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Ruin Pubs: the real feeling of them

Patricia Bublitz Nascimento

Neptun Code: DVMCWP

The capital of Hungary is one of the largest cities in Europe. Became this
big with the unification of Buda, buda and Pest in 1873 when also
became known as Budapest. A city with a mix of a lot of old-centuries
cultures that became part of the tradition and history of Budapest and
Hungary as well. And following this old line, I want to catch your
attention for one of the treasures of this place: Ruin pubs!

The nightlife of Budapest is really popular for all ages, but what really
draws the attention of every tourist (and even for the Hungarians
themselves) are the Ruin Pubs. As far as I know, the idea was really simple
and the results came as a consequence: make a trash-old-fashion messy pub
entering good music, some illumination and everything that is not useful
and old that they could found. Some of the pubs (like the famous Szimpla
Kert) are really a perfect and well thought disorganized place. Other ones
are more a mix of old-new architecture and style. These unique places have
the charm for make everyone that are there feel comfortable and have a lot
of pleasure moments. The best of the Ruin pubs are that they have this
artistic creativity glued on their walls that make all places with a magical
and unique atmosphere. But the point that makes me feel that I need to give
a special attention to them is more philosophic: why this mixture? Why at
the XXI century we would be enjoying have an old building for party or
have some drinks and chatting? And most important: why dont renovate
them, cover the damaged walls and make it a new and modern place? For
me, the answer is that, our pass someday were someones present, and is
good have this old-present close to us, that were theirs future. The pass
cant be forget and give an old place, an old building a function that have
more to do with the actual days, is poetic. Is dont delete the history that
those places had someday, but dont keep talking about them neither. Is it
there, is noticeable!

For the Hungarian Architecture and for all styles and national architectures,
the ruin pubs are more than a entertainment places, are a representation of
this use of old buildings without modify them, without take of its
originality. Its the symbol of moderns minds in old ruin buildings.

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