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Roots / Affixes Example Definition

hypo- hypothermia below; less than normal

hyp- hypnosis below; less than normal
mega- megabyte, megaphone great; huge
ultra- ultramarine, ultraviolet beyond in degree; extreme
-ent student an action; condition
-ant contestant, immigrant an action; condition
-ent obedient, absorbent causing a specific action

-ant abundant, elegant causing a specific action

-ous adventurous, nervous full of; characterized by
-ious mysterious full of; characterized by
-eous corteous full of; characterized by
horoscope, miscroscope,
scope to watch; see
tract attract, distract, retract to draw; pull
conform, reform,
form to shape
bene benediction, beneficial well; good
cardi cardiac, cardiology Heart
ego egocentric, egoism Self
don donate, donation to give
donat donate, donation to give
luc translucent light
lum illuminate light
neg negative, negate no, deny
phys physics, physical nature
psych psychic, psycopath mind, soul
sci science, concience to know, learn
terr terrain, territory land
vac vacate, evacuate empty
chrono- chronological time
necro- necrology death
il- illegal, illegible, illiterate not
im- impossible not
anti- antisocial not, against
neo- neonatal new
ante- antechamber before
belli rebellion, belligerant war, to fight

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