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Mount Bromo

Bromo is located in east java and including 4 districts of Probolinggo, Pasuruan,

Lumajang, and Malang Regency. Bromo is an active volcano. The name of Bromo
from Javanese pronountation is Brahma. It is most favourite place to visit in
east java.Every holiday, Many tourism visit this place. It is a beautiful place. Bromo
has a creater Bromo has a beautiful area is sand of sea and grassland. Because in
this area , you can found different between sand area and grass area. Wide a sand of
sea Bromo is 4800 m2.

In holiday you can visit Bromo because you can see sunset and you can be
experience a beautiful view. Visit Bromo you must has jeep, if you dont has jeep,
you can rent jeep because bromo has hard road. If you want to see sunset, you must
go to Bromo from midnight. if you go to bromo mountain, you will find teletubies hill,
which is a very beautiful little mountains that tumbuhi mountain grass as if bringing
you taste in teletubic film.

if you visit the eastern part of the tourist area of Mount Bromo you will find
whispered sand. This place is now so popular since it was once used as a location
shooting Pasir Berbisik film starring dian Sastro Wardoyo. Mount Bromo Tour has
many natural beauty, Not only the sunrise view that becomes the main power of Mount
Bromo, but there are many tourist attractions around Bromo that can be explored by

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