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Getting on in English

" "

" "

)Cambridge (C.L.C

Lower Certificate.

: .

: .


apparently deck
blind - extraordinary
boat deck - form
cabin - hospitality
cliff organize
characteristic prevent
clearly - queue
cover suitcase
darling travel

?What did they look like
I feel like. .
It's so hot, I feel like a drink. .
Why on earth? What or Who or /
?Where on earth did you buy that hat
To get off (a ship, train etc ...). .
To get through (a crowd, wood etc ...). .

-1 (1) The

The man who came here yesterday. .
The house that I live in. .
The earth goes round the sun. .
-2 The

- :

-1 - :

I love the flowers in your garden. : .
I love flowers. : ) ( .

-2 ) ( - :

The milk in this cup is warm. : .
Milk is white. : ) ( .

-3 )( - :

The life of Mr. Smith is difficult. : .
Life isn't all business. : .

-4 -:

I enjoyed the dinner he gave us. : .
We had a drink before dinner. : .

-5 -:

The English love forming queues. .
He speaks Spanish. .
( ) -3

To think I think I thought I have thought
To feel I feel I felt I have felt
To stand I stand I stood I have stood
To get I get I got I have got

1- He has the best cabin in the ship. . -1
2-Their dog is blind because he is very old . -2
3- I feel like going to have a drink. . -3
4- When the train stopped we got off. . -4
5- It is impossible to get through the
crowd on the deck.
6- I couldn't carry my suitcase on up those
. -6
7-Why on earth did you give him her
8-What do the white cliff of Dover look
9- On Saturday night people often queue
outside cinemas.
10 Fog is not usual in Italy. . -10
11- Many countries have national holidays . -11
12 One characteristic of the Spanish is
. -12
their hospitality.
13 Please fetch me a drink from the bar . -13
14 You can't prevent us from talking to
. -14
15 I shall tell you everything after lunch . -15

Barbra : I saw the white cliffs of Dover from the boat deck.
Harry : What did they look like?
Barbra : Wonderful! You can see them clearly. You should go and see them yourself!
Harry : Oh, cliffs are the same everywhere! I think Ill go down and fetch the suitcases
from the cabin before the ship arrives.
Barbra : Oh, darling life isnt just business and organizing. This is our first visit to
England! We must see everything we can.
Harry : I expect the fog will prevent us from seeing anything.
Barbra : Oh, dont be silly! Fog doesnt cover England the whole time as some people
Harry Anyway, I fell like drink. Im going to the bar.
Barbra : But you can have a drink at any time. Have one before dinner when we get to
Harry : But I feel like one now. When do we arrive?
Barbra : In about half an hour.
Harry : Oh, all right. Ill go and see the cliffs. But look at the crowd on the boat deck!
Why on earth are they standing there?
Barbra : Theyre queuing.
Harry : Queuing? What for?
Barbra : To get off the ship.
Harry : But you said there was still half an hour.
Barbra : Yes, but the English love forming queues. Apparently its one of their national
Harry : Extraordinary! Well, I cant get through all those people! So I shant be able to
see the white cliffs. Well have a drink in the bar and Ill go down and fetch the

cash - official
check passport
cross - purpose
currency soldier
- discretion - stamp
- exasperating - stay
great till , until
last traveller's cheque
Mediterranean virtue

?Would you mind
?Would you mind telling me
May I see, come, go? etc .
All over. .
The child left his toys all over the floor.
To make sure. .
To keep control. - .

-1 (2) The

-1 -:

I was here in the spring of 1968. . 1968
Do you remember the autumn we
?stayed in Italy


Summer is my favorite season. .
!Spring is here at last !
-2 -: .


The school is very near the church. .
The bed is broken. .

I learnt history at school. .
That man goes home every evening. .

-3 : .

London is a large city. .
India is far from Italy. .


- -:

The United States. .
The Soviet Union. .

- -:

The Tagus .
The Rhine is a broad river. .

