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My name is jonatan vergara

This year has been one of the best, since the previous year I entered SENA and from
that moment my life totally changed, the way I see the world, knowledge, wonderful
people and other unforgettable experiences, the truth never thought to reach Have 8
titles, which make me proud and encourages me to self-surrender. In February I met
with a great surprise that I am glad and it has been a real support, I achieve a
contract of learning which I thank God for presenting me this opportunity that
really incites me and helps to fulfill dreams.

I remember that in the past month I did something that I said I would never aria
and although I died of fear I did, I throw a bridge in bonyi, total an experience
that in its moment terrifies, but feel the adrenaline rush through your veins has
no comparison and You are full of pride knowing that despite fear you do. And as to
finish I feel that I must tell you what I now have as goals since in my life
everything becomes a challenge, in which I do not rest until I achieve it and one
of them occupies my greatest interest, which is to learn the language English, I
know that I am not very good, I would say that I am bad but my main interest is to
learn it with fluids and I hope to achieve a significant reach in fluids this year.
For now that is what I have done this year with greater importance. Have a good

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