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Looking and thinking nothing at particular when something caught my eyes.

It is
then, I saw two little living things. As I focus to these, I noticed them fighting/dominating
over one thing. And that is one piece of food. And there I witnessed one ant won.

What I feel/think to what I saw.

Competition will never disappear. As I contemplated to what I saw, I visioned out

that the two ants will be me and my friend in the future, maybe two-three years from now.
We have to compete with each other so that the stronger one between us can have that one
thing that we are competing/arguing. We are fighting to live. And if we dont fight, we are
going to be dead. The world is full of competitions even small things.

Before going to a competition like this, I have to be strong enough to conquer my

opponents. Because where are we living now is the home of the fittest. We need to set aside
our feelings and be practical.

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