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Hotel Rwanda Review

Director Terry George has focused on Rwandan genocide which occurred during the Spring of
1994. It is not only focused on only one aspect but also on other aspects such as family and
dilemma too.

The star cast has done a great job with Don Cheadle and Sophie Okonedo as Hotelier Paul and
his wife Tatiana match the role inch perfectly.

Tensions between the Hutus and Tutsi people lead to a conflict in Rwanda, where corruption
and bribes between politicians are almost a rountine. As politicians keep changing their minds,
there is a cause in the lives of people in and around. As the political situation in the country
weakens following the assassination of President, Paul and his wife observe people being killed
and with every minute tensions tends to grow and they plan to move to the hotel with many
other Tutsis.

While on their way to the hotel, they see ethnic violence and dead bodies. On their way, they
also bribe the Hutu army and somehow make their way to the hotel. When civil war erupts and
a Rwandan army officer threatens Paul and his neighbors, Paul barely negotiates their safety
and brings them to the hotel.

The UN Peacekeeping forces, led by Canadian Colonel Oliver are unable to take assertive action
against the violence since theyre forbidden to intervene.

Soon after, the family and the hotel refugees are finally able to leave the besieged land in a UN
convoy. They encounter trouble retreating masses of refugees and militia to reach safely behind
Tutsi rebel lines.


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