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22 PROMI 237 PROIPIOT Procedure for handiing, Storage, Packaging, Preservation and __| Despatch of Material —» Potide), 24 | PROIPIO8 | Procedure for Compliance of Statutory Requirements | Fr Minakshs 4 PYSRLOrr sa QciP/02 [27 | QcuPi03 (28 | QCIPIO4 ~ | OCiPIOT | Procedure for Incoming Material inspection | > Mawer Woy "Procedure for Final inspection & Testing = Manor Nigh | 29 [aciPi0s | acwPrie el | aciro7 >| Procedure for Liguid penetrantinspection [beet | Mann 32 | OCIPIOS Procedure for pressure/Leak inspection 7 Manor, 33 | QCIPIOS Procedure for repair ‘ ee Sadockiy 34 Qci/P/10 | Procedure for pence on Wik mou de er, 35 QCuP/11 /P dure f¢ it rk 9 rocedureTor paint Tew Fe au, VPI eas [36 | QCUPA2 irocedre fojpait peel off pocecurely mining jal 37 | CURIS Procedure for paint tools cleanin 4 — Os rete rea [38 [acura Procedure for small improvement & problem solving technique \ —S_ ane? [39 |acuens 5—4 ina c | = an 2 wile [40 | aciPre a ae 5 ea | = VEO \ai TOCIPnT > singe treormrapionedicons ja ociens Pm oe i > Mant ie (43 STOIPIOT Procedure for receipt and issue of material | —> Porid w), REVIEWED BY MR “APPROVED BY : KARTIK DAFTARI | SIGNATURE SIGNATURE:

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