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English Conversation Pair Practice TALK DAVID PEATY MACMILLAN LANGUAGEHOUSE UNIT 1 UNIT 2 UNIT 3 UNIT 4 UNIT5 UNIT 6 CONTENTS GRAMMAR eS SOE PETC PONE Sins EEG Sos PTGS PME En Es CI DIALOG CONVERSATION as GRAMMAR. AES OS ‘DIALOG PONE Bins EEE PIs EXCHANGE PEI PES EE Irs SEES PTGS PME Sins present tenses introduction; greeting; repetition ascene immigration control meeting people two people basic questions asking people to do things two people customs check leisure activities two rooms more basic questions asking for and giving directions directions asking the way home a house past simple tense asking for permission recent activities reserving a hotel room people aman Review Test 1 present perfect tense apologizing experiences checking into a hotel sports a sport future tense offers and invitations airport interviews ina shop shopping a market 12 20 28 36 38 46 NEW ALLTALK 1 jit UNIT 7 UNIT 8 fess UNIT 9 UNIT 10 DE Sins THEO UNIT 11 UNIT 12 Grammar Notes there is/was/will be thanking a growing community in a post office books and television TV viewers comparison of adjectives good news; bad news jobs in a bank work two jobs Review Test 2 asking for things eating out ordering a meal food a banquet verb + gerund complimenting and prai exhibitions reserving theater seats entertainment a street musician would like; would rather suggestions (1) an adventure at a bus station transport local transport can, should, must suggestions (2) quiz consulting a doctor health an old man Review Test 3 Information Exchange Language Key iv) NEW ALLTALK 1 54 62 70 72 80 88 96 104 106 115 TO THE TEACHER NEW ALLTALK BOOK ONE is the first stage of a two-level English conversation course for teenagers and adults who have already learned some English but cannot use it for practical communication, There are 12 units, each with six sections. Each activity has been designed for practice by students working in pairs and may be used independently from other sections of the same or other units. Detailed unit- by-unit suggestions on how to handle each activity are given in the Teachers’ Book, but some general suggestions are offered below. Grammar Practice This section is designed to help students use key structures smoothly. Detailed summaries of relevant grammar are given at the back of the book, to be studied at home or at the beginning of each class if necessary. The drills may be conducted as follows. 1, Demonstration: take the A role and have random students do the B role. If this is too difficult for them, demonstrate both roles first. 2. Supervised practice: have random pairs do parts of the drill and offer ap- proval or correction. 3. Unsupervised practice: have all of the students practice in pairs at their own pace, first in one role and then in the other. Monitor discreetly and correct if necessary. 4. Have students do the drills again, looking at their partner’s face rather than at the textbook. In many drills, A gives a cue or B gives a creative response; such drills can be done by B students with books closed. Functions This section is aimed at basic functions such as requesting, thanking and apologiz- ing. Only the most common expressions are presented and practiced; others may be added at the risk of overloading the students’ capacity to learn and use. Where relevant, formal and informal expressions are treated separately; you will need to explain the distinction with examples or by translation. In case of requests, for example, the degree of formality depends on both the social distance between speaker and listener and the potential burden of the request on the listener, 1. Present each expression with the given example or with the first prompt in the drill. Have students repeat after you and correct intonation. 2. Perform the A role of the drill and have random students do the B role. If this NEW ALLTALK 1 v is too difficult for them, demonstrate both roles yourself. 3. Have random pairs do the drills and correct if necessary. 4. Have all of the students practice in pairs, first in one role and then in the other. 5. Have students do the drills again, looking at their partner's face. In some drills, B can respond with book closed. 6. Have the students continue, using their own ideas. Information Exchange This section provides practice in getting and giving information. In most units, this involves asking questions. Sample questions are provided at the back of the book, but you may prefer not to draw students’ attention to this. Some students manage to obtain the appropriate information with different questions, sometimes correct and sometimes not. Elaborate role play has been avoided in order to focus on the ex- change of information rather than lengthy explanation of procedure. It is important that students understand exactly what to do and know the language needed for the task. 1. Have students divide into AB pairs before opening their books. Remind them not to look at their partner’s page. Those who do so will merely cheat them- selves since the activity will thereby cease to be interesting or useful. 2. Have them turn to the appropriate page and study it for a few minutes. 3. Supply or elicit appropriate questions/sentences. In some cases, a demon- stration of answering technique will be needed. The Teachers’ Book contains ggestions on how to elicit questions without giving away the whole activ- ity in advance. 4. Have students do the activity in pairs, referring to the question key at the back of the book if necessary. Depending on the time available, you may wish to have them write answers in the spaces provided. Spelling is not im- portant for this. 5. Students who finish early should check their information by reading it back to their partners. A further possibility is to transfer the activity to a personal level by having students exchange similar information about people, places or things with which they are familiar. Dialog This section provides realistic practice with the kind of English needed when trav- eling abroad. The dialogs are short and free from irrelevant details. There is no need for students to memorize them; however they must be able to perform the B role in accordance with their awn probable situation, imagining themselves to be traveling abroad. The cassette or CD contains two recordings of each dialog, the vi NEW ALLTALK 1 Jo the leacner _ first as in the text and the second without the B role, to be used by students practic- ing on their own. . Play the complete recording with books closed, . Have students read the dialog aloud with a partner. . Have them change roles and read it aloud again. . Have them make up a new dialog based on the given prompts or using their own ideas, In most cases, B should be able to do this with book closed. Bene Conversation In this section, the students talk about themselves. In most cases, specific questions are provided. This is for three reasons: to promote accuracy; to prevent students from having to focus on form rather than on meaning; and to give them plenty to talk about. Joining in these conversations and talking about yourself will help you to develop a closer relationship with your students. 1. Have random students ask you the questions, Answer each, demonstrating rebound questions where appropriate. e.g. Student: Do you like dancing? You: Not much. Do you? 2. Have students do the activity in pairs. The student who is asking questions should look at his/her partner’s face when speaking; the student who is re- sponding should do so with book closed. When they have finished, they should exchange roles. 3. Eventually, students will remember most of the questions. They will then be able to repeat the whole activity with new partners with books closed. Creative Stimulus This section cor of photographs and illustrations intended to stimulate cre- ative expression and discussion. The questions provided require imaginative an- swers. Even the least imaginative student, however, will be able to answer without a great deal of thought, while the more imaginative will enjoy making wild hypoth- eses and trying to justify them. In most cases there are no correct answers. A demonstration of the activity should not be necessary. It may be helpful to re- mind the students of these phrases: Tthink... Maybe . . . agree. I disagree. At the end of the activity, it is useful to have students change partners and summa- NEWALLTALK 1 vif viii rize what they said about the picture, preferably with books closed. After discussing answers, play the cassette or Class CD once without stopping and see if the students can catch answers to any of the questions. Then play it again, pausing after each sentence. Finally, for the benefit of students who still do not understand, you may wish to read aloud from the audio script. It is not necessary for them to understand every word, however. Preparation and Review Because the language content and practice material of each section is highly acces- sible to students, preparation before class and review afterwards will be very effec- tive. Students should be encouraged to prepare, practice and review all sections except Information Exchange, preferably with a partner. Pairing Most students seem to sit next to the people they feel most comfortable with, and this is therefore a sound basis for pairing them up. Some teachers insist on students having different partners each class, at the risk of creating affective barriers. Per- haps the biggest problem is what to do with odd students left over. Frequently they are “adopted” by a nearby pair, forming a group of three. If other pairs are reluctant to accept a third participant, you will have to work with this student yourself, thus limiting your freedom to monitor the rest of the class. Monitoring While students are practicing in pairs, you are free to walk around the class listen- ing, giving help and encouragement, taking notes of problems or errors, assessing performance for later allocation of grades and joining in the conversation. Control Pair work is a practical solution to the problem of setting up meaningful conversa- tion practice in large classes. However, it requires a reasonably high level of moti- vation and responsibility on the part of the students. This level, although derived from other factors beyond the control of the teacher, may be influenced by the choice of teaching method, of practice activities and, above all, of the course book. NEW ALLTALK