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NEW WEB! SUPER OFFERS {Seyret ar >I 0) 4) Poe Gy) Wari Sauyae a VER The 5 laments Zp = u “~ _- ape ugg fe UYrsruler sions. amped Kony fu Yashibus Paurls of the Warehs Silat, K eysi, ly Buyel, KD, Kenpo, Shaolin, Karate, Hapkido, Kaisenedo, KEYS! Original! Jusiv Yisyus- Hi. My name is Justo Diéguez, | am the creator and founder of the KEYS! method. The difference between the KEYS! method and other systems is based on values: self-defense begins by valuing yourself, valuing who you are, and then you can start to value whe the others are. Selt-defense starts when you believe in yourself, when you really feel who you are, when you are really living your inner ‘world, when you are you: It doesn't begin by wanting to be 2 person with bigger muscles than the rest; or because you believe to be more than others, oF ‘more intelligent; it doesn’t even begin because you have different qualities. tt begins when \,. you believe in yourself. Fighting is based on Intuition, on instinct, not on technicalities. KEYSI is eiferentiated by a very simple way of working: While the rest of the martial arte are based in the evelopment of the technique as an end In itso, in KEYS! wo use the technique, of course, but we use it as a means, not ‘9s an end, KEYS! stands out for its simple way of ‘working: While the rest of Martial Arts or ‘any other system are based on the development of techniques as an end in tee, in KEYS! obviously uses technique but we use It as a means, never as an end. KEYSI's bbasic weapons and instruments are our natural weapons and tools: our limbs and our body in its cntirty: Every part of our anatomy is liable to become 2 weapon. All this, combined with key elements such as body mechanics, distance, self-control, etc., give rise to this new and ‘effective method. Justo Diéguez, its creator, presents in this video a complete sample of the Keysi method, which includes empty-hand workout, focus gloves, sticks, and numerous examples of empty- handed self-defence situations as well as and against attacks with REF: ¢ DVD/ KEYSI1 weapons such as sticks, knits, Inctuding defense on the ground ‘nd in restricted spaces, ABGRB BUDO HedRe KAMP EICURER riginal! DVO: 22,00 € International, # provided and alone Inthe foals YDS or MPBO-2n VOD, Oh rte fn toveret oor cured crue ese ae eee conse ie ele resnre and mater Wt DVD snare iesesas esos ssa aaeieeiace puce English Itallar 4 ORDERS: E : 3 Franca Budo DIGITAL VIDEO PRAth ae VIDEO DOWNLOAD i tork) “TONBO”: The Shizen Tradition of the wandering monks “The lonely man is a beast or a god. Aristotle hizen tradition has it that after the destruction of the original vilages of this culture, Sussunda Tengu blessed the only survivor and determined to give continuity to his people, putting extraordinary spiritual forces at his service so that he could gather again all the Shizen dispersed in the diaspora and protect them eternally. ‘Tonbo means dragontly; the Tonbo tradition emerges ‘as wandering priests, who, like dragonflies, are born ‘and die in one single day. Initiated in secret ceremonies, the Tonbo are "made" as "reborn dead men" who carry in their own body the structure and the power ofall Tengu. Protected by special categories of Karassu, with ‘specific nomenclatures and characteristics, the Tonbo rarely met to exchange experiences and were considered a category apart from the Miryoku shaman priests. ‘Their knowledge was passed on to apprentices who ‘accompanied the Tonbo in their path. Each of them had to initiate and teach at least one disciple before dying. ‘At that time, by the very fact of being wandering, ‘Tonbo priests didn't own anything and they were looked after by the people who came to them for help. Often, even the Miryoku themselves looked for them, ‘when they couldn't find ways to solve a situation they ‘were dealing with. Other times, simple people took care of them in exchange for their blessings, spells, and protection. ‘Their "Saguru" or oracles were diferent from the usual ones among the Miryoku and they often used simple elements that they carried with them: chopsticks (hashi), coins, necklaces. ot “The most powerful alchemy, the one which is ‘governed at the extremes, requires the greatest detachment, along with an infinite presence of mind." Huang Ta Chung Spiritually, the strength of the Tonbo resided, not only in their knowledge, but in the type of forces and spirits, ‘that surrounded them and, besides the singular spirits of one or other frequency, they were also attended by the Dorey themselves, that is, the own amalgam of the ‘combined force of all the spirits in frequency of each Tengu. ‘The Tonbo class was therefore highly revered and. enjoyed the respect of all Shizen. ‘Sutras, chants and prayers of thair own filed the. Universe of the Tonbo, who normally lived in the midst of nature, when they found no inn with people. They knew the forces of nature and feared nothing, because they had already died. Little more can be said about such peculiar class of Miryoku priests, for theirs is a world of deep secrets. ‘Wrapped and surrounded by forces beyond human comprehension, the life of the Tonbo passed between ‘two worlds, entering and exiting continuously from two roalities, which for tham, despite being singular, were by no means alien. If the world of the Kurai, the black protective angels the Shizen people, was strange, secret and dangerous ‘to outsiders, that of the Tonbo was thousands of times more inaccessible, unfathomable and mysterious. Their spiritual deeds became legends, but these never found ‘them, because thay were already gone. ‘The Tonbo road has got kind of @ lonely thing going ‘on, even today, when the Tonbo are no longer wandering, because they have a distant and gloomy Point to which no one can get, a place from which the own light and shadow arise, silent