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Name: ________________________________________________ Basic: _________

The Mysterious Death of Arthur Thompson

(Making Inferences)

You must make a minimum of five inferences based on your text evidence and background knowledge.
Of the five required inferences, only two can be based off evidence found from the photograph. The other three must
be evidence found from the text scenario itself. Each piece of text/photo evidence needs to have a stem attached to it.
To guarantee you do this, underline each stem as you write it.

Text Evidence + Background Knowledge = Inference

1. As seen in the photo, Arthur When someone falls down I can infer that Arthur did not
still has his glass in his hand stairs, they will try to catch actually fall down the stairs
and it appears he has fallen themselves. because he would have
down the stairs. dropped his glass when trying
to catch himself.
Name: ________________________________________________ Basic: _________

The Mysterious Death of Arthur Thompson

(Making Inferences)

At five-feet, six-inches tall

and a hundred and ten
pounds, Barbie Thompson is
a sight to see. On October Text Evidence Stems
1st, 2015, she tore out of the In paragraph ___ it says
house after having an
According to the text
argument with her husband,
From the text, I know that
Arthur. She left in a rage and
went to the local country The picture shows
club where a party was As stated in the text...
going on. She left the club
shortly before 1:00 in the
morning, and she invited a
few friends to follow her
home to have some finger-
foods and refreshments.

Barbie's friends got to the

Thompson house about ten
minutes after Barbie. Barbie
met them at the door and
said, "Something terrible
has happened! Arthur
slipped and fell on the
stairs. He was coming down
for another drink -- he still
had the glass in his hand --
and I think he's dead! Oh my
goodness, what should I

The autopsy conducted later

concluded that Arthur had
died from a wound on the
head. It also confirmed that
Benedryl had been in his
system at the time of death.

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