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You can form solid objects essentially out of nowhere.

They may be made of

solidified energy, hardened water or air, transmuted bulk matter, ice, stone, or
some other medium, depending on the effects descriptors. You can form any simple
geometric shape or common object (such as a cube, sphere, dome, hammer, lens, disk,
etc.). The GM has final say on whether or not a particular object is too complex
for this effect. Generally, your ob- jects cant have any moving parts more complex
than a hinge. They can be solid or hollow, opaque or transparent, as you choose
when you use the effect, limited by your descriptors and the Gamemasters judgment.
You can create an object with a maximum volume rank equal to your effect rank and
Toughness equal to your ef- fect rank. Created objects can be damaged or broken
like ordinary objects. They also vanish if you stop maintaining them. You can
repair any damage to a created object at will by using your effect again
(essentially re-creating the ob- ject). Your created objects are stationary once
you have cre- ated them, although other effects can move them. Assume a created
object has a mass rank equal to its volume rank. A created object can provide cover
or concealment (if the object is opaque) just like a normal object. Cover provided
by a created object can block incoming attacks, but blocks outgoing attacks as
well. Attacks hitting the covering ob- ject damage it normally (see Damaging
Objects, page 189). Indirect effects can bypass the cover a created object provides
just like any other cover (see the Indirect modi- fier). The Selective modifier
allows you to vary the cover and concealment your objects provide. You can trap a
target inside a large enough hollow ob- ject (a cage or bubble, for example). This
requires both an attack check against the targets Dodge and a Dodge resistance
check against the effects rank. A trapped You can trap a target inside a large
enough hollow ob- ject (a cage or bubble, for example). This requires both an
attack check against the targets Dodge and a Dodge resistance check against the
effects rank. A trapped character can break out of the object normally. Imposing
conditions on the target other than just trapping them requires a separate effect,
such as Affliction (see Afflic- tion in this chapter), which you may wish to
acquire as an Alternate Effect of Create (see Alternate Effect in this chapter).

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