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Flip PDF Professional Command Line Usage:

PTCMD.exe -f<PDF File> -o<output folder> -n<OutputFileName> [Options]

-f<PDF File> The source PDF file.

-o<output folder> Specify the folder for output files.

-t<html|zip|exe> Output type. Default is html.

-n<OutputFileName> Specify the name of the output file.

-c<caption> Caption for HTML or EXE.

-s<Flash settings> Value format is:<Template name>#[<Theme name>|<txt_settingfile

<Template name> could be: Classic, Float, Spread or other
<Theme name> is the name of the theme shown in the "Select a

template" window, such as Blank, Blues, Nostalgia.

<txt_settingfile path> is the template setting file which you
exported in
GUI with "Save the template settings" function.

-r<page range>. The pages that you want to import from PDF file.
Range value string could be: 2-15, 33, 35-36, or All. (Default:

-q<import quality> The value could be 5,4,3,2,1. 5 is the higher quality in

larger file
size; 1 is the level with lower quality and smaller file size.

-R<GS|SWF|LIB> Render engine options. (Default: SWF)

-b<Y|N> Whether import bookmark or not. (Default: Y)

-l<Y|N> Whether import links or not. (Default: Y).

-S<Y|N> Whether enable book content searchable or not. (Default: Y)

-k<html key words> Set the keywords for HTML output file.

-d<html description> Set the descriptions for HTML output file.

-j<html javascript> Set the javascript for HTML output file.

-i<icon file path> Set the icon path for exe output.

-w<window size> Specify the window size of output exe book.

Value could be: M,F,or some string like:800,600.
(Window width is 800, and height is 600).

-m<Y|N> Whether create mobile version or not. (Default: N)

-M<Mobile Template name> Specify the mobile version template.

Could be: Flip, Slide, Single Page Flip.(Default: Flip)
-F<result folder> The folder path of PDF which to be appended to existing PDF
The folder must contains the "files" directory that contains
flip book stuff. Default is empty.

-P<Ghostscript parameters> Specify some other parameters for Ghostscript render


-B<bookmark file path> Specify the table of content path for the book.
The TOC file will override all the TOC info
in the -f<PDF File> .
View TOC file format by exporting TOC in GUI.

Examples 1:
PTCMD -f"C:\input.pdf" -o"C:\outputfolder" -n"index" -thtml -c"Title"
-s"Float#c:\my_ebooksetting.txt" -r"1-8,9-14,42" -q4 -R"SWF" -bN

Examples 2:
PTCMD -f"C:\input.pdf" -o"C:\outputfolder" -n"ExeFileName" -texe -i"C:\app.ico"
-c"Title" -s"Float#Blues" -r"All" -q5 -R"GS"

Examples 3:
PTCMD -f"C:\input.pdf" -o"C:\outputfolder" -n"index" -tzip -c"Title"
-s"Float#Blank" -r"All" -q5 -R"GS" -k"html key words"

Examples 4:
PTCMD -f"C:\input.pdf" -o"C:\outputfolder" -n"index" -tzip -c"Title"
-s"Float#Blank" -r"All" -q5 -R"GS" -k"html key words" -B"c:\yourBookMarkFile.txt"

Return Code:
1: Success
2: Input file not found
3: Parameters are invalid
4: Failed to load PDF
5: Failed to import bookmarks
6: Failed to import links
7: Failed to import searchable information
8: Failed to save the output file.

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