has been designed to promote motivation by involving students in real or simulated communication throughout the lesson. In each unit, the Dia- logs, Conversations and Creative Stimulus activities are based to a great extent on input provided by the students themselves, an approach which has been shown to enhance motivation greatly, NEW ALLTALK 1 To the Teacher Testing You will have ample opportunity to assess individual students during pair work activities. However, you may also be required to give formal end-of-term tests. There are three Review Tests after Units 4, 8 and 12, but you will easily be able to make up your own. Here are some examples. Grammar Practice Fill in each blank with a suitable word. e.g. A: Did you buy a new car? B: No, 1... an old car. Function Give a suitable response. e.g. A: Do you mind if 1 open the window? Bt sess What should you say in the following situations? ‘You want to invite a friend to a party. Dialog ‘The teacher will read a dialog with Role B missing. ‘Write down what you would say if you were B. Conversation The teacher will ask you questions about a certain topic. or Ask the teacher questions about the following topics. or Talk to a partner about each of the following topics. ‘Creative Stimulus The teacher will show you a picture and ask questions. Answer each question and ask five questions of your own, NEWALLTALK 1 ix NEW ALLTALK 1 Grammar Practice © See the notes on page 106. Who at the Party? You meet these people at a party. Carol, a teacher from Wellington, New Zealand. Ben and Linda, a married couple from London. Tony, an artist from Sydney, Australia. Sue and Jane, students from New York. Bob, a musician from Dublin, Ireland. Harry and Bill, engineers from Vancouver, Canada. Ask and answer these questions. Is Carol a musician? No, she’s... Are Ben and Linda American? No, they're... Is Tony a teacher? Are Sue and Jane Australian? Is Bob from New Zealand? Are Harry and Bill students? Is Linda single? Are Sue and Jane artists? Correct these statements. Carol is a student. She isn’t a student, She’s a... Ben and Linda are single. They aren't single. They're... Tony is from New Zealand. aes Sue and Jane are artists. Bob is an engineer. Harry and Bill are Australian. Linda is Bob's wife. Ben is married to Carol. You are Canadian, 2 NEWALLTALK 1 Unit 1 © See the notes on page 106. [Practices Ask your partner these questions. Answer with book closed. Do you study art? Does Mr. Brown play golf? Do they live in the city? Does Mrs. Lewis drink coffee? Do you like pop music? Does Henry play the guitar? Do the children have a dog? Does Susan work in a bank? iPracticey4 Ask your partner these questions. Answer with book closed. Does Bill read a lot? Do you dance a lot? Does Mary skate a lot? Do the children walk a lot? Does Henry swim a lot? Do you study a lot? Does Agatha watch TV a lot? Do Bill and Mary go out a lot? NEWALLTALK1 3 Mr. and Mrs. Higgs you 4 NEW ALLTALK 1 Unit 1 Functions Introduction; Greeting; Repetition 1, Introducing yourself informally e.g. A: Hello. My name’s Cliff. B: Hi. My name’s Sarah. formally e.g. Az May I introduce myself? My name's Clifford Sines. B: Pleased to meet you. My name's Sarah Brown. QEGREHEE Introduce yourself to other students. 2. Introducing other people informally e.g. A: Nancy, this is Jonathan Nice to meet you. ': How do you do? formally e.g. At I'd like you to meet a friend of mine. Nancy, this is Jonathan Milton. Jonathan, this is Nancy Hunt. B: Nice to meet you. C: How do you do? SERBEHER Introduce your classmates to each other. 3. Greeting people informally e.g. A: Hello. B: Hi, How are you? A: Fine, thanks. And you? B; Very well, thanks. formally e.g. A: Good morning, Mr. Wilkins. B: Good morning, Mr. Peabody. How are you? Fine, thank you. And you? Very well, thank you. QRPREHEA Greet your classmates now and at the beginning of each lesson. NEWALLTALK1 5 4. Parting informally e.g. A: See you tomorrow. B: Bye. formally eg. A: Goodbye. B: Goodbye. (ERRRRER) Use these expressions at the end of each lesson. 5. Asking for repetition e.g. At I’m from Kalamazoo. B; Pardon? A: Kalamazoo. It’s near Detroit. B; Oh. I’m from Aberystwyth, A: Sorry? B: Aberystwyth. It’s in Wales, As Oh. (ASHE Make statements about yourselves. Speak quietly so your partner cannot hear clearly. I'm from... I like . My father’s a... My sister's name is .. . etc. 6. Rebound questions e.g. A: Where are you from? B: London. And you? A: New York. B: What do you do? A: I'ma teacher. How about you? B: 1 work in a bank. (RRRGHEA! Use these techniques when you do the Conversation on page 10. 6 NEWALLTALK 1 GZ Information Exchange } DO NOT look at Role B. % Tell your partner about this picture. » A \ E Your partner will tell you about Role B picture. a, ote There are more than 10 differences between the two pictures. . Try to find them. A young lady is... Two boys are... Adogis... GQ intormation Exchange | DO NOT look at Role A. Your partner will tell you about Role A picture. Tell your partner about your picture. There are more than 10 differences between the two pictures. Try to find them. An old lady is... Two boys are... Acatis... 8 NEW ALLTALK 1 Unit 1 GZDdDialog G2 ™ Immigration Control the j purpose of ypur vigit?” | : Sightseeing. + How long do you plain to stay? Four weeks. ee And w ot ill you be staying?” SPREE RES \. en carefully to the recording. 2. B, close your book. Make up a new dialog, using your own ideas. e.g. I want to study English. Six weeks. With a family in San Francisco. NEWALLTALK1 9 Conversation @ == Meeting People Have a conversation with another student based on the following outline. A: Hello. My name’s... B: Hi, My name's... A: Where are you from? B: ... And you? Ar... B: What do you do for a living? A: I'ma... How about you? B: I'ma... A: What do you do in your free time? B: L... How about you? A:T... B: Well, I have to go now. Let’s talk again later. Now close your book. Have similar conversations with other students. Get to know as many people as you can—including the teacher! 10° NEW ALLTALK 1 Unit 1 Creative Stimulus @ = Look at this photograph carefully. Ask and answer the questions, using your imagination. Where are these two people? How old are they? What is the building they are standing in front of? Why have they come here? Where are they from? What do they do for a living? What do they do in their free time? Now make up some other questions to ask your partner about the photograph. Your questions: You can answer like this. I think... I guess I suppose... Now listen to the recording and check your answers. NEWALLTALK1 19 @& See the notes on page 107. Ask your partner these questions. Answer with book closed, What do you study? ae Where do you live? a When do you do homework? What do you eat for breakfast? Where do you have lunch? When do you study English conversation? What do you do in your free time? Where do you buy clothes? 4 When do you go shopping? Ask your partner these questions. Answer with book closed. What's your name? What's your address? What's your telephone number? What's your job? What's your hobby’ What’s your favorite color? (Practice) How do you go to school? } By bicycle. they * to the store he you your mother to the station to the city to the bank 12) NEW ALLTALK 1 Ask your partner these questions. Answer with book open. she to work you to school Unit 2 Ask your partner these questions. Answer with book closed. ‘What time do you How often do you you he shouting running angry late Why are you shouting? get up? " have breakfast? a g0 to schoolwork? é start class/work? have lunch? finish class/work? arrive home? have dinner? go to bed? study English? write letters? eat at restaurant watch television see movies? have your hair cut? sleep in class? { Because I'm angry. | you ' yawning jing iv sleepy innoyed NEWALLTALK1 13 Functions Asking People to Do Things 1. informally e.g. Az Will you help me, please? B: Sure. + Will you lend me your book, please? B: Sorry, but I'm reading it, A: Can you open the window, please? B: I'd rather not. I'm cold. Practice with these prompts. help me give me some advice lend me your dictionary teach me Spanish post my letter lend me your. . . 2. formally e.g. Az Would you help me, please? B: Yes, of course. A: Would you lend me your book, please? B: I’m sorry, but I’m reading it. A: Could you open the window, please? B: I'd rather not. I'm cold. Practice with these prompts. help me lend me some money type a letter for me show me your notes from last lesson tell me the time lend me your. . 14 NEWALLTALK 1 Unit 2 @ \nformation Exchange DO NOT look at Role B. 1. Ask your partner questions about Susan Green-to- fill in the blanks. ale SINGAPRO e.g. Where's she from? | ft 4 arth 2. Check your information by Tepeati : cen 3. Answer your p 18 qu t Jim Clark is from England. He lives in Singapore. He is 28 years old. He is married. He is a teacher. He teaches mathematics. She studies... He goes to work by car. She goes to college by. . . It takes 20 minutes. It takes . . . minutes. His hobby is reading. Her hobby is. . - He likes detective stories. She likes . . . music. His favorite writer is Agatha Christie. Her favorite composer is . . . NEW ALLTALK1 15 Information Exchange )) [DO NOT look at Role A. 1, Answer your partner’s questions about Susan G: Susan Green is a student. Jim Clark isa... She studies art. He teaches .. . She is Canadian. She is 19 years old She is not married. Her hobby is listening to music. His hobby is . . . il ical music. He likes to read... composer is Mozart. His favorite writer is . . . She lives in New York. He lives in... She goes to college by subway. He goes to work by . . . It takes 40 minutes. It takes . .. minutes, 16 NEW ALLTALK 1 Unit2 GZDialog GD ™ Customs Check : Do you have anything to declare? : No, I don’t think so. : What's in that small bag? : Presents for some friends. : Would you mind showing me, pl Thank you. A B: A B: A 1. Listen carefully to the recording. 2. Act out the dialog, using your own ideas. NEWALLTALK1 17 GZConversation @ = Leisure Activities 1, Ask and answer. Do you like | dancing? Yes. Do you? swimming? It's OK. Do you? hiking? Not much. Do you? cooking? No. Do you? shopping? fishing? painting? 