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unflinching , vainglorious brusque (, )

plucky pedantic cantankerous

audacious pretentious (, ) choleric
gallant pompous contentious
valiant presumptuous captious
valorous haughty crabby
intrepid hubristic
dauntless blatant jaunty , ,
audacious bumptious (-, - )
heroic (, , ) barefaced jubilant
doughty defiant (, ) jolly
chivalrous (, ) discourteous jovial
arrogant jocund
diffident , rude jubilant
demure sophomoric (2, ) perk (, n., )
flinching conceited blithe
bashful (, ) pert (, , ) hilarious
abashed exultant
coy (, , ) concessive , exuberant
timid suave (, ) euphoric
timorous sprightly (, ) exhilarated
introverted (, ) amiable elated ()
craven ( , ) amicable sanguine (, )
cowardly affable ( ) sportive ( )
prudish convivial (, , ) mirthful
pusillanimous (, ) congenial ( , ) gleeful
cordial gay
humble , vivacious (, , ) comic
modest affectionate beatific
unpretentious gregarious () rapturous
unostentatious extroverted (, ) felicitous (, )
unassuming debonair frolicsome
amenable ( , ) gay
decorous disarming ( ) dour , ,
courteous dismal (, )
civil peevish , doleful
chivalrous petulant dreary (, , )
gallant (, , ) pugnacious dejected
splenetic despondent
officious , , grouchy desolate
overweening grumpy plaintive
obtrusive touchy plangent ()
overbearing (, ) testy () elegiac (, )
officious () irascible saturnine (, )
ostentatious (, ) fractious somber (, )
imperious fiery sullen (, )
impudent fretful solemn
impertinent (, ) querulous solitary
insolent repugnant sentimental (, )
stuck-up bellicose crestfallen ( )
supercilious bilious forlorn ()

gloomy laborious munificent ,
melancholy enthusiastic magnanimous
mauldin ( ) wholehearted munificent
morose (, ) painstaking merciful
mournful (, ) indefatigable benevolent
funereal fervent (=fervid) () beneficent
lamentable fiery (, , ) bounteous (, )
lugubrious impassioned (, ) bountiful (, )
lachrymose vehement () lenient
plaintive (, , ) gung-ho () hospitable ()
bleak (, ) passionate () liberal
frenetic () generous
lithe , , frantic () indulgent
limber frenzied () clement (, )
submissive ebullient ( ) catholic
supple ( ) toilsome ( ) charitable
mellifluous ( ) moiling ( ) altruistic ()
malleable (, ) rabid (, , ) philanthropic (, )
amicable hectic (, ) pitiful
amenable vigorous ( ) compassionate
compliant brisk (, , _ tolerant
complaisant spry (, , )
pliant(=pliable) sprightly (, , ) relentless , ,
meek snappy (, , ) ruthless
docile lurid
ductile ( ) languid , , nefarious
tractable , , truculent
resilient ( ) indolent internecine ( ,
obedient inert inexorable (, )
idle ( , ) bestial ( , )
refractory , bovine barbarous
contumacious slack brutish
tenacious torpid (, ) brutal
obstinate tepid (, ) flagrant (, )
obdurate tardy ferocious
rigid dilatory atrocious
rigorous lukewarm (, ) heinous
recalcitrant ( ) nonchalant () abusive ( , , )
austere lackadaisical vindictive ( , )
adamant (, ) lackluster nefarious ( )
dogged laggard malevolent
intractable apathetic savage
intransigent () drowsy ()
insular ( ) limp veracious , ,
resolute listless ( ) ingenuous
lethargic (, , genuine
sedulous , dull () guiless
industrious sluggish scrupulous
assiduous slow sincere
activate slothful straightforward
arduous ( , , ) cordial

