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Robinson Crusoe
Everything began when in a far town called
York, the hero of this story, Robinson
Crusoe, was born in 1632. He was
educated properly by a famous school
because his grandfather wanted he became
an attorney instead of studying for being a
sailor, but He didnt want to. He just wanted
to travel around the world because he had
read about strange countries and wonderful
monsters and animals that he was really
excited to meet. What he didnt know was
that here was when the trouble began,
because dark days would be starting soon.
One day, he was walking for a walk when
he found an acquaintance that had just
arrived to this town. This guy told him to
have a good chance of getting a boat, so Robinson would be able to go anywhere
using this kind of transportation. Robinsons friend was a risk-taker, for this reason,
wanted to take Robinson with him to London although Robinsons grandfather said
no! , but there was so many problems that Robinson felt confused and
overwhelming. Robinson was thinking about playing it safe, in other words, leave
his dreams because He didnt have much money, his parents were disappointed
with the idea to leave home and the last one was that he wouldnt know anything
about the sea. Robinsons friend told him that his father owned a shipping
company so that the money was no longer a problem. Even though Robinson didn
t get permission to travel, He decided to take his own chances, so the next
morning, the young adventurous jump on a ship carrying burden to London what
meant a breakout. As soon as he left the coast, he could see that waves crush into
with each other and a huge wind started to blow from the horizon, so Robinson got
Dark and terrible days were produced by this insane dream. After 8 days since they
leave York, there was a great storm that caused violent winds, so the crew had to
leave the boat because the boat crashed into against a rock causing a big hole.
Robinson and the crew had lost the ship, so they had to swim to the coast.
Fortunately they got to arrive a town called Yarmouth where they were helped by
authorities, but his friends father told Robinson that it was a signal from the
heaven what mean that he shouldnt go west back, but he kept looking for reaching
his dream although this incident. He decided to go to London where he met a sailor
who had gone to Guinea and he had come back. This trip was better than first
because sailor teach him the rules navigation, to read the constellations, to use the

Carlos Miguel Reza Horna- 1511200302

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science mathematics to understand many other things that later it was very useful
for him, but an incident took place when lots of pirates kidnapped them and pirates
kept prisoners them for long time. Pirates sold to crew members as slaves, but the
king of pirates kept Robinson at his side because he liked Robinsons agility and
his skills, so Robinson felt alone and he remembered his friends fathers words
about the ugly and bad days that he would get.
Robinson was as slave to king of the pirates long time, but one day he decided to
escape next to another young twelve years old slave named Xuri, who promised
Robinson that he would obey him in everything, using a fishing boat. They had to
go through great obstacles because every time they wanted to land on a beach the
saw with fear the beasts that stared at them. When provisions, food and weapons
were over, Robinson and Xuri decided to disembark on a beach where they
discovered a tribe, it was marvelous news because they were really hungry, so
they decided to ask for supplies, but unfortunately they did not understand
Robinson and Xuri very well, and then using signs Xuri decided to try to ask for
food, so the head of the tribe walked toward the island, but suddenly all the
members of the tribe began to run while screamed desperately because two huge
beasts chased them, so Robinson and Xuri began to shoot the beasts causing one
of the beasts to die instantly and the other beast began to run for fear of getting the
same fate.
All this chaos caused the members of the tribe to run far to save their lives. Even
though they tried to tell them that the danger was gone, they kept running very
scared. Although the Aborigines ran very far, Robinson was asking himself how to
get the help he needed, so according to what the tribal chief had told Xuri,
Robinson decided to wait for them to return. They were waiting for about an hour,
when suddenly they saw in the distance that some members of the tribe were
approaching, so when the tribe approached enough, Xuri using signs told them that
they would change the beast that had killed in exchange for provisions. The tribe
gave them some fruit, meat and several grains that served as provisions for the
long journey that they had. After 11 days that they were sailing by the sea, they
decided to return to the coast because the provisions were finishing again.

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Their spirits began to decay when they tried to reach land, but the fear of being
devoured by the beasts was greater. Two days later they continued sailing near the
coasts of Africa, They continued sailing through the sea when suddenly they saw in
the distance that a great Portuguese ship was approaching, then Robinson and
Xuri began to shoot in the air to catch the attention of the crew of this boat at the
same time they began to wave a flag asking help. Fortunately the captain of the
Portuguese ship saw the signals they made him, so within a few minutes they were
aboard the ship where Robinson told the captain all the adventures he had lived,
however, the captain clearly told him that he would take him to Brazil where would
introduce him to a millionaire man for whom he would work, so this way could get a
great fortune.
This act of generosity on the part of the captain of the Portuguese ship, led
Robinson to grant the liberty to Xuri, so that the Portuguese captain converts him
to the Catholic faith. Although this was a bad hit to Robinson, he decided to give
him the freedom to become a great man. The good news was that afterwards
Robinson knew that Xuri had become a civilized man and that he was studying the
Greek language.
The captain of the ship disembarked in Brazil as he had promised Robinson. Some
years later, Robinson learned to make sugar. While developing as a successful
businessman met a sugar entrepreneur, wells, with whom he decided to partner to
form a company. Robinson remained for many years in Brazil where he made a
great fortune. As farming fields grew the need for manpower increased, then
Robinson had the need to return to Guinea to obtain blacks to come and work their
land. In 1659, he left the coast of Brazil to go in search of the slaves. Twelve days
later, there was a huge storm in the sea that made the ship sink. The crew of the
ship died, but miraculously Robinson managed to survive, resulting in a beach from
where he saw the boat sink while he wondered how it was possible that he got
there if he was so far from the sea. He could only pray and thank God, however,
his adventure would only begin.

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However, his situation could not be more desperate, as he found his clothes
dripping with water and without a crumb of bread to feed. A knife, a pipe and a little
tobacco inside a small box were the only goods that the unhappy shipwreck had at
that time. The night advanced, and this made him reflect on the dangers to which
he would be exposed if the land to which the waves had thrown him was inhabited
by cannibals.
If you want to keep reading this story, you just have to get this book in some library
and then you will be able to find out which will be the end of this story

Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe

Carlos Miguel Reza Horna- 1511200302


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