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Header: Presentation Letter

Presentation Letter

Julian David Ayala Fonseca

University corporation Gods Minute

Faculty of Business
Occupational Health Administration
Bogot D.C., Colombia

*Leidy Carolina Guerrero Restrepo

Header: Presentation Letter

Table of contents

Presentation Letter .................................................................................................................. 1

Header: Presentation Letter


Good evening my name is Julian David ayala Fonseca, I am twenty-seven years

old, a three year old daughter and I live in the southern Bochica neighborhood, I am
currently attending a fifth semester of administration in Occupational Health at God's
University, I have graduates in the area Of human talent and the fifty hours of the SG-SST
that is given by SENA, I am working in a temporary called Holguin and company in the
part of messaging and file of the same, at present I wish to put into practice my knowledge
of acquired of the Above mentioned courses.

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