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Activity for the weekend:

Write an advice to each one of the following cases:

You are an expert in giving advices and making decisions, so you are going
to write WHAT SHOULD THOSE PEOPLE DO to solve their situations.
Use the form: You should
At the end, put this paper inside the folder: Saturday Activities with YOUR
NAME and the number of the FICHA. For example:

This month my credit card bill is really high. I had so many things to buy: my 100th pair of shoes, new
clothes, extra-high thread-count sheets for my dog, and a new diamond-studded toothbrush. How
can I cut back on my spending?

You must buy as much as you need

Sell things that are in good condition and that you no longer use
Try not to use the credit card and pay cash
Go to supermarkets that offer discounts

My roommate keeps asking to borrow my toothbrush. Ive said no repeatedly, but I think shes using
it anyway to clean her hamsters cage. What should I do?

You should keep your toothbrush in a place that only you have access to

My girlfriend went to the hair salon today for a haircut. The salon accidentally died her hair BRIGHT
PINK. It looks awful, and shes so upset. What can I say to make her feel better?

That looks beautiful, and that color is very fashionable because they use
young and original people

My wife is a terrible cook I mean the worst. We havent had anything good to eat since we got
married, but she tries so hard. What should I do? Doesnt a husband have a right to a decent meal?
My mother was a great cook!

I should tell him that he does it very well and that he can improve, and he
can suggest some cooking course
My boyfriend and I are going on vacation next week. At the last minute one of our friends invited
herself along. She booked her tickets and everything. This was supposed to be a romantic trip, but
now we have an extra person. Threes a crowd, you know? How can I persuade her not to come?

Can tell you that the site is not very nice, and also that it is a site for couples

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