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Doctor: Good afternoon, have a seat here, please.

Doctor:What's your name?

Patient:My name is Milagros Ramos

Doctor: How can I help you?

Patient:I dont feel very well.

Doctor: What symptoms do you have?

Patient: I've got earache. Quite

severe,I cant sleep at night

Doctor:Have you take any medicine for this?

Patient: No,I haven't take any medicine

Doctor:Is it a constant pain ?

Patient:Yes,this pain is constant and sharp

Doctor:Are there any other symptoms?

Patient:Yes,I've got a bit of a temperature

Doctor: Ok. Let me see ,in both ears?

Patient:No, in this one, the left one.

Doctor: When did it start to feel this away?

Patient:Last week

Doctor:Have you ever had this problem before?

Patient:No,I have never had this problem before,It is the first time

Doctor: Ok, I need to look into your ear then. Just a moment

Patient:What is it,Doctor? what did you diagnose?

Doctor: you have an ear infection.

Patient:Whats the treatment, doctor?

Doctor:Im going to give you a prescription with all the medicine you have to buy at the

Patient:Thank you doctor,What are the medicines?

Doctor: I will prescribe you antibiotics, some drops you will have to put into your both ears
twice a day to prevent infection in the right ear as well

Patient:How long will I have to put me these drops ?

Doctor: for a week

Patient:With these drops my ear will be fine?

Doctor:Yes,This is your prescription. You should be fine with this.

Patient:May I ask you a question?

Doctor: Yes, of course.

Patient:I practise swimming. Should I stop for sometime?

Doctor: Yes, definitely, at least for two weeks. After that time no problem.

Patient:Thank you very much, doctor.

Doctor: Youre welcome.Get well soon

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