- -:

The Atlantic. .
The Mediterranean. .

- -:

The Alps. .
The Himalayas.

To hear about someone or something. .
I'm here on business. .
Without asking. .

. Without -

He went without saying goodbye. .

( ) -3

To hear I hear I heard I have heard
To understand I understood I understood I have understood
To make I made I made I have made
To keep I keep I kept I have kept
To know I know I knew I have knew

1-He stamped my passport. . -1
2-I haven't much cash but I have
. -2
travellers cheque .
3-He has left for Italy on business. . -3
4-I traveled up the Rhine Last Summer. . -4
5-Would you mind telling me where you
are staying?
6-I suppose this official can change our
. -6
traveller's cheque.
7- Discretion is certainly a virtue. . -7
8-He often smokes in bed. . -8
9-You can sell foreign currency in banks -9
all over the world. .
10 The way he takes things without
. -10
asking is exasperating.
11- His father gave him a gold watch
. -11
12 in Spain launch is usually at two
. -12
13 A teacher sometimes finds it difficult
to keep control at school.
14 He doesn't want to cross the Atlantic . -14
in winter.
15 May I take you home? -15

Officer : Would you mind telling me the purpose of your visit to England?
Harry : Im here on business.
Barbra : Not only business, Harry. Weve also crossed the channel to see peter, our son. We
We want to see England too. weve heard so much about it and then--
Harry : Oh, cliffs are the same everywhere! I think Ill go down and fetch the suitcases
from the cabin before the ship arrives.
Officer : Yes madam. May I see your passports?
Barbra : Of course. I suppose you want to check them and stamp them.
Officer : Yes. Thank you. How long are you staying in England Mr. Sallis?
Harry : I dont know exactly. Till I finish my business.
Officer : I see. And how much money have you with you?
Harry : Money?
Officer : Yes. How much in foreign currency? Is your money is cash or travellers cheques?
Harry : Why all these questions? You know, Ive travelled all over the world. Up the
Rhine. Across the Pyrenees. To the united states. Over the pacific. And
everywhere you officials ask the same questions. Its exasperating!
Officer : I dont think you understand, sir. We have to make sure you have enough money
to last you during your stay.
Harry : But why? I thought discretion was the great virtue of the English. Why cant we
come and go here as we wish?
Officer : You can. But there are so many people in this country already that we must keep
some control.
Harry : Im surprised you dont want to know how many gold teeth I have?
Barbra: He can see without asking, darling!

inconvenient - precious
inconvenience press
inflatable - regret
invention reward
leave - present
Luggage frankly
maybe special
mushroom Spirits
possession accident
- argument cousin
- bag customs
- complete Decision
- confiscate declare
- couple decorative
customs Fit into
deserve Frequently
- envelope - furious

I forgot to declare my gold watch. .
By accident. .
?Did you have a look at this book .
I'm afraid you're too late. .
I regret to inform you. .
I regret to say. .
Let know if you can come. .
I'm living in London for the moment. .
Present day. .
It is a special case. .


I have only been in England for twenty
By accident. .
My friend has been in London since
. 1966
I have been working on it for along
) . (
She has been studying English for three ) .
years. (
You have taken my most precious
possession, it makes me furious.
She is happy because she is speaking to
her friend.

- sometimes , often , already

- .

He has been to Paris. ) . (
He was in Paris when I last saw him. ). 1966 (
I have brought my invention of course. ) . (
) .
I only completed it two months ago.

- sometimes , often , already , seldom , frequently

I've already had two arguments. .
I've often seen him in the street. .
- .

When I went to school I already knew
We often saw horses in the street in
. 1900

- never , ever

Have you ever seen an envelope like

I have never seen an inflatable umbrella. .
We never saw him last month. .

- just

just .

I have just taken away the umbrella. .
I have just finished dinner. .

