16 + 32 = 48
t1 = and t 2 = Similarly, in 2002, destroyed = 24
3 2
[where t1 and t2 are time taken by Ram and Shyam to Rebuilt = 48
reach the starting point] Total = 24 + 48 = 72
Similarly, in 2003, destroyed = 36
Rebuilt = 72
4 19 + 12 4 19 + 8 Total = 36 + 72 = 108
t 2 t1 = Checking with choices the answer is (3).
2 3

CAT 2003 Actual Paper Page 9

100. 4 (1 5) A ir con ditio ning
94. 1 g2 = g g = h
R a dio (1 2 )
g3 = g2 g = h g = f 6 2
g4 = g3 g = f g = e 3
95. 4 f [f {f (f f )}]
P o w er w in do w s (11 )
= f [f {f h}]]
Total = 4 + 6 + 2 + 2 + 3 + 1 + 5 = 23
= f [f e}] Cars having none of the option = 25 23 = 2.
= f [f ]]
101. 1 Is a sitter, its just simple addition and subtraction, FRG
=h + CZE = 43.01 and US Total = 42.83
Hence difference in time = 43.01 42.83 = 0.18
96. 1 e8 = e 2 e 2 e 2
102. 2 The first two rankers of final score are 8905 and
= eee
8897. The third ranker is carrying a score of 8880. So
=e he needs to score 8881 to get a bronze, whereas his
If we observe a anything = a sum is 582 + 3003 = 3585.
a10 = a Least score required = 8881 3585 = 5296
{a10 (f 10 g9 )} e8 103. 4 Let the positive weights given to a competitor in High
= ae Jump, Pole Vault and Long Jump be x, y and z
respectively. Therefore, x + y + z = Score-2
In long jump event, Michael Smith must have out-jumped
all those competitors (excluding Daley Thompson) who
97. 4 Case I: ___ m ___
had scored more than or equal to Michael Smith in
First place can be selected in five ways and hence
each of High Jump and Pole Vault but with consolidated
the third in four ways.
Score-2 of less than the consolidated Score-2 of
5 4 = 20 ways Michael Smith.
The four competitors whom Michael Smith must have
Case II: __ n ___ out-jumped in the long jump event are Torsten Voss,
First place can be selected in 5 ways and third in Jurgen Hingsen, Grigory Degtyarov and Steve Fritz.
2 ways
5 2 = 10 ways 104. 2 Here you need to compare the ratio as which is the
189 209
highest out of , and rest of the options have
Case III: ___ p ___ 561 587
First place can be selected in 5 ways and last letter equal value.
will be same, i.e. one way. 209 189
Now we can see that is greater than , so
5 1 = 5 way 587 561
Total ways = 20 + 10 + 5 = 35 ways. 1997 has the highest ratio.

98. 3 As third letter is e that can be selected in one way 105. 1 Population in 1995 =
only. 421 207
Case I: 4 m e = 4 ways 1000 million 440 million
Case II: 5 n e = 5 ways 487
Case III: e p e = 1 ways Population in 1996 =
_________ 561 189
= 10 ways 1000 million 802 million
99. 4 In option (1), take x = 7, y = 9. Then, 9 7 = 2, which Population in 1997 =
is even. 587 209
In option (2), take x = 2, y = 9. Then, 2 9 = 18, which 1000 million 740 million
is even.
Population in 1999 =
In option (3), take x = 3, y = 9. Then, = 4, which 660 220
3 1000 million 777 million
is even.
Hence, option (4) is the correct choice. Hence, Chaidesh had the lowest population in 1995.