uncrooked wicked () voluptuous
bona fide sybaritic
aboveboard sacred , , libertine
forthright devout wanton
honest divine ( v.) overindulgent
frank pious dissolute
outright () consecrated
outspoken sanctified leery , ,
candid sacrosanct ( =...) gingerly
sacramental (, ) vigilant
perfidious , sacerdotal (, ) wary
treacherous () celestial (, ) circumspect
mendacious hallowed canny (, )
Machiavellian (, ) reverend chary
insidious prudent
insincere depraved , , alert
sly debauched advertent
sneaky decadent (, , ) discreet ( = pensive)
disingenuous profane ( ) deliberate
fraudulent secular (, ) heedful
guileful mundane (, )
crooked terrestrial (, , ) remiss , ,
crafty sacrilegious ( ) reckless ( )
blasphemous () rash (, )
sheer , , carnal (, , ) foolhardy (, )
sully vulgar (, , ) temerarious (, )
virtuous (, ) venal ( , ) derelict
virginal (, ) corrupt slovenly
chaste rancid (, , ) unwary
cherubic ( , ) inadvertent
decent contrite , indiscreet
modest penitent imprudent
unsullied remorseful impetuous (, )
innocent repentant impulsive ( , )
ethical (, ) rueful (, ) negligent
continent () compunctious ( ) heedless
precipitate ( )
iniquitous , , ascetic , frivolous (, ,
infernal (, ) abstinent flippant (, , )
nefarious ( ) abstemious
diabolic (, ) austere finicky , ,
perverse ( ) monastic (, ) fussy ()
scoundrel temperate fastidious
sinister (, ) celibate prim (, )
knave () continent (, ) punctilious (, )
miscreant stoic precise
malicious spartan ( , ) particular (, , )
vicious puritanical (, ) accurate (, )
heinous conscientious (, )
vile (, ) hedonistic , meticulous
fiendish epicurean () scrupulous

askew , , , reserved sinewy , ,
amorphous () dumb stalwart
awry (, , ) tight-lipped stout (, , )
distorted (, ) staunch
crooked (, ) brief , sturdy
approximate (, ) concise muscular
erroneous succinct herculean
fallacious compact virile
oblique (, , ) laconic vigorous
slanting pithy (, , ) brawny
terse burly
sarcastic , , sententious (, ) mighty
skeptical atrophied puissant ( , )
suspicious curt (, , ) potent
sardonic hefty (, , )
satirical cogent , , robust
scornful convincing wispy , ,
unconvincing eloquent (, ) effete (, )
critical suasive ( ) decrepit (, )
incredulous facile dotage
dubious (, ) lank(y)
questioning judicious , sleazy(, , )
clairvoyant ( ) senere ()
gullible , erudite fragile
credulous sagacious frangible
unsophisticated sapient frail
trusting scholarly feeble
innocent (, ) shrewd (, ) flimsy
ignorant () scintillating ( ) faint
naive ingenious brittle (, , )
intuitive () pallid (, , )
blathering acute (, ) puny (, ,
babbling astute (, , ) pale
prolix ( ) perspicacious ( ) tenuous (, , , )
discursive ( ) hybrid ( , )
wordy () Achillean ,
garrulous inane , invincible
gossipy illiterate impregnable
gabby ignorant insurmountable
glib ( ) imbecilic invulnerable
gossipy crass (, , ) indomitable
verbose idiotic undefeated
voluble () doltish insuperable
longwinded ( , ) fatuous (, )
asinine plump ,
unforthcoming silly pudgy
mute stupe portly ()
mum moronic () tubby ()
reticent obtuse (, ) chubby ()

