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[TO THE EDITOR OF TEE " SPECTATOR:] Sin,When I read Mr. Frederic Harrison's remarkable
letter in the Times on the abuse of the powers of Government by a nominally Republican Executive
in France, for the purpose of discouraging and persecuting Republicans in every way, and of
encouraging those who are openly or secretly, as Legitimists or Imperialists, plotting against the
Republic, and above all, when I read his com- plaint of the judicial frauds for political ends, I at once
said : "I can give Mr. Harrison a parallel for everything he has here denounced, and on this side of
the Channel too. Only the action affects religion rather than politics, and Ritualists, not Repub-
licans, are the victims of deliberately planned injustice."

I will not trouble you now with multiplying instances, but surely here is a sufficiently close analogue
of M. Bonnet Duverdier's imprisonment for illegal, seditious language and gestures, on the evidence
of a police spy, contradicted by twelve gentlemen of character and position.

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