2. Ask and answer. Do you ever | listen to music? Yes, often. Do you? watch television? Sometimes, Do you? read books? Occasionally. Do you? see movies? No. Do you? eat out? 3. Ask and answer. What kind of J music do you like? . .. How about you? books movies TV programs sports food 4. Ask and answer. What's your favorite | T'V program? «What's yours? book? IT don’t know. movie? song? restaurant? pastime? Who’s your favorite | singer? ... Who's yours? musician? I don’t know. movie star? writer? athlete? Now close your textbook and practice these questions with other students. 18 ~NEW ALLTALK 1 Unit 2 (GCreative Stimulus @ = Karen's room Bob’s room Look at these pictures of two people’s rooms. What do you know about the people who live there? Ask and answer the questions. Make up similar questions about Bob. ‘What does Karen do in her free time? ‘What kind of music does she like? Does she have any pets? What kind of food does she like? What does she do for a living? Your questions: Now listen to the recording and check your answers. NEWALLTALK1 79 the students 13 51 2 Mr. Smith you ‘the refrigerator 80cm high 165 cm high 145 em wide 64cm wide 20cm deep 53. em deep B; A: 20 NEW ALLTALK 1 I want to go to Boston. How much does it cost? Seventy-five dollars. And how long does it take? : Four hours and 20 minutes. Thanks. 3 meters long I meter high 42 cm thick $75 4 hr 20min $170 8 hr 15 min Detroit $126 6 hr 30min “Philadelphia $25 1 hr 45 min. Pittsburgh $82.5 hr 10 min *Washington $44 2 hr 50 min “Boston *Chicago G@ Functions Asking for and Giving Directions @ on foot or by private transport e.g. Az Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to the Park Hotel? B; The Park Hotel? Let me see. Go straight along this road. Take the first right and the second left. You'll see it on your left. Thanks. You're welcome. Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to the museum? The museum? No, sorry. SS Thanks anyway. ‘Go straight along this street. Take the first left. Turn right by the bank. fi | ceteseeneeeseeneeeee Turn left at the end Go past the park and turn if orvotiin ee . Go aver the intersection. of x setecesueceeses 2 You'll see it on your left You'll come You'll come to a fork. to. junction. Turn left Bear right. | church | museum The theater is on the second block The museum is on the comer across on the right. from the church, NEWALLTALK1 27 | Practice” Excuse me. Can you tell me the way te a. the bank b, the post office 1 d e. the art college d. the Grand Hotel f 1 . the Ritz Theater Aa 7c c the bus terminal — . the museum 7 > b eae h, the baseball stadium NLL i. Ask for and give directions to places shown on this map. aT mby bus You are here e.g. At Excuse me. Can you tell me how to get to the zoo? B: Sure. Take a bus number 34 or 58, Get off at South Street and take a number 9 from there. A: Thanks. B: You're welcome. (RRBEHER] Ask your partner how to get to the places shown on this map. beach: #34 ge harbor: #58 park: #13 North Street airport: #65 J museum: #11 Central Avenue city center: #18 J z00: #9 South Street station: #23 434 aes ‘Further Practice! Yorn ies 1. Explain how to get to your favorite coffee shop, disco, shop, restaurant or other place of interest. 2. Explain how to get from your school to your home. 22 NEWALLTALK 1 information Exchange } DO NOT look at Role B. 1. Ask your partner the way to... the movie theater the post office the Chinese restaurant the tourist office Saint Peter’s Church Write the correct numbers in the boxes on the map. 2. Tell your partner the way to the places shown on your map. @ bank @ art gallery @ hospital @college @ supermarket @ movie theater @ post office @ Chinese restaurant @ tourist office @ Saint Peter's Church NEW ALLTALK1 23 Unit 3 nformation Exchange DO NOT look at Role A. 1. Ask your partner the way to... the bank the art gallery the hospital the college the supermarket Write the correct numbers in the boxes on the map. 2, Tell your partner the way to the places shown on your map. @ bank @ ar gallery @ hospital @ college © supermarket @ movie theater @ post office @ Chinese restaurant @ tourist office @ Saint Peter’s Church You are here 24 NEW ALLTALK1 Unit 3 ZDdialog @ 2 Asking the Way : Excuse me. Is there a bank near here? ; Yes, there’s one on Central Avenue. \ : Where's that? i. ; Go past the gas station and turn left. Take the second right. There's a bookstore on} the corner, You'll see the bankiwo or | three-blocks along on the right. Ag\I seel Thanks a lot. B: ‘You're welcome. eee 1. Listen carefully to the recording. 2. Make up similar dialogs about places in your neighborhood. NEWALLTALK1 25 RConversation @ = Home 1, Ask and answer. Do you live in a house or an apartment? Where is it? How big is it? —It has (a living room/kitchen/bathroom/ete.) How old is it? What's it made of? —Wood/Brick/Concrete/etc. What does it look like? -It has (white) walls and a (blue tiled) roof. Does it have a garden or a garage? Are there any shops nearby? How far is it from the town center? —lIt takes about (10 minutes) by (bus). Is there a bus stop or station nearby? What do you like about your house/apartment? —It is (comfortable/light/cheaplete.) What do you dislike about it? —It is (small/old/far from school/ete.) 2. Talk about the house of a relative or friend. e.g. My uncle Henry lives in a house in... Itis... 26 NEWALLTALK 1 Creative Stimulus @ ~ Look at the photograph carefully. Ask and answer the questions. Make up some more quest Where is this house? Who lives in it? How old What's it made of? What's it like inside? Does it have a garden? Would you like to live in it? Why (not)? s to ask your partner. Your questions: Now listen to the recording and check your answers. NEW ALLTALK 1 Unit 3 27 @ Grammar Practice G See the notes on page 108. Was the lecture interesting? ) the lecture—interesting? the students—noisy? the room—hot? the windows—open? closed. the test—easy? difficult. you—nervous? relaxed, your test results—good? bad. { No, | wasn't free. free. he—take the test? . teady for it. they—eat a lot? hungry. Joan—go to bed early? sleepy. you—see the parade? in town. Peter—join the club? interested. the Clarks—see the robber? at home. Did you read a book? you—read a book? X they—go to Hawaii? she—come by bus? you—listen to records? Henry—drink beer? the children—play baseball? you—speak to her mother? they—swim in the pool? 28 NEWALLTALK 1 Unit 4 @ Functions Asking for Permission 1. informally e.g. Practice with these prompts. borrow your dictionary read your newspaper use your phone ask you some questions borrow your typewriter read your magazine use your eraser smoke : Can I borrow your dictionary? ri : Thanks. : Is it OK if I borrow your typewriter? 3 Sorry, but I’m using it. Per Pee Sure. ‘Oh. eg. POP bP e> : Do you mind if I open the window? No, go ahead. Thanks. : Do you mind if I smoke? : I'd rather you didn’t. : Allright. NEWALLTALK1 29 Practice with these prompts. open the window smoke sit here turn on/off the light play my guitar use your word processor take a photo of you borrow your car 2. formally e.g. A: May I borrow your dictionary? B: Certainly. A: Thank you, A: Could I use your phone, please? B: I’m sorry, but it’s out of order. A: Oh. Practice with these prompts. borrow your | dictionary? typewriter? umbrella? car? use your eraser? phone? word processor? calculator? 9 smoke? move these chairs? bring my friends to class? practice playing my violin? 2 30° NEW ALLTALK 1 Unit 4 ( G Information Exchange DO NOT look at Role B. Find out from your partner all about . . . 1. something he/she recently bought what... ? where . how much... ? 2. a trip he/she recently made where when how long... ? 3. a problem he/she recently had who with ? the problem? ae | any solution? NEW ALLTALK1 37 Information Exchange DO NOT look at Role A. Find out from your partner all about ... 1. a person he/she recently met for the first ti who £ what like? where ...? 2. a recent social event he/she attended when... ? e.g. date, party, club meeting, wedding ? where ? when ...? who...? .-- good? ? 3. ashop he/she recently went into where ? what kind of things... ? what ie how much... ? ? 32) NEW ALLTALK 1 Unit 4 ZDdialog QD 2! fnB: ['d like to reserve : When for? svill be $82 "per night. B: @K. Thankyou: A: Thank you. Goodbye. 1. Listen carefully to the recording. 2. Make up a new dialog, B with book closed. NEWALLTALK1 33 ZConversation @ = 1, Talk about your family. People My mother | isa... works in one brother. His name is... He is . . . years old. My father J isa... works in... Thave | two sisters. Their names are... and... 2. Ask questions like these. father J like? mother brother sister What's your What does | he look like? she He’s | good-looking. She's ] ordinary-looking. She has | short He has} medium length long She has. | blue eyes, brown He is bald. 3. Talk about your relatives. an aunt a cousin A. [have F uncle | named 34 NEW ALLTALK 1 She’s | cheerful. He's | kind. friendly. mean He’s | tall. He's | slim. She’s | short. She's | heavy. average height. medium build. straight | hair. wavy curly fair dark He has | a beard. [ste long sideburns. She wears glasses. He | livesin... She Unit 4 B. What does | he | do? How old is | he? she she? What is | she | like? What does |) she | look like? he he 4. Talk about your .. . neighbors and friends. boyfriend or girlfriend (real or imaginary). G Creative Stimulus @ = Look at the photograph carefully. Ask and answer the questions. Make up more questions to ask your partner. How old is this man? What does he do for a living? How much does he earn? Does he enjoy his job? What does he do in his free time? Is he married? What's he like? Your questions: Now listen to the recording and check your answers. NEWALLTALK1 35 | Review Test 1 A Ask questions to get the following information. 1. My name's... 2. She isn’t American, She's. . . 3. They aren't watching television. They're 4, I don’t study every day. I study... 5. He eats . . . for breakfast. 6. They get up at... o’clock. 7. She's . . . years old. 8. He went to. 9. They bought a 10. We listened to... music. B Give suitable answers, 1. Hello. My name’s Frank. 2. Hi. How are you? 3. I'ma student. How about you? 4, Will you lend me your dictionary, please? 5. Could you help me with my Italian homework, please? 6. Can you tell me the way to the Seaview Hotel, please? 7. Excuse me. Is there a post office near here? 8. Can I borrow your umbrella, please? 9. Do you mind if I use your mobile phone? 10. Do you ever eat out? c Complete this dialog with an immigration officer. 10: Passport, please. How long will you be staying? You: ... 