corpulent ( ) scurrilous ( , ) obnoxious
rotund ( , ) scurvy (, , n.) abominable
bulbous ( ) menial (, , n, ) abject (, )
buxom ( ) offensive (, , ) abhorrent ( , )
sebaceous (, ) tawdry ( ) invidious ()
beefy (+) vulgar (, , ) ignominious ()
stout (, , ) ignoble
lofty , , loathsome
ponderous , delicate nauseating ( )
unwieldy urbane (, ?) contemptible
hefty (, , ) high-end (, ) despicable
elegant () detestable (, )
lanky , cultured ( , ) disgusting (, )
lean (, , v.) cultivated (, , ) queasy (, )
gaunt (, , ) polished ( , )
bony civilized (, ) stolid , ,
cadaverous ( ) sophisticated ( ) aloof
scrawny ( ) apathetic ()
scraggy (, ) rustic , dispassionate ( )
slender (, ) rural phlegmatic (, )
slim (, , ) boorish (, ) nonchalant ( , )
slight (, , , ) bucolic (, ) callous
skinny ( , ) sylvan ( , , ) impervious ( ,
haggard (, , ) unrefined imperturbable ()
willowy (, ) unpolished impassive (, )
emaciated (, ) unsophisticated immune (, )
pale () inelegant insouciant (, )
churlish (, insensitive
courtly , , , , ) indifferent
patrician (, , n.) crude (, ) obtuse (, )
decent pastoral (, )
dainty (, , ) provincial (, , ) fine , ,
delicate (, , ) ticklish ( )
dignified ( , ) meritorious , touchy ( )
climactic (, ) reverenced fastidious (, , )
cultivated ( , ) reputable dainty ( )
sublime (, , ) respected impressionable ( )
lofty (, , , respectful delicate (, )
aristocratic (, ) venerable subject ()
elegant () esteemed sensitive
graceful (, ) admirable susceptible
genteel (, ) commendable vulnerable ()
majestic (, ) laudable prone (~ )
exemplary ( )
indecent , , creditable ( , ) conversant ,
invective (, ) seasoned (, )
despicable (, , ) fulsome , ambidextrous (, )
derogatory ( ) repellent proficient
disparaging ( repulsive adroit (, , )
coarse (, , ) repugnant (, ) adept
contemptuous (, ) odious (, ) versatile ()

ingenious (, , ) undeviating miserable (, , )
inured (, ) unwavering ( ) untidy
tactful ( ) unfaltering( =x)
dexterous flimsy , ,
deft twinkling , , cosmetic (, )
apt tawdry ( ) cursory (, )
crafty glaring shallow
handy glittering skin-deep
all-purpose glistening shoal ( )
gifted glinting superficial
glimmering ( ) dilettante ()
bungling , glossy perfunctory (, , )
blundering glowing insubstantial ( )
unwieldy glaring
unhandy gaudy ( ) profound ,
unfledged (, ) garish ( ) unfathomable
clumsy luminous uncanny
callow lustrous inner
tactless ornate impalpable ( )
awkward sheeny ( , ) abstruse
all-thumbs stellar (, ) arcane ()
inept florid (, ) abysmal (, )
maladroit flamboyant (, ) transcendental (, )
gauche incandescent enigmatic ( )
dazzling metaphysical (, )
vagarious , scintillating (, labyrinthine (, )
humorsome ( ) splendid hermetic (, ,
desultory (, ) resplendent occult ()
capricious ostensible (, ) paranormal ()
crotchety ( ) cabalistic ( )
chameleonic dowdy , , ) covert (, )
convertible ( ) dingy (, , ) esoteric ()
protean (, ) shabby (, ) inscrutable ()
mutable ( , ) scruffy (, , ) recondite ()
mercurial (, , ) slovenly ( , ) surreal ()
whimsical seedy () weird (, )
fickle frumpy ( )
flighty (, ) shoddy () nominal ,
fluctuating ( ) kitsch(y) () titular
kaleidoscopic (, ) gaudy tokenistic
retentive , slatternly privy ,
stationary slipshod surreptitious
stable (, , ) ragged confidential
static disheveled (, ) latent (, )
steadfast dilapidated () dormant (, , )
staunch (, , ) desolate () clandestine
consistent unkempt ( ) covert
durable (, ) tattered ( , ) secret
immutable tumble-down () furtive
unvarying run-down (, , )

