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DFCYR Life Skills Curriculum

TITLE: Identifying Strengths & Weakness

OBJECTIVE: By the end of this group, participants will be able to identify their strengths and weaknesses.
HRS: 1 Hour
MATERIALS: Tape, activity sheets, pens and pencils.

Students will gain knowledge of their

strengths and weaknesses and how to apply
them or turn them into an opportunity to
INTRODUCTION better them.

Would you rather..? Place a line of tape

down the center of the room. Ask the
group to straddle the tape. When asked
ICEBREAKER Would you rather? the students have to
15 MINS jump to the left or the right as indicated by
the facilitator. (Note adults should join in
too!) At the end of the activity sit down
and discuss some qualities/traits and how
they can be beneficial to the students.
Improving Your Skills Youth will read a
section of the Making It Book about how
to improve their skills to become
ACTIVITY successful.
35 MINS Self-Evaluation Youth will take a self-
evaluation assessment on different skills to
identify their strengths and weaknesses. A
brief discussion will follow.
Facilitator will recap important or the most
talked about topics with the group before

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