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‘Blue Cheese Breakfast Burger Ingredients + 2 lbs ground chuck + 3:4 tbsp olve oil + worcester sauce, salt, pepper, season salt, granulated garic to taste + Castelio Burger Biue Cheese slices + 1 eg9 (per burger) + 2-3 pieces of bacon (per burger) + ‘hash brown (per burger) + Your choice of burger buns Instructions 1. Preheat your gil to seer 2, Prepare your patties wrile your grils heating by forming into patty shape (do not season yet) | 3, Place raw patties on baking sheet & brush with olive oll 4, Once gril is ready - place patties on the gril to seer - flipping once to seer both sides 5, Once soered, lower temperature, add desired seasonings & worcester sauce & allow to | ook for about 15-20 minutes fipping ony one mare time, (rass fed bee wil cook te | | faster tran grain fed beet Dont press down on them - or you will press all the juices out ‘You want to just let thom cook without being disturbed, slow & steady. 6. When you are getting close to your time insert a meat thermometer - iit reaches above 160 degrees (f not continue cooking alte longer) - add your cheese & allow to melt | slighty before removing patties from the gril. | ‘Have someone inside preparing the other ingredients (cooking the bacon, eggs & hash browns) For the bacon | 7. Lay out on fol lined baking sheet & cook in a 400 degree oven for approx 20-90 | minutes depending on the thickness of your bacon & how you lke it cooked Eggs 8. Cooked sunny side up, crack into a small skilet & cook over low untill the whites of the | egg have fied (about § minutes): keeping in mind that the egg will continue to cook after you have removed it rom the heat do not fp Hash Browns | ‘8 Preheat a couple tablespoons of peanut olin large skilet 110. Once the oils hot- drop in your hash browns - cooking several minutes on each side Unt cooked through | 11, Remove & place on a wire rack to drain & crisp i (Once all your ingredients are prepared it's time to assemble this amazing burger 12, Place several slices of blue cheese on your bottom burger bun (twill tt from the heat ‘of your ather ingredients) | 18, Add your hash brown, then your burger patty 14, Top with bacon & finaly your egg

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