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Trinity Long

Ms. Marlowe

Expo R/W P1

29 August 2017

A Man That Deserves Respect

The general term respect is used often throughout the common persons vocabulary.

However when you try to define it people are at a loss words. Whenever this assignment comes

up during the first week of school, I always think of my grandfather. He is the human that I

respect the most in my life. He values family very high in his life and has made many sacrifices

for his family. When my mother was three years old her parents got divorced, and my

grandfather let my grandmother live in their previous house. He found houses to live in until my

grandmother would move out with a new man, and he in return would live in the previous house

until my grandmother wanted to move back in. This was a constant cycle so that their five kids

could live in the same household for their childhood. My grandfather even adopted and provided

for my uncle David, who was not his child but from another man. He worked hard for many

years until he had a stable job to provide for his family. This type of hard work, selflessness, and

dedication to family is one of the reasons I respect my grandfather.

The first time I realized I respected my grandfather was during an odd situation in which

he was scolding me. My brothers and I had been bickering all day, and in a car ride my

grandfather was fed up with our behaviour. Instead of raising his voice, he used a firm tone. It is

not something Im used to in my loud household. Although it was a different treatment than what

Im used to, it was still impactful. He remained in control of the situation and I couldnt believe
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how easy it was to correct my actions. Respect in my book is when you hold them in higher

regard, there is trust and honor in the relationship. They have proved themselves as good people,

hard working, and there's a feeling of compassion for their feelings. Now that is respect.

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