plain , teemed stingy ,
patent lush ( , , niggardly (, )
palpable opulent thrifty (, )
pellucid (, , ) prolific ( , ) miserly (, )
distinct ( ) prosperous frugal (, )
definite (, , ) profuse (, ) sparing
overt (, ) plentiful penny-wise ( )
obvious rife with ( ) parsimonious (, )
explicit awash in ( , ) economical (, )
apparent better off ( ) skimp ()
articulate fraught with ( )
transparent laden with (~ ) avid ,
translucent (, ) avaricious
tangible deficient , , covetous
diaphanous (, ) devoid (, v.) mercenary ( )
limpid destitute (, ) rapacious
manifest ( n.) insufficient ravenous (, )
conspicuous ( , ) indigent (, ) esurient
indubitable ( ) impoverished (, ) swinish
emphatic (, ) impecunious ( , ) greedy
insolvent (, ) desirous
obscure , , scanty voracious
tenebrous (, , ) sparse wolfish
tentative (, ,) scarce
turbid (, ) penniless queer , ,
nebulous (, ) penurious (, ) quaint ()
opaque poverty-stricken ( ) ad hoc
dubious ( ) broke idiosyncratic
impalpable meager erratic
intangible ( , ) dearth (n., , ) eccentric
indistinct famine (n.) extraordinary
ambiguous bizarre ( )
ambivalent (, ) sterile , , anomalous
equivocal barren outlandish (, )
elusive ( , ) infecund perverted
muddy (, ) arid atypical
murky (, ) sere (, ) deviant ( )
wishy-washy (, ) parched aberrant
un in the air ( ) droughty divergent
dry weird (, , )
boundless , , grotesque
bountiful(=bounteous) lavish , antic (, , )
abounding extravagant
ample profligate plain , , ,
affluent profuse (, , ) platitudinous
abundant prodigal homespun (, )
fecund (, ) sumptuous homely (, , )
brimming(=brimful) ( ) squandering humdrum
superfluous () spendthrift (, n.) banal
exuberant (, ) improvident ( ) trite
copious musty ( , )

hackneyed (, , ) supplementary (, n.) sloppy ()
obsolete collateral ( , ) jumbled
stereotyped (, ) ancillary promiscuous ( )
stale auxiliary (, , ) cluttered
customary slovenly
bromidic enormous , , disheveled
mundane (, ) tremendous pell-mell
cliched ( ) gigantic chaotic
lay (, ) titanic confused
quotidian ( , ) colossal muddled
prodigious messy
prominent , massive ( , ) unkempt (, )
eminent stupendous uncombed ( )
renowned immense (, , ) slipshod ( )
paramount grandiose scruffy ( )
predominant astronomical (, ) topsy-turvy ( , )
second to none palatial ( ) motley (, )
uppermost heterogeneous
peerless commodious ,
capacious eternal , ,
significant , , *commensurate ( ) perpetual
critical (, , ) permanent
crucial (, ) wee , , perennial
cardinal midget (, ) incessant
considerable (, ) tiny infinite
momentous compact (, , ) indelible ( )
vital minuscule (, ) imperishable ( )
pivotal diminutive (, ) immortal ()
indispensable () pygmy (, )
consequential dwarfish ( , ) evanescent , ,
of consequence exiguous (, , ) ephemeral
of moment petite ( ..?) transient
momentous bantam (, ) transitory
of weight microscopic ( ) temporal
itty-bitty (, ) fugacious (, )
petty , , itsy-bitsy fugitive (, n.
puny ( , ) finite
paltry (, ) trig , volatile (, )
picayune (, , trim provisional (, )
futile (, , ) tidy fleeting ( , )
trivial (, , ) kempt
trifling apple-pie risible ,
nugatory aligned prankish (, )
inconsequential arrayed ridiculous
onerous (, , methodical quizzical (, )
marginal (, ) neat humorous
vain (, ) shipshape witty
uncluttered bantering
peripheral , , juxtaposed (, ) jesting
subordinate (, , ) jocose
subsidiary (, n.) messy , , jocular