-2 ) (

To leave I leave I left I have left
To let I let I let I have let
To lose I lose I lost I have lost
To sell I sell I sold I have sold
To take I take I took I have taken

1- He has just an argument about an
. -1
2-The married couple have been in the -2
United States for two months. .
3- He has often been abroad. . -3
4- May I have a look at this box? . -4
5- We let you know the time of our arrival. . -5
6- The box always opened when the
. -6
traveler pressed the button.
7-The official lost his luggage when he
. -7
crossed the channel.
8-He has been selling spirits for twenty
. -8
9- Maybe they will give you a present. . -9
10 The Frenchman stood on the deck as -10
the ship lift Dover. .
11- He completed his invention on the 28th
. 28 -11
Of February.
12 She is ill because she has been eating
. -12
13 Yesterday, he left his most precious
. -13
possession in the bus.
14 An airplane is not inflatable. . -14
15 My aunt is furious because she has
. -15
had an argument.



Officer :
Is this all your luggage, sir?
Harry : Yes. Four bags.
Customer Have you anything to declare? Any presents for people in this country? Have you
Officer : got any spirits or tobacco?
Harry : No. but Ive brought my invention. I only completed it a couple of months ago.
Officer :
Your invention, sir?
Harry : Yes, Ive come to England to sell it. Ive been working on it for a long time and
now I hope it will bring me the reward I deserve.
Officer :
What is it? May I have a look at it please?
Harry : Here it is, in this box. (he opens it) There you are!
Officer :
But its just an envelope.
Barbra: Thats right. But look whats inside the envelope. Its an inflatable umbrella!
Officer :
Its an inflatable umbrella?
Harry : Thats right! You just press this button and it opens over your head.
Officer :
It looks like a great rubber mushroom.
Harry : Thats right: isnt it wonderful! And it all fits into one small envelope.
Customer I see. Well, Im afraid I must ask you to leave the umbrella with us for the
Officer : moment, sir.
Harry : But why? When can I have it back?
Officer :
Im sorry, But I cant tell you that now, sir.
Harry : Really, This is most inconvenient.
Customer I understand, sir, and I regret the inconvenience, But theres nothing I can do
Officer : about it. Well let you know our decision as soon as possible.
Harry : Ive only been in England for twenty. You cant take my umbrella!
Officer :
Im very sorry; sir, but Ive just done so!
Harry : Youve confiscated my most precious possession. Frankly, it makes me furious!

chat miss
Comedy Opposite
deaf Phlegmatic
- fellow Polite
Fright Receipt
funny - Return
fuss roof
Hair - Scare
Hatbox - scene
Handbag smile
Immediately softly
Luggage rack thoroughly
Go on - wonder

He went on speaking for two hours. .
Not to turn a hair. . .
The strange noise frightened me. .
To ask for a light. .
My cigarette has gone out; Have you a
?light, please
On my own. .


: .

I don't like that sort of comedy very much. .
The postman took his dog to London. .
The secretary typed a letter rapidly. .
Have you seen my handbag anywhere? .



. (That) -

I talked to.
I chatted with.
He is the man that I spoke to.
I pointed at.
I worked for.

. -

Are you smiling at?

Are you laughing at?

Were you talking to?

Who Were you talking to?
Were you chatting to?
Were having lunches with?

. -

To be so pleased about
To laugh at
There was To ask for
To talk about


!There it is

!In you get



!Away went the bus


!Here is the book



!A beautiful day
!An extraordinary

!A pity
!Lovely flowers

) (How -:

How !Strange these English are

!Well he speaks

!Cold it is
!Tall you are


He sent a present to his mother.

He sent his mother a present.


He gave you a receipt.


She asked him a question.



He gave it to me.

He sent it to me.

A present to his mother.

A letter to the doctor.
His son to the university.
Her a present.
He sent
Him a letter.
Him to the university.
It to her.
It to him.
Him to them.

