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3rd AIAA Atmospheric Space Environments Conference AIAA 2011-3196

27 - 30 June 2011, Honolulu, Hawaii

Assessment of Lockheed Martins Aircraft Wake Vortex Circulation

Estimation Algorithms Using Simulated Lidar Data

Don Jacob1
Lockheed Martin Coherent Technologies, Louisville, CO, 80027

David Y. Lai2, Donald P. Delisi3

NorthWest Research Associates, Inc., Redmond, WA, 98052

Keith S. Barr4, Derek A. Hutton5, Scott Shald6, Stephen M. Hannon7 and Philip Gatt8
Lockheed Martin Coherent Technologies, Louisville, CO, 80027

A new algorithm for estimating circulation strength of aircraft wake vortices is under
development by Lockheed Martin and is being evaluated by NorthWest Research Associates,
Inc. (NWRA) under the National Aeronautics and Space Administration Research
Announcement (NASA-NRA) NextGen Airportal Program. The algorithm is being
developed with the aid of Lockheed Martins Coherent Wind Lidar Simulator, developed
under the same NASA-NRA program. A brief description of the simulator tool is presented.
An overview of both the legacy estimation algorithm and the new algorithm under
development is presented which highlights the differences between the two algorithms. The
performance of both algorithms is assessed using simulated lidar data generated from
analytic wake models and Large Eddy Simulation (LES) vortex wind fields with ambient
turbulence eddy dissipation rates (EDR) of 4 x 10-5, 5 x 10-4 and 1.45 x 10-2 m2s-3. Algorithm
performance is quantified in terms of standard deviation and bias of estimates as a function
of SNR.

I. Introduction

U derstanding the transport and decay of wake vortices generated by commercial aircraft in the terminal vicinity
is needed for the development of concepts and technologies for maximizing airport capacity and to aid in
metroplex operations. Vortex transport and decay depend on a multitude of factors which include: generating
aircraft type, atmospheric environment, topography, and wake proximity to the ground. The development and
assessment of fast-time vortex models for use in optimizing aircraft separation during approach and departure
operations is one example for which a thorough understanding of wake vortex dynamics is needed 1.
Pulsed coherent laser radars operating in the near infrared are ideal candidates for remotely studying wake vortex
dynamics under a wide variety of conditions and over a broad range of aircraft types if accurate position and
circulation estimates can be extracted from the data2. These systems are eye-safe and can achieve very small range-
velocity resolution products on the order of 40 m2/s at ranges of several kilometers3. Laser light scattered from
aerosols in the atmosphere is detected by a coherent receiver. The average line of sight velocity of these aerosol
particles is proportional to the Doppler shift observed in the spectrum of the sampled return signal. Aerosol particles
entrained in an aircraft wake follow the velocity field of the wake and produce a distinct spectral signature. Using
models for the vortex field, one can estimate the position and strength of the vortex. The quality of these estimates
will depend on the algorithm and the data collection technique.
Several algorithms for estimating wake vortex position and circulation from pulsed coherent lidar field
measurements have been described in the literature4-9. Assessing the performance of these algorithms has been

Research Scientist, 135 South Taylor Avenue, AIAA Member.
Senior Research Scientist, 4118 148th Ave NE, AIAA Member.
Senior Research Scientist, 4118 148th Ave NE, AIAA Senior Member
Product Design Engineer, 135 South Taylor Avenue, non-AIAA Member.
Software Engineer, 135 South Taylor Avenue, non-AIAA Member.
Research Scientist, 135 South Taylor Avenue, non-AIAA Member.
Engineering and Science Director, 135 South Taylor Avenue, non-AIAA Member.
LM Fellow, 135 South Taylor Avenue, non-AIAA Member.

Copyright 2011 by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc. All rights reserved.
challenging because of the lack of truth knowledge. Under the NASA-NRA program a pulsed coherent wind lidar
simulator was developed by Lockheed Martin to generate realistic speckle modulated raw signal data from truth
vortices with known position, core diameter and strength. The simulator was developed for two purposes: 1) to
assess the performance of the legacy Lockheed Martin Wakes Processing Algorithm and 2) to aid in the
development of improved wake vortex parameter estimation algorithms.
Using the simulator tool, an assessment of the quality of the position estimates produced by Lockheed Martins
legacy algorithm has been reported by NWRA10. These results indicate that the mean biases for position in the
lateral direction are 4 - 7 m and 1 - 3 m in the vertical direction. In this paper we compare the circulation estimates
produced by the existing (legacy) algorithm with those from a new circulation estimation algorithm under
development. First, in Section II a typical pulsed coherent wind lidar system is described. Next, in Section III a
brief description of the simulator tool is presented. An overview of a new circulation algorithm being developed by
Lockheed Martin is given in Section IV. Finally, in Section V the performance of both circulation algorithms is
quantified in terms of standard deviation and bias of estimates as a function of SNR.

