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Name: Yamilitza del Carmen

Surnames: Pereira Moctezuma
First semester of Risk and insurances. (In process)

Mobile: 0414.337.9578
Phone Number: 0212.873.4545

Desired Position: In the area it publishes or private, which should allow

me the application of my knowledge acquired for my progress and
personal advance, promising to be an honest and responsible person for
the company.

University: IUTV Instituto universitario de tecnologa Venezuela
The first quarter of risk and insurances (in process).
Liceo bolivariano Luis Ezpelosin school.

Language: I read speak and write perfectly the Spanish. (100%)

Easy managing of Equipments and office programs.

Jobs Experience:
(INTTT) Instituto Nacional de Trnsito y Transporte Terrestre.

Hobbies: My hobbies in the free times is to play with my son, to sing, to

go to the beach, to the theatre, to dance, to read, to go to the cinema
and to sleep.

Personal information:
ID: 24220155
Address: Sucre avenue catia, caracas venezuela.
Day and place of birth: March 07, 1993 Maracaibo
Situation: single mother with son.
Sex: Female
Nationality: Venezuelan

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