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Name: Henry DAndrea


Directions: Setting goals at the beginning of the year plays an important role in guiding and
monitoring your progress. Use the worksheet below to help identify your goals for the first
semester of the school year. I will share these goals with your parents during parent teacher
conferences and you will post them on your portfolio. Please fill in all all fields that are
HIGHLIGHTED and submit your final draft to your Gradpoint dropbox.

What does the acronym S.M.A.R.T. stand for?

S- Specific
M- Measurable
A- Attainable
R- Relevant
T- Time-based

Step 1: Write down your SPECIFIC goals

You will need to identify at least three goals for first semester. You must set an academic goal,
personal goal, and college/career preparation goal.

My goals for first semester:

(Be as specific as possible. Try to identify who,what,when,where,why, and how)

1. Academic: I would like to get an A in class.

2. Personal: I would like to do more fundraising for the DC trip.

3. Social/Emotional/Wellbeing: I would like to practice piano more.

Step 2: How will you reach your goal?

For each goal, list at least 3 action steps you will take towards accomplishing the goal.

Academic goal action steps:

1. Get my reading blogs done more frequently and put more into them.
2. Read more.
3. Write more thoroughly in essays and/or projects.

2.Personal goal action steps:

1. Create and sell infinity cubes.
2. Go to more fundraising events.
3. Sell more tickets.

3. Social/Emotional/Wellbeing:
1. Play more often.
2. Time how long I play.
3. Play/practice more songs.

Step 3: Make sure your goal is MEASURABLE. How will you monitor your progress
towards accomplishing your goal? How will you know once youve met your goal?

1. Academic:

I will measure or track my goal using the following methods: Checking grades and work due.
I will know I achieved my goal when: The first quarter ends.

2. Personal:

I will measure or track my goal using the following methods: Checking how much money Ive
I will know I achieved my goal when: My incline increases significantly.

3. Social/Emotional Wellbeing:

I will measure or track my goal using the following methods: A timer(?)

I will know I achieved my goal when: I begin to learn songs faster and/or learn more difficult

Step 4: Make sure your goals are ATTAINABLE. List the extra resources you might need
in order to accomplish your goals.

Items I need to achieve these goals: Maybe supplies to make infinity cubes, and a timer.

How I'll find the time: Fundraise on weekends, and practice piano daily.

Things I need to learn more about: ELA

People I can talk to for support: Mr. Majkowski, Mrs. Baldino.

Step 5: Make sure your goal is RELEVANT. State why you want to accomplish each goal.

1. Academic: I will be more prepared for high school.

2. Personal: I dont want to miss the DC trip.

3. Social/Emotional/Wellbeing: I like to play piano.

Step 6: Make your goal TIME-BASED. Put a deadline on your goals and set some specific

I will reach my goals by: 1/28/2018.

My halfway measurement will be half way through the quarter on ?/?/2017 (I dont know the
exact date).

Additional dates and milestones I'll aim for: Fundraising events (to track my progress in
between), and piano practices.

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