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Jose X.

September 9, 2014
Freshman Seminar: The RNA World

Misconceptions or inaccuracies
Brian (the cell): He says that his ancestors formed when a bunch of
water molecules just joined and formed him and that then those could
just dissemble at any time. Evolution theories state that the first living
organisms were single-celled organisms like Brian.
Sea creatures (starfish, sponges, anemones): They say that they did not
come from the sea because they state that great-great grand-dad not
originate from fish, but they do not understand that there were far more
simpler animals before fish like sponges that did antecede them.
Seals: The female seal assumes that they did come from the sea because
naturally she likes to frolic when she is in contact with the water. Seals
are mammals and, from what I have learned, most (or all) mammals
were land animals that eventually divided into land and water. Not just
because you like the water means that you came from aquatic life and
then started discovering the terrestrial life.
Shark: The shark says that I have gills and that makes him originate
from land. He is also not so sure about his origin. Sharks originate from
other primitive fish, which were aquatic.
Guinea pig: He mentions that he would love to get a set of wings, and
that he would never get a set of wings even if his son, grandson, great-
grandson and so forth jumped off a building and tried to fly with their
arms spread wide. The error is that some animals did evolve wings and
other animals just stayed in the land and developed other structures.
The structure and bones of wings resemble that of land animals just as
the guinea pigs, but evolution does not happen by wanting it to happen,
but by selection and chance.
Pigs: We were wondering around in our bellies and we grew arms and
heads and legs and some of us could walk and others stayed in the
ground That clearly did not happen during evolution as the pig stated
Chimps: Aliens, for what scientists know, did not colonize earlier this
planet contrary to what the monkey stated.
Beetle: Humans were created by this giant cosmic cow licking a stone
and as it licked the stone the humans rolled off.

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