Page 10 CAT 2003 Actual Paper

106. 1 From 96 to 99 in each year the production has increased 113. 4 In the consolidated list, there are 36 countries whose
but the area has decreased. Therefore, the production birth rate doesnt exceed 35. Now looking at the
in unit per area is highest in 1999. countries with birth rate of 36, we see that on the
basis of lower death rates, Venezuela is placed at
107. 3 Cement Limestone Power Wages 37th position.
93 94 100 20 25 15
114. 1 There are 9 countries in Asia that are ranked lower
02 03 104 21 27 15.8 than every country of South America, namely Iran,
Vietnam, Korea(DPRK), Pakistan, Nepal, Bangladesh,
104 (21 + 27 + 15.8)
So percentage profit = 100 Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan. Out of these nations, only
104 Afghanistan is ranked below all the countries from
Africa. Remaining 8 countries satisfy the given
= 100 = 38.65% condition.
115. 3 March rainfall is lower than September rainfall in every
108. 2 location. Just check the bar graph.
Steel Power Wages Iron Ore 116. 2 Peak rainfall occurs in April only in locations 6 and 7.
93 94 100 30 10 25
02 03 105.5 32.4 10.53 26.5 For questions 117 to 119: Based on observation only.
So percentage profit
117. 3 By observation, 4 commodities namely Chillies, Onion,
105.5 (32.4 + 10.53 + 26.5) Egg and Dal showed a net overall increase and the
= 100 remaining two , namely Edible Oil and Rice showed a
net overall decrease.
= 34.18%
118. 4 Except Edible Oil, all the other five commodities
109. 1 You only need to see the particular row in the table for
experienced a price decline for two or more
the given options and for Power it experienced
consecutive years.
continuous rise.
119. 4 Egg and Onion shows a price rise immediately after a
110. 4 Again for timber and wages experienced declined
price decline only once in this period.
only once for the given period.
For questions 120 to 123:
For questions 111 to 114:
Operating profit = Profitability Operating Income
The table consists of sorting the different nations according to
Operating profits in 2002-03 for:
the birth rate and death rate. The only thing to remember is that
if two countries have same rank (3), then next country will get 8 180 2 220
(5) rank. So A= = 14.4 crore; B= = 14.4 crore;
100 100
rank of Philippines is 33,
rank of Spain is 17,
rank of Taiwan is 28. 15 200 1 290
C= = 30 crore; D= = 2.9 crore;
In-between total 9 countries. 100 100
In consolidated list 37th country is Venezuela.
17.5 200 9 210
In last question, we have to check last country of South America E= = 35 crore; F= = 18.9 crore
(42, 11) and last country of Africa (50, 28). In-between there 100 100
are 8 countries of Asia. Looking at the values, two companies B and D are excluded in
the third graph.
111. 2 There are 32 nations in all the four lists which have
lower birth rates than Philippines. So they are ranked 120. 4 Companies A, C and E have profitability between 10%
higher than it. Now, three nations namely Philippines, and 20% in F.Y. 2001-02. But the operating income of
Thailand and Colombia have identical birth rates and C in F.Y. 2002-03 is greater than 200 crore. Hence,
death rates (34 and 10 respectively). Hence, they are option (4) is the correct option.
ranked 33rd in the consolidated list.
121. 3 E has the highest operating profit of Rs.35 crore in
112. 1 The rank of Spain is 17 th overall, tied alongwith F.Y. 2002-03.
Yugoslavia. So the next country will be ranked 19th in
the list. Taiwan is ranked 28th in the list. Hence, there
will be (28 19) = 9 countries between Taiwan and

CAT 2003 Actual Paper Page 11

122. 1 Operating profit of B in F.Y. 2001-02 = From statement B only, we cannot find the man of the
( 4 ) 250 = 10 crore Combining both statements we can find the man of the
100 match i.e. Aakash.
and operating profit of D in F.Y. 2001-02
130. 3 From statement A, their ranks will be A - 4, B -1, C - 2,
( 2) 250 = 5 crore D - 3.
100 From statement B, also their ranks will be A - 4, B -1,
Therefore, average operating profit for B and D in F.Y. C - 2, D - 3.
( 5 ) + ( 10 ) crore = 7.5 crore 131. 1 Let there be n members in the club.
2001-02 =
600 600
From statement A, we have = + 10 .
123. 4 Two companies C and E have profitability exceeding n5 n
10% in F.Y. 2002-03. Solving this equation, we get n = 20. Therefore, we
Their average operating profit in F.Y. 2002-03 can find the payment of each member.
Hence, statement A alone is sufficient.
30 + 35
= crore = 32.5 crore. From statement B, we cannot determine anything.
132. 1 F + n = 4 (k + n) (i)
For questions 124 to 126: M + n = 3 (k + n) (ii)
Increase of HP is from 884 to 970, i.e. 86 From the above equations
Increase of Kerala is from 1004 to 1058, i.e. 54 F M = (k + n)
Increase of Punjab is from 832 to 874, i.e. 42 From A
Increase of Assam is 919 to 932, i.e. 13 F M = 10 k + n = 10
Increase of J & K is 882 to 900, i.e. 18 F + n = 40
M + n = 30
For questions 124 to 126: F + M + 2n = 70
124. 2 Increase of HP is from 884 to 970, i.e. 86 Hence, from A alone, we can get the answer.
Increase of Kerala is from 1004 to 1058, i.e. 54
Increase of Punjab is from 832 to 874, i.e. 42 For questions 133 to 137:
Increase of Assam is 919 to 932, i.e. 13 If a person copies from one source, he must have the same
Increase of J & K is 882 to 900, i.e. 18 blank answers as the source and exactly one wrong answer
Therefore, HP and Kerala are highest. more than the source (as the copier has introduced one wrong
answer on his own). If the person copies from two sources,
125. 3 Goa (1091 to 960) i.e. 131 the distinct wrong answers from the two sources would be
Tamil Nadu (1044 to 986) i.e. 58 left blank by the copier and the same wrong answers in the
Bihar (1061 to 921) i.e. 140 two sources would be copied as it is.
Orissa ( 1037 to 972) i.e. 65
Therefore, Bihar should the sharpest decline over the 133. 2 A and D have only one source since they have only
period 1901 2001. one wrong answer each.
C may have copied from only one source i.e. I and
126. 3 Females outnumbering males means that the sex ratio hence, only B has two sources.
is more than 1000.
Option (1), (2), and (4) are true. 134. 3 I did it before C since 27 is the wrong choice for I.
Similarly, A, D and E made keys before C. Hence, 4
For questions 127 and 128: people made their keys before C.
Congress Thursday BJP Friday
SP Thursday BSP Friday 135. 4 Both G and H cant be sources to any of F, B or I and
CPM Friday hence, (4) is the correct option.