II. System and Data Collection

Figure 1 shows a picture of a WindTracer pulsed
Doppler lidar system mounted on a trailer for local transport.
The system operates at an eye safe infrared wavelength of
2 m. Figure 2 illustrates the system principle of operation.
The WindTracer transmits pulses of invisible, eye safe
infrared laser radiation to scatter off naturally-occurring dust
or aerosol particles. Some 500-750 pulses are transmitted per
second. The particles move with the wind and induce a
frequency change in the return echo. This frequency change
is detected by the onboard signal processor and is directly
related to the wind speed along the scanner look direction.
Time gating of the return signal enables 80 or more ranges to
be simultaneously measured at each update, with range
resolution of 50-100 m, depending in the system transmit
pulse duration and processing configuration. Under Figure 1. Trailer-mounted WindTracer pulsed
automatic computer control, the system scans the transmit Doppler lidar.
beam through vertical or horizontal scan planes to collect the
necessary data. Scan strategies vary, but for wake vortex measurements, the system typically scans in a vertical
nodding scan at a fixed azimuth angle and
through 10-20 degrees of elevation.
Beam Is Scanned to Provide Return Light is Doppler
III. Lockheed Martin Wind Lidar 2-3D Spatial Coverage Shifted by Moving Aerosols
2 m wavelength system:
Lockheed Martin has developed a 60 m (400 nsec) Pulse
graphical user interface (GUI) driven transmitted @ 500Hz

coherent wind lidar simulator written in 1.6 m wavelength system

~40 m (270 nsec) Pulse
MATLAB for assessing the accuracy of transmitted @750Hz
Lockheed Martins wake vortex detection Pencil Beam
and tracking algorithm and to aid in the Width 10-30 cm
development of improved vortex Portion of Scattered
Light Collected
parameter estimation algorithms. The By Telescope Relative Wind Induces a Doppler
simulator generates realistic speckle Frequency Shift in the Backscattered
Light; This Frequency Shift Is
modulated raw signal data for a scanning Detected by the Sensor
pulsed wind lidar sensor.
The GUI affords the user complete Doppler Lidar = Infrared Doppler Radar
control over the lidar system parameters Infrared: Instead of Raindrops, Lidar Uses Natural Particulates
Doppler: Velocity/Wind Sensing (Strength)
(i.e., wavelength, beam size and focus, Radar: Accurate Position Information
pulse width, pulse repetition frequency
(PRF), sample frequency, transmitter
jitter, signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), etc.). Figure 2. Pulsed Doppler LIDAR principle of operation.
The minimum and maximum elevation of a vertical scan is
controllable along with the scan rate and revisit time.
The wake vortex parameter GUI shown in Figure 3
gives the user the ability to generate a broad range of wind
fields which can be used to test all aspects of a wake C
estimation algorithm. Section A contains the options
which are available to the user for generating an analytic
wake wind field. Three analytic models are available with
the option to include an external ambient turbulence
background wind field.
For the chosen vortex model, the initial circulation
strength, core radius, decay time and sink rate of the
positive and negative vortices can be adjusted
independently. For a vortex pair the core separation can A
be adjusted or the user can select to only generate single
vortex data.
Instead of using an analytic model, the user can select
an externally generated wake field in section B. External
wake fields allow for more complicated wind fields which
can not be generated analytically. Such wind fields may
represent vortices in various phases of roll-up and may
include ambient turbulence and ground proximity effects
or other phenomena. A crosswind can be added to either B
the analytic wind field or the external wind field.
Finally, in section C the user is free to control the
vortex initial position in horizontal range and vertical
height above ground level (an additional setting for
positioning the sensor above ground level is also
available). The various GUI screens and the default Figure 3. Wake Vortex Parameter GUI Screen.
setting for each parameter available to the user are listed in The wake vortex parameters GUI is one of six GUI
Table 1 on the following page. screens for controlling all aspects of the coherent
The simulated raw data output is processed by wind lidar simulator. Other GUI screens cover the
Lockheed Martins WindTracer real-time (RT) processor lidar parameters, scan parameters, atmospheric
to compute range resolved spectra (and other products) parameters, processing parameters, and parametric
which are passed to the legacy wake processing algorithm, studies parameters.
producing estimates of vortex position and circulation strength. The raw data files generated by the simulator are
written in a data format readable by RT but are also converted to MATLAB format for ingestion into any other wake
processing algorithm. A simulator tool such as the one developed under this NASA-NRA is a key component
necessary for the development and evaluation of any wake vortex estimation algorithm.

