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A man who life with lions

In South Africa exist a man who life with 4 lions, the name of this man is Leo Bartra and
he is 28 years old. He started this great adventure when he was a 22 years old because
he loves lions but the most important is what in this country the lions are in extinction
for which this man is his protector.
He was thought to have left his idea of protection the lions because this was very
dangerous and crazy. Later over time he realized that between the lions and him, there
was a great bond of friendship where they both loved each other.
He is said to be the carer of animals more crazy and brave of the world. And this Because
nobody would dare to be protector of lions since the all is afraid to be eaten by these.
I think the man who lived with lions is the most interesting because it seems impossible,
but this man show us that nothing is impossible if it is desired with the heart.

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