10; What's the purpose of your trip? You: I You: ... IO; Enjoy your stay. You: .. Where will you stay? 36 NEW ALLTALK 1 Review Test 1 D Answer these questions. . Where are you from? . What do you do for a living? . What do you do in your free time? }. How did you come here today? . How long did it take? How often do you watch television? . Who's your favorite writer? Do you live in a house or an apartment? . How ald is it? . What does it look like? Seen aueune E A Crossword Puzzle rte eiess @ not married @ My... is painting. ® He came by... @ May |... myself? @® She... home. @ Whois your... singer? I'd... not. © |... English yesterday. ©... stories @ | asked my... a question. @I...a letter. @ We often . . . television. @ He has a mustache anda... NEWALLTALK1 37 38 © See the notes on page 109. Shall | clean the kitchen? ) I've already cleaned i clean the kitchen? wash the dishes? prepare the dinner? polish the car? water the garden? fix that broken gate? return that book to the library? What's that new movie like? ae, | don’t know. | haven't seen it. that new movie _ that new book that new record that new shopping mall your new camera your new mountain bike your new job your new swimming pool NEW ALLTALK 1 Unit 5 |[Ezznc> Have you ever played tennis? a few times. Yes, | many times. once. No. . umpkin pie? tennis? PUmpninP "smilie? goat’s milk: Beethoven's Sixth Symphony? oot saont? akangaro”” 5 Jeter from a stranger? an accident th TOEFL, fest? a high mountain? Now close your book. Ask your teacher questions like these. I've been hiking. | hiking swimming sunburnt stressed out How long have you living in Chicago | For three years. | For three years. Since 1982, you—living in Chicago? she—working for IBM? they—selling furniture? Max—playing the violin? it—raining? Ann—driving a Benz? you—studying English? NEWALLTALK1 39 Functions Apologizing 1. A stands on B’s foot. e.g. A: Oh, I’m sorry. B: That’s OK. 2. A disturbs B. e.g. Ac I’m sorry fo disturb you, B: That’s OK. Practice with these prompts. disturb you keep you waiting interrupt you trouble you be late keep asking questions 3. A broke B’s camera yesterday. B knows this. e.g. A: I’m sorry I broke your camera. B: That's OK. Practice with these prompts. broke your | camera. Jost your | book. Walkman. notes. calculator. dictionary. 4. A has lost B’s notes. B doesn’t know yet. e.g. Az I’m very sorry but I've lost your notes B: Lost my notes? Oh, no! Practice with these prompts. lost your J notes. broken your | Walkman. ticket. hair drier. letter. camera. 40 NEWALLTALK 1 Unit 5 GZ \nformation Exchange Find someone who has done each of the following things. Then write their name down and find out some details. e.g. Have you ever met a famous person? (Yes.) Who did you meet? Where did you meet him or her? Have You Ever... ? met a famous person eaten Mexican food climbed a high mountain driven a foreign car kept a pet ridden a horse or camel seen an endangered species _ spoken to a police of had an accident been to a foreign country Don’t forget to ask the teacher! NEWALLTALK1 47 Dialog @P Ss Checking into a Hotel A: Good afternoon. Can I help you? B: Yes, please. [ have a reservation for a single room for tonight. My name’s Dawson. A: Would you mind waiting a moment, please? Sorry to keep you waiting. Your room is number 37 on the third floor. Here’s your room key. B: Thank you. é 1. Listen carefully to the recording. 2. Make up a new dialog, B with book closed. Use your own name and ideas. 42 NEW ALLTALK 1 Unit 5 GZConversation @ = Sports Ask and answer the questions. 1. Can you | swim? Yes. Can you? skate? Not very well. Can you? ski? No. Can you? play tennis? ride a horse? 9 a PH. Ca Ay \ 2. Are you any good at || sports? Yes. Are you? athletics? I'm not bad. Are you? gymnastics? No. Are you? swimming? baseball? seed NEW ALLTALK1 43 3. Do you ever | go jogging? Yes, often. Do you? go bowling? Sometimes. Do you? go skiing? No. Do you? play volleyball? play golf? cee 9 Yes, many times. Have you? A few times. Have you? No. Have you? 4, Have you ever | been windsurfing? been caving? played cricket? ridden a horse? 5. What sports | are you good at? would you like to try? are popular in your country? 44 NEWALLTALK 1 Unit 5 Creative Stimulus @ = Look at this picture carefully. Ask and answer the questions, using your imagination. Make up some more questions to ask your partner. Where are these people? What are they doing? How far away is the target? How many people take part? What prize will the winner get? How long does this competition last? How often is it held? When did it first begin? Would you like to take part? Your questions: Now listen to the recording and check your answers. NEW ALLTALK1 45 ( Grammar Practice you hiking. Joan shopping. the children swimming. Bob fishing. your parents for a drive. Anne skating. Mr. and Mrs. Clark toa party. you tie What are you going to do I'm going to visit my friend. | during the vacation? a — you visit my friend. Mary take a trip. the students play baseball. Tony do a part-time job. Bob and Anne climb a mountain. your father play golf. Sue take driving lessons. you 46 NEW ALLTALK 1 Unit 6 (aaa) | expect he'll come soon. He come They written She called me You finished your work Joe passed his test I found a job The police caught the criminal The meeting started | No, I'm sure he won't. go out? she \ (f) forget? they get lost? it snow? Joe get angry? they bring their children? the shop close early? Joan arrive on time? NEWALLTALK1 47 @ Functions Offers and Invitations 1. offers Would you like ...? | Yes, please. No, thanks. e.g. Ax Would you like a cup of coffee? B: Yes, please. (EPSGHER! A: Offer these things. B; Accept or refuse. acup of coffee a cookie a glass of wine a sandwich a piece of cake a cigarette some yoghurt a chocolate 2. invitations Would you like to . Td love to. oi Sorry, but... Tr ~ Thanks anyway, but... e.g. Would you like to come sailing with me tomorrow? Qa —— I'd love to. A: Would you like to play tennis with me tomorrow? oe ‘orry, but | won't be free. Maybe some other time? Az Sure. Would you like to play chess with me sometime? Thanks anyway, but I’m not interested in chess. A: Oh, I see. (EPSGHER) A: Invite your partner to do these things. : B: Accept or refuse with reasons. (Keep your book closed.) come for a drive | with me | this evening play golf tomorrow go to a disco on Sunday see Hamlet next... go fishing sometime come to a party have dinner come skydiving go for a drink 48 NEW ALLTALK 1 GZ Information Exchange ; DO NOT look at Role B. Unit 6 Airport Interviews You interviewed some people at an airport. This is what two of them said. first person second person | I'm Donald Cook, and this is my wife, | Alice. We're both English. We're-going | to Spain for 10 days. We hope to spend a lot of time on the beach; but we also want to seé a bit of the local culture and enjoy some Spanish food. further details. Y airline: British Airways / hotel: Hotel Solin Malaga | cost: $680 per person \ i'm Hillary Dawson, and |'m traveling with my sister, Emily. We're from Canada, and we're going to Italy for eight days. We're going to spend five days in Rome and three days in Flo- rence. We plan to visit many art galleries and museums. further details airline: Alitalia / hotel: Hotel San Pietro (Rome) and Hotel Maria (Florence) cost: $750 each Answer your partner’s questions. Your partner also interviewed some people. Find out what they said. NEW ALLTALK 4 49 \nformation Exchange } DO NOT look at Role A. Airport Interviews Your partner interviewed some people at an airport. Find out what two of them said, You also interviewed some people. Answer your partner’s questions about them. first person | My name is Laura McVitie, and I'm from Scotland. I'm going to Morocco, and I'm really excited. I've never been to Africa before. I’m going to stay in Marrakech for five days. I'm going to spend a lot of time in the bazaar, And I'm going on a bus trip to see the Atlas Mountains. I'm traveling alone, but I'm. sure I'll make lots of friends. second person | Hi. I'm Larry Hunter. I'm from New York. I'm on my way to Egypt. I'm gaing to stay in Cairo for a few days, and I'm locking forward to seeing the Pyra- mids. I'm hoping to ride a camel too. This is my daughter, Barbie. She's com- ing with me, further details further details airline: Iberia Airways airline: EgyptAir hotel: Oasis Hotel hotel: Hotel Sahara, Cairo cost: $465 cost: $550 each 50 NEW ALLTALK1 Unit 6 ZDialog @2 = In a Shop 1. Listen carefully to the recording. 2. B, you want to buy a jacket, sweater or suit. Close your book and make up a new dialog. A, these are the prices: jackets | suits ] $120/$42 | $280/$246 NEWALLTALK1 517 ZConversation @ CO-13, Shopping Ask and answer these questions. How often do you buy clothes? Where did you get the clothes you are wearing? How much did they cost? Do you enjoy shopping? Who do you usually go shopping with? Would you rather shop at department stores, supermarkets or small stores? Why? Where do you usually buy food? Why? How about books and records? Where did you get this textbook? How much did it cost? Do you have a credit card? If so, what do you use it for? If not, do you want to have one? Why (not)? What have you bought this week? Talk about it. What are you planning to buy soon? Talk about it Now close your book. Find a new partner and have a similar conversation. 52 NEWALLTALK1 Unit 6 Creative Stimulus @ = Look at this photograph carefully. Ask and answer the questions. Make up some more questions to ask your partner. Where is this store? What do they sell? Where do their goods come from? ‘What time does the shop open and close? When is the busiest day of the week? What does this woman's husband do? Whaat is sold at other stores in this market? Your questions: Now listen to the recording and check your answers. NEW ALLTALK 1 53 Excuse me. Is there ; a library near here? Yes, there's one ‘on East Street. Yes, there’s one on Excuse me. Are there any hotels near here? West Street. a library any hotels a movie theater : | any bookshops e a post office any banks a public phone tear | any restaurants WEST STREET EAST STREET 54 NEW ALLTALK 1 Unit 7 No. There aren't any ) restaurants around here. _ Can you recommend a good place to eat? to eat? to buy records? to have a haircut? to buy shoes? to stay? to change money? to swim? tor..? There | wasa... were some... yesterday? Bank Robbery in London Traffic Accidents in Tokyo Plane Crash in Mexico ain Turkey cartnquek Train Crash in India FLOODS IN CHINA Forest Fires in GAS EXPLOSION IN ROME Yes, there'll be one on Wednesday. NEW ALLTALK1 55 Functions Thanking 1. You helped me. e.g. A; Thanks for your help. B: You're welcome Practice with these prompts. your good advice your interesting letter your useful suggestion your helpful comments your thoughtful warning 2. You took care of my dog. e.g. At Thanks a lot for taking care of my dog. B: You're welcome. Practice with these prompts. You lent me your notes. You explained the homework to me. You told me about the new syllabus. You handed in my essay for me. You showed me how to use the new computer. You checked my report. 