IV. Wake Processing Circulation Estimation Algorithm Description

Both the legacy wake estimation algorithm and the new circulation estimation algorithm being developed rely on
two-dimensional (2-D) spatial spectral matched filters (MF) and maximum likelihood estimation (ML)11 to produce
estimates of circulation strength. In this method 2-D spatial match filters are generated based on the expected vortex
signature in each spectral bin. The vortex signature depends on vortex parameters such as the circulation strength,
core radii, and core separation as well as geometrical factors such as the position of the vortex in the scan relative to
the lidar and the position of the vortices relative to each other. The spectral signature also depends on system
parameters such as wavelength, pulse width, range gate length, range gate overlap, and the number of averages. The
quality of the match is assessed through a maximum likelihood calculation. The way in which the MF-ML
computation is carried out differs in the two algorithms. The legacy performs the operation in Cartesian coordinates
using an FFT while the new algorithm processes the data in its native polar coordinates and uses a correlator.
In addition to the MF-ML computation, the two algorithms differ in several other ways. First, the new algorithm
creates MFs based on a vortex pair while the legacy algorithm uses a single vortex MF approach. The legacy
algorithm estimates the circulation of the positive and negative vortices independently. The new algorithm first
estimates the mean circulation of the vortex pair and then estimates the circulation strengths of the positive and
negative vortices using the mean as a constraint. The way in which the MFs are created also differs. The legacy
algorithm uses an approximation to the exact single vortex spectral signature 12 assuming a Burnham-Hallock model.
The new algorithm builds each MF using the system parameters, and the geometry based on position estimates of
each vortex. Finally, another difference worth mentioning is that the new algorithm manages strong ambient
turbulence more effectively than the legacy algorithm through a turbulence correction algorithm which attempts to
independently estimate the turbulent background and correct the wake signature accordingly.

Table 1. Lockheed Martin Wind Lidar Simulator Tool

GUI Screens and Default Parameters v5.1
GUI Screen Parameter Default Value GUI Screen Parameter
Pulse Width 400 ns Initial Horizontal Range 1250 m
Wavelength 2.0225 m Initial Height 400 m
Beam Diameter 8 cm Burnham-Hallock ON
Beam Focus Lamb-Oseen OFF
PRF 500 Hz TASS Initial OFF
Range Offset 744 m Core Separation 40 m
Range Extent 1000 m Near Vortex (POS) ON
Sample Rate 100 Ms/s Far Vortex (NEG) ON
Core Radius
Fixed SNR ON (10 dB) 2.5 m
(POS and NEG)
Lidar Parameters Circulation Strength
Peak SNR OFF (10 dB) 300 m 2/s
(POS and NEG)
Wake Vortex
Radiometric Decay Time
OFF Parameters 120 s
Model (POS and NEG)
Pulse Width Sink Rate
20 ns Theoretical
Jitter (POS and NEG)
Pulse Timing Cross Wind Speed
50 ns 0 ms
Jitter (Analytic or LES)
Frequency Jitter 1 MHz External LES Wind Field OFF
External Dynamic
Monitor SNR 30 dB OFF
Turbulence Field
Minimum Turbulence Field
5 1
Elevation Multiplier
25 Flip LES Field OFF
Scan Parameters Elevation
Revisit Time 4.5 s Pulses to Average 20
Flyback Time 1.5 s Processing Number of Range Gates 80
Sensor Height 0m Parameters Samples per Range Gate 64
No Parametrics ON Signal FFT Size 64
Parametric Studies
Vary SNR OFF Simulation Duration 120 s
No Attenuation Number of Realizations 10
Atmospheric Parameters Main Screen Convert MiDAS
(OFF unless Radiometric OFF/ON
Backscatter Fixed (10-7 *.raw/*.prddot Files
Model = ON)
Model /srkm) Specify RNG Seeds OFF
Simulated Date NOW

V. Performance Assessment of Legacy and 2010 Circulation Estimation Algorithms

A full performance evaluation has yet to be completed because the algorithm is still under development. In this
section preliminary results are presented comparing the circulation estimates obtained from the legacy algorithm to
those obtained from the new circulation estimation algorithm. In Figures 4 - 8 single realization comparisons of the
circulation estimates are shown. For each of these cases data was simulated using a constant SNR. The SNR in all
cases is computed over a bandwidth of 7.8125 MHz. The standard deviation and bias of the circulation estimates as
a function of SNR are shown in Figures 9-10. Unless stated, the simulator default parameters listed in Table 1 were
Circulation strength estimates for constant circulation strength of 150 m2/s (left), 350 m2/s (center), and 550 m2/s
(right) are shown in Figure 4 for a SNR = 5 dB. An analytic Burnham-Hallock vortex model was used in simulating
the raw data. The new algorithm results exhibit near zero bias while the legacy algorithm indicates a positive bias
for a circulation strength of 150 m2/s and a negative bias for a circulation strength of 550 m2/s. The fluctuation of
the estimates for both algorithms appears comparable.