droll (, n.) magnificent salutary (, )
waggish superb
facetious splendid (, , ) tentative , ,
farcical (, ) spectacular (, ) temporary
stupendous (, ) ad-lib
repetitious , extraordinary ad-hoc
tedious rakish (, , , ) extemporary
insipid (, , extemporaneous
irksome () homely , improvised
dreary (, , ) homespun ( , ) impromptu
drab (, ) uncomely (, unpremeditated
pedestrian (,n.) unsophisticated fortuitous (, )
prosaic (, ) unpolished offhand
soporific (, ) unrefined spontaneous (, )
somniferous ( ) unbecoming ( , )
lackluster ungraceful premeditated ,
humdrum ill-favored contemplated ()
vapid (, ) junky (2, ) intentional
monotonous (, ) crude ( , , deliberate (, )
wearisome practiced
mischievous , trained
faddish , adverse (, , ) polished (, , )
newfangled venomous
up-to-the-minute virulent (, ) ,
modish detrimental viscous
rampant deleterious viscid
rife ( ) baneful sticky
pervasive pernicious (, , glutinous
prevailing pestilential (, ,
brand-new ( , ) toxin (=toxicant) ,
vogue traumatic ( , ) sleek
streamlined malignant (, ) slick
noisome slip
behind the time , nocuous oily
out of date noxious smooth
anachronistic unwholesome
archaic lethal chronic ,
antique fatal inveterate ( , )
antediluvian ( ) ingrained (, )
obsolete (, , hale , incorrigible ( )
obsolescent () innocuous implanted ( )
bygone inoffensive habitual
passe impervious ( ) embedded
impermeable ( ) entrenched
comely , , impenetrable ( ) addicted ( )
prenominal nonpoisonous
phenomenal (, ) nontoxic sporadic ,
personable ( ) benign (, , ) spasmodic (, )
fabulous (, ) beneficial (, , ) sparse (, ,
gorgeous wholesome scarce (, , )
marvelous salubrious ( , ) isolated (, , )

intermittent (, ) discordant ( ) dispassionate
infrequent adventitious (, )
fitful peripheral (, , ) insular ,
periodic (, ) beside the point sectarian
few and far between ( ) not germane personal
convulsive (, ) impertinent partial
unseemly partisan (, n , )
, , (adverb) added (, , ) bigoted ( , )
now and then biased
every now and then plausible , prejudiced
every so often probable slanted (, )
every once in a way tenable ( , ) provinced
from time to time coherent ( , ) intolerant
sometimes cogent predisposed (~ )
at times convincing weighed (, n
on occasion consistent (, ) discriminatory
once in a while intelligent jaundiced ( )
by fits and starts feasible ( ) parochial (, )
off and on persuasive veiled , ,
rational (, ) privy
pertinent , , viable ( , undercover
germane concealed
apropos silly , clandestine
appropriate absurd covert ()
suitable ridiculous (, ) cryptic (, , )
felicitous ludicrous (, ) confidential
condign implausible dormant (, )
congruent improbable arcane
commensurate incoherent surreptitious
analogous (, ) incongruous stealthy
apposite egregious (, ) furtive
affiliated (, , ) outrageous (, ) potential ()
akin (, , ) preposterous ( ) hermetic (, )
kindred (, ) quixotic ( , ) lurking (, )
to the point chimerical (, ) latent (, )
clownish (, ) enigmatic ( )
adjacent , , far-fetched , indecipherable ( )
adjoining cock and bull inscrutable ( )
abutting () discrepant disguised
neighboring crisscrossed ()
contiguous overt ,
juxtaposed ( , ) impartial , revealed (, )
vicarious (, ) detached (, , ) unveiled
unprejudiced prevalent ( , )
irrelevant , even-hand pervasive ( )
extraneous (, ) equitable pandemic ( ,n.)
extrinsic (, ) disinterested ( , ) propagated ( )
exotic (, ) non-discriminatory promulgated (, )
exogenous () eclectic (, ) ubiquitous ( )
inappropriate objective rampant (, )
incongruent impersonal publicized

