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The Tempest Act 1 Scene 2 (lines 189321)

Use full sentences in your answers and select quotations as evidence

where appropriate.

1. Explain who and what Ariel is. What is his relationship to Prospero?

2. Look at lines 189193 again. What does Ariels attitude towards

Prospero appear to be here? What do his words reveal about his

3. What had Ariel performed as Prosperos bidding? Look at lines


4. How was it possible that everyone survived the ship wreck?

5. What happened to the sailors and the ship?

6. How does the mood of the scene change when Prospero asks Ariel to
carry out another task for him?

7. According to Ariel, what had Prospero promised him but not yet given?

8. How does Prospero show Ariel that he is the master and Ariel should
be subservient?

9. How did Prospero help Ariel when he first came to the island?

10. What does the audience discover about Calibans character and
background before seeing him?

11. What impression of Sycorax can be gained from the conversation

between Ariel and Prospero? Are there any parallels between Sycorax
and Prospero?

12. What does Prospero threaten to do to Ariel and why does he make this

13. What is the next task Ariel is told to perform for Prospero?

14. Prospero tells Miranda that they must visit Caliban.

How does she feel about this?

15. How does Prospero greet Caliban? What does this tell
you about their relationship?

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