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Issue 1: Keyboard delivery

1. (Play the first part of the video) As you have seen that the retailer whom Jobs met at the
exhibition has asked Jobs to deliver to him 50 units of the product at the rate of 400$/unit. To
this deal, Jobs reverts back and demands 500$/unit. Both the retailer as well as Jobs agree to
this. Jobs also agrees that he will receive the amount at the time of delivery. Now, when the
retailer gives a time limit of 90 days to Jobs, he confirms that he will deliver the entire thing
within 60 days.
2. (Play the second part of the video) Now, you saw that the retailer actually meant the entire
computer to be delivered and not just the board of the computer. Here comes the point of
Law. This is clearly within the ambit of bilateral mistake of fact, as in Section 20 of the Indian
Contract Act, 1872. As we all know that any agreement hit by Section 20 of the Act becomes
void, we may thus conclude that the oral agreement that the retailer and Jobs had was void.
The retailer meant the entire computer to be delivered. Whereas Jobs was under the
perception that the retailer wanted only the Boards to be delivered. Hence, it was a bilateral
mistake of fact and hence the oral agreement is void.

Issue 2: Jobs excessive investments in the Macintosh project

1. (Play the video first) We all know that when a company is set up, the Board of Directors pass
a MOU by way of which they bind themselves to the future contracts that shall be made. Apple
Computers was no exception. In this clip, we have seen that Jobs has been alleged of investing
millions of dollars on a project that was introduced just as a diversion. This is a violation of the
contract that existed among the directors of the Board. The members are not allowed to invest
such huge amounts without the permission of the members. And as we see that Jobs is alleged
of the same fault, we can infer another contractual violation. The fact that Jobs invested huge
amount without the permission of the Board is a contractual violation in itself.

Mandatory Trip: Do not simply read out whatever is there in this script. Read
these paragraphs. Add some things if you feel so and speak like there is no script
before you.

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