ominous filthy , ,
totalitarian , menacing (, ) squalid
despotic (, ) treed ( ) sordid
peremptory () (n) presage (, = omen) sullied
mandatory (, ) blemished
obligatory (, ) constitutional , defiled (, )
compulsory (, ) congenital maculate ()
incumbent vernacular ( , ) contaminated ()
imperative (, , innate tainted (, )
tyrannical (, , ) inborn tarnished
dogmatic inbred frowzy
autocratic () instinct (, , )
requisite hereditary (, ) integral , ,
dictatorial inherent (, ) imperative
inherited (, ) compulsory
free-will , ingrained obligatory
automatic indigenous crucial
autonomous genetical critical
spontaneous endemic (, ) pivotal
reflex (, ) embryonic vital
discretionary () aboriginal requisite
volitional ( ) natal () indispensable ( )
unbidden inevitable (, )
unconstrained outward , predestined ( )
optional (, ) adventitious (, ) preordained ( )
exterior ineluctable (, )
providential , extraneous decisive
propitious ( ) exogenous
promising exotic (, ) expendable ,
beatific extraterrestrial dispensable
opportune ( ) external gratuitous (, )
optimistic (=sanguine) extrinsic uncalled-for ( )
rosy ( = roseate) extinct superfluous (, )
favorable (, ) peripheral (, , ) redundant (, , )
bright intact , composed , ,
plenary (, , ) calm
exigent , , consummate serene
emergent unsullied soothing
imminent unimpeachable ( ) sedative (, )
impending untarnished ( ) analgesic ( , )
inauspicious unimpaired ( ) anesthetic
precarious (, ) unblemished aplomb (n)
premonitory immaculate repose (n, )
portentous impeccable emollient (, )
dire (, , ) irreproachable equanimous ()
hapless flawless mild
unpropitious sheer () bland
unpromising pristine ( , tranquil
foreboding , ) unruffled
sinister unperturbed

halcyon mental , caustic (, )
pacified(=pacific) spiritual
placid theoretical bland ,
cozy incorporeal sapid
cosy ethereal savory ( , )
snug metaphysical palatable
formidable , , cognate , , bland
awful(=awesome) consanguine (, ) fragrant
macabre tantamount () redolent ( , )
spine-chilling homogeneous odoriferous (, )
hideous akin (, ) luscious
trembling kindred (, , )
tremendous affiliated ( , ) vapid ,
tremulous (, ) identical (, ) insipid (, , )
appalling analogous brackish ( , )
aghast saline (, )
ghastly hybrid , ,
gruesome heterogeneous miasma ,
grisly miscellaneous
redoubtable divergent (, ) lukewarm ,
weird (, ) diversified (, ) tepid
eerie(=eery) variegated (, )
uncanny (, ) crossbred ( , ) edible ,
lurid (, , ) distinct comestible
agape ( ) eatable
apprehensive (, ) incognito potable ( )
dire - drinkable ( )
distrait , , anonymity lubricious , ,
distraught pseudonym (, , , ) libidinous
demented cryptonym lascivious
deranged (, ) nom de plume (, ) licentious
bemused ( ) lewd
berserk (, ) pungent , lecherous
nuts(=nutty) poignant amorous
psychotic sour amatory (, , )
insane mordant aphrodisiac (, )
lunatic scathing erogenous ( )
muddled (muddy) vitriolic obscene (, , )
out of one's mind piquant ( , ) ribald (, , ...)
bitter racy (, , )
grave , biting salacious (, )
of sound mind tart prurient (, )
serious trenchant bawdy (, )
sane acrid
sober ( , ) acid compound ,
solemn (, , ) acrimonious () involved
staid (, , , ) acerbic intricate
sedate acidulous complicated
incisive complex

tangled consistent , resurrectional
labyrinthine consonant
sophisticated congruent diurnal -
manifold congruous
knotty harmonious abutting ,
raucous , rash , apposed
rackety frivolous vicarious
rowdy flippant contiguous
blatant impulsive adjacent
cacophonous impregnable salutary ,
clamorous totally
clang commencing ,
stentorian unwieldy , inchoate
indignant , precocious inaugural
incensed premature , incipient
piqued nascent
riled itinerant ,
livid fabricated ,
irate sere ,
parched predestined
mawkish , roasted fated
maudlin arid ineluctable
dull preordained
servile , predetermined
obsequious swinish ,
fawning marauding platonic ,
usurious incorporeal
snappy , plundering
alacritous insatiable soporific ,
spry ravenous somnolent
esurient mesmerized
sinuous , avaricious
tortuous brackish ,
eminent ,
apocryphal , prominent connubial ,
ersatz nuptial
spurious collateral , conjugal
fictitious appurtenant marital
factitious morganatic ()
artificial commodious ,
sham commensurate sundry ,
counterfeit spacious multifarious

contrite , turgid , dizzy ,

penitent tumid giddy
repentant stilted
compunctious (adverb)
to no avail

in vain
to no end


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