as the water of a lake on the verge of precipitating itself in a sweeping and noisy waterfall e Zs “Tonbo means dragonfly; the Tonbo tradition emerges as wandering priests, who, like dragonflies, are born and die in one single day.” iy) fueei COTEV PMN (eieyeloiryh aii) Pele Oo the Warrier = "The true warreer, os invincible deatena he ies Ww, Ad with, anyene. Mad means é aay the a diye e had we le tn our mint. 7 Bb Mao Ao Ce a > Vital Points eo ( “The effectiveness of any martial art is based on the principles they are founded upon... not the techniques. This is the chicken and egg question. Which came first... the chicken or the egg?” 10 Steps “Kyusho Jitsu is not an art unto itself, but an advanced part of every martial art and the principles that we will discuss in this article will undoubtedly help you to increase G the effectiveness of YOUR martial art.” > » Assisted by Gianluca Frisan of Italy Kyusho Jitsu The Kyusho Pyramid 10 Steps to Increasing the effectiveness of ANY martial art By Mark Kline The effectiveness of any martial art is based on the principles they are founded upon... not the techniques. This is the chicken and egg question. Which came first... the chicken or the egg? Kyusho Jitsu is not an art unto itself, but an advanced part of every martial art and the principles that we will discuss in this article will undoubtedly help you to increase the effectiveness of YOUR martial art. First I would like to tell you a little about myself. I started wrestling at the age of 12 and continued with this il my 2nd year of college. This ing was pivotal to how m martial arts career has evolved. During my first year of college I started studying Tang Soo Do, which was my first introduction to the kicking and punching aspects of the martial arts. Due to 7 years of grappli experience, this type of training was strange at first especially when it came to sparring. My first instinct had always been to and takedown as soon as possible. When the instructors told me that this was against the s * Vital Points GA Kyusho Jitsu § os rules, | was a bit confused since | thought 1 was learning self defense, but what | soon realized was that | was learning sport karate. Once | understood this, 1! was ok with it since I was adding new strategies to my arsenal. Soon after my college years, | started training with George Dillman, Professor Wally Jay and Professor Remy Presas. I used the revenue from my school, which I opened. In 1992, to train with one or all of them almost every weekend for more than 10 years and became the first person in the world to have earned individual black belts from each Grandmaster. hat | learned from them was invaluable to my understanding of armed and unarmed self defense through the strategies and concepts that | was studying. These transcended style and armed with this knowledge I have been codifying these principles, as you will see below, ta help anyone, regardless of style or time training ta increase the effectiveness of what they learn, study, and teach. Since then I have been teaching seminars all aver the world on the subject of Ryukyu Kempo / Kyusho Jitsu combined with Modern Arnis and Small Circle Jujitsu. This is what | call The PinPoint™ Method...A Strategic and Tactical Pressure Point Methodology. Easy to Learn. Quick to Implement. So let's dive right in and talk about the 10 Steps that | have discovered that will increase the effectiveness of any martial art. Controlling Your Center There are two aspects to controling your center. First we will start with the Physical ‘Aspect. Its important to maintain correct posture through what exercise physiologists call, Keeping a "Neutral Spine.” This is where your spine is in the most natural state, where you can move about with ease and power. Maintaining correct posture will both enable you to avoid being drawn off balance by an opponent and allow you to transfer the maximum effect of your techniques into your opponent. Now lat's move onto the the Emotional Aspact of controlling your center. Keeping a clear, focused state of mind despite the common emotions of fear and anger which asing the polncti _ at martial art B * Kyusho Jitsu CF Vital Points a> s usually accompany a confrontation is critical to maintaining the fine motor skills which are an integral part of the PinPoint™ Method. Controlling your Opponent’s Center Controlling your opponent's center is broken into no parts. Wo wil stant off with the Physical Aspoct. Keeping an opponent off balance physically makes tt posaiblo to apply techniques to larger, stronger cpporents and make f more cficu for them to.atlempt to counter your actions ‘The second aspect that we wil ciscuss is the Emotional Aspect where we learn and train factics intended to mislead, confuse, and otherwise inhibit an opponent's abit to make good decisions. This will further decrease their abilty to counteract your actions. Body Movement Thore are two aspects to understanding Body Movement. We will start out with our body movement first. Sometimes mecting “Keeping an opponent off balance physically makes it possible to apply techniques to larger, stronger opponents and make it more difficult for them to attempt to counter your actions.” titute. com ane ine Kyusho Jitsu Ty 10 Steps to Increasing the effectiveness of ANY martial art Mark Kl The Vital Points “Once we can have a good understanding of how to generate power for striking and grappling through proper body alignment, this will help 1e us to maximize our power” a Kyusho Instite le ” wal Vital Points ee fan attack head-on is the correct course Of action. Frequently however, avoiding and/or redirecting an attack achieves, better results. Co-opting and/or commandeering an opponent's momentum can also produce a significant tactical advantage and the recognition of when to move where is, ‘essential to any martial aris arsenal Now we can