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-Can you tell me (if he allows students to take breaks.

-During television's first 20 years, deaf people __________ a lot of the fun.
They could not hear what was being said and had to guess. (didnt enjoy)
-Many people were against the __________ of offering closed
captions in television programs. (notion)
-Norwood realized he had to develop another way of captioning - one
that would not ___________ hearing people. (disturb)
-Pedro always brings ______________ with him on vacation because,
if they are stolen or get lost, you can get the money back. (travelers checks)
-Deaf people who watched television liked sports and action shows, but they
were disappointed with __________ programs. (other types of)
-Do you know ___________________? (who I should speak to about this problem)
-Im taking a short, ______________. Ill be gone
Thursday, Friday and Saturday. (three-day vacation)
-A: Are you planning to get yourself something from that catalogue?
B: Not really. I dont think I cant afford anything.
Im just_____________ through it. browsing
-Excuse me, do you know _____________? (if there is a bank near here)
-At the hospital, the nurses wondered ___________________.
(if I knew when John was born)
-I have no idea _________________________.
(when the architects are going to finish the project)
-Your adventure begins at the Grand Canyon National Park Airport
where you will board your flight to be able to enjoy the ________________ view.
-A: So tell me about your trip.
B: ________________. Were going to climb the Kilimanjaro and sleep at the top.
A: Really? _______________ it gets down to ten below 0 degrees at night!
(Heres the plan Keep in mind that)
-Would you mind telling me ____________________?
(which football team your brother supports)
-Do you know _________________? (how much time you spend watching TV)
-Do you happen to know ____________________? (how often he arrives late for work)
-At the beginning, he was so looking forward to going to Africa on vacation.
Afterwards, he realized he didnt really want to go to
such a ______________ place. (remote)
-Now you're ready for a whirlwind ________________ tour of America's most exciting
The skyline, the bridges, Broadway, and the Staten Island ferry are
only a few of the spots to put on your "must" list for New York. (sightseeing)
-Could you tell me when___________________?
(the building was constructed)
-Would you mind telling me ________________? (what type of car you have)
-Im pretty busy with my courses so I'm always _____________
going to the doctor. (putting off)
-In the late 1960s, a man started experimenting. Malcolm Norwood thought that deaf
would __________ television programs, too. (like)
-The ________________ across the Atlantic used to take two weeks.(voyage)
-The ______________ from Brazil to Bangkok cost me a lot
more than what I had expected. (ticket)

-I didnt like Florida. I wish we ____________ to vacation there.

(hadnt decided)
-If I __________ enough money, I would get my brother's guitar
out of the pawnshop for him. (had had)
-Im usually in control. Im used to______________. (calling the shots)
-It just wasnt meant to be. (The relationship didnt work out)
-The reading passage doesnt mention ______________. (the presents)
-______________ the bride wears a red sari, her female friends
paint her hands and feet. (Before)
-I am terribly afraid of heights. If I _____________ that
tall tree in the front yard, I would die. (climbed)
-The honeymoon is over. They ________________.
(have started disagreeing and arguing)
-Its a match made in heaven. They _______________.
(are the perfect couple)
-My brother is only five feet tall. If he ____________ a
foot taller, he would be a great basketball player. (were)
-We are the perfect match. I really found my ___________. (soul mate)
-Susan graduated from college last spring. If she ____________, I
think her mother would have told her to leave the house.(had not graduated)
-My sister fell in head over heels. (Shes completely in love)
-The passage is about __________________. (a Hindu wedding ceremony)
-I dumped my boyfriend last weekend. (She broke up with him)
-His last girlfriend cheated on him.
(She had a secret relationship with another person)
-Its very hot. If you drink some water, you ___________ better.
(might feel)
-This is a perfect spring day. If it ____________, I would stay home and study.
-Your roommate is really noisy. If I ____________ with him, we'd have to talk.
-Im going to Jerrys for Thanksgiving, but I cant stand to eat turkey.
What ____________ if that happened to you? (would you do)
-If I hadnt been fascinated with flying, I _____________ a pilot.
(wouldnt have become)
-A holy man chooses the wedding day. _______ (True)
-Hes just the ______________ partner. Ive never met anyone like him. (ideal)
-A ____________ is a single man.( bachelor)
-_____________ the grooms relatives give short speeches.
(The passage doesnt say that)

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