56 NEWALLTALK 1 Unit 7 G \nformation Exchange DO NOT look at Role B. You talked to an old lady who lived in the village of Thornby until 1930. She told you what it was like then, Your partner has recently visited Thornby. It has changed a lot. ‘Tell your partner what it was like in 1930. e.g. There was .../ There were .../ It was Your partner will tell you what it is like now. Take notes. 1930 now scenery many woods and fields Eee Pretty houses about 80 cottages —just a small village shops. one store other buildings | a post office and a pub | population —| about 250 people |_| Snty a small community | traffic _|_very little—quiet two buses a day transportation | —very inconvenient i entertainment no entertainment fet —rather boring events: market every Saturday crime no crime—very safe Do you think Thornby has become a better or worse place since 1930? In what ways has your hometown changed since you were a child? NEWALLTALK1 57 (4 \nformation Exchange DO NOT look at Role A. You recently stayed in the town of Thornby. Your partner recently talked to an old lady who lived in Thornby until 1930. She told your partner what it was like then. It has changed a lot. Your partner will tell you what it was like then. Take notes. Tell your partner what it’s like now, e.g. There is.../There are... / It’s no trees or fields ‘scenery eae unattractive houses about 5,000 houses —not a village any more i shops many, mostly in the shopping center other buildings several banks, a post office, pubs, a library over 14,000 people population a lot of traffic—a problem two buses each hour — quite convenient acinema and a sports center transportation entertainment | events market every Saturday —very busy quite a lot, mostly robberies —a serious problem crime. Do you think Thornby has become a better or worse place since 1930? In what ways has your hometown changed since you were a child? 58 NEW ALLTALK 1 Unit 7 Dialog @P = "d like to send these postcards to Japan. Ina Post Office =» See A: Yes. B: That'll be $1.20, please And two 50-cent stamps, please. That's $2.20 altogether. Here you are. Thank you. Here are your stamps. 1, Listen carefully to the recording. 2. Make up a new dialog. A, close your book. You want to send a parcel to Japan by sea and to buy three 40-cent stamps. B, the parcel costs $4.80 by sea. NEW ALLTALK1 59 @ZConversation @ o« Books and Televisi Books 1. Ask and answer. What's the title of the last book you read? Who wrote it? What's it about? When did you read it? How long did it take? What did you think of Where did you get it? Why did you choose it? 2. Ask and answer similar questions about the best book you have ever read. 3. Ask and answer. How often do you read books? Who’s your favorite writer? What are the titles of some of his/her books? Television 4. Ask and answer. How often do you watch television? What's your favorite program? When’s it on? What other programs do you like? Do you have a video player? If so, what kind of movies do you watch? Do you rent videos? If so, where from? 60 NEW ALLTALK 1 Unit 7 Z Creative Stimulus @ =~ TV Viewers °90 These six people are watching television. Ask and answer the following questions about each. What kind of program is this person watching? How is he/she feeling? What's happening now on the TV screen? What will happen next? Would you like to watch this program? Why (not)? Now listen to the recording and check your answers. NEW ALLTALK1 67 Grammar Practice f "What's your new house like? It's bigger than my old one. house big? sofa comfortable? car fast? TV good? job interesting? camera light? course difficult? heater warm? ls Mount Everest Yes, it's the highest | very high? mountain in the world. Mount Everest high? the River Nile long? soccer popular? Canada big? English useful? the South Pole cold? gold expensive? Lake Baikal deep? 62 NEWALLTALK 1 Z Functions Good News; Bad News my good news 1, marriage and childbirth eg. A: I’ve just got married. B: Congratulations! 2. tests and contests e.g. Az [passed my test. B: Well done! 3. general good news e.g. At [found anew job. B: That’s great! my bad news 1. tests and contests e.g. A: [failed my test. B: Hard luck! 2. general bad news e.g. A: [lost my job. B: That’s too bad. (MBRRGHER! A: Say these sentences. B: Respond with book closed. I won the race. I failed my driving test. I'm getting married next month. I lost my wallet. I've been promoted to branch manager. I’ve got a terrible headache. I got A* for all my cours Unit & NEWALLTALK1 63 good and bad news for relatives and friends That’s great! I’m glad to hear that. That’s too bad. I’m sorry to hear that. EERSEHEET A: Say these sentences. B: Respond with book closed. My brother has found a new job. My son has just got engaged. My daughter has just lost her job, My father’s book has become a best-seller. My mother has had a traffic accident. My best friend has just become a doctor. 64 NEW ALLTALK 1 DO NOT look at Role B. Fill in the blank spaces by asking your partner questions. Jobs “employer job pay working hours paid vacation working since ‘working since opinion of job Which of these jobs would you prefer? Why? NEW ALLTALK1 65 J \nformation Exchange DO NOT look at Role A. Fill in the blank spaces by asking your partner questions. Jobs _ office working hours Saturdays overtime working since opinion of job _1979 IBM accountant —__ $1,750 a month 9:00 to 5:30 no usually 28 days a year boring workplace employer job pay $320 a week ‘working hours 6-hour shifts Saturdays yes—and Sundays overtime always paid vacation 12 days a year working since 1976 opinion of job very hard Which of these jobs would you prefer? Why? NEW ALLTALK 1 Unit & Dialog com A: B: As B: A: B: B: 1 2. In a Bank Can I help you? Yes, please. Can you change these traveler’s checks? Can I see them, please? Yes, we can change them. Would you sign them, please? Thank you. Can I see your passport or driver's license? Here’s my passport. Thank you. How would you like the money? Five twenties, two tens and the rest in small nyse = BUREAU ie DE CHANGE TELLE Listen carefully to the recording. B, close your book. You want to change a $50 traveler’s check. Make up a new dialog. NEW ALLTALK 1 67 ZConversation @ = Work Ask and answer. Do you have a regular job (part-time or full-time)? If not, have you ever worked? 1. If you work... Where do you work? What do you do? When do you work? How many hours a week do you work? How much money do you eam? How long have you been doing this job? What do you like most about it? What do you dislike most about it? How long do you plan to continue this job? 2. If you have worked but don’t work now... Where did you work? What did you do? When did you work? How many hours a week did you work? How much money did you earn? How long did you do that job? Why did you quit? What did you like most about your job? What did you dislike most about it? 3. If you have never worked... Why don’t you work? What kind of job would you like to have? How much money do you hope to earn? How can you find a suitable job? ‘When will you start to look for work? Would you rather work abroad or in your own country? ‘Would you quit your job if it wasn’t interesting? 68 NEW ALLTALK 1 Unit 8 4. Workers and non-workers How important do you consider the following factors in choosing a job: very important, quite important, not important? ssalary holidays pension» chances of promotion + job satisfaction +* working environment «value to society « relations with other workers Now close your book. Find a new partner and have a similar conversation. GZ Creative Stimulus @ on Look at each photograph carefully. Ask and answer the questions. Make up some more questions to ask your partner. What's her job? Does she enjoy it? Who does she work for? Is she good at her job? Why did she choose this job? What does she dislike about it? How long will she continue? Your questions: What's his job? Who does he work for? Is this job difficult? What does he like about it? What will be done with the information he collects? Would you like to do this job? Why (not)? Your questions: Now listen to the recording and check your answers. NEW ALLTALK1 69 Review Test 2 A Fill in the blanks, 1. you ever camel's milk? 2. Jim ever ....... German sausages? 3. fishing? 4, .. Helen ever ... sues & Sports car? Be cicacsacissnactsss YOW EVER ... to. a famous person? 6. Ihaven’t ... the new movie yet. 7. Lhaven't my lunch yet. 8. Thaven’t _.. my homework yet. 9. Thaven’t................... today’s newspaper yet. 10. You look hot. What ........000.606. YOU sess doing? B Give suitable answers. 1. I'm sorry. 2. Would you like a cup of tea? 3. Thanks for your advice. 4. I've just got married. 5. I failed my driving test 6. I've been waiting for you for 20 minutes. 7. Would you like to play golf with me this Sunday? 8. Tlost my job. 9. Here’s your letter. I just typed it for you. 10. My brother has become a doctor. c Complete this dialog with a sales assistant in a clothes shop. SA: May I help you? What color are you looking for? nd what size are you? This is your size. ‘One hundred twenty-five dollars. Would you like to try it on? 70 NEWALLTALK 1 Review Test 2 D Answer these questions. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9 10. How long have you been studying English? Have you ever been abroad? What sports are you good at? What sports would you like to try? Where do you usually buy clothes? What's the title of the last book you read? What was it about? ‘Who wrote it? How often do you watch television? What kind of job would you like to do in the future? E Write the missing words in the spaces. What word is spelled below the *? @ I've... studied Units 1 to 8. @ Have you... seen a tiger? @ Thanks for your useful. . . @ Two hundred fifty dollars for a bag? That's too... © I've never . . . a foreign car. They've gone to Hawaii fora... @ Thanks . . . , but I’m too busy this week. @® How many banks are . . . in this town? @ He had a traffic... @ She... come to the party. @ I'm sorry to ... . your conversation. NEWALLTALK1 719 Grammar Practice lose weight go ona diet make a lot of money work hard win an Olympic gold medal, train hard become President give up pass my test make a lot of friends win the speech contest {have to get up early get up early What time do you have to get up? What time ...? work a long time How long ? take a test soon When . meet someone Who. . go somewhere Where... ? find a new apartment Why...? buy a present Who... for? 72: NEWALLTALK1 Unit 9 ‘ve decided nat to get a driver's license. Why? | have an accident Because | don’t want to have an accident. get a driver's license go to the disco dance get married settle down, change my job look for another one go to the party drink too much go skiing catch a cold climb Mount Everest smoke any more cigarettes NEWALLTALK1 73 Functions Asking for Things 1. Toa waiter eg. A: Id like a cup of coffee, please, B: Certainly, madam. MPPAGHER Order: a cup of coffee a hamburger steak a tuna salad some apple pie some ice cream 2. To a waiter e.g. A: Could I have the menu, please? B: Certainly, sir. GPPBEEEE! Ask for: the menu a glass of water anapkin some tomato sauce the bill 3. To a companion at the table e.g. A: Could you pass me the sugar, please? B: Sure. Here you are. A: Thanks. (PACH) Ask for: the sugar the salt the pepper the mustard the sauce 4. To your host eg. A: Sorry to trouble you, but could I have some ice, please? B: Sure. (PPSEHEE! Ask for: some ice a glass of water a teaspoon a napkin a little more wine 74 NEW ALLTALK 1 Unit 9 Information Exchange DO NOT look at Role B. Fill in the spaces by asking your partner questions. Answer your partner’s questions. Eating Out in San Francisco Ocean Delights more Street Powell Street serves seafood Chinese dishes 4 la carte: ala carte: ala carte: ala carte: from $8.20 from $5.40 full course: full course: full course: full course: from $17.50 from $15.85. seats 25 people 42 seats open every day open Mon. to Sat. Noon to 10 p.m. 5 p.m. to 10 p.m. parking nearby no parking tel. 903261 tel. 328147 Which of these restaurants would you prefer to eat at? What would you order? NEWALLTALK1 75 Information Exchange DO NOT look at Role A. Fill in the spaces by asking your partner questions. B Answer your partner’s questions. 30 Market Street Mission Street health food Italian cooking ala carte: Ala carte: ala carte: from $7.20 from $5.50 full course: full course: full course: from $18.00 fram $19.00 18 seats room for 16 open daily noon to 11:30 p.m. 11 a.m, to 8 a.m. closed Mondays car park nearby park on street tel. 633293 tel, 883109 Which of these restaurants would you prefer to eat at? What would you order? 76 NEWALLTALK 1 Unit 9 GZDialog @2 =" Ordering a Meal in a Restaurant + Are you ready to order, sir? : Yes. I'd like cream of chicken soup, a grilled 'T-bone,steakyapple pie and a cuipjof coffee, please. : How would|you like your steak? : Well-done, please. { : With baked [potato or fries? : Baked potato, please. + Will tHat Helall, sir? : Yes, thank)you. me Desserts 1, Listen carefully to the recording. nt 2. B, cover the dialog and look at the menu. Make up a new dialog. Fea or car, fe ‘range juice © NEW ALLTALK 1 77 ZConversation @ = Food Ask and answer. What do you usually have for breakfast? Who prepares it? Where did you have lunch today/dinner yesterday? What did you eat/drink? What’s your favorite main dish/dessert/fruit/drink? How often do you cook? What can you cook? What are the main ingredients? How often do you eat at restaurants? What kind of restaurants do you like? What's the name of your favorite restaurant? Where is it? What's on the menu? Is it expensive? When did you last eat there? What did you eat? Did you enjoy it? Close your book. Find a new partner and have a similar conversation. 78 NEW ALLTALK 1 Unit 9 GCreative Stimulus @ -» Look at the picture carefully. Ask and answer the questions. Make up some more questions to ask your partner. Where is this meal being served? How many people will eat it? What will they eat and drink? What will they talk about? Is this a special occasion for them? Where will they go after the meal? Would you like to join them? Why (not)? Your questions: Now listen to the recording and check your answers. NEWALLTALK1 79 tell lies? break promises? ho borrow money from friends? buy things on credit? cheat on tests? stay up late? skip classes? Sorry, but I'm no good at taking photographs. Can you take a photograph for me, please? take a photograph repair my car sing a song fix a broken window translate a report solve a problem write a speech 80 NEW ALLTALK 1 Unit 10 study Swahili? play the piano? practice judo? grow your own vegetables? g0 to political meetings? watch late-night horror movies? ? NEW ALLTALK1 87 Functions Complimenting and Praising 1. e.g. A: You look great today, B: Do I? Thanks. SERREHEA! Tell your partner he/she looks ... great smart nice good fantastic 2. e.g. At That’s a nice sweater. B: Thanks. SPRSEHES! Compliment your partner on his/her clothes and accessories. Use these words: nice smart fine beautiful attractive pretty : You’re very good at English. : Really? Thanks. : You play piano really well. : Oh, I wouldn’t say that. a> o> ‘Practice Compliment your partner on his/her . . . English cooking singing dancing painting 82 NEW ALLTALK 1 Unit 10 n Exchange DO NOT look at Role B. Fill in the blank spaces by asking your partner questions. Answer your partner's questions. Exhibitions Treasures of Egypt (274 priceless items) from April 1 to May 14 Admission: $8.50 Open: 10:30 to 16:30 Closed: Mondays Amenities: restaurant & souvenir store Location: 7th Avenue Nearest subway: 23rd Street Telephone: 1773224 French Impressionist paintings (83 works by 7 artists) from March 23 to April 20 Admission; $12.00 Open: 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. every day except Wednesday Amenities: coffee lounge Location: Sth Street Nearest subway: East Avenue Telephone: 3764281 Which of these exhibitions would you like to see? NEW ALLTALK 1 83 nforma n Exchange } DO NOT look at Role A. Fill in the blank spaces by asking your partner questions. B Answer your partner’s questions. Exhibitions Oriental Ceramics (325 items) from April 5 to 25 Admission: $4.40 a.m, to 6:00 p.m. Closed: Sundays Amenities: bookstore & coffee bar Telephone: 2294601 Which of these exhibitions would you like to see? 84 NEW ALLTALK 1 Unit 10 Dialog @ =: Reserving Theater Seats Majestic Theater. I'd like to reserve two seats for tonight, Orchestra or balcony? : Balcony, please. : Can Ihave your name, please? ~~ =A Si. : William Porter, Bear : I've reserved seats 17D and 7Efor you. The tickets cost $20 each. What time does it start? : Eight fifteen. + Theol you, ye. RERER SE a> oe 1. Listen carefully to the recording. 2. B, with book closed, reserve seats for tomorrow night. A, you work for the Imperial Theater. Prices are: orchestra seats $35; balcony seats $20. The performance starts at 8:00, NEWALLTALK1 8&5 GZConversation @ om Entertainment Ask and answer. ‘What was the last movie you saw (at the cinema or on TV)? What kind of movie was it? ‘Who was in it? What was it about? Did you enjoy it? Where and when did you see it? What's the best movie you’ve ever seen? Tell me all about it. How often do you see movies? What kinds of movies do you like? Who are your favorite movie stars? When did you last see a concert, musical, play or other performance? Tell me all about it. Now close your book. Find a new partner and have a similar conversation. 86 NEW ALLTALK 1 Unit 10 Creative Stimulus @ «= Look at the photograph carefully. Ask and answer the questions. Make up some more questions to ask your partner. Where is this man? What's he doing? Why? What kind of music is he playing? Is it good? How long has he been playing here? Why did he choose this place? Do the shopkeepers like him? Why (not)? Your questions: Now listen to the recording and check your answers. NEW ALLTALK1 87 YZ Grammar Practice eer 1 rather live be a pop singer study history Wd —_ + —_ go sailing ride anelephant meet the Queen —_ work ina bank 88 NEW ALLTALK 1 Unit 117 Practice2y> A: Would you rather live in the city or the country? B: In the city. How about you? A: Me, too. (or) I'd rather live in the country. live in the city or the country? be mai work in an office or a factory? live in a house or an apartment? travel by plane or by ship? read books or magazines? imming or hiking? 9 NEW ALLTALK1 89 Functions Asking for and Making Suggestions (1) e.g. A: What shall we do tomorrow? B: Let's go for a drive A: OK. ‘A: What shall we do this evening? B: Let’s go toa disco. A: I'd rather not. I’m tired. (EEPSGHESME with suggestions for this evening Saturday Saturday evening Sunday Sunday evening next vacation (QEPREHESA) plan a long trip together Where shall we go? When... ? How long... ? How...? What ...? etc, 90 NEW ALLTALK 1 g0 to a disco/concert/. .. go for a drive/walk/. . see a movie/show/. . . play tennis/golf/. . . go out for a meal/drink/. . . make a trip to... How about . . . ? Shall we... ? Let's... Why don’t we ...? I'd like to... Unit 11 \ntormation Exchange DO NOT look at Role B. Fill in the spaces by asking your partner questions. An Adventure You and your partner are going to climb Mount Kilimanjaro. First you have to decide how to get there. otra) ete 5895m ‘on foot 5 days Cairo Marangu Be hours “Dar es Salaam Then you need to decide what to take. Remember you'll have to carry it all with you! Things to take: After climbing the mountain, you want to see a bit more of Tanzania. NEW ALLTALK1 97 Information Exchange | DO NOT look at Role A. Fill in the spaces by asking your partner questions. An Adventure You and your partner are going to climb Mount Kilimanjaro. First you have to decide how to get there. Pod Pane msterdam ree Se95m 10 hours Kilimanjaro. "Airport Then you need to decide what to take. Remember you'll have to carry it all with you! Things to take: After climbing the mountain, you want to see a bit more of Tanzania. One possibility ‘Your partner's idea ——————— 92 NEWALLTALK 1 ZDdialog @P 2 At a Bus Station = Unit 11 Can I help you? Yes, please. Is there a bus to London? Yes, every day. What time does it leave? At 9:00 a.m. And what time does it get back? About 8:30 p.m. How much is the fare? Twenty-five pounds. Can I book a seat for this Wednesday? Certainly. That'll be £25.00, please. Here youare. A: Thank Here’ 1. Listen carefully to the recording. 