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How to check blood pressure with a sphygmomanometer

Before doing the act of blood pressure measurement, prepare the tools such as the cuff,
stethoscope, pressure gauge. Make sure tool is functioning properly. Then, position patient
as comfortable as possible and explain the procedure that the pressure of the cuff will press
the artery that cut off blood flow. This is why the pressure from the cuff can feel a little
uncomfortable or strange. After that, place the cuff, two fingers above the brachial artery.
Then put down the stethoscope on the brachial artery. Before you start pumping, the valve
needs to be locked or closed completely. Rapidly pump the bulb to inflate the cuff. Keep
pumping until it sound korotkoff. After that loose the valve, gently turn the valve on the
cuff slowly. For the best accuracy, you have to listen the sound of the first korotkoff sound
as systole and fourth korotkoff sound as diastole. Repeat it again for verification and do
documentation and the last tell about the result to the patient.

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