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complete this summary of the story using information from the

completed text.

Complete este resumen de la historia usando informacin del texto


in the science fiction novel the war of the worlds, martians

En la novela de ciencia ficcin la guerra de los mundos, marcianos

orson welles's 1938 play was set in the U.S. and sounded like

La obra de 1938 de orson welles se puso en los Estados Unidos y

sonaba como La llegada de una invasin de extraterrestres del
planeta Marte.

First, the listeners heard on the radio that and they did not hear
the intro thought it was a real transmission then they

Primero, los oyentes oyeron en la radio eso y no oyeron la intro

pensaron que era una transmisin verdadera entonces ellos.

heard a description of there was

Odo una descripcin de que haba

enormous panic in On the streets of New York and New Jersey

people called the police people called the plice

Enorme pnico en las calles de Nueva York y Nueva Jersey

La gente llam a la polica

because many people complained about the

Muchas personas se quejaron de la

when we tell a news story, we usually summarize the facts and say what
we think about the event. find an interesting news story and take notes
answering these questions.

when and where did the event happen?

Cundo y dnde ocurri el evento?

what happened? qu pas?

why did it happen? do you know?

Por qu sucedi? T sabes?

what was the result? Cul fue el resultado?

how did other people respon to te event Como otras personas

respondieron al evento
when we tell a news story, we usually summarize the facts and
say what we think about the event. find an interesting news
story and take notes answering these questions.

Cuando contamos una noticia, normalmente resumimos los hechos y

decimos lo que pensamos del evento. Encontrar una interesante
noticia y tomar notas que respondan a estas preguntas.
1. when and where did the event happen? Cundo y dnde
ocurri el evento?

Was February 30 in the city of aqp in the house of my


2. what happened? que pas?

Was the birthday of my grandfather and in the middle of the

party we heard a bad news was very sad we all went to the

3. why did it happen? do you know? Por qu sucedi? T

My aunt was in the hospital because she suffered an accident
only god knows why she did things was very sad that day

4. what was the result? Cul fue el resultado?

That day was very sad for us because we lost a very special person for
the family.
5. how did other people respon to te event Como otras
personas respondieron al evento

That day the other people gave us the pesame and they told us that
everything happens for something like God wanted it

6. what's your response to the event Cul es tu respuesta al


Negative because we lost someone we wanted very much and will no

longer be the same

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