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Rift document:

Documentation of amplitude statistics

This code find out the statistical properties of accelerometer data.
These properties are max, min, mean, median, variance, standard
deviation, total power, median power.
From all these properties only few properties are used to predict state
is brake or not.
Line no 32 to 40.Line no 43,44 calculates the derivative along each
particular axis. Derivarive is always wrt to time. So for x-axis it is dx/dt,
for y- axis dy/dt for , z it is dz/dt.
For calculating derivative difference between consecutive values of
along that particular axis is 1st calculated. For eg to calculate difference
between consecutive values along x-axis line no 43. Then these values
are divided by dt at line 44.
Line no 51 to 58 calculates the amplitude through the fourier transform
and square of it gives the power concentrated in it.

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