Figure 4. Burnham-Hallock Analytic Wake Field: Equal Fixed Circulation, SNR = 5 dB.
Fixed circulation strengths of 150 m2/s (left), 350 m2/s (center), and 550 m2/s (right) with a core
separation of 40 m and equal core radii of 2.5 m. Legacy algorithm circulation estimates (top
row), new circulation algorithm estimates (bottom row).
In Figure 5 the circulation estimates for two decaying vortices embedded in a 5 m/s crosswind directed toward
the sensor are shown for a SNR = 5 dB. An analytic Burnham-Hallock vortex model was used in simulating the raw
data. The new algorithm produces circulation estimates down to approximately 50 m2/s and appears to have reduced
scatter and less bias at lower circulation strengths.

Figure 5. Burnham-Hallock Analytic Wake Field: Equal Initial Circulation, 120 s Positive
Decay Time, 150 s Negative Decay Time and Negative 5 m/s Crosswind, SNR = 5 dB. Initial
circulation of 550 m2/s for both vortices, a core separation of 40 m and equal core radii of 2.5 m.
Legacy algorithm circulation estimates (left), new circulation algorithm estimates (right).
In Figure 6 the circulation strength estimates for an out of ground effect LES wake field of a Boeing 747
embedded in a weak ambient turbulence background is shown for a SNR = 6 dB. The new algorithm shows
generally good agreement with the 10 - 15 m radius circulation strength truth calculation (solid lines). In this case
the turbulence correction algorithm was not used.

Figure 6. LES Wake Field: B747 Out of Ground Effect (OGE), SNR = 6 dB Embedded in
a Weak Ambient Turbulence Background Field (EDR = 4x10-5 m2s-3). Out of ground effect
LES simulated wind field of a Boeing 747 with a core separation of 50 m and core radii of 3.75 m
embedded in a weak ambient turbulence background. LES data provided by NASA. Legacy
algorithm circulation estimates (left), new circulation algorithm estimates (right).

In Figure 7 the circulation strength estimates for an out of ground effect LES wake field of a Boeing 747
embedded in a strong ambient turbulence background is shown for a SNR = 6 dB. As can be seen, the strong
ambient turbulence causes the legacy algorithm to overestimate the circulation strength from wake ages 20 s - 40 s.
Using the turbulence correction algorithm the new circulation estimation algorithm shows good agreement with the
LES estimated truth.

Figure 7. LES Wake Field: B747 Out of Ground Effect (OGE), SNR = 6 dB Embedded in
a Strong Ambient Turbulence Background Field (EDR = 1.45x10-2 m2s-3). Out of ground
effect LES simulated wind field of a Boeing 747 with a core separation of 50 m and core radii of
3.75 m embedded in a strong ambient turbulence background. LES data provided by NASA.
Legacy algorithm circulation estimates (left), new circulation algorithm estimates (right).

In Figure 8 the circulation strength estimates for an in ground effect LES wake field of a Boeing 747 embedded
in a strong ambient turbulence background is shown for a SNR = 10 dB. The legacy algorithm appears to show only
a slight bias with the combination of strong ambient turbulence and the ground proximity effects. Using the
turbulence correction algorithm the new circulation estimation algorithm shows good agreement with the LES truth.

