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The swing

I fell off the swing.

One day on vacation my family and I went to the village of my mother

called tlaola because it is a very nice town and is close to other villages
so when we arrived we fell by surprise to my cousins and uncles as
they arrived we were greeted and we all ate and we slept the next day
everything was very boring and they decided to go to visit some uncles
who lived in a town called cutsontipa as they arrived as they were
doing nothing as they decided to go down to the ranch as a picnic
when arriving at the ranch of my uncle as we ate what they had taken
to eat we went to see the horses and colts, as a cousin under the
house a swing to hang it on a log and so swing us on the swing.
and then we had bored of nothing more swinging seated so we
decided so we decided to swing hands and then I leaned and when I
get to the floor I let go but as I had not stopped the swing I a tour and
went flying and that was very painful thing was that I did not break only
a few scratches.




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