127. 1 Congress procession can only be allowed on 136. 3 F introduced wrong answer to question 14, because
Thursday. nobody else has done question 14 wrong.

128. 4 According to the given table, statement (4) is not true. 137. 4 A, D and G have one distinct wrong answer and no
blank answers. So they must have the same source.
129. 4 From statement A, both Aakash and Biplab have the E and H also have a common wrong answer and no
same scores. But we cannot find the man of match. blanks.
Hence, both the groups had identical sources.

Page 12 CAT 2003 Actual Paper

138. 3 VCD = 70%, Microwave = 75%, ACS = 80%, Washing For questions 143 to 146:
M/c = 85% JC came in first and the next 2 people were SS and SM. When
Least percentage of employees having both VCD and he left, DG left with him. JP and VR stayed behind.
Microwave = 70 + 75 100 = 45%
Least percentage having all three VCD, Microwave, Entry Exit Met
ACS = 45 + 80 100 = 25% JC SS SM JC and DG JP and VR
Least percentage having all four = 25% + 85% 100%
JP and VR JC and one more
= 10% together person
For questions 139 to 142: SS left immediately after SM.
The key to cracking this question is to follow the simple PK only met JP and DG.
fundamentals in Analytical Reasoning of going 1 line at a time The key to this question is that when JP and VR entered apart
and making a simple table from JC there was only one other person. This could not have
been SS or SM as they came and left together. Hence, this
Arrival Order Husband Wife Kids would have to be DG.
1 Joya 2 Hence, DG came 4th, before JP and is the answer to both 143
2 Shanthi 0 and 144.
3 Sridevi Now for Qs 145, we need to see how many people VR met.
4 Sunil 1 Both SS and SM had already left and JC and DG were sitting.
He entered with JP eliminating 2 and 5 from our answer choices.
Sentence 1 Family with 2 kids before no kids Since PK did not meet VR, the answer is 3 and not 4.
Sentence 2 Shanthi with no kids came before Sridevi
Sentence 3 Sunil and wife came last with only kid 143. 2
Sentence 4 Anil and Joya not husband and wife
Sentence 5 Anil and Raj are fathers hence cannot 144. 3
be the family with no kids
Sentence 6 Sridevi and Anita cannot be the persons 145. 2
with no kid
Sentence 7 Anil and Joya not husband and wife 146. 4
Sentence 8 Joya before Shanti and Anita was already
present. For questions 147 to 150:

Using the above informations, Anil and Raj cannot be D A F

married to Shanthi as Shanthi has no kids. Hence, Entrance Corridor
Sunil has to be married to Sridevi (not with Joya already
stated) and Raman with Shanthi.

Arrival Order Husband Wife Kids

147. 3 If E faces the corridor, person to his left is C.
1 Anil Anita 1
So the answer is (3).
2 Raj Joya 2
3 Raman Shanthi 0
148. 4 According to figure, E faces As office.
4 Sunil Sridevi 1
So the answer is (4).
139. 1
149. 1 According to figure, Fs neighbour is A.
140. 2 So the answer is (1).

141. 3 150. 2 According to figure, Bs room is last on the right.

So the answer is (2).
142. 2

CAT 2003 Actual Paper Page 13

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