( ) -4

To buy I buy I bought I have bought
To fall I fall I fell I have fallen
To read I read I read I have read
To sit I sit I sat I have sat
To speak I speak I spoke I have spoken

1- Ive forgotten my matches, have you a
2-When he is tired he does not do his work
. -2
very well.
3- There is the house with the strange
. -3
4- What a fuss about nothing! . -4
5- The polite customs officer went on
. -5
chatting for hours.
6- The egg fell off the shelf. . -6
7-How phlegmatic these people are! ! -7
8-What on earth are you talking about? ! -8
9- The terrible scene gave me such a scare -9
(fright), but the policeman didnt turn a hair. .
10 Who shall we end the hatbox to? -10
11- They gave me a receipt in the shop
. -11
12 He knows English, French and
. -12
German thoroughly.
13 Please return it to me immediately. . -13
14 The deaf man had little to be pleased
. -14
15 The plate just missed he husbands
. -15

Barbra: Have you seen my handbag anywhere?
Harry : There it is! Youre almost sitting on it.
Barbra: Oh, thank you! You know, there was so much fuss about the umbrella that I
forgot to declare the presents I bought for peter.
Harry : Thats nothing to be so pleased about! What are you smiling at?
Barbra: Oh, the whole scene was really funny.
Harry : I dont like that sort of comedy very much. Customs officers arent the kind of
people I like chatting with.
Barbra: I thought out man was very polite. I wonder why he took your umbrella away.
But Im sure hell return it. He gave you the receipt, didnt he?
Harry : Yes, he gave it to me. But--
Barbra: My hatbox! Oh, what a fright it gave me! Its fallen off the luggage rack!
Harry : Youre lucky it just missed that gentleman opposite.
Barbra: Im very sorry!
Harry : He doesnt answer!
Barbra: How strange these English are! The hatbox gave me such a scare! But look,
that man just goes on reading his newspaper.
Harry : The English are always phlegmatic and they never speak in trains!
Barbra: Yes, but he didnt turn a hair!
Harry : Speak to him again.
Barbra: You speak to him.
Harry : Al right! Excuse me, sir, have you a light?
Barbra: You see, he doesnt answer. How English!
Harry : Excuse me, sir!
Englishman: Eh? What? Speak louder please. I cant hear you.
Harry : Oh dear! It isnt just because hes English, darling! Hes deaf!

balloon hurt
birthday ignore
celebrate niece
compensate profits
delay protect
(be) determined somehow
enemy " " spend
exhaust trouble
extra The tube

Thank goodness. .
Thank goodness there was a doctor
there when you felt ill.
In time. .
She didnt arrive in time to catch the
On time. .
He wasnt late. He arrived on time. .
Many happy returns of the day! !
As it was his birthday I wished him
many happy returns of the day.
The time of our lives. .
With all this money we shall have the
time of our lives.
To see the sights. .
Have you seen the sights of Paris?
To rush about. .
He rushed about with amazing energy. .
To fell small. .
It was my fault I felt so small. .
At first. .
At first I didnt like him.


- )(Will - Shall
Will Shall


I shall go. We shall go.
You will go. You will go.
He, She, It will go. They will go.

- ) (Will - Shall
. :

I shall be fifty tomorrow. .
We shall receive presents at Christmas. .
He will be ill if he eats that. .


- Will Shall
. :

I will get there on time. .
We wont help you. .
I promise you , I will do everything I can. .

Will . :

The enemy shall not pass. .
He shant hurt you. .
You shall work hard. .

- ) (Will - Shall
. :

Youll work hard. .
Ill get there on time. .
He shant hurt you. .
We wont help you. .


- .
. :

?Shall we go to the hotel
?Will you fetch us a taxi please
?When will they stop being a nuisance

-5 Will

- ) (Will . :

If you will have arguments wherever you go. .
?Why will he leave his things all over the floor
He will not wash before he goes so bed. .