Figure 8. LES Wake Field: B747 In Ground Effect (IGE), SNR = 10 dB Embedded in a
Strong Ambient Turbulence Background Field (EDR = 1.45x10-2 m2s-3). In ground effect LES
simulated wind field of a Boeing 747 with a core separation of 50 m and core radii of 3.75 m
embedded in a strong ambient turbulence background. LES data provided by NASA. Legacy
algorithm circulation estimates (left), Lockheed Martin new circulation algorithm estimates

In figures 9 and 10 the bias (left) and standard deviation (right) of circulation estimates for SNR = 5, 10, and
15 dB using an analytic Burnham-Hallock wake model of a B747 in a zero turbulence background and zero
crosswind (Figure 9) and an LES simulated B747 wake embedded in a moderate ambient turbulence background
(Figure 10) are shown, respectively. The statistics presented were obtained by computing the bias and standard
deviation of the circulation estimates using 20 independent realizations over the lifetime of the wake as it decays
from a peak circulation of approximately 565 m2/s to the minimum detectable circulation of 50 - 100 m2/s. The two
bars shown for each represent separate calculations for the positive and negative vortices.
For both cases the circulation estimates from the new algorithm exhibit less bias than the estimates from the
legacy algorithm. The one exception occurs for SNR = 5 dB and the analytic wake model (Figure 9). In this case
the magnitude of the bias is comparable to that of the legacy algorithm. Overall, the average circulation bias from
the legacy algorithm is quite acceptable for the Burnham-Hallock simulated wake with no turbulence, i.e., less than
40 m2/s under typical SNR conditions. For moderate ambient turbulence the bias from the legacy algorithm
approximately doubles while the new algorithm exhibits an average bias less than 20 m2/s under typical SNR
conditions. In both cases the standard deviations of the estimates from the new algorithm are comparable to or
slightly better than the legacy algorithm.
ComparisonofofCirculation Bias for
Circulation Bias forBH
B744 Comparison ofofCirculation
Comparison Circulation St.
St. Dev. for
Lockheed Martin Legacy
LMCT Legacy and Modified
and Modified Algorithms
Algorithms Lockheed Martin Legacy
LMCT Legacy and Modified
and Modified Algorithms
70 30
LMCT Legacy Algorithm LMCT Legacy Algorithm
LMCT Martin
Modified Legacy
Algorithm Algorithm
(Version E) Lockheed Martin Legacy Algorithm
60 LMCT Modified Algorithm (Version E)
Circulation Mean Bias (m /s)

Lockheed Martin Modified Algorithm

Circulation St. Dev. (m2/s)

Lockheed Martin Modified Algorithm



40 20



0 5
5 10 15
-20 5 10 15
SNR (dB) SNR (dB)

Figure 9. Bias (left) and Standard Deviation (right) of Circulation Estimates for SNR = 5,
10 and 15 dB for a B747 using the Burnham-Hallock analytical vortex model. Out of ground
effect Burnham-Hallock simulated wind field of a Boeing 747 with a core separation of 50 m and
core radii of 3.8 m. Legacy algorithm (red), new circulation algorithm (blue).
Comparison ofof CirculationBias
Circulation Biasfor
Turb B744 B747 Comparison
Comparison of Circulation
of Circulation St.St.Dev.
for LES
ModTurb B744
Turbulence B747
LMCT Legacy
Lockheed and Modified
Martin Legacy Algorithms
and Modified Algorithms LMCTMartin
Lockheed LegacyLegacy
and Modified Algorithms
and Modified Algorithms
140 80
LMCT Legacy Algorithm LMCT Legacy Algorithm
Lockheed Martin Legacy Algorithm Lockheed Martin Legacy Algorithm
LMCT Modified Algorithm (Version E) LMCT Modified Algorithm (Version E)
Circulation Mean Bias (m2/s)


Circulation St. Dev. (m2/s)

120 Lockheed Martin Modified Algorithm Lockheed Martin Modified Algorithm

100 60



5 10 15 0
-20 5 10 15
SNR (dB) SNR (dB)

Figure 10. Bias (left) and Standard Deviation (right) of Circulation Estimates for SNR = 5,
10 and 15 dB for a LES Simulated B747. Out of ground effect LES simulated wind field of a
Boeing 747 with a core separation of 50 m and core radii of 3.75 m embedded in a moderate
ambient turbulence background. LES data provided by NASA. Legacy algorithm (red), new
circulation algorithm (blue).

VI. Summary
A new circulation estimation algorithm is under development by Lockheed Martin. This algorithm follows the
same method used in the legacy wake estimation algorithm: spectral-space processing with maximum likelihood
estimation; however, the implementation differs significantly in certain respects. These differences along with
additional enhancements have shown to improve the quality of the circulation estimates in both bias and standard
deviation. As the algorithm is still under development its full potential has yet to be realized.
This work was sponsored by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration Air Space Systems Program
and completed under the NASA NRA Enabling Super-Dense Operations by Advancing the State of the Art of Fast-
Time Wake Vortex Modeling Contract No. NNL08AA45C. Neil O'Connor and Dr. Fred Proctor are the technical
monitors. We thank Dr. Fred Proctor of NASA for the 3-D LES simulations used in this study.
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