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Testosterone and progesterone are reproductive hormones in the form of

2. Heat-shock proteins such as Hsp60 and Hsp70 facilitate the correct assembly of
proteins and protein-containing structures but are not components of the assembled
structures. These proteins are called
3. The UV radiation is harmful to living organisms because at a wavelength
of nm, it is able to breakdown C-C bonds of ~83 kcal/mol.
4. Proteins are made up of amino acids..
5. The is a lipoprotein considered as "bad cholesterol" because they carry
cholesterol peripheral tissues.
6. L-and D-alanine have structural formulas that are mirror images of each other. Although
both compounds are present in nature, only is present in proteins.
7. The of water molecules is the property that accounts for the cohesiveness,
the temperature-stabilizing capacity and the solvent properties of water.
8. Glucose, amino acids, nucleotides
9. linking together of many similar or identical small molecules known as
10. Proteins, ribonucleic acids and polysaccharides and lipids
11. Serve as transport proteins; enzymes, receptors, electron transport intermediates
(mitochondria), or chlorophyll-binding proteins (chloroplast)
12. Amphipathic molecules
13. Freely diffusing molecules through the plasma membrane.
14. Ethylene and carbon dioxide
15. Atoms share electrons
16. Property of water responsible for its high boiling point, high specific heat, and
high heat of vaporization.
17. Hydrogen bonds, ionic bonds, van der Waals interactions, and hydrophobic
18. is a type of starch that differs from amylose in being highly branched.
19. Sugars, amino acids and organic acids dissolve readily with water and are
called molecules.
20. The alcohol in sphingophospholipids is .

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