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The Jar

Jon opened his fathers drawer. Within lay a large pile of bills for the phone, water and
electricity. One after the other they read late or unpaid next to them was a small pile
of grocery discount coupons that was being rapidly depleted. Wrong drawer, he thought
as he quickly slides it back in. Ill try the bottom one.

As Jon opened it, the bottom drawer creaked loudly and released a musty smell. Jon
chuckled. Good thing Dads at the factory, he thought. He thinks Im working. Why work
myself when he can do it? In the drawer, a small jar full of small bills was carefully laid
to the side. A small label on it said, Rent Money. It held about 400 dollars next to it, a
piece of paper read, November Rent: $500. Jon reached into the jar and took twenty-
dollars. As he left the two-room apartment, he saw a notice on the door. Whoa, he
gasped They raised all the rents in Queens well then Dad can pay it. Hes got five
days. Jon closed the door and ran upstairs to talk to his best friends Tom and Jerry.

He knocked softly on the dark brown door Sup? Tom asked, his usual conversation
starter. Unlike Jons family, Tom and Jerry had money, the brothers didnt even have to
share a room! Jon thought they were very lucky. The three boys gathered in Jerrys

So? Jerry questioned eagerly. Whats up? Its kind of late.

Jon gave them a smug smile. Well, he began I got twenty bucks, and theyre selling
those super stinky bombs at the store at five dollars for ten. We can get forty and shoot
people with our slingshots! They all laughed. Slingshots were their hobby, and they
loved to hit people with cheap, store-bought slime bombs. But whered you get the
money? asked Tom. You usually have to borrow and your dad works ten hours at the
factory did you steal it?

Nah Jon said seemingly replied It was his present to me but in his mind, he felt a little
guilty. Whatever he thought I do this all the time and dad doesnt care. He did say I
needed to get a job but, why should I? Jon ran out of the twins apartment down the
stairs. He opened the glass building door and made a dash for the small store. Its
yellow sign was beaten and torn. Hi, Jon, said Carlos, what are you here for? You
rarely have money to spend as he smiled warmly. Jon grabbed a pack of stink bombs.
Ill take these, he said quickly Jon paid quickly and ran back out of the store.

Kids these day Carlos sighed. As Jon ran toward the apartment, he saw his dad
coming home from his factory job. strange he thought, they mustve closed the factory
early today, when he saw his father coming closer he immediately stuffed the bombs
and the leftover money into his backpack. He saw that his father had a very grave
expression on his face, but that happened often.

Hello Jon he said, Did you find a job?

No, Jon replied, I didnt. He did not mention what he had done instead.

Ugh his father muttered. Ive come home because the factory closed, and they cut the
days pay were struggling enough as it is so, Jon where are you going?

Oh, said Jon startled at the question. Think fast, he thought Just to visit Tom and
Jerry. I havent seen them in a while.

OK he replied. Be home by eight oclock for dinner. Im going to go do some work for
Carlos. as walked off towards Carloss store.

Hes finally gone! thought Jon, very relieved. He hurried back to Tom and Jerry with the
slime bombs. Pop! They all laughed as they tested one out soon Jons financial worries
began to wash away. After they used all the bombs, they exchanged goodbyes and Jon
went back to his apartment. When he walked in, his father had a very worried look on
his face as he was searching through bills and looking at his most recent paycheck.

Jon, he said, sit down, I need to talk to you he handed him a microwave dinner. The
landlord has raised our rent by fifty dollars and Jon faked surprise, breathing out
sharply but in the back of his head, he felt guilt and fear. He continued Ive done the
math and if we cant pay it we will be evicted from the building after three days time.
Thats why I need you to start working for Carlos

Yeah, Dad, Jon said in a bored tone, Ill ask Carlos after school. But in his head, Jon
was thinking do I really care? Our landlord ben is nice. He wouldnt do it. Ill just hang
out with Tom and Jerry again I can fake working and give him some of the money that I
stole. He quickly chowed down his dinner and then went to his room.
The next day after school, Jon ran out to Tom and Jerrys place. He knocked on their
door. Hey, guys! he said happily but he soon realized it was not Tom or Jerry but their
father. Oh. Hello, Mr. Howard Can I hang out with Tom and Jerry? Mr. Howard smiled
with his yellowed teeth. Certainly he said in his deep voice Theyre in the back. Come
in. Jon walked into his friends apartment and into their rooms. Hey Jon! Tom said
eagerly Weve decided that we are going to slingshot Mrs. Cynaski today, man I cant
wait to see her jump when she realizes from the smell of her clothes. The three boys
started to plan about prank and figured out every detail.

OK guys, Jon said, that should be enough, lets go! The other two boys agreed.
Also, should we invite Dan? I know he is only 12 but he is pretty cool. Havent you
heard? said Jerry His family were kicked out because they had late rent dues. Jons
face turned pale, his eyes opened wide with astonishment but on the inside, he began
to realize what that meant for him and his father. Oh my God, he thought if Dad cant
pay, were out! I am so stupid! He works hard for me and I steal what he works for I
cant believe Ive been doing this?

Tom said Jon as his lower lip trembling and guilt spread across his face. He said with
despair. Jerry Maybe later I just realized, I have to go Bye! He got up and ran out as
fast as he could down the stairs, out the door and into the store. What if we cant pay?
he questioned himself. Ill never forgive myself. Hey Carlos, Jon said while catching
his breath Uh I was wondering if I could I dont know sweep up or something Like a
job for some money. Carlos smiled.

Im glad youve come Carlos said. I know your dads having a hard time I can pay
you, say seven dollars an hour so start sweeping. Jon took a broom and started
sweeping energetically. When Jon went home he saw his dad laid on the beaten old
couch, exhausted. Well son? his father asked. Im guessing you didnt find a job.
Well said Jon gladly Ive started working for Carlos and I got seventeen dollars today
what do you think? A smile spread across his fathers face and his face was lit up like
the brilliant sun. Thats amazing! he said, Together we can pay the rent. And Dad
one last thing Jon murmured Im really sorry. He put fifteen dollars on the table Ive
been stealing He whimpered Im so sorry Dad He gave his father a hug. Jon his
father said sternly I am very disappointed but I am glad that youve confessed, together
we wont get kicked out I dont want to live in a shelter. They laughed. Four days later
Jon opened his fathers bottom drawer It creaked loudly but within there was a jar with
cash, holding about 530 dollars. Next to it was a note which read, November Rent:
$550. Jon put his hand inside and dropped in a twenty-dollar note. Finally, he thought.

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