2. B, close your book. You want to go to Winchester, Oxford or Bath. A, you will need this information: Destination Departure Return Fare Bath Oxford 8:30am. 7:00 p.m. £18.00 9:00 a.m. 7:30 p.m. £23.50 Winchester 9:30a.m. 6:30 p.m. £14.00 NEW ALLTALK1 93 ZConversation @ == Transport 1. Ask and answer. trains? How often do you take | bu: taxis? Where do you go? How much is the fare’? How long does the journey take? motorbike? Do you have a | car? bicycle? How often do you use it? Where do you go? Where do you park it? Are you a careful driver/eyclist? Have you ever had a traffic accident? Do you prefer private or public transportation? Why? 2. Discuss What are the advantages of traveling by | ship? plane? train? car? bicycle? ‘What are the disadvantages of each? What is the best way to travel | to a foreign country? around 3. Discuss Choose a nearby city. How can you get there from here? e.g. by bus, train, car, boat, helicopter, on foot. . . Which way is the... + fastest? *mostcomfortable? * most interesting? * cheapest? 94 NEW ALLTALK 1 Unit 11 Creative Stimulus @ == Look at these photographs carefully. Ask and answer the questions. Make up some more questions to ask your partner, Where was this photo taken? What does it show? What are the advantages of using this means of transport? Would you like to ride on one? Your questions: Where was this photo taken? What does it show? How was the problem solved? What did the passengers do while they were waiting? What would you do if this happened to you? Your questions: Now listen to the recording and check your answers. NEW ALLTALK1 95 G See the notes on page 114. [EEE (on rn urine can speak four languages. Only four? | can speak nine! | 2 Gea lift 60 ae jump one and a half meters. swim two kilometers. type 40 words a minute. hold my breath for two minutes. play three different musical instruments, Can you alg type? swim? play the piano? tide a horse? speak Russian? 2 Yes. Yes, a little. have a game of tennis. go skating. g0 to the dance party. have a game of chess. start anew rock band. 96 NEW ALLTALK1 Unit 12 [Eisericeys> I want: to pass my test. You should study hard. a learn to drive. take lessons. win the race. ie make a lot of friends. a ‘a become rich. a 7 lose weight. stay in good health. oreo) You shouldn't smoke. | It’s bad for your health. | Teat a lot of candies. i teeth. I watch TV all day. eyes. [listen to my Walkman all night. ears. I eat lots of cakes and cookies. figure. I lie in the sunshine for hours. skin. I drink three bottles of whisky a day. health. No, his doctor says he mustn't drink beer. eat fried potatoes? drive a car? stay up late? see horror movies? work hard? NEW ALLTALK 1 97 Functions Asking for and Making Suggestions (2) e.g. A: I want to improve my English. Do you have any suggestions? B: Why don’t you stay with an American family? A: That's a good idea. Practice with these prompts: I want to improve my English. I can’t sleep well at night. I'm bored. I'm looking for a part-time job. I want to buy a present for my American friend. I want to lose weight. My foreign friend wants me to take her sightseeing. I'd like to spend a few days by the sea. I can’t stop hiccupping. I want to go abroad but I don’t have much money. 98 NEW ALLTALK 1 Unit 12 Information Exchange DO NOT look at Role B. DO NOT use a dictionary. Quiz Ask your partner questions to elicit the answers shown in ifalics. e.g. How many states are there in the U.S.A.? Give your partner one point for each correct answer. @ There are 50 states in the U.S.A. @ Cucumbers are green. | @ Agatha Christie wrote “Murder on the Orient Express.” @ In Britain, people drive on the left side of the road. © Auckland is in New Zealand. © When someone is getting married, you should say “Congratulations.” @ America became independent in 1776. © “Rhythm” is spelled R-H-Y-7-H-M. | © The American Civil War lasted for five years. | @ In Ireland, two languages are spoken: English and Gaelic. Now answer your partner’s questions. your partner's score your score [| fae NEW ALLTALK1 99 G \nformation Exchange DO NOT look at Role A. DO NOT use a dictionary. Quiz Ask your partner questions to elicit the answers shown in italics. e.g. Where is Ottawa? Give your partner one point for each correct answer. I @ Ottawa is in Canada. | @ Elisha Otis invented elevators. | @ Americans first walked on the moon in 1969. @ In Britain, elevators are called lifts. | © There are 12 inches in one foot. © The word “photograph” comes from Greek. } @ The Olympic Games are held every four years. ®© When it is midnight in New York, it is 7:00 p.m. in Hawaii. | © Harvard University is the oldest college in the U.S.A. @ Koala bears eat eucalyptus leaves. Now answer your partner's questions. your partner's score ( your score 100 ~NEW ALLTALK 1 Unit 12 Z Dialog @B 2: Consulting a Doctor A: Good morning. What can I do for you? B; [have a bad stomach ache. A: When did it start? B: When I woke up this morning. A: Do you have any idea what caused it? B: Well... I went toa party last night. | probably had too much to eat and drink. A: [sece. I'll give youa prescription for some medicine. Take one pill three times a day after meals. Come and see me tomorrow evening if you don’t feel better. : OK. Thank you. Goodbye. 1. Listen carefully to the recording. 2. B, close your book. Make up similar dialogs based on these situations: * You have a backache, You moved some furniture yesterday. * You have a headache. You went to a disco last night. * You have a sore throat. You went sailing yesterday. A, prescribe suitable medicine or other remedies. NEW ALLTALK1 107 Conversation @ == Health Ask and answer. 1. Do you think you are healthy? When did you last see a doctor? When did you last take medicine? Do you ever feel tense or dizzy? When? Do you often have difficulty sleeping? Why? Do you sometimes suffer from indigestion? 2. Do you have a steady routine? Do you ever skip meals? How long do you usually sleep? How much sleep do you need? Do you find it easy to get up in the morning? 3. Is your diet healthy? What healthy things do you eat and drink? What unhealthy things do you eat and drink? Do you ever eat or drink too much? If so, how do you feel afterwards? Is your lifestyle healthy? c= How far or how long do you walk every day? e What other exercise do you do? Do you drink alcohol or smoke? ‘What other unhealthy habits do you have? 4. 5. Is your environment healthy? Are there any parks, woods or fields near your home? Are there any factories or busy roads? Does your home have plenty of light and fresh air? 6. How long do you hope to live? What can you do to ensure a long, healthy life? Close your book. Find a new partner and have a similar conversation. 102 NEW ALLTALK 1 Unit 12 GZ Creative Stimulus cos Look at this photograph carefully. Ask and answer the questions. Make up some more questions to ask your partner. Why did this man live so long? What did he cat and drink every day’? What kind of exercise did he do? Where did he live? What was his environment like? What sorts of things annoyed hi How did he feel about modern life’ ? Your questions: Now listen to the recording and check your answers. NEW ALLTALK 1 103 A Ask questions prompted by the following. 1. [have to get up at. . . o'clock. 2. She prefers to leave early because 3. Idecided to buy a... 4, My wife advised me not to speak to... . 5. I decided not to go because . . . 6. He'd like tobea... 7. P'drather goto... 8. Ican speak .. . languages. 9. He can play the piano, the . . . and the . . . 10. You should stop... . B what should you say when... 1. ordering a cup of tea in a restaurant? 2. asking for the bill in a restaurant? 3. the salt is on the other side of the table and you can’t reach it? 4. your friend is wearing an attractive sweater? Answer 5. You speak English really well. 6. What shall we do this weekend? 7. Tcan’t sleep well. Do you have any suggestions? 8. Let's go to a disco this evening. C You are at a bus station. You want to go to Boston today. Complete this dialog with a ticket clerk. TC: Can [help you? You: .. . TC: Yes. You: ... TC: At 11:30. You: ... TC: At around 5:00 p.m. You: ... TC: Sure. That's $92, please. You: ... TC: Thank you. Here’s your ticket. ‘You: ... 104 NEW ALLTALK 1 Review Test 3 D Answer these questions, 1, What's the name of your favorite restaurant? 2, What kind of food do they serve? 3. When did you last eat there? 4. What’s the name of the last movie you saw? 5. What was it about? 6. Would you rather live in the city or the country? 7. Why? 8. Would you rather travel by car or train? 9. Why? 10. What are the advantages of traveling by bicycle? E Complete the word chain, using the following clues. @ | hate telling... @ e.g. a pool, a restaurant, a bar... @ What is the . . . of going by plane? It’s faster. @ I'm overweight. | need more... © e.g. television, movies, video games... © You're too... You should relax more. @ | have to buy some . .. for my stomach ache. ©... trains are much safer than old ones. The doctor gave me a... for some drugs. @ Could you ... me the salt, please? @ What kind of food do they . . . in this restaurant? NEWALLTALK1 105 Tm | a student. She’s He's | hot. It's You're We're | American. They're 1 | like summer. You We They | likes tea. She U'm | working. He's | reading. She's You're ‘We're | studying. They*re 106 NEW ALLTALK 1 GRAMMAR NOTES UNIT 1 Present tenses DEBS) I'm | not a teacher. Am ns Tlate? He | isn’t cold. hot? She te It We | aren't English. Are | you | American? ‘You they They I | don’t like winter. Do | you | like reading? ‘You they We They He | doesn’t like coffee. Does she re | like reading? She Tm | not resting. He | isn’t sleeping. Is | he | studying? She she Are J you | working? You they We | aren't playing. They Grammar Notes ear Basic questions and answers Lee HS] When ...? In the morning/afternoon/evening/etc. At night. On Monday/Tuesday/etc. In January/February/ete. In spring/summer/etc. On January l/etc, How...? On foot, By car/train/bicycle/etc. With a spoon/screwdriver/etc. What time ...? At 1:15/quarter past one. At 1:30/half past one. At 1:45/quarter to two, Where ...? In New York/the city/the shop/ete. At the station/bus stop/airport/ete. (go) home/abroad/downtown/etc. (go) shopping/swimming/etc. (go) to school/church/work/bed/etc. (go) to the park/bank/station/etc. How often ...? Every day/week/Sunday/morning/etc. Every two