-6 Going to

- ) (Will - Shall Going to

. :

Its going to rain tomorrow. .
Were going to have the time of our lives. .
Im going to learn English next year. .
?What are we going to do now
?Are you going to tell him everything .
?When is he going to call a taxi

. :

Im leaving for Paris this evening. .
Hes going to Oxford tomorrow. .
Mrs. Jones is coming to tea this afternoon. .

How do you do ? -8

- .

If it were -9

You talk about London as if it were a big balloon

- ) (Subjunctive
Was . Were .
. :

)If I were king. (but Im not ) . (
)If he were clever. (but he isnt ) . (

-1 ) (

To grow I grow I grew I have grown
To hurt I hurt I hurt I have hurt
To spend I spend I spent I have spent

1-We shall have an argument if you go on
. -1
saying that.
2-The clerk will get into trouble whenever
. -2
he goes.
3- Her brother spent his all the profits of
. -3
the business and had the time of his life.
4- Thank goodness you have not hurt her! . -4
5- I shall celebrate my birthday at home. . -5
6- The policeman arrived in time to -6
protect the traveller from his enemy. .
7-will you compensate me for all the
money I have lost?
8-Many happy returns of the day, thank
. -8
you. Let me introduce you to the other
9- My father will show me round London. . -9
10 The business man did not arrive on -10
time because he was delayed in the tube. .
11- Im going to buy a balloon for my little
. -11
12 At first I felt very small because
. -12
everyone ignored me.
13 The German visitor is going to see the
. -13
sights with his friend.
14 I wont rush about London -14
exhausting myself. I prefer to call a taxi. .
15 Shall we walk up and down while
were waiting?

Barbra : Peter! How wonderful to see you! Oh, what a journey weve had! But being with
you for a few days will compensate for everything.
Thank goodness I arrived in time to meet you. I was delayed in the tube. I said to
Peter :
myself: I will get there on time! I must get there! and somehow I did!
Harry : Well, what are we going to do now?
Peter : First, I must introduce a great friend of mine to you. Pamela- my parents. Pamela
will help you to show you round London.
Pamela : How do you do?
Barbra : How do you do? to Pamela
Harry : How do you do? to Pamela
Peter : Its Pamelas birthday today.
Barbra : Oh, many happy returns of the day!
Peter : There really are a lot of things to celebrate! But first, shall we go to the hotel?
Porter, will you call a taxi please?
Pamela : Are you tired after the journey?
Harry : Yes, exhausted.
Pamela : Arguments?
Barbra : My husband had an argument with the customs officer.
Peter : Well, Ill protect you in London, father. You wont get into any trouble while Im
with you. Were going to have the time of our lives. Father will sell his invention
and mother will spend the profits in the shops. Well see all the sights, and go to
all the theatres and restaurants.
Pamela : What do you think of victoria station?
Barbra: What a busy place it is! Everyone seems to be rushing about ignoring everyone
Peter : Londons like that! You feel very mall here at first and then you start rushing
about yourself and you grow bigger and bigger and the city grows smaller and
Barbra: Peter! You talk about London as if it were a big balloon!
Harry : Or an inflatable umbrella!

argue - pronounce
baggage receive -
confess receptionist
confuse - reply -
die reserve -
Double room seal
film spell
free - square -
hopeless stick
lift tourist
nearby - vacant -
overlook visitor
post way -

From time to time. .
I visit my brother from time to time. .
One moment. .
Lets go! one moment. I must finish
. .
this letter.
At least. .
He is at least fifty. .
By return. .
He answered my letter by return. .
Let me see. .
Whats the time? Let me see. Its 6.30. . 6.30
!Oh, dear !
!Oh, dear! Ive lost my umbrella ! !
?What is it? Whats the matter
?How can I help confusing them

-1 that , which , who

- Who Whom Which


He is the man who came yesterday. .
The man whom I saw is here. .
The book which I read is there. .

- That which & who

. :

My brother who is in Australia sent me this book.

