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accounting program vocational college ugm

2011 - 2014 Senior hIGH SCHOOL 5 SEMARANG
2008 - 2011 junior high school 1 semarang
2002 - 2008 primary school

achievements and abilities

I have abili es in academic and studying. It is proven i always get top ten
rank in the class.
Hard working, easy going , kind, target oriented, tolerant and honest.
I love to learn and communicate with others. I can make a good
rela onship with people. I have an interest in english. It is proven
by the championship that i got when i was in high school.
First runner up in speech contest of the english for senior and voca onal
high school students in semarang municipality, faculty of humani es,
First winner of speech contest with the theme synculturize.
Broadcas ng english in RRI Semarang.
Fourth rank in english debat compe on that was held by
government of semarang.

involvement and organization

The vice chairwoman of English Conversa on Club in High School (2013-2014)
Organizing Commitee as sta of Decora on in EKMA(Expo Karya Mahasiswa)
Organizing Commitee as sta of Medical in Accoun ng Olympiad

Volunteer in medical and nursing at hospital
Part- me worker in E-mart Campus

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