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August 16:

ECE 162 Quiz on RA9292/start researching (WEDNESDAY)

Thesis Email maam for list of topics
ECE 151.1 Study Impulse, step, ramp, parabola, sin, exponential (Laplace
ENGMA continue partial derivatives
ENGSCI 44 HW due Tuesday
CIE 185 Final Report Paper
Mayuga Lab report paper
1. Kobaka - max
2. Sting - max
3. Red Rouse - max
4. Bane King -max
5. Horror Wing - max
6. Arachne - max
7. Necross -
8. Maniskull 8
9. DG - 8

1. Stone Haftz
2. Sand Eye
3. Ant Nest Foreman
4. Hucca
5. Bighand
6. Cotous
7. Turekka
8. Canine
9. Moretti
10. Alle
Aug. 25:
1. OJT Final Report
2. laundry
3. ECE 162 review and report
4. App form reorganization
5. Luis paper
Sept 3:
Toto paper
Luis papers (prelab/postlab/engma/elc)
Quiz ECE 162
CADs Videos
12:20 ALAC interview
Sept 4:
Luis Prelab Postlab
Sept 5:
Quiz in Cat
Interview CADs
Sept 6:
Dont be rude
Dont always stick to the rule book
Dont let your emotions get the better of you
Hi! Im Eser and Im applying for CADs FOH! IWannaMakeCADsProud
Intro: Hi I'm Eser applying for FOH and I'll be showing how to deal with an angry
my sister will help me demonstrate what possible situations you may deal with in
the future
(gay persona posing as angry parent)
step 1: don't be rude
*Clip of angry me
transition to FOH me
step 2: Don't let the rule book define you
You'd always be faced with situations that aren't prescribed in the rule book
and sometimes you have to adapt to that situation
video of FOH me still smiling despite getting scolded
*don't do that
Step 3: Don't let your emotions get the better of you
I know it can be stressful dealing with people but never let it get you down and
know how to control your frustrations
then make bawi at the visual representations of those situations

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