My brother that is in Australia sent me this book.

who that

who & which

The house which is beautiful stands near the
Keats who was an English writer died in 1821. . 1821

- That : which & who

- :

I do hope its the room that I wanted. .
It wasnt the food that he disliked. .
- : every , all , only

Its the best room that they have. .
Hes only customs officer that Ive ever met. .
She believed every word that he said. .

- :

The tourists and baggage that arrived here
The people and events that are described in
this book.



The man (who) I saw is here. .
The book (which) I read is there. .
?Didnt you get the letter (that) I wrote
She believed every word (that) he said. .
Its the best room (that) they have. .

- .

They have a double room which overlooks the
The business man who talked to you yesterday
has two cars.
-3 what

- what .

Thats what I asked for. .
She gave him what he wanted. .

The one , The ones -4

- .

?Have you a room vacant .
Theres the one by the lift on the second floor. .
I like this car better than the one you bought. .


- 260 Two
sixty .Two hundred and sixty


To tick stamps on a letter.

In any other way.
On the other side of the square.
Differently from.

-7 ) (

To learn I learn I learnt I have learnt
To spell I spell I spelt I have spelt
To stick I stick I stuck I have stuck
To write I write I wrote I have written

1-This is the girl that I love. . -1
2-He is the best writer that England has
. -2
ever produced.
3- From time to time the lift which is in the
Gloucester Hotel stops before getting to
the second floor.
4- You are free to argue about what he
. -4
5- You must pronounce Leicester
. -5
differently from the way it is spelt.
6- He received the baggage that he had
. -6
7-Im afraid I didnt seal the letter which -7
you gave me. .
8-He wont answer the letter by return -8
because he forgot to stick a stamp on. .
9- Did you buy the present that you
promised to give me?
10 Its the strangest film that Ive ever
. -10
11- Havent you yet learnt that you cant
. -11
spell it?
12 The business man reserved a double -12
room which overlooked the sea. .
13 How can I help confusing what he told
. -13
me, darling, when Im deaf?
14 What is it? Isnt everybody happy? . -14
15 The tourist likes this hotel better than -15
the one on the other side of the square. .

Barbra : No, darling, I dont confuse things easily.
Harry : Well, you do from time to time.
Harry : (to receptionist) Have you a room reserved for sallies please?
Receptionist: One moment, please sir.
Barbra : Oh, I do hope its the room I wanted. They have a double room which
overlooks the park. Thats what I asked for - its the best room they have.
Harry : How do you do? to Pamela
Receptionist: (to harry) Sallis, did you say, sir? Im afraid we have no room reserved for Mr.
Sallis here.
Barbra : But didnt you get the letter I wrote?
Receptionist: Im sorry, Madam, We didnt.
Barbra : But I posted it at least a week ago.
Receptionist: If wed received it, you would have had a reply. We always answer letters by
Peter : Are you sure you posted the letter, mother?
Barbra: Off course I am! I remember sticking the stamps on and sealing it -.
Harry : Well we wont argue. Have you any other rooms vacant?
Receptionist: Let me see! Theres the one by the lift on the second floor number 260. I
think it was still free this afternoon.
Harry : Oh, good!
Receptionist: No, No. 206s taken. Im afraid were full t this time of the year, sir. You could
fill a couple of trains with all the tourists and baggage that have arrived only
Barbra: Oh, dear, What are we going to do?
Receptionist: Well, if we can help in any other way. The Gloucester Hotel is always -
Barbra: Gloucester? Did you say Gloucester?
Harry : Whats the matter?
Barbra: Ive suddenly remembered.
Harry : What? What is it?
Barbra: There was the Gloucester Hotel and the Leicester Hotel, on the other side of
the square.
Harry : Which did you write to?
Barbra: Well I must confess I think it was the Leicester.
Harry : Oh, darling, you really re hopeless.
Barbra: Im sorry. These names are so strange, and they are pronounced quit
differently from the way theyre spelt. How can I help confusing them?
Harry : You must learn them, darling thats all!

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