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Gross Anatomy

1) The pectoral girdle is incomplete anteriorly. T/F

2)The clavicle has a medullary cavity T/F, and what type of ossification does it undergo

3) The most easily fractured site on the clavicle is?

4) The scapulothoracic joint is an anatomical joint T/F

5) Shrugging of the shoulders is caused by which muscle(s)?

6) Differentiate between a male and a female clavicle.

Regarding the Clavicle

1. Its medial end is enlarged where it attaches to the sternum

2. The medial two-third of the shaft are convex anteriorly.

3. The clavicle transmits shock from the upperlimb to the axial skeleton.

4. The clavicle is a "flatbone" that has no medullary cavity.

5. The sternocleidomastoid muscle depresses the clavicle.

Regarding the scapula.

6.Levator scapular muscle protracts and wings the scapular.

7. Suprascapular nerve innervates one of the muscle that inserts on it.

8. The lateral surface of the scapula forms the glenoid cavity.

9. Pectorialis minor and coracobrachialis attaches to the coracoid process of the scapula.

10. The acromioclavicular joint represents the true shoulder joint.

With respect to the humerus, ulna and radius.

11. The condyle of the humerus consists of only medial and lateral epicondyles.

12. The brachialis attaches to the tuberosity of the ulna.

13. The head of radius articulates with the radial notch of radius.

14. The ulnar styloid process is 1cm distal to the styloid process of radius.

15. Ulnar notch of radius is medial to radial notch of ulna.

16. The most common fracture of the forearm is 'Colles fracure'.

17. The radial groove on the humerus runs inferiomedially.

18. The oblique cord runs superolaterally.

19. The humerus grows away from the elbow joint.

20. Interosseous membrane runs medially from radius to ulna.

Concerning muscles

21. Deltoid muscle is an anterior thoracoappendicular muscle.

22. The supraspinatus, deltoid and serratus anterior help in raising the arm above the shoulder.

23. At 60degrees, the clavicular head of P.major while at 90degrees the sternocostal head of P.major can
both be tested.

24. The weakness of Trapezius muscle causes drooping shoulder.

25. Palmaris longus muscle is a guide to median nerve.

Regarding brachial plexus.

26. The shortest nerve from the plexus is axillary nerve.

27. The lesion of axillary nerve causes 'flattened shoulder'.

28. The lesion of radial nerve causes "hand of benediction"

29. The root of the plexus is related to anterior and middle scalene muscles.

30.The lateral pectoral nerve is medial to medial pectoral nerve that both supply Pectoralis major.

1. The shoulder is composed of what component(s)?

2. State one way in which the girdles(pectoral and pelvic) are similar

3. Movement of one side in the lower limb markedly affects the other. Explain why this occurs and state
why it's not the same with the upper limb

4. The bones of the leg are not fixed in the supinated position T/F

5. Most mobile part of the upper limbs is the

a. Digits

b. Shoulder

c. Forearm

d. Wrist

6. The muscle moving, stabilizing, supporting the component of the pectoral girdle is the _________

7. What does the 's' appearance of the clavicle impose on it?

8. The scapulothoracic joint is an anatomical joint T/F

9. The function of the costoclavicular ligament is ____________

10. The scapula overlies what set of bones?

A. Ribs; 2nd-5th rib

B. Manubrium of sternum

C. Ribs; 2nd -7th rib

D. Ribs; 1st - 6th rib

11. The spine of the scapula continues laterally as

A. Acromion

B. Coracoid process

C. Subscapular fossa

D. Suprascapular notch
12. The prominence indicating the deltoids medial point of attachment is the _________

13. Which of this duo serve the same function of serving as levers for attached muscle

A. Subscapular fossa and coracoid process

B. Acromion and infraspinius fossa

C. Spine and acromion

D. Spine and suprascapular notch

14. Glenoid cavity is slightly inferior to the head of humerus T/F

15. The medial border and lateral borders of the scapula are also known as _______ and ______

16. Why does the condyle have a thin appearance?

17. The stabilizing bone of the forearm is the ______

18. Lateral to the coronoid process is the

A. Ulna tuberosity

B. Trochlea

C. Radial notch

D. Radial tuberosity

19. How do you differentiate between the styloid process of the radius and ulna

A. Styloid of ulna is larger and longer

B. Styloid of radius is shorter and smaller

C. Styloid of ulna is smaller and longer

D. Styloid if radius is longer and larger

20. The interosseous membrane run an oblique course passing inferiorly from

A. Radius to ulna

B. Ulna to radius

C. Radius to humerus

D. Ulna to sternum
21. The bones of the carpus serve a collective role of ____ to the carpus

A. Rigidity

B. Flexibility

C. Lubrication

D. Protection

22. What kind of joint exist between the two rows of the carpal bones

A. Saddle

B. Pivot

C. Ball and socket

D. Plane

23. The most articulated bone in the distal row of the carpus is the

A. Trapezium

B. Trapezoid

C. Capitate

D. Hamate

24. The most articulated bone in the proximal row is the

A. Pisiform

B. Scaphoid

C. Lunate

D. Triquetrum

25. The proximal surface of the distal row of carpal bones does not articulate with the proximal row of
carpal bones, and their distal surface articulates with the metacarpals A. True, False

B. False, false

C. True, true

D. False, true

Choose option *A* if the statement is correct and option *B* if the statement is wrong

1. Pectoralis major muscle acting alone flexes and extend the humerus.

2. Levator Scapulae elevates scapula and rotates its glenoid cavity superiorly.

3. Descending part of trapezius depresses while its ascending part elevate the scapula

4. The infraspinatus occupies the lateral three quarters of the infraspinous fossa and is partly covered by
the deltoid and trapezius.

5. Not all the four rotator cuff muscles are rotator of the humerus.

6. The thin, flat rhomboid major is approximately two times wider than the ticker rhomboid minor lying
superior to it.

7. From the transverse process of the upper cervical vertebrae, the fibres of the levator of the scapula
pass superiorly to the superomedial border of the scapula

8. Subscapularis is distally attached to the lesser tubercle of the humerus.

9. Boxer's muscle is another name for pectoralis major.

10. Scaphoid is the largest bone in the carpus.

11. The medial third of the shaft of the clavicle is convex anteriorly; whereas the lateral third is flattened
and concave anteriorly.

12. Scapulothoracic is an anatomical joint in which movement occurs between musculoskeletal

13. The superior border of scapula s the shortest and thickest of the three borders.

14. There are three bones in the upper limb with styloid process.

15. The terminal phalanges are flattened and tapered at their distal end which underlie the nail beds.

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