discuss your opponent's Body Movement. There are cues that an ‘opponent will give just before they are ready to attack. Understanding these ‘cues and incorporating them into your training is essential to all martial arts. One problem with training in techniques only is that we as students don't learn how to act spontaneously and how to recover from this. When things don't go as planned, we tend to freeze up and stay in harm's way. A good understanding of our ‘opponent's body movement is a sure fre way to increase the chances of exiting ‘most encounters safely. Body Alignment There are two aspects to understanding Body Alignment. We will start with our bbody alignment first. Once we can have a ‘good understanding of how to generate Bower for striking and grappling through ‘proper alignment will help us to ullize our entire body, including the legs and muscles of our core. We can maximize ‘our effectiveness of all of our techniques in this manner. When talking about your opponent's Body Alignment, this is where we will learn how to create an alignment in our ‘opponent's body which will put them at a ‘mechanical disadvantage. By breaking the structure of just one part of your ‘opponent's body, they will lose the ability to fight back offensively because they will bbe fighting just to Keep their balance, Principle of Opposites Thote are certain subconscious things cour body's do when confronted with an attack. When someone pushes, we generally push back. When someone ot * Vital Points pulls us, we generally pull away. These are a part of our natural survival instinets and basically how our attacker expacts Us to respond, but this does ‘not mean that we cannot makes changes to what, individually, we perceive as, natural. We can create habits that become natural.t0 Us. ‘The Principle of Opposites is all about doing the Opposite of what we would do instinctually thus retraining our brain. For example instead of pulling away ‘when we are crabbed and pulled, move in towards our attacker and they will immediately take a defensive position by attempting to push you back. These are all predictable responses. All martial arts talk about using your ‘opponent's energy against them, but fail to addrass the psychological and instinctual components of using this Principle in detail. Using this principle against your opponent will help you to control their physical and emotional centers. This is @ key principle in the PinPoint™ Method, Yin & Yang When we can understand the predictable responses our opponent will have when we strike or grapple with them, we can increase the effectiveness of our techniques. As a basic rule, The front of the body, which includes the inside of the arm and inside of the legs are considered Yin or Negative. The predictable response you would get when striking these areas are that your ‘opponent will immediately close down towards the fetal position (depending (on the area targeted and the amount of force). The back of the body, including the sides of the torso, back and outside of the legs and back of the arms are considered Yang or Positive. When these points are manipulated the opponent opens up with one or both arms moving ‘outward, (e™ Kyusho ise ” “The Principle of Opposites is all about doing the opposite of what vy \ fe r we would do instinctually thus —~ => = retraining our brain.” — stit [ i} i Z y ”Mal @ y “Since then | have been teaching seminars all over the world on the subject of Ryukyu Kempo / Kyusho Jitsu combined with Modern Arnis = and Small Circle Jujitsu. This is what | call The PinPoint™ Method...A Strategic and Tactical Pressure Point Methodology. Easy to Learn. Quick to Implement.” yl ushe D Institut r Steps to Increasing the effectiveness of ANY aes art , Vital Points These reactions are quite easy to explain from a physiological perspective. For examples | am going to use bbroad generalities using the upper body in this discussion. Yin responses where the opponent's arms come in to protect themselves are to cover the internal organs located Close to the surface in the front of the body. Even though, the rib cage is there to protect the organs, the arms are 2 ‘second layer of defense. In contrast, the back is heavily ‘muscled because the arms cannot protect in the same ‘manner. When the arms move backwards, the muscles Close in around the spine and protect this vital area Understanding predictable responses of the body is yet ‘nether core component of the PinPoint™ Method. Multiple Planes of Motion There are two aspects we cover when discussing Multiple Planes of Motion. The first we will discuss is Striking. Utilizing multiple directions of movement can significantly increase the effectiveness of a strike. For instance, a punch in which the wrist is rotated upon impact, which we call a Force Multiplyer™ can transfer more energy into an opponent with less effort on your ppart. The result is greater effect on the opponent with fess risk of you sustaining an injury to your hand or wrist due to impact. Now let's take a look at the grappling aspect when using Multiple Planes of Motion. This is where we, would simultaneously apply torque to a joint along ‘muttiple planes. When we apply torque to a joint ny ‘utile directions at once, we can produce greater results with less effort, increasing the chances of ‘success against a larger, stronger opponent. Anatomical Intuition ‘Thete are two aspects we talk about when discussing Anatomical Intuition. This is where ‘we Instantly determine and apply the most appropriate technique(s) to achieve maximum effect based on the situation, (Reading motion of the body). This goes hhand in hand with the aspacts of Body Movement and Body Alignment and will help us to achieve success no matter whether we are applying a grappling technique or striking our opponent. www. ky wei

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