days/three weeks/six months/etc. ‘Once a week/Twice a month/Three times a year/etc. Why. Why did you go to the hairdresser’s? * To have a haircut. * For a haircut. * Because I needed a haircut. * So that I could have a haircut. NEWALLTALK1 107 Past simple tense basal) I] was busy. He | wasn’t Was | he J busy? She she We | were ‘Were | you You | weren't they They I | played fat Did J you | play tennis? You | didn’t play they He he She she We They Regular verb endings ()/a #1 1b) add -d e.g. liked; hated; hoped (-d &ff'7 ia. 4) add -ed e.g. played; worked; listened (-ed & {fit 2 4) -yto -ied e.g. studied; worried; hurried (-y -ied It.) Irregular verbs (Si 7A HUE) present—past simple—present perfect (SUE — MII — BIER THE) been be was ‘give gave —_ given begin began begun go went gone/been break broke broken = shave ~— had _ bring brought —_ brought hear heard buy bought bought know knew known > catch caught caught = leave _ left 7 come came come _lose “do did done make drink drank drunk meet met met ‘drive drove driven ‘read read read eat ate eaten ride rode ridden fall fell fallen run fran run find found found say said said “fly flew flown see saw seen get got got(ten) sell sold sold 108 NEW ALLTALK 1 Grammar Notes send sent take took taken sing sang teach taught — taught sit sat tell told told sleep slept “think thought thought _ speak spoke throw threw thrown stand stood stood “wear wore worn steal stole stolen win won won swim swam swum “write wrote written e.g. drink—drank—drunk I drink tea every day. I drank tea yesterday. UNIT5 Present perfect tense (RET) I] have | studied Lesson 5. Have | you | studied Lesson 5? You | haven’t they We They He | has | been to New York. Has | he been to New York? She } hasn't she I] have | been studying English | for two years. You since 2001 We They He | has | been living in Boston | for a long time. She since the war. How long | have | you | been working for IBM? they has | he she NEW ALLTALK1 109 Use (Hi) 1, with these words (LP £4 iy eto & &) already; not yet; recently; just; many times; ever 2. when you don’t know the date or time (8 f}PHFIM AGFA 5 eve A) e.g. I’ve been to London before. 3. when the activity began in the past and is continuing now (BbPeASBS |< BRR LTS), BES BO TBA) e.g. I study English. I’ve been studying it for two years. Irregular verbs (A212 (6 2 H)i) (108 “— 7 BAK) eg. drink—drank—drunk I drink tea. I drank tea yesterday. I have drunk a lot of tea. OTe Future tense (RES) 1. Arrangements with others for the near future (ii \43220 7%) I'm having a party tomorrow. He’s They're 2. Plans and intentions (jitili - SI) I'm going to study. I'm not going to work. She’s She isn’t They're They aren’t Are you | going to study tomorrow? Ts he Are they 3. Expectations and hopes, ete, (J - Aa % &) Tycu | go. Will | you You | won't fey He She oo We They 110 NEW ALLTALK 1 Grammar Notes iad Singular and plural (esta - zk) There | is an accident. There | are some accidents. was were will be will be has been have been There | isn’t a fire. There | aren't any fires. wasn’t weren't ‘won't be won't be hasn’t been haven't been Is there J an accident? Are there |] any accidents? Was there Were there Will there be Will there be Has there been Count nouns (14%. % i) e.g. There is a book. There are some books. Non-count nouns (45°) 3¢-% i) e.g. There is some food. Have there been Nouns with both functions («9% - #790 WJja*h S He)) e.g. How much room is there? (i.e. space) How many rooms are there? (e.g. bedrooms) NEWALLTALK 1 1117 Lae} Comparison (Hes) most adjectives with one syllable ((3 £ AY 1 tio ei) e.g. loud, louder, loudest big, bigger, biggest most adjectives with two syllables ((£ A’ 2 17 Min Bei) e.g. quiet, quieter, quictest happy, happier, happiest all adjectives with three syllables or more (3 #352. LOGE t+~ TC) e.g. expensive, more expensive, most expensive convenient, more convenient, most convenient adjectives ending in -ful, -ing, -ed (-ful, -ing, -ed C#b4 AM) e.g. careful, more careful, most careful boring, more boring, most boring worried, more worried, most worried certain adjectives with two syllables (2 #i8i Di $ > Mee) e.g. famous, more famous, most famous honest, more honest, most honest special adjectives (4) 9! < 27H) e.g. good, better, best bad, worse, worst many, more, most much, more, most little, less, least adverbs ending in -ly (-ly Ci 4 i) e.g. quickly, more quickly, most quickly other adverbs (32 fill) e.g. fast, faster, fastest late, later, latest special adverbs (4}-i!) % ii 3) e.g. Well, better, best badly, worse, worst 112 NEW ALLTALK 1 Grammar Notes UNIT 9 Verb + infinitive (isd +s) 15 I | want | to go. Do you | want to go? don’t want Does he 2, I promise to stay. 1 promise not to go. 3. Lasked him to stay. T asked him not to go. Verbs used with the infinitive (4i4) £ fH]. 5 1.4 Wil) Type I: arrange forget hate have hope intend leam like manage need plan start want wish Dot Type 2: prefer promise remember try Type 3: advise ask command expect help like order request teach tell want Ta Le) Verbs used with gerunds bene mUSnshel The following verbs are used with gerunds. (if) %j) © Wl 5 74 hi) admit deny dislike enjoy hate like practice remember start stop try The following idioms are used with gerunds. (i) (ie =v 4 (HN) be good/bad at be keen on be used to keep on take up give up Idon't mind... [can’t stand... Ican'thelp... NEW ALLTALK 1 193 Oar Can, should, must (Enihia) T] can | go. should | go. 1] must go. He J can’t shouldn’t He | mustn't They They They | needn’t Can you go? Should you go? Must you go? Must and needn’t are seldom used in spoken English. (must © needn't (208 CILIS EA Eb ae) We generally use Gif, JAF 4m % fk 5) have to e.g. I have to go. I don’t have to go, Do you have to go? or(L< Id) have got to ¢.g. I’ve got to go. Thaven’t got to go. Have you got to go? 114° NEW ALLTALK 1 INFORMATION EXCHANGE LANGUAGE KEY — —_—_—_——————— UNIT 2 Where is Susan Green from? Where does she live? How old is she? Is she married? What does she do for a living? What does she study? How does she go to college? How long does it take? What's her hobby? What kind of music does she like? Who's her favorite composer? What does Jim Clark do for a living? What does he teach? Where is he from? How old is he? Is he married? What's his hobby? What kind of books does he like? Who's his favorite writer? Where does he live? How does he go to work? How long does it take? UNIT 4 What did you buy? Where did you buy it? How much did it cost? Where did you go? When did you go? How long did you stay? Who did you go with? ‘What was the problem? Did you find any solution? ‘Who did you meet? What was he or she like? Where did you meet him or her? When did you meet him or her? Where did you go? When did you go? Who did you see there? Was it good? Where did you go? What kinds of things do they sell? What did you buy? How much did it cost? $$ $$ nies The initial questions are as shown. (Have you ever .. . 2) Mexican food: What did you eat? Was it good? high mountain: Which mountain did you climb? How high is it? NEWALLTALK1 175 foreign car: What make was it? What was it like to drive? pet: What did it look like? What was its name? horse or camel: Where did you ride it? What was it like to ride? endangered species: Where did you see it? Why is it endangered? police officer: What did you talk about? accident: What happened? Whose fault was it? foreign country: When did you go there? What was it like? - UNIT 6 What is the name of the first person? Where is he or she from? Where is he or she going? Who is he or she traveling with? How long will he/she/they stay? Which hotel will he/she/they stay at? Which airline will he/she/they fly with? What are their plans? How much will their trip cost? Note If the interviews are reported after the travelers have left, most of the questions would be asked in past tense. e.g. Where was he or she going? Where were they going to stay? etc. ——— — UNIT 7 There were many woods and fields. It was pretty. There were about 80 cottages. It was just a small village. There was one store, There was also a post office and a pub. There were about 250 people. It was only a small community. There was very little traffic. It was quiet. There were only two buses a day. It was very inconvenient. There was no entertainment, It was rather boring. There was a market every Saturday. There was no crime. It was very safe. Now there are no trees or fields. It’s unattractive. There are about 5,000 houses. It’s not a village any more. There are many shops. They're mostly in the shopping center. There are several banks, a post office, some pubs and a library. There are over 14,000 people. There’s a lot of traffic. It’s a problem. There are two buses each hour. It’s quite convenient. There's a cinema and a sports center. There's a market every Saturday. It’s very busy. There's quite a lot of crime, mostly robberies. It’s a serious problem. 116 NEW ALLTALK 1 Information Exchange Language Key — UNIT 8 Where does . . . work? ‘Who does he/she work for? What kind of work does he/she do? How much does he/she earn? What are his/her working hours? Does he/she work on Saturdays? Does he/she work overtime? How much paid vacation does he/she get? How long has he/she been working there? What does he/she think of his/her job? UNIT 9 Where is... ? What kind of food do they serve? How much do they charge? How big is the restaurant? When are they open? Can I park nearby? What's their phone number? UNIT 10 What's on at the... ? How many items are on show? How long is the exhibition on for? How much does it cost to get in? What time do they open/close? Are they open every day? What amenities do they have? Where is this museum/gallery? What's the nearest subway station? What's their phone number? UNIT 11 Let’s fly to Dar es Salaam via Cairo. It takes 4 hours from Cairo. Then let's go by train to Moshi. It takes 15 hours and costs $7. From Moshi, we could take a bus to Marangu. That takes 1 hour and costs $2. From Marangu it takes 5 days on foot to the summit and back. What shall we take with us? I think we should take. . . And why don’t we go to Zanzibar? We could. . . I'd rather fly to Kilimanjaro Airport via Amsterdam. It takes 10 hours. From the airport we can go by jeep to Moshi. It only takes 1 hour and costs $10. From there we can go to Marangu by bus, like you said. And how about going to Serengeti National Park? We could... NEW ALLTALK 1 717

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