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Good evening Ladies & Gentlemen; Boys & Girls

We the children of today presenting to you What Appreciation Is..
So sit back to enjoy.

Ap pree- shee- ey-shuh- n,; Gratitude , Gan En , Mengenang Jasa ,

are words which means being thankful for something; OR
recognizing that something is important.

Appreciate? Who.. What.. When How

Who and What to appreciate ?

Our parents teachers. friends. relatives neighbours and everything around

Who loves your parents?

Me. Me. Me and Me

Our parents love us and take care of us. So we must always obey and respect them.
Teachers teach and advise us. Guys. Study hard. Study hard and do well !
Appreciate our friends for their help and support.
Appreciate the wonderful things we enjoy

How to show Appreciation ? .. In Words and In Actions !

Thank you Xie xie., Nandri Terima kasih.. Arigato Gozaimas.
Kahm sa ham nee da
Such simple words to show appreciation.. Theyre often under-rated !

Write and send out Appreciation cards to people whom you want to thank.
Set up an Appreciation Tree at home.. Look ! Like the one behind!
Perform acts of kindness and create mutual love, care and appreciation

In Truth, its always good to feel appreciated

So, heres our chance to express

Thank you all for coming here tonight

Thank you all for listening to us
Happy Appreciation to One and All !!

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